• Published 5th Feb 2021
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The Chalk Prince and the Clover - FrostTheWolf

Albedo and Klee find themselves in the land of Equestria after an alchemical accident. Now, they need to find their way back to Teyvat... though, that's easier said than done (Genshin Impact/MLP Crossover)

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36- Antworten Part 1

The cold and frigid winds of Mount Everhoof thrashed around as Albedo and Breezy reached the mountain. While the cold air was nothing compared to the conditions on Dragonspine, the alchemist was doing his best to remain calm and alert for anything that could be unusual. If everything that was shared to him about Grogar was accurate, then the amount of power that he had at his disposal was enough to rival that of Archons. Creation was at their beck and call and if he wasn’t careful, the chalk prince could find himself at the mercy of an ambush.

Once more, there was another that learned of his story. For Breezy Gale, the mare that was known throughout Equestria as Gusty the Great, knew more about his story. Not the full extent of who he was, but the story of his teacher. For she was the one who created Grogar, and was the focal point of the beast’s fury.

As her student, it fell on him to resolve this matter and not let anyone else interfere.

When the two of them had reached the chamber where the bell was sealed, they found nothing but a mess of rock and rubble that had been left behind. As Breezy was trying to contemplate the situation and everything they were seeing, Albedo felt something that could only be described as a surge of warmth from nearby that lingered. With no signs of fire or heat anywhere, only one other possibility remained for what it could possibly be.

“Albedo? Is something wrong?”

At this, the alchemist looked back over to the unicorn, “For now, no. However, we shouldn't be here too long.”

“W-why’s that?”

“Call it a hunch, but I have a feeling that Grogar already knows that we are here,” Albedo told her, which had Breezy shudder in place, “However, it appears that he’s not coming straight for us. Rather, he’s… waiting.”

“Waiting?” she asked, “For what?”

“Well, only two possibilities come to mind,” Albedo told her as he cleared his throat, “The first one is that he’s waiting for me to be alone and attack me there. However, given what you shared about him with me, that doesn’t seem to be the case. The second possibility, and the one that I think is most likely, is that he’s wanting for me to come to him. He probably assumed that I could sense his energy, and Grogar wants me to come straight towards it. Like a moth to an open flame.”

“T-that sounds like a setup for an ambush!” she proclaimed, “W-we should-”

“Not likely,” The simple response from the alchemist confused Breezy as Albedo looked farther down the mountainside, “If what you told me about Grogar is true, then if he wanted to ambush us so badly, he would’ve done so already and make our ascent up the mountainside rather difficult. Instead, he’s being patient. If I had to take a guess, he’s waiting for the moment that he sees me to make his move.”

“T-Then, what are you going to do?” the unicorn nervously asked, only to watch as Albedo’s left hand shifted to his waist as a golden glow was seen. Moments later, the blade that the alchemist knew as Cinnabar Spindle took form.

“I plan to not keep him waiting any longer,” he simply replied, “Ms. Gale, if you remember our agreement, then I suggest you honor it and leave as quickly as you can. I know that you have seen your fair share of dangers, but this is one that only I can face. Grogar wants to face me and me alone, and will not care for anyone else. Do I make myself clear?”

Despite knowing this, Breezy was rather hesitant. She personally believed that Grogar was supposed to be her responsibility that shouldn’t be placed on anypony else. Yet, it felt as if the circumstances of the current situation were far out of her control. That any attempts to try to reason with the monster she thought was her friend would just be pushed aside. While Albedo assured her that he could handle this, the unicorn wanted to make sure that she was making the right choice.

“Are you sure this is the only way? That you need to destroy him?”

At that, the chalk prince just looked back at the unicorn and got down on her level, “Who said that I was going to do that?”

“W-Wait… you’re not going to-”

“Let’s not assume that yet,” Albedo informed her, “I have a plan in mind… yet, the only way that I can tell if said plan will work though is when I confront him face to face. I do not plan on ending any lives today, but I do plan to defend myself if conflict is the only way. Now, I suggest that you hurry before Grogar loses his patience.”

As the unicorn turned to leave and head back down the mountain, Albedo heard a simple response from her as the winds began to pick up. “Thank you, A-Albedo. For h-hearing my story… and for believing-”

The churning winds were now howling as Albedo looked in the direction where they came from. This was not a time for hesitation, because if he were to slip up and fail now, there would be dire consequences to everyone. Not just the Equestrians he had met and worked with, but also those that he called family. If he made a mistake, then Klee’s heart would be broken.

The alchemist did not make it this far just to let this creation stop him, and it was for that reason that he would not abandon everything he had worked on to help find their way home, he calmly pressed on and began to push forth towards where he felt the beast’s presence. Cinnabar Spindle was clenched firmly in his hand as he prepared himself for what awaited him farther up the mountain.

Eventually, he found himself in an open clearing. Despite the winds and snow that danced around him and any thought of being led astray, the energy he sensed led him here. Then, within mere seconds after he stepped foot, everything that blew around him was frozen in place, almost as if time stood still. A curious phenomenon indeed, but not one he had the time to ponder on. For it was in this moment that he heard a voice.

“Finally, you’re here.”

On the other side of the clearing stood what looked like a dark colored goat with the curved horns of a ram. Around their neck was a fractured bell and inside it was a dark colored vision that resembled the dragonic eye on Festering Desire, but it was the source of the energy that Albedo had felt throughout his trek up the mountainside as their eyes carefully narrowed. Yet, as they got closer, that was when the goat realized something.

“Wait, you’re not Rhinedottir,” he snarled, “Yet, their presence lingers. Who are you?”

At this, Albedo sighed. “My name is Albedo. I have been referred to by many titles in my travels, yet there is only one that only you would care about. For Rhinedottir is my teacher and I am her greatest creation.”

For a moment, Grogar’s expression didn’t change. Then, the goat let out a deep laugh that sounded like pure mockery, “Really? Does the Great Sinner really think that she can be forgiven for her past deeds by passing on her teachings to someone else? A mere mortal?!”

“And what does someone like you know of her?” the alchemist questioned him, “If you truly claim that you know my master, then why are you here?”

“Do you really not know the story? Or have the Archons decided to remove my existence from history altogether and have me rot here to the end of days!?” he retorted, “If you are her student, then you would know full well how alchemy works. In order to create, it requires a catalyst. Something to destroy first in order to be made into something new. I don’t care how long it’s been here, but five hundred years ago was my masterpiece.”

Then, it clicked. Only one tragedy from five hundred years ago came to mind, but the realization was a shock to him all the same. “Khaenri’ah. You were there.”

“I was more than just there. For the monsters that were created that fateful day, including Durin himself, were my handiwork. I was the catalyst made by Rhinedottir to carry out the devastation on that godless city. Yet, when the Archons came to wipe it off the face of the earth, she left me to be destroyed by their hand. Yet, instead of death, I was banished here… and since then, I’ve been searching for a way back. To make her pay for her betrayal, for my work is not yet done.”

At this point, malicious energy began to crackle and form around him as he let out a monstrous laugh. From the cold ice, two beasts made of ice and shadow took form and began to approach the alchemist, “You are my only ticket back, and if I have to make you submit, then-!”

Before he could finish, that was when Albedo raised up his free hand as his vision came to life and golden energy began to crackle around his hand and an earthen flower at his feet, “Moment of birth…”

From the ground around the Chalk Prince, several golden crystals shot up from the ground and skewered the ice constructs. Fatal blossoms soon took form shortly afterwards and within a matter of seconds, the beasts crumbled into nothing but ice and snow. A sight of sheer power that stunned Grogar.

“Are you planning to stand there and bicker, or do you have more to show than just mere threats?”

“YOU DARE INSULT ME!?!” Grogar raged as even more power poured out from his vision, “I brought the downfall of an entire nation, and if I had to bring down another so that I can finish what I started, then SO BE IT!!!”

All Albedo did was smirk, before he readied his blade, “If you think that I’m going to let you harm anyone else or be bested so easily, then you will be rather disappointed.”

Out of all the possibilities that Twilight thought of for trying to find out where the hay Albedo was, bringing in someone else from Teyvat that just so happened to know Klee and also had a good sense of smell was not one of them. Yet, much to her earlier dismay, this idea that was thought of randomly on the spot actually had some results. While Razor wasn’t exactly as cooperative as Albedo and was rather protective of Klee when he first arrived, his sense of smell made him an excellent tracker.

Only thing was, Razor was also rather impulsive. For once he got a hold of the scent from the letter that Albedo left behind, the wolf boy immediately raced out of the castle and outside of Ponyville as Klee, Twilight and Moondancer were having a rather difficult time trying to keep up with him. Even Discord, the spirit of chaos, was having trouble as well… although, part of that was because when he appeared next to Razor, he ended up getting smacked in the face by the blade he carried, Wolf’s Gravestone.

At one point though, as if on instinct, Razor stopped as he caught his breath and took a long sniff in the air and focused his attention far off towards the mountains. Something that had Klee go up to him and try to get his attention as she pulled on his pant leg, “Razor, what’s wrong?”

“Danger. Ahead.”

Klee just looked at her friend with a puzzled look on his face, before looking over towards what Razor was looking at. It was by this time that Twilight and Moondancer had caught up with them, just as the little burny girl pointed towards what was in the distance, “Miss Twilight, what’s that?”

“Huh?” the alicorn asked, before she looked over towards where Klee was pointing her finger at. “That’s… towards Mount Everhoof. Why do you ask?”

“Razor says that something scary is ahead, but Klee’s a brave girl,” the little spark knight replied, “But we haven’t found big brother Albedo yet.”

“Discord, any ideas?” Twilight asked, only to be met with silence as she let out a groan, “Figures. I rely on him for one moment and the moment he gets smacked in the face, he-.

While Twilight was stuck in thought, Moondancer went with a different approach and trotted over to Razor. “Uh, R-Razor? Is… that where you think Mister Albedo went to-?”

The only answer she got was Razor extending his arm in front of her to prevent the unicorn from going past him. His gaze fixated on what’s ahead as he grit his teeth. “Blonde lupical… ahead. Danger Ahead.” he simply stated, before breathing in the air through his nose again, “Danger… close.”

That definitely had Moondancer on alert. They were far away from the Everfree by now, but this boy was able to feel that something had followed them. Yet, before she had the chance to ponder what exactly that was, the unicorn looked back towards Mount Everhoof and was shocked by what was happening right in front of her eyes. “U-Uh, Twilight!? What’s that?!”

From the peak of the mountain, thick smoke began to rise up into the sky and rapidly expand outward. Sparks of energy began to flicker in the sky as Twilight could only stare in disbelief. The last time that something like this had occurred, it was because of a dragon that stayed in a mountain and made it its new home. However, Mount Everhoof, wasn’t supposed to be a ‘home’ for any creature. So why-

“Pony, move!!”

Before Twilight realized what was happening, she felt herself being pushed out of the way as Razor put himself in front of her and brought forth his blade. When the alicorn looked back up to see what happened, she saw a massive creature come out from what looked to be some kind of temporal rift. A beast that took the form of a wolf, but had multiple moving pieces as its violet gaze was fixed on him and tried to push forward.

Yet, the boy didn’t give up so easily. “Grr… GET BACK!!”

With his left hand, a claw of electricity began to take form as he slammed it into the ground underneath as it released a powerful shockwave. It was enough to knock the monster back.

“W-what are these things?!” Twilight asked.

“Rifthounds. Not wolf… Monster,” Razor gritted his teeth as he watched the rifthound let out a howl. Soon after, several more tears in reality took form as a few smaller rifthounds began to emerge, “Klee, Razor need help.”

“Help?” She asked, before looking back at the beasts. At that moment, the little girl could only ask one question, “Is it playtime already?”

“Yes,” was the only thing that Razor could say as two of the smaller wolves lunged for him. In an instant, electricity began to crackle in the air around him as the boy let out a ferocious cry. Moondancer and Twilight could only watch as what could only be described as ‘The Wolf Within’ manifested behind him.

That was when the girls eyes began to go aflutter as she began to scramble through her bag and pull out as many of her bombs as she could. All while both of their visions began to burn brightly, “Yay! We’re going to have so much fun!!”


“Note to self, never startle the wolf boy with the claymore,” Discord told himself as he stood alongside a tree in a forest clearing that was farther ahead from where Twilight and the others were. A bandage was now over his nose as he had to straighten up parts of his face. While he was still planning to help his friends with finding where Albedo went off too, the draconequus preferred to have himself look presentable. Yet, looking as if he had a broken nose was not exactly what he was trying to go for.

It was as he was cleaning up his face that he looked up and noticed the changes that were around the skyline. At first, he was a bit confused. Yet, when he realized where they were coming from, that was when his eyes widened a bit. “Oh dear. That… might complicate things-”

“Discord? Is that you?”

Immediately, the draconequus turned around to find himself looking towards a rather familiar face. The unicorn named Breezy Gale, or as the rest of the world knew her, Gusty the Great. She looked a bit tired out as if she had been running from something, but one thing that Discord happened to notice was that there were little specks of snow across the cloak that the mare wore.

“Well now, fancy meeting you here old friend,” Discord greeted them happily, before snapping his talon as his face was cleaned up and back to normal, “I didn’t think I would be running into you here of all places!”

“N-neither did I-” the unicorn nervously admitted, “W-what brings you out here?”

“Oh, just trying to help a friend,” Discord shrugged, “Someone left town without even explaining why and we’re trying to find them. Say, while we’re on the subject, have you seen a bipedal creature with a blond mane come through here? Stoic looking face, dressed strangely with a white coat and-”

“Y-You know Albedo?” the unicorn asked as her pupils shrank at the realization. “O-oh no, this is bad!! Discord, d-don’t let any creature get up on Mount Everhoof! Please-”

“Woah woah, slow down there Breezy,” Discord insisted, “What’s going on-”

“T-that guy you’re looking for… H-He’s fighting Grogar!! He has his bell again and-”

Immediately, any sense of mischief and playfulness evaporated from the draconequus as the words sank in. He now realized that this was far more dangerous than he originally believed, and to make matters worse, Albedo was doing this alone. Why would he do something this risky all by himself!?

“Breezy… do you remember our agreement from long ago?”

The mare stopped, before looking back to him with a puzzled glance on his face, “Y-yes, but why-? Are you-?”

“I’m not suggesting that we make a new one, but the principles of it can be applied here,” he spoke calmly, “I can go to them and make sure that whatever Grogar is doing doesn’t spread to every corner of the world. However, I’m going to need you to tell me everything you know about this. Anything about how Grogar is back to who he was before to what I assume is your meeting with Albedo. Do not leave anything out. The fate of Equestria depends on it.”

Author's Note:

(Credits to Nanako Yae)

"All riseth and falleth at the whim of capricious fortune. Assume your marks upon the stage and brace the coming chaos!"
-Susano, Final Fantasy XIV