• Published 26th Jan 2021
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SCP Foundation - Equestrian Files - DagaYemar

There are too many objects that threaten the safety of Equestria. They must be contained.

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SCP-EQ-015 - Juice Of Life

Item #: SCP-EQ-015

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-EQ-015 are currently stored in a containment locker at Site 20. Watch list databases are to be updated with SCP-EQ-015's information, in order to intercept any new shipments which may appear in the future.

Description: SCP-EQ-015 is the group designation given to a number of bottles of liquid labeled "Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic". Currently the Foundation has __ crates of SCP-EQ-015 in containment, each one originally containing 14 bottles apiece. The labeling on each bottle provides the name of the product, a relief of two ponies facing each other, and the following text in lieu of nutritional information:

Life got you down? Too sick to frown? Well folks, have we got the thing you need to put the pep into your step and wipe the strife from you life! Our fantastical concoction can fix whatever it is that ails you, including but not limited to reins, spurs, fur blight, hooferia, horsentery, swollen hooves, bridle-bite, saunter sitz, gallop plop, mane loss, hay fever, tonsillitis, and even the cold ravages of time itself! If you don't feel well then buy what we sell! Still feel sore? Then buy a few more! ELEMENT OF HONESTY APPLEJACK APPROVED!!!!!

Imbibing an entire bottle of SCP-EQ-015 causes any creature suffering under any kind of ailment to see a sudden yet subtle upturn in their medical condition. Ponies with injuries find their wound heal faster than projected, illnesses slide into recession, and birth conditions like allergies grow dormant. This change is slight and without scrutiny could be mistaken for the body rallying to fight off the affliction on its own, were it not occurring in 100% of the ponies tested. Speed of healing seems to increase the more bottles of SCP-EQ-015 one imbibes, but the rate of healing never increases past the point of a body's natural limit.

Creatures without any kind of malady imbibing SCP-EQ-015 find themselves in greater health than before. Symptoms reported include feelings of euphoria and happiness, increases energy, easing of stress and stiffness in joints, and aid in getting restful sleep. Elderly test subjects show an increase in mobility and mental acuity similar to feeling years younger, though actual physical age does not change.

To date, the only recorded downside to imbibing SCP-EQ-015 is a marked decrease in the sense of self-preservation. Creatures under the influence of SCP-EQ-015 feel a rush of endorphins and display an eagerness to act in ways their condition prevented them from beforehand. Subjects also display an aversion to being swayed from such acts, including ones that might put them or others in danger.

Scrutiny with a powerful magnifying glass has revealed another set of text written in tiny lettering along the border of the label:

Flim Flam Miracle Curative TonicTM is the registered intellectual property of Flim Flam Brothers Incorporated. Flim Flam Brothers Incorporated assumes no responsibility for physical, mental, or emotional harm caused by the consuming of Flim Flam Miracle Curative TonicTM. Flim Flam Brothers Incorporated takes no responsibility for actions taken, discussed about, or thought of while under the influence of Flim Flam Miracle Curative TonicTM. Continuation of symptoms are the direct result of not drinking enough tonic, drinking too much tonic, drinking tonic while eating, drinking tonic while not eating, drinking tonic while breathing, and/or not buying enough tonic. For more information, please contact the local public relations department currently associated with Flim Flam Brothers Incorporated.

It is to be noted that SCP-EQ-015 does not actually make any physical changes to the subject at all. Chemical analysis of the liquid has revealed it to be a mixture of 50% apple juice and 50% beet leaves. The bottles are normal glass crafted from silica and the label is printed ink on plastic film affixed with adhesive, all of which displays no anomalous properties. Neither reproduction of the mixture nor reprinting exact copies of the label have reproduced any of SCP-EQ-015's abilities. SCP-EQ-015's anomalous nature appears to only occur when it is acquired directly from the PoI Flim Flam Brothers.

In reality, SCP-EQ-015 actually imparts on the consumer a strong memetic imprint similar to the Placebo Effect. This belief is so strong that it tricks creatures' bodies into accelerating the natural healing process regardless of the creatures' actual ability to enact these changes on its own. Unlike other examples of the Placebo Effect, knowing that the effect is only mental does not prevent the meme from taking hold in the mind. This cognito-hazard is strong enough to also infect belief in its abilities in those who only read the label or are told of its properties, including subjects who are already familiar with similar Flim Flam products. Strong mental fortitude versus falsehoods can shield one from infection to a limited degree.

This memetic effect is similar to those found in other SCP objects related to the Flim Flam Brothers, including SCP-EQ-___ and SCP-EQ-___.