• Published 23rd May 2024
  • 231 Views, 4 Comments

When A Monster Comes To Town - Snugglewarmscale

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When A Monster Comes To Town

Sparky walked along the beach of his hometown. He enjoyed walking on the beach. The feeling of the warm sand beneath his scales, the cooling splash of the ocean water and the salty smell of the air. He enjoyed walks like this; he only wished he had a friend to share them with. Yes, the walks he took were a little lonely. Being the only hatchling in town had a big disadvantage. Most of the ponies his age tended to avoid him. Simply because he was a dragon. He sighed a little as he remembered some of the harsh words he had overheard. Words that hurt him a little. But, he always found a way to look beyond the words and smile. A smile that was starting to become harder to wear.

As he walked he noticed something off in the distance. He wondered what it could be and started heading towards it. As he got closer to the object he could see that it was some type of crate. A crate with some kind of strange drawings on the side. As he got closer to the crate; for some reason he was feeling a strange sense of happiness. A happiness that only got more intense as he walked closer to the crate. By the time he reached it, Sparky was in a fantastic state of joy. He felt like this day couldn't possibly get any better. Somehow this box was making him feel happy.

He questioned. “What is this?”

It was then the crate wiggled a little. The sudden move caused him to step back for a moment. He then heard a small gurgling sound come from inside the crate. There was something alive inside of it. Normally, any creature would have a sense of fear come over them. Sparky on the other hand continued to feel joy. A joy that blocked fear. Whatever was inside the crate it was causing this feeling. Without hesitation he walked back to the crate and started looking for a way to open it.

He called out to the thing inside. “Hold on. I'll get you out.” He heard a gleeful chirp in response.

The crate was almost seamless; it was as if it had been made to keep something in and never let it out. The crate itself was made out of metal. A metal that not even he had seen before. As he looked around the crate; he noticed an odd button on the front of it. He wondered if it had always been there. Out of curiosity he pressed the button and the top of the box flew open. He yelped and jumped back in surprise again. He stared at the box in wonder.

Then out of the box an orange mass of slime slithered out. For a moment Sparky felt horror grip his mind. He saw an old movie about a giant ball of slime. A giant ball of slime that ate ponies. The fear vanished instantly the moment he heard a gentle thrilling noise. He focused on the ball of slime; only to see a smiling face staring back at him. The slime monster started to move closer to him. As it did he felt more happy than before. Then, the slime monster hugged him.

Sparky burst into a fit of fantastic laughter. It felt like he was being tickled all over his body. The creature was tickling him; all while it chirped and purred happily. For, some reason Sparky was smelling the scent of his favorite flower. It was then Sparky fell onto his back. The creature chirped happily as it continued to play with its new friend. While Sparky felt like this day couldn't possibly get any better.

Sparky questioned between fits of laughter. “What.....are.....you?” His giggling made it a little difficult to speak.

The creature just purred happily again before it wrapped the dragon in another friendly hug. Sparky returned the hug with a big smile on his face. A thought crossed his mind. His Aunt Sunny would love to meet this new creature. His father and his other Aunts may like that also. Thankfully, all of them were at the Brighthouse. He stood up and looked down at the smiling creature in his hold.

He asked it. “Hey, would you like to meet my family?”

The little ball of slime released a loud thrilling sound. Sparky felt happier than before; that was a definite, yes, from the creature in his hold. Eagerly, he started to make his way to the Brighthouse. He couldn't wait to show his family the little creature he had just found. While the creature was eager to make more new friends.

Sunny started to ask. “Do you think?” She was interrupted by a knock at the door. She called out. “Come in.”

Sunny and her friends looked towards the opening door. They saw Sparky walk into their home. Sunny smiled happily at him while Zipp greeted him.

She started. “Hey, little guy.” She got up and started to walk towards him. She started to ask. “Did you get worried about.” She noticed something in his hold. “Whoa! What in the world is that?!”

The others had curious looks come upon their faces as they looked around Zipp and at Sparky. The little dragon was hold some kind of creature in his claws. The creature looked like an orange ball of slime. It was smiling happily at all of them. Before anyone else could question what it was. The slime creature had lept out of Sparky's hold and started slithering towards Zipp. It thrilled and chipped eagerly.

Before Zipp could even process what was happening. The creature had already reached her and was slowly climbing up her leg. She nearly shouted. “Ah, what in the!?” She was silent for a moment. Then, she started to giggle. Her giggling soon turned into a fit of laughter. The creature had crawled all the way up her leg and had wrapped her in a friendly hug. It purred happily as it gently nuzzled her neck. Zipp had only felt this happy when she was flying through the sky. In fact it felt like she was flying right now. She could smell the scent of rain water on the air. On top of all that she felt herself being tickled. She soon found herself on her back and the creature had moved to her stomach.

She wheezed out. “No! Not there!” A new fit of laughter over took her. The creature let out a happy squeal as it gently hoped up and down. It soon saw the other creatures in the room. It's smiled seemed to grow bigger. Almost like it was saying.

“Oh, look more friends.”

The creature slithered off of Zipp and started to make it's way towards them. Izzy was eager to play with the creature. After she saw what it had just done to Zipp. She knew that it wasn't dangerous. So when she saw it moving closer she couldn't stop herself. She lept out in front of the group and landed right in front of the creature.

She greeted it. “Hello new friend.”

The creature cooed happily as it wrapped it's pseudo pods around it's new friends face. It heard her say. “Aw.” before she wrapped it in a hug of her own. The creature began to thrill happily.

Izzy commented. “It smells like maple trees.” She began to feel herself being tickled. As she started to laugh she spoke. “And, Ha Ha Ha. It's tickling me.” She fell to the side as the creature moved from her face to her side.

Sunny couldn't believe what she was seeing. Two of her friends were on the floor laughing. All because of a creature her nephew had brought into her home. The oddest thing was she didn't feel frightened by the creature. In fact she was feeling.....happy? In fact all of them were feeling happy. It was almost like the creature was sending out waves of happiness and good vibes.

Pipp had her cellphone out and was already live streaming the event. She spoke to her followers. “Look at this Pipsqueaks.” She showed her followers the creature that was on Izzy. It smiled happily at the phone; while her followers sent messages and likes. Some of the messages were asking about the creature.

Pipp tried to answer one of them. “I'm not sure.” She had to keep herself from giggling. The creature had left Izzy and was now slithering up her arm. She tried to continued. “But....Ha......whatever.....Ha Ha....it is.....” She couldn't stop herself. “IT TICKLES!” She ended up dropping her phone as she collapsed to the floor.

Her phone thankfully landed perfectly on a pillow that just happened to be on the floor. It had landed at an angle that kept her and the creature in focus. Her follows watched in wonder and gleeful views as they watched her and the monster play. The monster looked at the camera and smiled happily at it. Some of the followers began to comment how they were suddenly feeling happy. Pipp smelled her favorite perfume on the creature.

Hitch cautiously walked up to the creature and asked it. “What are you?”

The creature turned and looked at him; it spoke in a voice that sounded like a foals young voice. “Hello, new friend.” The creature started to slither off of Pipp and towards him. It asked him. “Do you wanna play? Do you need a hug? I'm so happy to meet all of you.”

At first Hitch was caught off guard and started to back away. He commented. “What in the?!”

The creature spoke again. “Hey, come.” It reached his leg and continued. “I want to give you a hug.” It started to climb up his leg and like the others; Hitch found himself feeling happy. As the creature reached his neck and hugged him. It spoke in a voice that sounded cute. But, it was trying to be fierce.

It began to move to his back and warned. “Time for the.” In a gleeful squeal it yelled. “Tickle Fight.” It began to tickle Hitch. All the while yelling. “Tickle.” repeatedly. Like the others; Hitch found himself on the floor laughing. This creature was like a foal; eager to play with any new pony they happen to meet. Hitch smelled the scent of the ocean on it.

Sunny couldn't help but smile at the sight of all her friends laughing. She felt waves of positivity and other good vibes radiating off the creature. It felt like she could forget about her problems and just be happy. When the creature saw her it cooed happily.

She heard it say. “You're turn.”

It began to slither towards her. She watched as it moved closer and closer. The creature stopped just in front of her and extended two slimy arms out of it's side. It wanted a hug. Sunny was more than happy to oblige. She quickly scooped the creature up and hugged it. It purred and cooed happily as it hugged her back. Sunny could smell.....the scent of her father on the creature. The single scent brought back very happy memories of her times with her father. Times that made her shed a tear of happiness. The creature noticed the tear.

It said happily. “No, need to cry.” Move waves of happiness hit her as it started to tickle her. It finished. “It's time to laugh.”

Sunny soon found herself laughing like the others. Each of them had never experienced happiness like this. It was like everything that was good in the world existed inside this creature. A creature that just loved making new friends and making them happy.

Sunny groaned as she woke up. She sat up in her living room and looked around. She saw that all of her friends were sleeping around her. Her head ached a little and she felt a little sick. As she slowly got to her hooves and started to make her way to the bathroom. She began to wonder when she had fallen asleep? When did any of them fall asleep? What in the world happened last night? She tried to remember what all had happened. But, she couldn't remember anything at all. Yet, for some reason she felt.....happy?

The portal powered down as four humans in tactical gear walked into the facility of site 19. MTF- Horizon 1 or Realm Rescue had just managed to track down and bring back SCP-999. The Tickle Monster cooed and chirped happily as it was returned to it's home. Dr. Rhodes was happy to see SCP-999 back at the site. She also had another earful to give her fellow colleague, Dr. Bright, when she was done with the report. But, that was after he was done with 05 detention. A detention that was going to be over in about five years. Five years of Keter duty.

Dr. Rhodes looked at the MTF lead and spoke. “Remind me to add this to the list.” She explained. “Dr. Bright is no longer allowed to cross test SCP-507 with SCP-999 EVER! Again!” She put some force behind her voice. Only to have her anger all but vanish thanks to 999. She sighed happily and gently patted the SCP on the head before saying. “At least we found you.”

Author's Note:

Damn, It! Bright!

Comments ( 4 )

I hate you for this one, get a like and get out

[Potential containment breached logged]

That was pretty adorable.

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