• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 4,631 Views, 347 Comments

Tails of Innocence - CommanderX5

Half a century before Nightmare Moon’s return, a three-tailed fox is teleported to another continent, away from those who wish her harm. Will she find acceptance and help Celestia save her sister? Or will her instincts get better of her?

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Chapter 18 - Loose Ends

Tails of Innocence


Chapter 18


Loose Ends

4 Years before Nightmare Moon’s Return

Celestia sat in front of a dining table and waited patiently. Soon the food was going to be served. She would eat, clean her muzzle with a linen serviette, return to her duties, sleep, wake up, and eat again. It was a routine she had experienced for centuries.

To fight this routine, she often changed the menu, dined in various companies, or even cooked herself.

Today her company was unique.

Her attention was on her student who sat nearby on her left, her tails clumped under the table. And she could feel one of those tails pleasantly warm her rear legs. They both exchanged friendly smiles.

On her right side sat Lily, who stared up at her wide-eyed with excitement for some reason. She looked at the filly for a moment in confusion before raising her head, glancing back at Kyuubi.

“Little Lily seems more excited than usual. Is this related to the matter you wish to speak with me about?” Celestia asked, receiving a firm nod.

Correct, and it is related to her future.

Celestia smiled welcomingly. “I am listening.”

Kyuubi glanced at two Royal Guard unicorns at the entrance into the dining hall, her face now showing a mix of worry and distress. Considering the imminent return of Nightmare Moon and the future of my sweet little Lily, as well as the terrible shape of the Royal Guard, I would like to discuss the creation of special forces.

"Special forces?" Celestia asked, blinking.

It will be a squad of gifted professionals who will train diligently in both combat and teamwork.

"I tried to help the Royal Guard, but it was a lost cause," Lily remarked. "Special forces will be so much cooler!"

Celestia nodded. While she didn't see the need to create such a force, nor train the Royal Guard due to the long-lasting peace, there was a logic behind it she couldn't deny.

Kyuubi slid one tail under the filly. Once Lily was perched on its tip, she raised it close to the princess's face, mere centimeters away from her muzzle.

I believe Lily is more than capable of being a top member in such a force. Furthermore, it will help her develop both leadership and teamwork. She added, As it is now, Lily is far from being a professional.

Lily crossed her forehooves and huffed.

I'm sorry, sweetie, I didn't want to offend you. Kyuubi nuzzled the filly. What I was trying to say is that with a bit of discipline, you'll become a true professional in no time.

“I suppose you, mommy, and daddy are too soft on me. I understand."

Celestia warmly observed as the filly hugged Kyuubi’s muzzle in return. At first, she saw their relationship as that of mentor and student, but as years passed by, it became something more. Personally cooking food and preparing lunch boxes, licking the filly clean, letting her sleep in her fur or on her tails, piggyback rides, encouragement. And extremely efficient private magical healthcare.

Is it possible that Kyuubi gave into her motherly instincts, acting as if Lily was her cub? Celestia shook her head at the silly idea. What am I thinking? They're just great friends. And Kyuubi became very responsible. Either way, it was a splendid sight, filling her with pride.

She closed her eyes and focused on the task at hoof, which was considering Kyuubi's request. It wasn't her first time, though, as only a year ago, she approved the construction of a church where her dear Kyuubi could spread her faith to her heart's desire. And she knew it wasn't going to be the last.

Still, most of Kyuubi's ideas had gained public support very quickly, and she was happy that her student had started showing initiative. Because of that, she took her advice very seriously.

She doubted that such special forces could be of any use against Nightmare Moon, nor have many opportunities to shine in these peaceful times.

On the other hoof, it would offer Lily a meaningful role in Equestria's society. Kyuubi wished to give her little charge a job she would enjoy and could excel at, and Celestia could relate.

She raised her forehoof and spoke authoritatively, "Please share your idea in detail. I wish to know everything about this organization you wish to create. Afterward, I will decide whether to approve or deny it."

Kyuubi nodded. Lily did the same, hanging on the tip of kitsune's muzzle.

"First, I wish to know the name of this organization. What will this special force be called?"

Both Kyuubi and Lily smirked.

“W-w-what?” Shining Armor gasped, blinking in confusion upon reading Royal Decree. “Special forces? Knight Templars?” He lowered the scroll onto the table, now staring at the messenger pegasus.

“Aside from this scroll, I was asked to deliver a voiced message.” The pegasus cleared his throat before speaking up, his head raised in pride. “Priestess Kyuubi and Templar Lily send their regards.”

“Templar Lily?” Shining blinked in confusion as the messenger saluted and walked outside, quietly closing the door.

Shining Armor sat on his cushion, taking a few moments of staring at the ceiling to gather his thoughts. He narrowed his eyes and said, “Kyuubi’s idea… I should have known.” He lowered his head and sighed. “Special forces… Knight Templar Lily. It does have a nice ring to it.” He rubbed his chin as he glanced at the rolled scroll on the table. “I knew Kyuubi isn’t too fond of the current state of the Royal Guard, but to think she would ask the princess to create a separate squad.”

He shook his head. Twilight speaks of Lily’s fighting prowess so much. I was looking forward to working with her, but it seems that Royal Guard Lily just wasn’t meant to be. Such a pity.

With Lily's future secured, Kyuubi redirected her sight at Shining's younger sister, Twilight Sparkle. Even if the gifted unicorn wasn't her student, she was more than happy to aid the princess in shaping this young knowledge-hungry mind.

"Where are we going, Lady Kyuubi?" Twilight asked, trying to show the great kitsune respect.

Kyuubi turned her gaze away from two lines of trees between the beaten path, glancing over her shoulder at the little unicorn. She took slow but long steps as the little pony took five steps for each of hers. I wish to introduce you to my special friends. And you can just call me Kyuubi. We’re both Princess Celestia’s students.

"Your special friends live in this forest? Why won't they move to Canterlot? The princess wouldn't mind."

Kyuubi chuckled. Oh, trust me. They have had enough of Canterlot for a lifetime. Not to mention their appearance would stand out way too much.

"Wait... you don't mean...?" Twilight leaped, performing a cheerful backflip. "Am I finally going to meet the Elemental Spirits that Lily told me about?" She grinned. "Lily is in for a big surprise. I wonder how she'll like it when I use Elemental Magic against her."

Still competitive as ever. Kyuubi’s smile was uneasy as she remembered where that led her and Sunset. You two should bury the hatchet and form a team instead. Together, you would be an unstoppable force.

"Ugh, you sound like the Princess sometimes." Kyuubi bashfully looked away at that as Twilight waved her forehoof dismissively. "Watch out, tree!"

Tree what now? Kyuubi turned her head ahead, only to feel her cheek impact with the harsh surface of the wood. The tree has titled in the opposite direction as a few roots shot from under the ground. Meanwhile, the kitsune sat with a loud thud, massaging newly acquired injuries. Her third tail shone with bright light as the fur on her face returned to its former glory.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked, receiving a nod of confirmation. They soon resumed their walk as Twilight teleported herself onto Kyuubi’s back, eagerly wrapping her hooves around her long fluffy neck, or at least partly. "May I ask you a few questions?"

Don't ask if you can ask. Just ask, Kyuubi said, giggling at her little play of words.

"I read that the Everfree Forest is very dangerous, filled with many monsters. That weather and nature itself work on its own, and even that our magic is disturbed in some way."

All of those statements are very accurate.

Twilight nodded. "If that's true, then who built this road in the first place?" She leaned towards Kyuubi's shoulder and pointed at the ground. "Flat rocks mixed with the dirt, a long straight patch with no tree or grass in the way. It seems a bit too perfect if you ask me."

Oh, it was just a little side-project I did with Lily's help. Kyuubi stopped and gestured at the green scenery. Since we live in Canterlot now, I thought it would be a good idea to create a little road connecting the capital with the ruined castle and Zecora’s home. We even made one leading from Ponyville.

"And nature or wild animals didn't ruin it?"

Kyuubi shook her head, accidentally pushing Twilight, who yelped in response. She caught the little pony with her levitation, returning her to the spot behind her neck with a quick mental apology. Some of my spirit friends maintain those roads in their spare time, while animals know it is my territory.

"Wow. You're like the ruler of this place now." Twilight joked, "You're the mightiest and fluffiest of beasts."

Kyuubi raised her head with pride, a small smile on her face. She liked the sound of at least half of that title, and she even used a few extra-large combs as part of her daily routine to be worthy of it. Fluffiest, certainly, but not the mightiest. Many massive and powerful creatures live here, and they make me look like a regular little fox.

"Really?" Twilight teleported again, now walking backward while looking up at the comparatively massive kitsune. "But you're so big! If there are creatures that are far bigger than you, why are you so calm? Aren't you afraid?"

Kyuubi lowered herself down, her belly now touching the ground. She looked at the unicorn with a reassuring smile. They may be big and powerful, but they are rare. Thanks to Zecora, I learned how to avoid them. As long as I don't bother them, they don't bother me. She tapped her chin in thought. Though there was that one dragon that gave me a ton of trouble, burning me far more than Philomena did in the past. The smell of burned fur wasn't easy to get rid of.

Twilight gasped as she quickly looked left and right, nervously searching as if expecting a said dragon to ambush them at any moment. She stood on her rear hooves and placed forehooves on Kyuubi's enormous left paw, staring at her with wide eyes. "You mean a large fire-breathing, sharp-clawed dragon!? How did you survive? What did you do?" She breathed in and out at a rapid rate.

I used my diplomatic skills and bribed him with gemstones, which I got from the Diamond Dogs in exchange for assistance from Earth and Wind spirits. I didn't want to abuse my friend's favor, so in return... Her ears drooped as she smiled awkwardly. Let's just say that it was a few days long chain of quests, way too long to explain.

Twilight nodded before climbing her forepaw and the rest of the large kitsune, this time perching herself atop Kyuubi's head.

They soon passed by a ruined castle, resulting in Twilight giving a lecture about its historical value with Kyuubi listening patiently. Several minutes passed before they reached a large tree with windows and a door.

Kyuubi and Twilight blinked in confusion. In front of the tree-house was a make-shift rounded table made from rocks, equipped with teacups and glasses filled with weird substances.

"Is that Zecora?" Twilight asked as she slid back down from the kitsune's head, eventually coming to stand in front of her large paws. There was a zebra indeed, chatting cheerfully with a cup of tea in her hoof. She seemed to have a tea-party of a sort with the Elemental Spirits. "I don't think they are drinking tea."

Kyuubi held her forepaw against her muzzle as her face turned green. Do you remember how I told you that Zecora is a master alchemist? Seeing a nod as Twilight's face didn't look any better, she added, I believe my spirit friends got to liking it. She gently patted the unicorn on the back, encouraging her while pushing her forward. So yes, she’s serving them specially brewed chemicals rather than tea.

“So she’s serving them chemicals rather than tea?” Twilight gulped and walked forward as the spirits spotted her and waved their odd limbs. "I must say, no book I ever read mentions a tea-party like that."

Kyuubi smirked and joked, Oh sweetie. You have seen nothing yet. Just wait until you see my tea-parties with the sea-serpent. He's a very talkative and classy fellow.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Yeah, sure..." There was no way she was going to believe in something as silly as that. She’d sooner drink whatever horror it was that Zecora was serving the spirits.

Suddenly, Zecora called out “Kyuubi and friend, come join me. For you I have made my special tea.”

Twilight looked back up to Kyuubi who simply lowered her massive head down and softly nudged her along with an encouraging smile.