• Published 18th Nov 2020
  • 4,639 Views, 508 Comments

Wondercolts Forever - Epsilon-Delta

Sunset notices the other students have been going to Canterlot High for an exceptionally long time.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Sunset Shimmer went down to the cafeteria, still incensed about her encounter. She’d try to start a revolution right now if she could! The cat was already out of the bag so there was no sense hiding anymore.

All the other kids were eating. She jumped up on a table.

“Attention everyone!” Sunset called out to the eating students. She had to stomp a few times to start getting their attention. “Listen! This is important!”

“Oh! She’s gonna sing a song!” Pinkie stood up and pointed at her, excited.

“What?” Sunset turned to Pinkie. There was something additionally wrong with that girl. “No! I’m not going to sing. This is serious.”

“Daww.” Pinkie sat back down. “Not even a serious song?”

“But I am going to give a speech!” She announced to them. “Listen to me! Celestia is devouring your potential! She’s keeping you all trapped here by blocking your memories and eating your growth! But we can escape!”

A confused murmur went through the room.

“All we need to do is stop going to class,” said Sunset. “If we don’t learn anything, she can’t feed off of us! We just sit around playing those phone games for months and slowly Celestia will starve to death! It’ll be a long, boring fight but we can win it!”

At that Sunset Shimmer was met with boos and laughter.

“But I love Celestia,” one nearby girl gasped. “I wouldn’t want her to get hungry.”

“We all love Celestia!” Another boy shouted at her from the back.

“She’s the one keeping us young forever,” one of the younger girls complained. “We’d just be committing suicide if we made her stop.”

“Well no,” Sunset replied. “You’d have like sixty years or whatever!”

“Well, I want more than that!”

“But don’t you want like freedom and stuff? To move ahead with your lives?” Sunset looked around the booing crowd. In retrospect, she’d rushed into this situation far too fast. She really should have had a game plan! “Anyone? ”

“What we even do if we got out?!” Someone complained.

“Okay!” Sunset could maybe work this angle. “I don’t know who’s in charge outside but apparently they suck too! As soon as we’re out I’ll kill them and conquer your world! You know, for your own good. I’ll install a new government that will make things better and -“

That was technically on the more ambitious end of her original plan, but suddenly it was more heroic sounding than when she first came here.

Not that the students agreed. They all started throwing food at her at that point, mentioning that world that left them all so traumatized.

“Hey! I - Quit it!” Sunset wasn’t able to get any more words in. “Just think about it! If your memories are sealed, then there could be something she’s hiding from you! Anyone?”

No one looked even remotely interested. This was going badly!

“Sunset!” Pinkie jumped up on a table and called to her. “Try singing! You gotta sing a song!”

“What?” Sunset looked down at Pinkie confused. “How will that help?!”

“Look, I know how this works.” Pinkie winked. “Singing a song is the only way to turn this around.”

Pinkie laid down something of a beat for her, hitting the table twice then clapping in rhythm. Strangely, Sunset almost felt like maybe Pinkie did know what she was talking about. Everyone was literally throwing things at her now so it wasn’t like this would make it worse.

“Hey, hey everypony!” Sunset began to clap in rhythm and sing. “I’ve got something to say! It may seem eternal high school is the place to stay. But you dig a little deeper and you will see that the real world is the place to be!”

But it just made them throw harder!

“Oh wait! Never mind!” Pinkie shouted out. “I didn’t realize you were this bad at impromptu lyrics! This won’t work at all!”

“Okay!” Sunset covered her head. “Well if any of you do secretly want to leave, I’m starting a revolution club! I’ll uh -“

She ran out of the room before things could escalate any further.

That had been a disaster. Did literally zero of them want out of this place? Maybe one of them secretly did… and they’d show up later.

Rarity came out of the cafeteria a moment later in a huff. She put her hands on her hips, leaned forward, and glared at Sunset.

“Miss Shimmer!” Rarity scolded her. “What has gotten into you? You were fine for the past two days but now this? How can you say such horrible things after all Celestia’s done for you! Taking you out of - well wherever you were.”

“That’s because Celestia hasn’t done anything for her.” Dash came down the stairs, walking instead of the usual skip she had, still looking groggy, eyes red. “She’s an intruder.”

Rarity gasped at that.

“Look, I didn’t mean to come here,” said Sunset. “I had no idea this place was like this and if I did, I wouldn’t have come. All I want to do is leave.”

“Even if that’s the case, you’re still like a tick attached to our dear principal.” Rarity crossed her arms. “All this food and air doesn’t come out of nowhere! She’s been taking care of you this whole time without you feeding her in return. The least you can do is give her the proper respect and deference she deserves.”

“Okay, okay! I get it! I’m the worst!” Sunset shouted back. “I’m always the worst no matter what I do! But if she’s clouding your memories how do you know she’s not deceiving you?”

“Oh yes, I’ve played this game before,” said Rarity. “I get my memories unclouded and ruin my whole day just to prove you wrong then tomorrow you say again ‘well now they’re false’. I’ve been here for centuries and Celestia has taken excellent care of me that whole time.”

“Yeah! I literally just had my memories unlocked ten seconds ago and I’m good here,” said Dash. “If you keep making trouble Celestia’s going to do something eventually.”

“Maybe I got overheated and overreacted, but is it really unreasonable for me to ask if any of you want to leave with me?” Sunset asked.

The two looked at one another, not entirely able to tell her no.

“You’re leaving?!” Pinkie jumped up from behind and put her hands on Sunset’s shoulders as though she’d been hiding behind the other girl the whole time. “But why?!”

“What?!” Sunset jumped forward, startled. She glanced at the cafeteria, then back at Pinkie. “Where the heck did you come from?!”

“From behind,” Pinkie pointed out. “First of all, you’d have to come up with a way better song if you want to convince me of anything. But why would you want to leave? Did someone sing you a song about leaving? We were having so much fun yesterday!”

“Sure, but - it’s not about that,” said Sunset. “There’s an infinite number of Celestia’s out there and I don’t trust any of them. I’m making a revolution club and I’m getting out of this place.”

Sunset got a piece of paper and wrote down the invitation to the revolution club.

“Besides, I’m clearly not welcome here anymore.” Sunset tacked her club onto the bulletin board.

Rarity and Rainbow Dash softened.

“We really aren’t the type to hold a grudge,” said Rarity. “I promise we won’t be mad for long. But we all love Celestia very much and like it or not you are in her house for a while. If you want respect from me then you have to respect our dear principal in turn. Or at least not make any trouble.”

“Yeah! Your song wasn’t that bad!” Pinkie extended her hand in friendship.

“I guess I can kind of understand why you’d freak out.” Dash kept her arms folded.

For some reason, them being nice to her made anger well back up in Sunset’s heart. But this time she swallowed it. Lashing out had gotten her in ridiculous amounts of trouble the past few days.

“I can’t promise anything right now,” Sunset admittedly, showing as little anger as she could. “That’s why I’m leaving the school for now. I’ll go to the desert or study in the library or something.”

“Well if you don’t want to stay and can’t leave have you considered the third option?” Pinkie mysteriously appeared behind her a second time.

“Third option?” That gave Sunset pause.

“You could go insane!” Pinkie repeatedly jabbed her temple with a finger. “Whee!”

“What?! How would that help?!”

“It’s the only way to understand the Fae.” Pinkie held up a finger all matter-of-fact like. “The trick is to go insane in just the right way or else you won’t make sense to anyone at all. Heck, it’s hard for me to make sense to you right now. But if you want, we can make an eldritch logic club! I have so much I can show you and then you’ll see that it’s okay for Celestia to keep us here because all things are impossible!”

Pinkie clapped her hands in excitement but stopped when Sunset walked past her.

“Yeah, well if I can’t open the portal in three years, get back to me with that.” Sunset pushed open the door to leave. “I want to be alone for a while.”