• Published 5th Feb 2021
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The Chalk Prince and the Clover - FrostTheWolf

Albedo and Klee find themselves in the land of Equestria after an alchemical accident. Now, they need to find their way back to Teyvat... though, that's easier said than done (Genshin Impact/MLP Crossover)

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35- Geschichte

It felt like it was only a few years ago that this happened. Yet, unlike what the stories say about me, I knew this creature. Not as the Father of Monsters that he was feared as around the world, but just simply as Grogar. I was much younger at the time when I first found him alone in the cold. It took a lot of time, effort and admittedly patience, but I was able to have him accept me as a friend, for I believed that friendship wasn’t limited to just equestrians, but to every creature.

Yet, over time, I began to have the feeling that there was something to him that he was afraid of. It wasn’t until much later that I learned that he was capable of magic. More specifically, creation magic. Yet, unlike that of many beings, he didn’t have mana to channel his power. Instead, it came from an artifact that he had that was in the shape of a bell. Something that he claimed to have been made with help from some creature he knew. At first, I thought that he could teach me such ways, since I was trying to learn various forms to help others in need.

However, such powerful abilities did not come without consequence. For at the time, he told me that the source of his magic was actually cursed. It was only later that I learned that what was known as the Bewitching Bell was actually the corrupting manifestation of his desires akin to that of a powerful dragon where he came from. Powerful to the point that if it wasn’t controlled properly or if the user’s own will was too weak, it could eat away at who you were and leave you as an empty shell for an embodiment of rage and hatred. Yet, it was something he fully embraced.

A fate in while I knew only when it was too late. For when my hometown was almost lost in the wake of the destruction left by the sirens and the Pony of Shadows, that’s when I saw the real Grogar. The side of him that he tried to hide from me for a long time. The one that reveled in destruction and calamity and used his power to create frightful abominations before my eyes. And yet… even then, there was a part of me that still felt that he could do good.

Yet, by this time, even the princesses at the time saw him and his power as a danger to his subjects. But I… couldn’t bring myself to try and hurt him, for even after the horrors I saw, I still saw him as a friend.

“And that’s when you tried to take the bell?” Albedo asked as he sat down on a nearby log stump. As for the unicorn that was with him, she was sitting on a fallen log across from him as a campfire was burning between them, “You couldn’t bring yourself to harm him, but you thought that by taking away the bell, that could do something to save him?”

“Almost,” Breezy admitted, “However, such a task in itself would either be seen as too daunting to some creatures and downright inconceivable to others. Like I mentioned, even the princesses thought that Grogar was a threat. After hearing that, I thought that any chances of saving him was a lost cause. Though, admittedly, there was one who actually took interest in my plight and offered his assistance. At the time, it was seen as taboo since he was seen as an enemy to the kingdom. Yet, nowadays, I’ve heard he’s changed his ways for the better.”

“Really now?” the alchemist asked out of curiosity as he scratched his chin, “Who would that happen to be, if I may ask? Are they another unicorn like yourself?”

The unicorn shook her head and chuckled at the thought as she used some of her magic to tend to the fire with a long stick, “Far from it, actually. Tell me, have you ever heard Discord before?”

At that, Albedo couldn’t help but nod, “Heard of him and what he could do, yes. Though, I’ve never actually had the pleasure of meeting him in person.”

“Oh, so you’re somewhat familiar with who I’m talking about? Well, that will make explaining this next part much easier,” the mare let out a sigh of relief as she smiled back at him and shifted her cloak. “After I tried to ask for help from everypony else to no avail, he… let’s just say that Discord took an interest in my conundrum. At the time, he was the only one who would actually listen to my plight with an open mind and I was desperate to save my friend. So, he helped me in stealing the bell away from Grogar.”

“Helped… how exactly? Anything specific?”

“Well, that’s where things kind of get a bit complicated. For after I took the bell, Discord took it upon himself to try and ‘fix’ Grogar. However, he found that it was too boring for him. So he instead chose to, in his own words, ‘lock up his real self and throw away the key’. Have it to where he had no memories of anything about him. A clean slate, one could say,” At that, Breezy paused as she let out a breath, “However, sealing away the real Grogar was only one part of his plan. For the whole ordeal was a destructive one and one that would not go unnoticed by even Celestia herself. So, he disguised himself as a chronicler of tales and transcripted a cover story to share to the public and to everypony who read it. That cover story became known as the Tale of Gusty the Great.”

She then tossed her stick into the fire as the story continued, “For the longest of time, that was it. They only knew the two of us by our tale and we were able to live our lives without intervention… However, not all things last forever. Over the course of time, the chains that kept the seal Discord put in place began to wither and break. Grogar would have nightmares of events that he caused when fully taken over and little by little did everything begin to fall apart. However, over the last few weeks, the withering of those chains began to accelerate at a frightening pace.”

Wait, a few weeks?” Albedo thought to himself as he realized something, “That’s the same amount of time that Klee and I have been here though-.

“Then, a couple days ago, those chains broke free and Grogar was gone. Not only that, but last night, I felt the seal that I placed on the cave on Mount Everhoof that contained the Bell I stole from him,” Breezy looked back to the alchemist, “I need to stop him from causing the same events from before to end all over again. Because if I fail, no creature would be spared at the havoc he would unleash.”

At this though, Albedo… was a bit confused. It felt that there were details that were missing somehow. Yet, they seemed to be details that even Breezy herself was not aware of. “Breezy, do you mind if I ask you a question? You said that you… found him when you were younger, correct?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Did he ever tell you anything about where he was from at all?” the chalk prince asked, “If it were me, I would think that whatever he told you all those times might’ve had a deeper meaning to him. You’ve had more experience with him than I personally, so perhaps it could help give me a better understanding as to what awaits us. Because I’m not sure if this ‘Discord’ is going to help us out this time around.”

“Y-yes, but not much of it really made sense honestly,” the unicorn admitted, “The only thing that I could remember was that he resented his… I think he said ‘creator’. Some creature that he called Gold. As for the dragon, Grogar spoke of him like they were a brother to him, yet they never said a name about them at all. I’m sorry if this doesn’t really help.”

Yet, much to her surprise, that actually was more helpful that she might’ve thought. For the chalk prince knew who ‘Gold’ was. Gold was the self same alias of the alchemist who was responsible for the downfall of Khaenri’ah; a nation that was home to the Eclipse Dynasty and was struck down by the gods in Celestia when monsters began to invade Teyvat five hundred years ago. To everyone who was familiar with the story, no one knew who Gold really was.

Everyone… except him. For he knew who Gold was, and as he feared, it tied back to him. For Gold was the alias of Rhinedottir, his lifelong teacher that disappeared one day. If this was the case, then the dragon Grogar must have spoken of was none other than Durin. Plus, if Grogar was able to create monsters, then it stands to reason that he could’ve been the entity responsible for making the monsters that invaded Teyvat all those years ago.

“That actually helped me more than you might think,” the alchemist replied back.

“How so? I couldn’t make heads or tails of it,” the unicorn said as the embers of the campfire began to die out.

It was then that the chalk prince gave her a smile, “How about this… since we’re both going to the same place, why don’t you let me tell you a story this time? About myself and where I’m from. For there are some similarities between him and I. Though, if you wish for me to tell you, then you must promise me something.”

“P-promise you what?”

“That if we reach Mount Everhoof and encounter Grogar, you run and leave him to me,” he said sternly, “Everything you shared just now confirmed a theory of mine… and if what I hypothesize is correct, then I doubt that the methods in which you were able to stop him last time would work again. For their resentment may still linger, even after so many years and they would be more focused on me rather than you.”

“So, let me see if I get this straight, Klee,” Spike said, while every creature in the room looked at the new arrival that Discord just happened to bring into her castle, “Razor here is… a friend of yours?”

“Yup, he’s one of my best buddies!!” the little girl proclaimed while nuzzling into the boy’s long grayish silver hair, “He can be a little grumpy at times, but not like Diluc. Razor and the big puppy that raised him are very nice and fun to play with every week.”

“Klee? Why are… ponies talking?” the wolf boy asked with a puzzled look on his face.

“Oh they’re Albedo’s friends, Razor! And any friend of Albedo is a friend of Klee!!”

That did little to ease how he felt. If anything, it just made him even more confused. Though, while the wolf boy and the red burny girl were focused on Spike and Pinkie, Moondancer and Twilight were talking off to the side with Discord. Despite the draconequus’ best intentions, all he did was inadvertently make things a bit more complicated than either of them wanted it to be.

“Discord, I’m only going to ask this once,” Twilight sighed, the alicorn looking over at the table briefly before returning her gaze back to the spirit of chaos that she wasn’t too happy with right now, “What exactly made you think that bringing someone else from their world was a good idea? For all we know, everyone that Klee knows might see you ‘trying to help’ as them getting foalnapped.”

“Well, obviously, that’s not why. I believe I’ve learned my lesson on that after Fluttershy got upset with me when I summoned her to me while she was talking with her parents,” Discord sighed, “Besides, at the time, I thought that he could actually… well, help.”

Moondancer couldn’t help but slowly look over at Razor, who looked to have been encouraged by Pinkie to pet her mane… and in turn, found candy in his hands before looking back to Discord. “In what regard?”

“Well, when I saw him in Klee’s mind and saw the wolves, I thought that he was part wolf. Only now do I realize that the little one’s friend is someone that was raised by wolves and not actually part animal himself,” the draconequus admitted, “I had this whole thing in my head where he could help us track down Albedo should magical means prove ineffective. Though, now I’m not entirely so sure.”

“Woah, back up a minute,” the alicorn spoke up, “Dare I ask what exactly you were thinking about? How could he-?”

Before she had the chance to finish, that was when they noticed Razor get up off the table and look around the room. At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Though, as Moondancer looked closer at him, she couldn’t help but notice that his nose was twitching every so often. Even Klee noticed as well, for she was hurrying over to his side. “Razor, are you okay?”

At first, the boy said nothing. Though, after smelling the air around him a couple more times, he then had a reply for her, “… I smell rabbit.”

“Well, I guess that dispelled any doubts that I previously had,” Discord was quick to correct himself, “Seems like he can smell Angel, and I think he’s still at Fluttershy’s cottage.”

“Wait, let me get this straight,” Twilight interjected as she was trying to process everything that was going on inside her head, “You brought Razor here… because you thought that he could track down Albedo… through smell?”

“Well, you could always track down his magic… Oh wait, that’s right! He doesn’t have any,” the spirit of chaos replied with a sarcastic chuckle, “Come on, princess. I thought that you knew that magic can’t be used to solve everything. Didn’t your time during Winter Wrap Up teach you nothing?”

The princess of friendship couldn’t help but pause at that, before looking to Discord with a raised eyebrow. “How do you even-”

“Know? Well, your friends do sometimes visit Fluttershy and I when we happen to be having tea. You know how some of them like to talk, but can’t stop talking right?” That did little to answer her question, but before Twilight could press further, Discord changed topics again, “In any case, Moondancer was it? Do you still have that letter from Albedo?”

“Yes, I have it right here-”

With a snap of his talon, the letter flew out of Moondancer’s magic and into Discord’s paw, before sending it off as a folded paper airplane over to where Spike was as he caught it. “Spike, can you be a good friend and ask if Razor smells anything on the letter? It’s strange, I know, but it’s probably best not to ask too many questions.”

Despite having no context whatsoever, Spike did what was asked. He handed the letter to Spike and tried to ask him. However, the wolf boy was confused by the simple instructions. The only way to get it through to him was to have Klee say it to him, yet that took a couple of tries. Though, when their words finally got through, Razor had only one reply.

“ … Smells… familiar. Blonde one. Klee’s… lupical. Still lingers…”

“What’s a lupical?”

“Ooh, Klee knows this one!” The little girl gleefully cried out, “To Razor, lupical means family!”

Immediately, Discord couldn’t help but smile at this, “And with that, I think we’re now getting somewhere.”

Author's Note:

So, with this, there's now another connecting piece of the puzzle. Yet, there are still more questions to be asked and more answers to uncover.

I plan to try and explain it all soon. Though, for those already familiar with Genshin's lore, you're probably already assembling the pieces right now and might have an idea as to what I'm going for.

The next update will probably happen in the new year or so, given how things are going. I hope to see you all them. Merry Christmas and have a happy new year!