• Published 2nd May 2023
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My Little Pony: Tales of Friendship, Magic and Harmony - honiponi

An MLP AU featuring tales of frienship, magic and harmony

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Chapter One: Friendship is Magic (Part 1)

Twilight didn't come. Twilight hadn't come to her party. Moondancer sat in the west castle courtyard by herself, face slightly damp with tears. One of the streamers that she'd hung up as decoration broke and fell down in an almost comedic manner, but she was hardly in the mood to see the humour in it. Standing up and wiping her tears on the back of her hoof, she snorted softly through her nose with a newfound determination.

"I don't care if Twilight wants to be my friend or not." She said to herself out loud. She turned on her heel and galloped off, back towards her house. She was so tunnel-visioned, she didn't notice the small voice at her side calling her name- that was, until the owner of said voice dug their pointy little claws into her side and hauled themself up onto her back. "Ouch!" Moondancer yelped, stopping dead in her tracks with a skidding of hooves on dirt road, "wh- Smolder? What're you doing?"

Smolder put a hand up, panting as she tried to catch her breath, "Princess...Celestia..." She gasped, "Princess Celestia wanted to see you...Said she needed to talk to you, and since you were in the courtyard I said I'd go and get you, and then you started running, and..." She trailed off, still breathing heavily.

Moondancer snickered softly, "sorry, Smolder. I was going to Minuette's- I wanted to see if she knew where Twilight was so I could talk to her."

Smolder got down off her back, "and give her a peace of your mind, I hope." She muttered, at which Moondancer shrugged.

"Something like that. What did the Princess want?" She asked, starting in the direction of the castle again, with Smolder following at her ankles.

The dragon shrugged, "not sure. Just said she needed to talk to you."

Smolder had been given to Moondancer by Celestia- usually, students who got into her school would do so by hatching a dragon egg with magic. They typically kept the dragon afterwards, or would send them back to the dragonlands if they preferred, but a student had given Smolder to Celestia a few months after enrolling in her school with complaints that she was 'too rowdy.' By that point, Smolder had been with ponies long enough that the other dragons likely wouldn't accept her had they sent her back, so Celestia had been tasked with finding a home for her.

Moondancer wasn't a pupil of Celestia like Twilight Sparkle was, but she was familiar with her due to her friendship with Twilight, and, since Twilight already had to take care of Spike, Celestia had asked Moondancer to care for Smolder. She was difficult when she was younger, but now that she was older, Moondancer appreciated having her around. "She didn't say anything more than that?" She prompted, turning to the afformentioned dragon.

Smolder shook her head, "nuh-uh. It didn't sound super urgent, if that helps."

It didn't really, but Moondancer decided it was best not to say that. As they approached the gates to the castle, Smolder turned a little more serious, "so, um...What happened with the party then?"

Moondancer frowned, pausing to purse her lips, "...Twilight no-showed."

Smolder tutted, "I figured. You said you were gonna talk to her?"

The other nodded, "mhm. Ask her why she didn't come, maybe yell at her a little, that sort of thing." She was half-joking, but Smolder could still tell she was upset.

"I'd argue she deserves more than that." She jested, trying to lighten the mood a little. Moondancer barely cracked a smile.

They were standing outside the doors to the throne room now, and once the guards pushed them open, the pair sheepishly slipped inside. Princess Celestia turned to look at them from where she'd been gazing out the window, her mouth tipping into a smile, "ah, Moondancer!" She greeted, trotting over, "just the pony I wanted to see."

Moondancer looked curious, "me? If I may, Princess, should you not ask Twilight for help before me?"

Celestia was undeterred by the question, "I would, usually, but I have just sent her to Ponyville to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration preperations over there- I need somepony to supervise here."

Moondancer's face fell, "wha- no, Princess, I'm sorry, but I don't do parties-"

Celestia raised her brow, "I was under the impression you were throwing one today in the west castle courtyard."

Moondancer swallowed, "w-well, yes, but-"

Celestia cut her off, "I understand it is a tall order, and I would not normally ask you to do this for me on such short notice, but, we are, as it happens, a little understaffed due to the celebration- it's why Twilight is overseeing things in Ponyville for me." She explained, "surely you understand?"

Moondancer thought about it for a moment, then gave a curt nod, "of course, Princess."

She looked relieved, "thank you, Moondancer. Here is a list of your duties that has been put together for you. I cannot tell you what a huge help you're being by stepping in for me like this." She took the list and scanned over it once, before tucking it into her saddlebag.

She raised a hoof in a salute, smiling now, "you can count on me, Princess." She promised, before galloping out of the room with Smolder in tow.

"What's that list say?" Smolder asked once they were back outside.

Moondancer produced it again from her bag and read off the first thing on the page, "check on food preperations at Cinnamon Chai's Tea and Cake Shop. Should be easy enough."

She rolled up the list and floated it to Smolder, who was suddenly drooling a little, "do you think we'll get to taste test?" She questioned eagerly, earning a chuckle from Moondancer, "I hope so."

Smolder started walking quicker, "me too."

They got to the cake shop in record speed thanks to Smolder having picked up the pace- and not a moment too soon. Upon walking inside, the first thing they noticed was that the building was full of smoke. Trying not to cough, Moondancer made her way to the counter and dinged the bell in an attempt to get the attention of whoever was causing the smoke coming from the kitchen.

A very frazzled looking pony scurried up to the counter- she was noticeably wall-eyed, and her fur was singed and appeared even a little sweaty. Her mane stuck up in every direction as if she'd been raking her hooves through it, and in her hurry she tripped on her own hooves and knocked her face on the edge of the counter.

Moondancer peered down at her, wincing, "are you okay?" She asked as the pony lay sprawled out on her back. She raised a hoof, gingerly touching her now bleeding nose with a pout.

"I'm fine." She mumbled, getting to her hooves, "happens all the time."

Smolder pointed at the kitchen, which was producing a thick cloud of black smoke. "Something's on fire." She pointed out, and the pony looked sheepish.

She produced a burnt lump of charcoal and offered it to them, smiling with embarrassment, "muffin?"

Moondancer wrinkled her nose, "um, no thank you. Are you supposed to be the pony in charge of food for the Summer Sun Celebration?"

The other pony grew more sheepish still, "yeah. Well, no. Chai's off sick with pony pox, so I offered to fill in for her- turns out I don't know how to bake."

Smolder furrowed her eyebrows, "no kidding."

Moondancer gave her best attempt at a kind smile, "I don't know if I can help you bake at all, but why don't I get you a tissue for your muzzle while Smolder helps put out the fire?" The pony nodded, evidently very grateful, and followed Moondancer outside to get some fresh air.

They were now sat down at some of the seats set up outside, with Moondancer sat across from the other pony, who had a tissue plugging her nose and her head tipped back to stop the flow of blood. "What'd you say your name was?" Asked Moondancer absent-mindedly, half distracted as she was watching smolder trying to fan the smoke out of the kitchen.

"Ditzy Doo." Answered Ditzy Doo. "Most ponies call me Derpy, though." She added, voice a little nasally because of the tissue in it.

Moondancer frowned, "that seems a little mean."

Derpy paused, clearly deep in thought, "...Does it?"

Moondancer decided it would be easier explaining taxes to a brick wall and cut her losses, "nevermind."

Derpy lowered her head again to look at Moondancer (mostly), taking the tissue out of her nose and placing it on the table, "you can have that back, by the way." She offered, and Moondancer narrowed her eyes as she tried to figure out whether she was joking or not (she wasn't.)

Smolder came outside around then, letting the last of the smoke out through the door, "I've cleaned up the kitchen but I dunno what we're gonna do about the food."

Derpy slammed her hoof down on the table, having a thought for what Moondancer assumed was the first time in a while, "hey, I know!" Her voice tended to slur a little when she spoke, so even if she ever said anything smart, it'd sound stupid because of the way she said it, "I could ask Strawberry Sunrise! She's great at baking." She hopped up and started off down the road, leaving Smolder and Moondancer very confused, largely in terms of who Strawberry Sunrise was to begin with.

"Glad that's sorted." Smolder shrugged, pulling out the list again as Moondancer shook off her bewilderment.

"Right, yeah. What's next?" Moondancer asked.

Smolder scanned the parchment, "uh...Decorations. Says we should go to the east castle courtyard where the party's being held.

Moondancer sighed, "okay, surely that can't take too long."

"-Or be as chaotic as the food." Added Smolder.

They headed back to the castle- west courtyard, this time, and found whoever was in charge of decorations had already almost finished. Strings of faintly illuminated gemstones lined the castle walls and hung between the architechture as bunting, and lanterns of bigger, brighter stones were arranged in a circle that created an area for all of the ponies to sit and watch as the sun was raised. There was a display up on the stage of a huge crystal, which as the sun shone through it once Celestia raised the sun, would refract the light and send rainbows scattering across the audience. At the bottom of the stage, the pony in charge was lining the edge of the stage with another crystal garland.

Moondancer and Smolder were silently in awe as they approached her, watching her work for a second before Moondancer cleared her throat. The pony remained silent. She furrowed her brows, "um, hello?" She called.

The pony stopped working, turning to face them. "Hi."

Further silence and a stifling awkwardness. "uh...Hi, I'm Moondancer. I've been sent to check on the decorations, and I just wanted to say how beautiful they are."

Smolder seemed to realise something in that moment, adding, "and how rock based they are." Which earned her a stern look from Moondancer.

"Rocks are my thing." The pony explained, voice flat and expression equally emotionless.

"I'm largely the mastermind behind the decorations." Came another voice from- actually, now that she was looking around, Moondancer wasn't sure where the other voice was coming from. "Up here!" It called, prompting everypony to look up- the owner of the voice had somehow gotten up to one of the castle spires and was wrapping a garland around it.

Moondancer paled, "um, are you sure that's safe?" She asked.

The other pony shrugged, "we'll find out!"

Smolder turned to the grey pony who had been hanging up the decorations, "should we try and get her down from there?"

The pony blinked slowly, "probably." Moondancer frowned at the lack of help in that response.

"There's no point trying to talk to Maud" The other pony called from the rooftop, "It's like trying to talk to...Well...A rock..!"

Maud looked flattered, "you'll make me blush," she deadpanned.

The other pony was now starting to climb down from the spire, shimmying off of the roof and sliding down a drainage pipe until she was safely on the ground. She trotted over to Moondancer, holding out her hoof, "I'm Amethyst Star. Architect, and, as of today apparently, master climber."

Moondancer chuckled nervously, "could you not have got a pegasus to do that for you?"

Amethyst shrugged, "too late now. Did you say you'd come to check on the decor?"

Moondancer nooded, "mhm! It looks great! Were these your idea?"

Amethyst beamed, "yup! Maud here's the rock expert, though" she explained, wrapping her arm around Maud, "I consulted her on what types of stones to use in the decorations. Glad you like them!"

Moondancer nodded, relieved that even with Maud's cold attitude and Amethyst's eccentric behaviour, everything was coming along well. "Technically, they're not stones, because-" Maud began, but Moondancer hurriedly cut her off.

"Where to next, then?" She asked Smolder.


Amethyst pointed over in the direction of the east plaza, "oh, Octavia's in charge of the music! She's practicing over there if you wanna talk to her!"

Moondancer grinned, "oh, thank you!" She called over her shoulder, already making her way in the direction of the plaza.

As they got closer, they started to hear the slow sound of a solitary cello being played. Moondancer and Smolder both stopped in their tracks to appreciate the music for a moment, walking slower towards the pony playing it to try not to disturb her. The song drew to a close faster than they would have liked, and Moondancer started to beat her hooves on the ground in applause. The pony started and whipped her head around to face the two of them, dark mane falling slightly into her eyes from the force with which she'd moved her head.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." Moondancer apologised, "I've come to check on the music, and it's sounding lovely."

The other pony smiled, going a little pink at the compliment, "oh, thank you- I worried this piece was maybe a little somber for the occasion." As she spoke, she got to her hooves, approaching Smolder and Moondancer. "I'm Octavia," she greeted, speaking in an airy, Trans-Atlantic accent.

"I'm Moondancer, and this is Smolder," Smolder waved, and Octavia a peered at her, "a dragon? I wasn't aware we had those in Canterlot."

Smolder shrugged, "you don't usually, but I'm an exception." She said smugly.

Octavia only smiled in response, "how interesting. You two are coming to the party, aren't you?"

Moondancer looked unsure, "um...I might check in breifly..." She muttered non-committedly.

Octavia started getting her cello set back up, "well do make sure you stop by to chat to me, won't you?" She invited, drawing back the bow and beginning to play again. Moondancer looked incredulous, but gave an unsure nod and a sound of confirmation before turning to leave.

Smolder followed after her, looking annoyed, "why'd you act like that? She was only trying to be friendly."

Moondancer sighed, "I know, but...After what happened today with Twilight, I'm not sure I want to go to the celebration..."

Smolder rolled her eyes, "you can't keep letting this get to you. All of the ponies you've spoken to today would be great friends! But you're getting too hung up over Twilight."

Moondancer hung her head, going quiet for a moment, "yeah...You're probably right..." A pause, and then, "is that everything?"

To which Smolder nodded, balling up the list and tossing it behind her, "yeah, we're done. What do you wanna do now?"

"Ideally, just go home and read. I'd like to finish Prance and Prejudice."

Smolder thought for a second, "I thought you gave that to Twilight?"

Moondancer groaned and stopped walking, "ugh. Yeah. I did."

Smolder put a hand on her shoulder, "don't pull that face. She's not in, right? Princess Celestia sent her to Ponyville, so you can drop in and pick it up."

Moondancer's expression shifted, "oh yeah! I'll go grab it then, it'll only take a minute." She turned around, now going in the direction of Twilight's. They got there soon enough, slipping carefully through the door. Moondancer trotted upstairs and grabbed the book from where Twilight had left it, but then she stopped. Something had caught her eye. There was a copy of 'Predictions and Prophecies' open on Twilight's desk to a page about the Summer Sun Celebration.

"...On the thousandth day of the thousandth year, Nightmare Moon will return, and bring about everlasting night." She read out loud.

"Huh. Weird. Tonight is the thousandth year of the Summer Sun Celebration." Smolder mused. Moondancer's eyes widened, and, dropping her copy of Prance and Prejudice, she darted out the door in a sudden panic.

To Be Continued...

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