• Published 5th Feb 2021
  • 4,487 Views, 249 Comments

The Chalk Prince and the Clover - FrostTheWolf

Albedo and Klee find themselves in the land of Equestria after an alchemical accident. Now, they need to find their way back to Teyvat... though, that's easier said than done (Genshin Impact/MLP Crossover)

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33- Lied

While most locations in Equestria are known to have changeable weather patterns depending on the seasons, there was always one particular location that was much different from the previous ones. A mountain where the howling winds would come from all different directions and snow would rain down everywhere all year round. Even when the rest of Equestria was in the middle of a summer heatwave, the cold winds did not cease. Even more so, the dangers on the mountainside of Mount Everhoof were not something that could easily be avoided or ignored. For the only way to get higher on the mountain and make it to the peak was to go through the dangers that were waiting for any creature that attempted such a feat.

However, despite this, there was one that persevered. They trekked through the freezing winds and snow to try and reach their destination despite the conditions trying to interfere with their journey. The cold air that blew underneath their cloak and against their body did not phase them as they climbed higher across the mountainside. Any beasts that came across them looked fierce at first, before they whimpered in fear and horror as the beasts raced back into their dens in the wilderness.

What this one seeked in particular was a cave at the end of the pathway. A magically enchanted cave that protected an artifact that they seeked to reclaim. For only in reclaiming what they had lost could they be able to find their way back to where they belonged and lay low the one responsible for stranding them here as broken as they were. They knew that the alchemist was here in this place, and only in bringing them down will they be able to return back to the world they once knew.

After some time, they finally found the cavern that they were looking for and the prize that they seeked. However, it wasn’t exactly simple for them to take what was inside. For the entrance had been sealed by a barrier of equestrian magic. One that had some sort of familiarity to it as they grinned slightly. “Well now, Gusty. Even after all these years, you still are a thorn in my side. And I thought you were the only one that knew what was at stake.”

Why many in Equestria know the name Gusty the Great and see them as a mare who became a hero by tricking the father of monsters, there was another side to their story that wasn’t known to the world. For she was the only one who actually knew the true story of what power they were capable of. Yet, when seeing what they could do firsthand, the mare was horrified by the possibilities of what they could do and chose to take away his source of strength. Not to mention use any means necessary to prevent them from reclaiming what was stolen, given what they were seeing in front of them.

Yet, they had come too far to be stopped by mere annoyances such as this. Not when their vision was within reach. As they took a deep breath, they began to channel their magic into their forelegs and force their hooves onto the barrier in front of them to force their way through. Their actions led to the magical blockade pulsing back in an attempt to repel them.

However, the creature stood their ground and forced their hooves further in as the tiniest of cracks began to take form on the barrier itself. An opening that they wanted to see and exploit even more. The more pressure that was applied, the deeper the cracks became and the more that the magical blockade gave way despite its best efforts to maintain its form. Something that the creature wanted as they continued their efforts to break through. For no amount of resistance was going to keep them away from their most important possession.

For in that moment, nothing else mattered to Grogar but to regain everything that he lost. Centuries of power that had been severed and sealed away by somepony who just happened to get lucky. He had come too far to back down now and was not going to let this chance to make his creator suffer slip away.

Then, just as he was scratching the surface of what he could do, the seal that blocked him from his bell shattered. Pieces scattered everywhere like broken glass before fading away into nothingness as only the pedestal that held the bell remained. “Pitiful. To think that you rely so heavily on sealing magics such as these to keep dangerous artifacts away from those who misuse them, only for them to falter when you need it most.”

At this, Grogar couldn’t help but grin as the triumphant goat approached what he came all this way for. The Bewitching Bell, or at least, that was what the equestrians called it. In reality, the bell itself was only a frame to the true power that was inside it. And now that he had reclaimed what was his, it was time to re-familiarize himself with what had been absent over the last few centuries.

It was late in the evening back in Ponyville, with only a few hours until morning. Yet, for the alchemist named Albedo, he couldn’t sleep. He had only been able to rest for a few hours, before being awoken by what felt like a strange, yet familiar sensation. It was an alchemical reaction, yet he was nowhere near the crucible. Not only that, but Albedo couldn’t help but shake the feeling that there was something sinister afoot. For the kind of power he felt was almost the same as another entity he was vastly familiar with.

“Durin?” He spoke lightly, “No, that wouldn’t make sense. The Traveler has Festering Desire, not I. Yet, why would I feel their power here?”

Immediately, the Alchemist began to make preparations. If it were true that some of Durin’s power did find its way into this world, then there was no telling what kind of chaos would unfold if its corrupting properties began to spread quickly. He had to personally take action now, no matter the cost. As he sheathed his blade, Cinnabar Spindle, on his waist, Albedo turned to the desk in his room as he grabbed a piece of parchment and chalk.

“Hello? Mr. Albedo, are you here?” Moondancer asked as she opened the door to his room. The unicorn was a bit surprised that Albedo wasn’t around when Fluttershy opened the door to her cottage this morning. Not only that, but his little sister Klee had not seen him either. Considering how important their work was, it was odd to find that he was missing at such a turning point.

Though, as she looked around, the unicorn noticed what looked like a folded piece of parchment under one of the doors. Picking it up with her magic, Moondancer began to unfold it, only to find the message inside.


Apologies for my sudden absence at this crucial moment of our research, but there is a disturbance that I need to investigate that’s of the utmost importance. If this isn’t tended to now, then I fear that the consequences of ignoring this will affect more than just our work on the crucible. Do not be alarmed and do not try to find me. I will return when I have finished my investigation.

In the meantime, please look after Klee for me. Even though she may be familiar with us having to be apart sometimes and being in the care of others, she may be confused as to why I am absent now. Assure her that everything is going to be fine, and if you do plan to continue tests, please be careful going forward. I have a feeling that our progress on our research may attract unwanted attention.

Your fellow researcher and friend,


Author's Note:

"If one's master isn't around, then their responsibilities fall on the student. Or so the saying goes."