• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 6,921 Views, 583 Comments

Through Changes - Symphony

When you lose who you are, what will you do to become yourself again?

  • ...


A/N: By ending with the dickiest cliffhanger known to pony fanfiction (from my view), I give you this chapter and humble apologies. I won't do it again.. Edited version, edited by you guessed it, frieD195!

''What happened back then?'' Luna asked, deeply confused. Why would Discord bring up something like that? He had to have a reason to do so, as she knew when he had something important to say or when he was just playing around. Discord looked up at her with a sad, almost depressesed expression. She grabbed his left hoof with her right hoof and stroked it.

Discord took a deep breath. This was it. He had stalled this for too long now, it was time to grab this methaporical bull by the horns. He averted his eyes from the lunar princess and looked down at the floor while sighing. ''During the day of the Gala, I was walking through the castle to get to you, but... Something intercepted me and gave me a slight detour.'' His ears splayed back from what he knew was coming. ''It wasn't somepony, it was something I didn't want to return anymore...''

Luna lifted a hoof to her mouth and her eyes widened. She knew what he meant... Discord's Periculum had returned to take control of his body again. Thank Goodness he still had the necklace at that time, and is still wearing it. ''You... You mean...''

''Yes...'' Discord interrupted her and sighed once again. ''The Periculum returned and spoke to me, but this time it was different; it didn't seek to take over my body, it gave me a...message... The message was something of the utmost importance...'' He steeled himself for what was coming. It was about time he told her, he chastized himself but there was no use in refraining from telling her anymore...

''The Periculum meant no harm, it just warned me of an event that could change every single thing as we know it, as it told me that as long as this... Necklace is on me,'' He tapped the necklace once. I... I will lose all of my strength until there's absolutely nothing left. Luna... Luna, I'm... Dying... Without my Periculum, I'm just another mortal...'' He sighed heavily and looked up into the eyes of Luna, who wasn't moving a single muscle.

The first sob wracked her body, followed closely by the second. Her entire frame shook from them, and Discord was quick to wrap her forelegs around the mare. Who pressed her head to the spirit. Discord stroked her mane and was quiet. She cried into his coat. Discord could feel every single tear drip onto his coat. He felt even worse with every tear. Luna threw her arms around him and leaned away from him, looking straight into the spirit's eyes. Even with her eyes puffy, red and stained from tears beneath them, her eyes shone with the determination only a leader can emanate.

''We...'' She gulped and wiped her eyes with her left hoof. ''We can fix this before it's too late. I... I know we can... We just... We just need some time.'' She assured herself with a nod. Discord's ears splayed back and he looked back at the floor.

''It... It may not be that easy...'' He took another deep breath. ''This pony body can't handle my full power, as ponies never were supposed to have this much power. I... I have to change back, somehow...'' Discord looked into Luna's cyan orbs. ''I have to become a draconequus again, or everything will be for naught.''

Silent tears started rolling down Luna's cheeks, she bit her lower lip and looked away from the spirit. She never expected anything like this to happen, when it should have been so obvious that without his magic, he wasn't an immortal. It could have been so easy, but she never gave it a thought. She knew however that the power within him was not to be fooled around with. He could change the cycle of the sun and the moon without issues. All it took him was a snap of his talons, and the deed was done.

The problem the two would face to save him was her own sister, Celestia. Celestia had accepted Discord in her family, but she was still cautious around the spirit. It would probably take some time for them to talk Celestia into removing the necklace. Luna laid down on her side, and Discord laid down beside her. He wrapped her arms around her, and she did the same. She had lost him once already, and she would do anything in her prowess to keep him with him. They had to succeed, or Era would lose her father.

It wouldn't be easy, but it had to be done. Luna knew this, so did Discord. A silent agreement raced through the room that they wouldn't talk about it anymore tonight, and continue it the coming day. Discord perked his ears as the sound of magic being focused came from the other side of the door. He looked over to the door to see the doorknob lit in a cornflower aura, while the door opened slowly.

On the other side of the door was Era, but her eyes were red and puffy. Her lower lip was stuck out in a pout with it quivering from time to time. She sniffled and walked inside with her head held low. ''I... I had a bad dream...'' She whispered while standing next to the bed. Discord reached out with his forelegs, and Era sat down on her haunched and reached toward the spirit. He lifted her up onto the bed and positioned her between him and Luna.

''It's okay... We're here...'' Discord cooed softly, and the filly sighed contently and nuzzled into her father's chest. She fell asleep within a minute. Luna sighed as she realized that she had to wake up in a few hours to move the moon for her sister's sun to take its place on the sky.

Discord nuzzled the filly in return, and her left hindleg kicked thin air as he did it. ''We'll always be here...''

The next day, Era was trotting happily down the hallways in the castle. In her magic grasp were two cups she was bringing to her parents. Her father had asked her to do it, and she had done so almost immediately. A couple of eyebrows rose when the young princess trotted through the halls, but she was oblivious to them all. She was humming a jaunty song her father had taught her. She liked that song, it was funny.

She frowned and her eyes became glassy as her mind returned to the nightmare she had been having last night. The horror which spooked her dreams were a monster which looked like the statue her father had shown her, but it wasn't a statue, it was alive with golden eyes which made her wake up panting for air. It was a scary monster, and she didn't want to see it anymore... But with the mindset of a young filly, those thoughts dissappeared almost instantly and morphed into curiosity of the beverage in the cups.

She stopped and looked around to see if any servants were around, and she couldn't see a single one. She giggled and levitated one of the cups to her level so she could see the contents. It was a dark brown beverage with a really bitter smell. She frowned and stuck out her tongue from it. It wasn't nice, so why would her parents want some? It must be the taste...

She lowered the cup even further and sniffed it twice. It didn't smell very good, and it was obviously steaming hot. She blew it once, to cool it off just a little bit, then continued to look around again, there was still nopony there. She snickered and put the cup to her lips and drank some of it.

The first thing she noticed was the extremely bitter taste, which made the princess stick out her tongue in disgust. ''Eeew!'' She shook her head with her tongue out. But the strange thing was that she wanted more... She drank some more, only to end up with the same disgusted expression.

But this time, the filly's wings shot opened and started humming like the wings on a hummingbird. Her left eye twitched once, twice. A grin spread across her face as her mane sprung up in a silly mane-cut.

Caffeine does silly things.