• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 4,618 Views, 347 Comments

Tails of Innocence - CommanderX5

Half a century before Nightmare Moon’s return, a three-tailed fox is teleported to another continent, away from those who wish her harm. Will she find acceptance and help Celestia save her sister? Or will her instincts get better of her?

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Chapter 15 - Bittersweet Reunion

Tails of Innocence


Chapter 15
Bitter Reunion

8 Years before Nightmare Moon’s Return

“Will her tails recover?” Celestia asked in worry, her heart rate faster than usual as she experienced a hurricane of emotions.

She was determined to finally get Kyuubi back, by force if necessary. Not only was she missing Kyuubi after all those years, but she needed her help to save Luna. She now had a plan B, but it was too much of a gamble. Unfortunately, messages weren’t working and Kyuubi hid from her, refusing to talk eye-to-eye.

She experienced relief and surprise when she learned that her student was apprehended… in the Royal Archives in Canterlot of all places, captured by Lieutenant Armor himself. While still young, the stallion had raw power and talent like no other, as if he was half a hundred unicorn guards in a one pony army.

Then came shock, fear and guilt when she learned of Kyuubi’s injuries. While her foxy student had healed herself on many occasions, this time the tail responsible for guiding this unique magic had a literal hole in it, preventing the poor creature from a quick recovery. In the end, those tails had proven to be both her strength and her weakness.

“We’re doing our best, but her biology is so very different from ponies. Any kind of surgery would be too risky.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes, causing the doctor to take a step back. “Didn’t you study her biology back when she was still under my tutelage? How can it still be so alien that you don’t know how to attend her?”

“Y-yes, we did but that was two decades ago, and she has grown considerably since then. It is hard to tell how much her tails have developed ever since,” the stallion responded, a note of panic in his voice. “Not to mention that she never required medical assistance due to her unique specialty. It is the first time we have had to attend to healing her tails.”

The alicorn lowered her head and sighed, standing between the doctor and a glass window, silently conceding that the doctor had a point. She looked to the side, peeking through the window to look at her large student, who now took a place on four hospital beds at once, a bandage on her rear leg red from the heavy bleeding. Kyuubi’s face was showing sadness and pain, and eyes closed as if never to open again. The doctors and nurses were gathered around the kitsune, yet none seemed to have any idea what to do.

“The best we can do is to close the bleeding, reduce her pain and hope for her tails to recover naturally.”

Celestia felt a hoof on her shoulder.

“If her tail’s condition doesn’t improve, we can take more bold and risky measures, but I believe they won’t be necessary. Please, give it time, Your Highness.”

“Of course,” she responded, raising her head as the doctor walked away.

“So this is the student you have been talking about. She’s way bigger than you described.”

She looked over her head before turning around, her attention now on her other student. Twilight Sparkle now stood on her rear hooves, peeking through the glass.

“Did… did Shining truly do this to her?” Twilight looked to the side and up, looking back at her with pitiful and betrayed eyes. “B-but this can’t be. He’s not like that.”

Celestia kept looking into those innocent eyes, choosing her words carefully. Hurting her student’s feelings was the last thing she wanted to do. “Your brother is young and unaware of his raw power, something ponies like us need to keep in mind at all times. I am certain he did not intend to use lethal force and did not realize it was potentially lethal until it was too late,” the princess said, defending her lieutenant's actions.

Oddly enough, she partially believed in this excuse, relieving some of the frustration she felt towards Shining. “Maybe Kyuubi put up a lot of resistance and he overestimated her durability.” Another excuse, as convincing as the last. How was Shining Armor to know that shooting a kitsune’s tails would result in such lasting damage?

“Will you punish him?” Twilight asked in worry, now sitting before the princess’ forelegs as if a sad puppy. It was more than obvious which response her little student was hoping for.

Celestia closed her eyes in contemplation. She needed to punish her lieutenant to teach him how to be more aware of his powers, but she couldn’t allow her attachment to Kyuubi to blind her judgment. Furthermore, she also needed to reward her officer for fulfilling his duty.

“He told me he feels really sad and ashamed. I never saw him this depressed before.” She raised her little forelegs, holding them together in a pleading gesture. “He… he’s truly sorry. Please don’t be mad.”

Celestia sighed, embracing the little pony with her large wing. If Shining really, truly understood his mistake and felt guilty about it, then there was just one fitting reward and one fitting punishment.

“And today, I wish to grant this great honor to Lieutenant Shining Armor for his service for the crown. It is thanks to his efforts that I have finally been able to reunite with my student after all these years,” Celestia spoke, her wings spread authoritatively as she walked between two lines of unicorn guards, their shining golden armor showing their ceremonial value.

Among the guards and officers, standing on a podium where Celestia often raised the sun during Summer Sun Celebration, was Shining Armor, standing at attention while trying to hide his uneasiness behind a stoic expression.

The ceremony had a bitter taste as the princess gave him a stern glare on every possible occasion. While she officially rewarded his deeds and promoted him for a job well-done, something she had most likely had in store for him due to his powerful shielding abilities, she was also subtly scolding him for his abuse of violence. It didn’t come as a surprise that seeing her former student covered in blood stains and experiencing pain didn’t sit well with the alicorn.

As a young unicorn with an extreme amount of raw power who had advanced in the ranks thanks to his magic, he had quickly grown overconfident and even a bit arrogant, his efforts concentrated on proving himself and aiming for promotion to be the youngest captain in Equestria. But after seeing Kyuubi’s crying face while being responsible for her massive loss of blood which back then had covered the floor and the fox’s white fur, he didn’t feel in the least proud of what he had done.

Furthermore, he could tell that Her Highness was going to give him a cold shoulder for a long time to come.

If not for the princess, his guilt alone would have been enough to ruin the event he had looked forward to so much. The additions to his uniform levitated by the alicorn now felt more like a stain rather than a reward. One thing was certain, once Celestia convinced Kyuubi to stay in Canterlot, he was going to have to apologize.

With the ceremony out of the way and Kyuubi in stable condition… after one week of dragged-on recovery... The time had finally come for an eye to eye discussion. A day she was looking forward to and also feared had finally come.

I wish her capture had been much more gentle. I wouldn’t be surprised if she justly blamed my decisions for her lasting injury. I need to be as diplomatic and understanding as possible. She forced a smile, struggling to maintain it.

Celestia looked over her shoulder, glancing at the throne in the distance. While her bedchamber was way too small to greet her sizable student, it would be most insensitive to talk down to her as ruler to subject.

Instead, she sat in front of a diplomatic table set in the middle of the empty throne room with only her captain keeping her company. While she sat on two cushions and the stallion sat on one, she set up several cushions and pillows on the other side of the table, as well as an extra-large cup of tea and a welcoming cake. The top of the cake was decorated with cream in the shape of a smile. She doubted those gestures would be too effective as Kyuubi was no longer an innocent youth, but she had to come up with something.

She glanced to the side, seeing how her captain rubbed the floor nervously, feeling more nervous than she did. Her ears perked up and her heart skipped a beat the moment the tall double door opened. She watched Kyuubi’s every step as she walked on the red carpet with golden edges on both sides. Her attention focused on the enchanted shackles which also served as magical inhibitors, preventing any attempt to escape.

From what she heard, her student tried to escape from the hospital while still injured, hurting herself in the process. Keeping her from moving and using her magic was essential to ensure steady recovery, but it didn’t make it less painful to watch. She watched uncomfortably as the enchanted metal weighted on the fox’s paws and tails where all signs of injury were finally gone. She ignored the escorting guards, who seemed so much smaller in comparison.

“I must say I am amazed by how much you have grown. I feel like a little pony when compared to you,” she joked, yet it didn’t break or even scratch the ice as her student just stared back in defeat, her ears lowered and her eyes devoid of hope.

Feeling an aching in her heart, Celestia focused her magic, unlocking one shackle after another as the thudding noise of them landing on the floor filled the throne room. Nearby guards quickly became alerted to her actions, as if expecting Kyuubi to run away at any moment.

“I cannot stand seeing you like this. All I ask is for a chance to talk with you. Please do not try to escape and at least listen to what I have to say.”

I... I promise not to try to escape. Celestia smiled. How long has it been since she heard Kyuubi’s voice in her mind? How much had she missed it? But her hope vanished upon hearing the next words. There’s no longer any point anyway.

“Leave,” Celestia commanded, receiving salutes as the escort walked away, slowly leaving the throne room. After taking a deep breath, she spoke, “First off, I deeply apologize. I was desperate to have a word with you, to reunite, yet my action only brought you harm.”

“Miss Kyuubi, I’m truly sorry for using lethal force against you and for injuring your tails,” Shining joined in, his head lowered and his tone filled with regret.”I won’t ask for forgiveness, but I beg you, don’t blame her highness for my foolishness and recklessness.”

Much to everyone’s surprise, the captain walked around the table and bowed.

D-don’t bow… I… I didn’t give you a choice…

Celestia heard the sheepish response, noticing the defensively raised forepaw and tails. While she wasn’t surprised by such quick forgiveness, she could tell that the kitsune was wary and afraid.

“If there’s something I can do to repay you, just say a word.”

S-sure. B-but as l-long as you keep a bit of distance and stay away… away from my tails, I’ll be f-fine, Kyuubi said, nervously stroking her third tail.

Shining Armor stood up, walking to the side while keeping a few meters distance from both the table and the large fox.

Celestia could see a bit of tension leave the room as her large student sat on the stack of pillows. The time for negotiations had come.

“Kyuubi, please continue to be my student. I know much has happened two decades ago, but I believe it is finally time to end your self-inflicted exile and put the past behind us,” she said, only her pride as a ruler preventing her from bowing and holding her clad hooves together in a pleading gesture.

Seeing the kitsune simply stroking her middle tail nervously, only now noticing that she had five rather than four, Celestia added, “And if you are worried about Sunset’s reaction, do not worry. She left Canterlot years ago.”

Two large eyes instantly focused on her, wide open and in shock. Sunset left! Why? Was it because of me?

Celestia bit her bottom lip, realizing her mistake. It was too early to bring Sunset up. She shook her head and answered, “Sunset was angry for many reasons. She stated that she was wasting her talents under my tutelage. She decided to leave when I took Twilight as my protege.”

Before the kitsune could respond, Shining spoke up, “Twilight is my younger sister. I bet her magic and talent are above that Sun-Setting pony for sure.”

If you have a new student, why do you want someone like me around? she asked, though not giving the princess a moment to answer as Celestia had barely managed to open her mouth. I’m too dangerous to let me live inside the castle. Replacing me was the right course of action.

“For someone dangerous, you certainly get along well with that pony family that lives with you in the old castle,” Celestia interrupted, finding an opening to strike. She looked to the side, playfully waving with her hoof. “I also heard an interesting rumor of a ‘Sage Of The Everfree’ who kept ponies who got lost from harm. You do not happen to know that helpful and kind-hearted creature, do you?” She noticed a blush, which her large student tried to hide behind her paw.

B-but… what if I lose control again and bite somepony? My teeth seem to be extremely dangerous to beings filled with magic. Kyuubi opened her mouth, gently touching her fangs. One weak touch is all it takes. My teeth seem to be turning magic against the prey. Ponies instead of gaining durability are losing it in the spot that I bite while the strongest barriers are useless against me. I learned it while facing-

“You would be dead if you refused to attack!” Celestia shouted as silence filled the room. Her wings spread authoritatively. “My doctors shared what they learned with me. Magic keeps you alive, so running out is like being unable to breathe.” She stomped against the table, tearing away a fragment of wood with her golden shoe. “Sunset pushed you to your limits, and in the end, you healed her injury. Your action was justifiable.”

I… I would die? I mean… Kyuubi paused, looking at her raised forepaws with growing anxiety, her ears flat atop her head. I had my suspicions, but to hear that I would die from lack of magic is still shocking. I recover my reserves without a need to hunt. Yet when they get too low. She looked at her tails as if seeking answers in them.

“Just because you regain your mana doesn’t mean you can restore it fast enough,” Shining spoke up, walking forward. He stopped the moment Kyuubi stepped back from the pillows to maintain distance.

Celestia nodded. “Think about it. One of your tails supports your body’s life functions and allows you to live without food or even water. What if low reserves of mana shut those functions down? Your instincts act stronger when your magic is weak for a reason.”

A minute of silence lasted as both ponies gave their prisoner time for contemplation. Finally, the kitsune curled herself into a ball, withdrawing her forepaws close to her chest. Justified or not, what if I didn’t stop at eating just one foreleg? I could have ended up eating her whole. She trembled at the very thought, whimpering.

“Then use this knowledge to never make this mistake again! No one fears and distrusts you as much as you do yourself. You’re a kind soul. Just give yourself another chance,” Celestia encouraged, her tone as if that of a caring mother.

Kyuubi nodded hesitantly, relaxing her posture.

“Let’s bury the past and look towards the future together. I need you.”

Princess… If it is about saving Luna, I can assure you, I didn’t give up on that promise! She shook her large paw in disagreement while the stallion just stared back in confusion. I’m preparing for her return and waiting for her where she was banished in the first place. You don’t need me close to ensure that I will try to help her.

Celestia felt warmth in her heart, quickly followed by guilt. All this time, even on the run, her sweet protege still thought of helping her sister. “I don’t want you back just to use you. I… I missed your company above all else.”

You want me back this much?

“How can you even ask? You should know how much I grew to care for you!” The princess stood up, placing both forehooves on the damaged table. She looked at the kitsune, struggling to maintain calm as she eagerly awaited her response. Her patience pushed to its limits after two decades. “Please.”

You ponies… you’re too understanding and too forgiving for your own good. Kyuubi lowered her head and chuckled. To be honest, I missed you too, my little princess. Many lonely days I wished things would go back to how they were, even if I knew they never will. She sighed before giving her no longer bigger mentor a warm smile. Fine, I’ll stay, but only on a few conditions.

“Name them,” Celestia responded eagerly, her wings spread. She didn’t care if she needed to buy Kyuubi’s trust, especially after the days of pain her decision had brought to this kind soul.

First and most importantly, I want access to the Royal Archives. I need to study spells there for a reason.

“You mean time magic? And before you ask, the guards informed me what you tried to steal.” She saw a blush on the fox’s face, who rubbed the back of her neck nervously. “I know you wish to save my sister, but this magic has little range and is flawed. I would have changed the past long ago otherwise.”

Even so, I need to study them.

Celestia sighed, ignoring the puzzled stare of her captain, who she’d need to fill in on the details about Luna on another occasion. The knowledge of Princess Luna’s survival was restricted on a “need to know” basis, but soon enough the captain would need to know. “If you must learn how useless those spells are in practice, I won’t stop you. Just… don’t feel disappointed in the end.”

Kyuubi smiled, which in turn calmed the princess. Will I be allowed to visit the Everfree Forest? There’s this feeling of freedom when I run through paths, trees and bushes. It’s something that I’ll be missing inside the castle.

The princess nodded. Her student had been living there for years after all. There was nothing to fear.

And finally, can Lily and her family move into the castle with me? I mean, they live in the old castle, but…

“Lily, you mean that family you lived with? I can arrange a place for them all. There are many unused guestrooms.”

The kitsune stepped forward, sitting on the pillows with a satisfied grin as if banishing her old self while inviting a new beginning. Then, I suppose everything turned out well in the end. The best I can do is do my best to prove worthy of your trust and just go with the flow.

“That’s wonderful!” Celestia flapped her wings, flying up to reach kitsune’s muzzle, booping it playfully. "Welcome home. Truly, I've missed you, my dear student."

She nuzzled her cheek a moment later. In the past, her little Kyuubi would sink into her fur whenever nuzzling her, and today she ended up lost in her student’s fur. How the table had turned. The two simply sat there, or in Celestia's case hovered, basking in the closeness of the other's company after so long. The Princess rubbing Kyuubi's neck while the large kitsune simply embraced her teacher gratefully, her earlier tension slowly ebbing away.

“I cannot wait to introduce you to Twilight. I’m sure you two will become friends immediately.”

T-time’s up… we’re jumping the shark here, Kyuubi responded in haste, pressing her paw against the royal regalia on alicorn’s chest to keep her at a distance. I’m barely overcoming my anxiety of hurting ponies after what I did to your previous student, and you already want me near another?

“Of course I do! Twilight may be vastly different from Sunset, but I can tell you two will get along in no time.”

B-but… I can’t. Kyuubi looked at Shining Armor, her face filled in panic. This… Twilight, she’s your younger sister, correct?

Shining nodded.

Then you have to protest. You can’t allow someone like me near your sister. I’m a predator after all. I’m so big, and my teeth are deadly, and… and…

The officer raised an eyebrow. “You know what’s funny? Your attempt to discourage me has the opposite effect. The more I get to know you, the more I feel that I can trust you.”


“How can I not trust someone who fears to hurt another so much? The more you tell us how dangerous you are, the more trustworthy you seem,” Shining Armor said, approaching with slow steps.

“See, even though you are a predator with an appetite for magical creatures and teeth that are dangerous against them, large and with strong magic, it doesn’t matter,” Celestia said in an encouraging tone. “What matters are your choices, your actions and who you are deep inside.”

Fine, fine, I get the picture. I’ll tag along with that overwhelming trust of yours, Princess… and pray you will never regret it. She glanced at Shining Armor, pointing her paw at him. Out of curiosity, is this true that you promoted him to the rank of Captain? How old is he?

“Yes, I did. Why do you ask?” Celestia asked as she glanced at her loyal subject, who just sat in silence as if a third wheel.

“I’m twenty, and next month is my birthday.”

Well… I can’t help but find your actions against me to be a bit immature, she mocked, causing the officer to grimace. First, you lowered your guard, was very talkative and overconfident, and when things didn’t go your way, you abused lethal force. I mean, don’t get me wrong, your magic and spellcasting were amazing, but for an officer, you seemed to be more like an overconfident knight rather than a leader.

“Gee, thanks,” Shining said, his tone filled with annoyance.

You’re welcome, Kyuubi replied with a fake smile. She glanced at the alicorn, who hovered in mid-air next to her head, and asked, Are you sure you want him to be in charge of your defenses, Princess? Maybe he should remain in a lower rank under the guidance of a seasoned officer so he can learn leadership and gain experience. You know… get better prepared for such an important position and responsibility.

Celestia chuckled, seeing Kyuubi’s smirk and Shining’s grimace. A little playful way to have revenge against the one who injured her, certainly a good sight. “I admit that promoting him to such a high rank for magic powers alone seems a bit irresponsible, but there’s not much he can learn from other officers. A Royal Guard is meant to keep order in the city, not fight.”

She saw the kitsune raise an eyebrow, a look of disappointment clear on that big fluffy face.

Your capital may be peaceful, but being in the Everfree Forest taught me of all the dangers that lurk out there. With how easily I snuck past your siege forces and into the city, I can tell that your defenses are very underwhelming. She lowered her head, tapping her chin. Now that I think about it, whenever I practiced defensive magic in the barracks, I barely saw any guard training at all. Do the Royal Guards even train there, or only recruits?

Celestia blushed, now looking at her big student in the eyes, not used to such statements coming from her. All she expected from her guards was to be patient and look intimidating. “Well… it’s not that bad.”

The discussion was interrupted by the door opening as a pegasus guard flew inside in haste, his chest armor and helmet having a few dents. “Your Highness. We have an intruder in the castle.”

“Intruder!” Shining shouted, running over while receiving a salute. “Report.”

Celestia landed next to Kyuubi, looking at her soldier in worry.

“We spotted an intruder climbing up the wall of the castle, but when we confronted her, she created a hole in the wall and ran inside, beating any guard that got in the way.”

“She?” Shining asked, narrowing his eyes. “Details soldier. Species of the intruder, its size, features. Speak!”

The pegasus gulped. “P-pony… An earth pony sir.” The pegasus raised his foreleg, holding it in the middle of his chest. “A f-filly to be precise, around this size.”

“Is this some sort of stupid joke, because I’m not laughing?” Shining stomped, growling at the trembling pony.

“N-no s-sir. This filly caught us off-guard with her strength, and she’s tough too. Even the telekinesis of five unicorn guards barely slowed her down. Four of the pegasi tried to tie her up with ropes and cuffs, but she overpowered them. She has knocked aside eight guards already and is fighting her way towards here.”


The group looked at the noise coming from outside of the throne room, spotting a group of guards and pink filly in distance. “Freedom for Kyuubi!” they heard the young, yet also an energetic voice of the charging filly. The horns of four unicorn guards were radiating with magic as their telekinesis was surrounding the limbs of the filly, while two pegasi wrapped ropes around the filly’s forelegs. Despite their combined efforts, Lily ran forward, barely slowed down as the guards were pulled along by her.

Two unicorn guards at the entrance into the throne room ran forward, aiming their spears at the filly, who in response jumped over one spear and slammed into the unicorn’s chest. The guard flew into the wall, leaving a hole in it while stars circled above his head.

Celestia looked to the side and up, seeing a big smirk on her student’s face.

Beaten by a filly, lack of muscles and poor reflexes, truly a magnificent defensive force, Kyuubi mocked as the princess face-hooved before covering her blushing face with her large wings. Princess, I rest my case.