• Published 12th Mar 2021
  • 1,437 Views, 976 Comments

The Immortal Dream - Czar_Yoshi

In the lands north of Equestria, three young ponies reach for the stars.

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It's About Time

"Oh, hey, Princess," Rainbow Dash greeted, landing on the Immortal Dream's deck with a fancy flip and saluting with a wing. "So anyway, I found a city..."

Everyone turned to look at her, to Corsica's slight chagrin. Her old special talent was still hanging there in Luna's strange, gray aura, and this sounded like whatever that was about was going to get pushed to the back burner.

"Either you're playing a joke on me, or have an unprecedented sense of ironic timing," Seigetsu calmly remarked, folding her arms. "But do tell. Where is this city?"

"Southwest of here," Rainbow said, rooting around in her saddlebag. "In a hole. Hang on, I got a map..."

She pulled out a hefty scroll, spreading it out for everyone capable of movement to see.

Most of Twilight's friends crowded around, and Seigetsu's eyes widened in amazement. "Where did you find this article!? Have our enemies scouted-?"

"I made it." Rainbow proudly thumped her chest with a hoof.

Seigetsu gave her a skeptical glare. "You 'made' this."

"World's fastest pegasus," Rainbow smugly announced. "And I've got good eyes. Anyway, I found some of your castle guards out on patrol out there, told 'em I knew you and was scouting out the terrain for fun, and they basically gave me all the paper and bags and stuff and asked real nicely if I'd write down what I saw? So I did. Pretty good, right?"

"It would have taken a dozen of our own fliers a full month to map this much land with any semblance of accuracy," Seigetsu accused. "Where is your survey equipment? How did you measure angles and distances? You had to have procured this from somewhere."

Rainbow gave her a cheeky grin. "See, you're saying I couldn't have done this, but you're not calling my map wrong..."

Seigetsu sighed. "No, it matches up within a reasonable degree of accuracy to the historical maps of this area's greater surroundings kept by my people. If you truly aren't bluffing, then I daresay whatever you currently do for a living when not acting as an Element, your talents are wasted on them."

Rainbow waggled her eyesbrows at Applejack.

"Dunno why you chose me to give that look to," Applejack retorted with a shake of her head. "She's definitely fast, though. I can vouch for that much."

Seigetsu put a hand to her chin in thought.

"Hey, if you wanna test me, there's always the city I found," Rainbow pointed out, tapping a point on the map. "Right here, see?"

Seigetsu looked closer. "This is well within the perimeter maintained by Snowport. Our scouts could not be entirely unaware of a city this close to home."

"Like I said, it's in a hole." Rainbow shrugged. "There's all sorts of cave entrances out there. I didn't check most of them too deep 'cuz I can't see in the dark, so there might have been more that I missed."

"Might I have that map?" Seigetsu asked, extending a hand. "I would submit it to the proper government channels. I am sure Halandyne will enjoy investigating this supposed city while I am away."

Twilight gave Starlight a look. Starlight bit her lip.

"About that," Rarity cut in. "Rainbow, darling, what kind of city was it? You didn't happen to see any traces of Starlight's missing mother there, did you?"

"Uhhhh." Rainbow backpedaled, looking suddenly pensive. "So, like..." She glanced around at everyone else, especially Seigetsu, Luna and Corsica. "I didn't stay there that long. Because it kinda..." Her gaze swiveled to Starlight like a creaky wheel. "Gave me the same vibe as your old town? Back when, you know..."

Corsica raised an eyebrow. Starlight's village that they had visited above the Palace of Laughter? She remembered that Starlight had some major history there that prevented her from wanting to go back, but the closer and more immediate her discarded life drew to the end, the less she cared to remember it. And now she found that she couldn't recall at all what the deal with that place had been.

Starlight just sighed.

"Well, that doesn't sound good," Twilight remarked, looking ever so slightly haunted.

"It, uh, definitely made me remember how I told you all I was going exploring and could find my way back on my own?" Rainbow added. "And how you'd have, like, absolutely no way to find me if I happened to not come back. Just saying."

"I am sure Halandyne and the military will find great enjoyment investigating this in my absence," Seigetsu repeated stiffly. "Would you care to elaborate more on this 'bad vibe'? I would like to make as thorough a report on this as possible."

Rainbow tapped a pensive hoof. "Just, like, the kinda place you're not supposed to ever want to leave, hint hint wink wink and all that, you know. And they didn't really seem to relish the idea of being found by anyone who didn't want to stay there."

Twilight and all her friends exchanged looks. Starlight looked deeply uncomfortable.

"Seigetsu," Twilight said, her mane still blowing in an invisible wind even though she had managed to suppress most of the other effects of carrying the Lovebringer. "Professionally speaking, is there any reason for us not to get involved? I have provisioners scheduled to come stock the ship for our trip to Ironridge tomorrow morning, which means we can't leave tonight even if we want to. And getting to this town would be a good excuse to test out the engines and make sure the ship is fully and properly fixed."

"Professionally speaking," Seigetsu answered, "you have never taken part in the treaties between your people and mine, Princess Twilight, and cannot be expected to be bound by what you do not know. Beyond that, I believe that within your own nation's power structure, you and your friends as the Elements of Harmony are considered something of an irregular unit outside the chain of command and free to act as you will. And personally speaking... Thank you for asking."

Rainbow Dash smirked at them. "I like how coy you're being about wanting to check this out. I mean, come on, is there anyone here who thinks this isn't exactly the kind of thing we usually stick our noses in? I only came back here to get you all because I didn't wanna leave you out of the fun."

Applejack kicked her lightly. "That ain't what you were saying a moment ago."

Rainbow shrugged. "So?"

"I'd like to put this to a vote," Twilight announced, cutting in. "I'm setting off for Ironridge along with any who are coming as early as tomorrow morning. Tonight might be some of the last time we have to make decisions if any are undecided whether they're staying or going. And either way, we don't know how long this mission will take, so this might be the best time we'll have for goodbyes, as well. For all I know, we could be gone for a month or more! So, any who would like to spend the rest of this evening investigating Rainbow Dash's mysterious town, please raise a hoof. Let's put this to a vote."

She raised her own hoof, bidding others to follow suit. Rainbow's went up instantly.

The rest of the group looked around, and Applejack raised her own hoof. "Can't very well let y'all go charging off into danger on your lonesomes, now."

"Or miss out on the fun!" Pinkie added her hoof to the mix. "You just said we won't see each other for a while after tonight, right? Why not have one more adventure for the road first? It'll be a bite-sized micro-adventure!"

"Be careful not to jinx it, darling," Rarity admonished, nevertheless raising her own hoof.

Fluttershy didn't say anything, but her hoof went up too.

Twilight looked to Starlight, who had yet to budge.

"Uh," Rainbow said, nudging Starlight's shoulder. "You know there's a chance we might find something about where your mom went there, right?"

"Like what?" Starlight retorted, her gaze drilling into Rainbow Dash. "A better map of the surroundings with a route she might have followed? Someone who saw her and can give us a better trail to follow? Either we find nothing and wasted our time, or we find a hint we won't have time to follow up on and have to leave it behind for later. For after the north."

Rarity bit her lip. "I suppose it would be too optimistic to hope that we could find Maple herself in this city?"

Starlight hung her head and shook it. "If that was the case, then I'd have to learn why she stopped and stayed there for so many years. I don't think there's any reason for that I could find palatable."

Seigetsu stepped forward. "For my part, my duty binds me to go where the Aegis's keeper does. However, I can promise you that if we do come across a hint you are unable to pursue at this venture, my people will be investigating this discovery thoroughly, and may be able to continue the search in your stead."

"I will dedicate what resources to this I can as well," Luna added, standing quietly in the shadows near Corsica.

"Princess!" Twilight blinked, apparently realizing she was still here. "What... I mean, do you have any thoughts on this? Did you know about any cities where Rainbow's map shows?"

"None that would be meaningful." Princess Luna shook her head. "I merely wished to have a conversation with Corsica about this cutie mark, once we would no longer be interrupting more pertinent matters."

"Speaking of me," Corsica said, laying gently on the deck. "You think I'm going to be much use exploring a secret town? That doctor will eviscerate you if I get out of bed."

Twilight nodded. "You can stay with the ship, then. I expect we'll still fly it out to the location just to get there more quickly, but that should be fine?"

"Sounds like we've got everyone's votes!" Rainbow banged one hoof against the other. "And it's all in! Well, all except Corsica. Plus an undecided from Starlight. And, that's probably not gonna change any time soon."

"Very well, then." Seigetsu dismissed herself, striding to the gangplank. "I must give your findings to Halandyne and the castle before we depart, so I shall do that now so as not to delay your departure any further. I will return shortly."

Twilight nodded, and Rainbow saw her off with a salute.

"Now then," Twilight said, stepping over to Corsica and looking to Starlight to crystallize her again. "I suppose we should get you down belowdecks and into a proper bed. I still need to talk with you about whether you'll be making the trip with us to Ironridge, especially given your present condition, but-"

"About that..." a new voice said.

It was Discord, peering up over the railing.

Applejack sighed. "What do you want?"

"Can I help you?" Twilight asked with wary politeness.

"It has come to my attention," Discord announced, slithering up onto the deck, "that one of my prize employees is indisposed and no longer capable of doing the duties I promoted her for, at least for the moment." He looked directly at Corsica.

Corsica looked back. "It's not my fault. But if you wanna magically heal me, I'm wide open."

Discord's eyes glowed. "Oh, it very much is your fault. But I'm magnanimous, and you did fall off a cliff in the line of duty, so here. Have some free healing."

He snapped his talon, and nothing happened.

"There," Discord proclaimed, strutting about, "I've mended a single ruptured cell in your body. You're healthier than you were a moment ago. Congratulations!" He stopped before Twilight and bent down. "Now, you, on the other hoof-claw-paw-talon-thing..."

"Caaan I help you?" Twilight repeated, recoiling just a bit.

Discord studied her, stroking his goatee. "I heard today was Throw Crazy Powers At Twilight She Never Asked For Day, and looking at you, it seems to be true. Is that a fragment of creation I see? What did they call it again, Elskabera? You've hit the jackpot, Twily. And a giant metal thingamajig to boot!"

"And...?" Twilight asked, visibly worried.

"Well, for one, all the other powers that be were handing out more powers that be and I felt just a little left out, so I wanted to give you something too," Discord proclaimed with a beatific smile. "But, being a wise and thoughtful friend, I imagined you must be very stressed out by all these weighty and unanticipated new responsibilities, so I prepared a wee little power that's completely and utterly useless and you won't have to worry one bit about how you use it as a result. What do you say, feel like adding one more to the old pile?"

Twilight blinked.

"This goes for anyone else here, by the way," Discord added, glancing over his shoulder at the rest of the group. "Sans Corsica because she's a noob. Anyone-"

"What did you just call me?" Corsica interrupted, incredulous.

"A noob," Discord repeated, matter-of-fact. "Getting on crutches for a humble two cliff dives? One of them was barely fifteen feet, for crying out loud. Ask Glimglam, by this point in her story she had toppled from at least six and walked it off every time! Regardless, anyone but you. Does anyone want a completely useless superpower to make them feel better for not being Twilight and not getting the weight of the world dumped on her shoulders with scarcely a minute of warning and not an ounce of explanation?"

Out of the corner of her eyes, Corsica noticed Luna's face darken.

Twilight squinted at him. "I guess I'm flattered, but if you're secretly trying to help me, could you be more direct about it? And if not, I think I've got enough on my plate as it is right now. Thanks."

Discord turned to everyone else. "Not her, then? You? Free useless superpower, going once? Going twice?"

Starlight took a step back. Applejack looked openly skeptical, and Rarity was clearly trying to figure out Discord's motives.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow at Pinkie Pie.

"Hmm... Deeeeeply tempting," she agreed, nodding. "But I probably already know what it is, and wouldn't want to spoil the fun for anyone else!"

Discord sighed at her. "Yes, of course you of all ponies would already-" His shoulders slumped. "Fine, you're disqualified too. Why do I even bother?" He turned back to the crowd. "Anyone else?"

"I'll take it," Fluttershy volunteered. "You sound like you put a lot of effort into this gift, and I'm sure it's nothing too bad."

Discord raised an eyebrow. "Fluttershy, eh? I suppose I should have seen this one coming..."

Rainbow Dash stepped in front of her. "No pranking Fluttershy, bozo. I dunno what you're up to, but that's the rule."

Discord's face drooped. "You're making this out to be some epic sacrifice, but I'm serious! I'm just here to lighten the mood with a completely harmless and completely useless un-serious gift!"

"Uh huh." Rainbow nodded, unconvinced. "Prove it. Right here. I know a prank when I smell one. Why don't you show your tricks to someone who can take it, first?"

Discord shrugged innocently, strolling closer. "Well, if you insist..."

And then, like lightning, he stretched out a talon and booped her on the nose, pressing it in with a satisfying boink!

"Heh heh heh hoo hoo hee hee hee!" Discord immediately fled, cackling with glee as he toppled over the railing. "Oh, gottem!"

"Discord!" Fluttershy shouted, raising her voice for the first time since Corsica met her. "That was rude!"

With more of a kerplunk than a splash, Discord hit the water, and in a puff of purple smoke and polygons, he was gone.

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath, rubbing a hoof along the bridge of her muzzle to ensure it was properly un-booped. "That," she declared with a sigh, "is what I call taking one for the team. You owe me one, Flutters."

Fluttershy shook her head. "I can't believe him..."

"Hey, Twi." Rainbow finished checking herself over, satisfied that Discord hadn't cursed her... at least as far as she could tell. "Magic scan? Or a regular eyeball scan? He didn't stamp me with lipstick or make my mane turn brown and fibrous or anything, did he?"

Twilight lit her horn, which made her mane blow a little harder than its new normal, and a field of magic swept across Rainbow from head to tail. "Not that I can see," Twilight determined, shaking her head. "I think you just got straight-up pranked."

"Yeah, sure did get me good," Rainbow replied, shaking a hind leg out before hopping into the air to hover. "Never saw that coming. Caught me completely off guard."

"He did lighten the mood, though," Pinkie pointed out. "And he also made good on his promise! Now you've got a completely useless superpower that does nothing whatsoever!"

Rainbow looked herself over one more time for good measure. "I really don't feel any different..."

"Of course not, silly!" Pinkie chided. "That's because it doesn't do anything!"

"Let's go get Corsica to a cabin so she can rest and talk with Princess Luna about that cutie mark," Twilight cut in. "Starlight, could you give me a hoof with that? And afterwards, if you don't mind, I'd like to talk."

Starlight shook her head, already heading for Corsica. "If it's about Maple, you don't have to worry. I'll talk myself into coming with you. I just need a minute, first."

Rainbow Dash followed Twilight onto the ship's bridge, and Twilight made no motions to shoo her away, which she took as an invitation to remain for whatever talk Starlight was about to receive.

It was worth being sure, of course. Sure, Rainbow Dash had been present for most of Starlight's recounting of her foalhood adventures. She had heard all about her travails in the Griffon Empire, knew her struggles with adapting to a more peaceful life and had listened to every word as Starlight recounted the reasons why that endeavor was impossible. And Starlight hadn't hesitated to share any of that with her. She had always felt more than welcome in Twilight's library, or the train cars, or everywhere else the story was told in. Part of it had even been recounted on her own parents' airship, where she had been the host and Twilight and Starlight the guests.

But Rainbow wasn't the reason Starlight had started telling the story. Nor was she the reason Starlight had gone from a vengeful time-traveler seeking to ruin their lives to someone the Princesses trusted to let listen when talking about the secrets to Equestria's future. That was all Twilight. And so she felt it fair to give Twilight the chance to boot her out in case she wanted to give Starlight a one-on-one.

Instead, Twilight glanced at her and asked, "what did you think of the way the Princesses gave us Aegis and the Lovebringer?"

"Buh?" Rainbow looked down from her musing. "Uh, it's not the first time they've tasked us with something critical to Equestria's future out of the blue. I guess there might've been a little less fanfare than usual, but we also showed up on their doorstep instead of getting summoned like all the other times?"

"That's what I keep telling myself," Twilight agreed, though her tone suggested otherwise. "But I can't shake the feeling that something bigger is different. And I think that difference is Starlight. If it weren't for her, I'd have no idea what the significance of Aegis and the Lovebringer were in advance. I'm still trying to make sense of how her story and the entire north fits into our, or, I guess, my worldview... So maybe I'm just overthinking this because we're going there soon. It just... I can't put my hoof on it. You know?"

Rainbow Dash stared at her friend. Her thoughts were still full of the epic and frankly eerie cave she had just discovered villagers inside, so much so that meeting with Celestia and Cadance earlier in the afternoon felt like old news. And Twilight, frankly, looked stressed. Small wonder, between trying to coax Starlight back up north and however much unicorn juice she had just tried to cram into her horn from the Lovebringer.

"Just saying," Rainbow volunteered, "but I bet you could clear your mind real well by going out for a fly. Weren't you stupidly fast last time you got powered up this much?"

Twilight turned faintly red. "Yes, and I had a much harder time getting it under control than my horn. Anyway, if you're not worried, then I'm probably worrying about nothing. Just... wanted to check and make sure."

Just then, the door slid open, and Starlight stepped in. "Is this where you wanted to meet?" she asked, noticing Twilight and nodding faintly.

"It's as good a place as any." Twilight nodded. "And Rainbow, it's fine if you're here for this. Listen, Starlight, before we go back to the north, or get too caught up looking for clues about Maple-"

"I've made my peace with it," Starlight interrupted, shaking her head. "I did that long ago, on the night when I got my cutie mark, Twilight. Trying to pretend otherwise... I was burying my head in the sand." She took a deep, steadying breath, and looked her in the eyes. "I'll be alright. You remember what the Flames of Harmony told me, right? That the source of all my problems wasn't actually my virtue, but the fact that I was on my own with it. I had the drive to change the world, but not the power to follow through on it."

She walked to the ship's console, running a hoof over its lovingly-polished wooden surface. "I know in my head that it'll work this time. But it's like trying to kindle a flame when you've been burned every time you've touched it before. Even if you suddenly get the right tools for the job, and you didn't have them before, you can't outrun those memories. But you can count on me to push through it. Staying standing is the one thing I know I can do. So, I'm serious: just keep leading, and don't worry about me."

Twilight smiled softly. "I'm glad you feel that way. But, before we leave, there's something else I wanted to show you."

Starlight hesitated, stepping closer. Rainbow hovered curiously over Twilight's shoulder.

Twilight took out a strange, translucent crystal that was slightly smaller than a hoof. It was mostly clear, but at its core was a strange, fluctuating vortex that looked like a cross between a fractal and a cutie mark. Rainbow was pretty sure she had never seen it before, but Starlight drew in a sharp breath.

"I figured you'd recognize it," Twilight said. "Princess Luna gave it to me. She said she got it from Felicity, after Felicity started working for her. And she said Valey still has the other side."

Rainbow tilted her head. "Wait, that's what the sound stones look like? The linked ones you could use like a walkie-talkie anywhere in the world?"

"One and the same," Twilight said.

Starlight looked up, visibly scared. "Have you used it?"

Twilight shook her head. "I haven't. Knowing how you felt about this, I wanted to ask you, first."

Starlight swallowed.

"It's okay to say no," Twilight offered. "But knowing how much time we have to get up north could affect our plans, based on whether we learn anything interesting in this city Rainbow found. And... even if it doesn't feel that way, I know you want to talk to your friends again."

Starlight took a step back.

Twilight nodded in slow understanding. "It's okay to say no-"

"Hold on. No, it isn't," Rainbow insisted, barging in. "Look. It's been what, eighteen years since you talked to her last? Why, because you were drawing a line in the sand so you could hold yourself back and not go chasing endlessly after impossible goals because of your cutie mark? Weren't you just saying you knew that was bogus and are ready to start again? And that you know that having impossible goals doesn't matter anymore because we can make them possible? According to Corsica, Valey and all the others have been keeping Ironridge's mess contained to Ironridge and are literally fighting a war right now to keep it out of your hair, which is as cool as it comes but also insanely stupid because you should just be hanging out! Call her. Right now. You can't get back those eighteen years, but you can still use the time between tonight and when we see her in person tomorrow."

Twilight looked completely taken aback, but Starlight winced in a way that told Rainbow she had struck home. "Come on." Rainbow swiped the stone from Twilight, proffering it to Starlight with a wing. "I'll even give you the script. It goes like this: hey, girl. I've been a real knucklehead for the last eighteen years, but guess what: I'm all grown up now, and I'm coming to kick some Yakyakistan tail like the good old days. See you tomorrow."

Starlight whispered something under her breath that Rainbow couldn't catch. "Whuzzat?"

"I said, you sound just like her," Starlight angrily sighed. "I can't escape my past even when I try to, can I? I just start seeing it everywhere, even where it isn't."

Rainbow waggled the sound stone in her face. "Got it in one, chief. So what are you waiting for?"

Starlight gritted her teeth... and, after a moment, wrapped the sound stone in her aura, lifting it out of Rainbow's wing.

After a momentary focus of energy, it began to glow.

"Hello?" said a raspy voice from the stone that, now that she heard it, Rainbow realized really did kind of sound like her own. Not exactly, but surprisingly close.

"Princess Luna? You looking for another situation report?" the sound stone asked. "Uh, there's not much to report since last time, actually. Their cold siege is just as solid as ever, but they haven't reinforced the lines with any tech to break through. Odds are fifty-fifty that they actually threw away all their big war machines on that first push, or they're happy to wait and let the civilians eat themselves alive with anxiety. Which, knowing windigoes and what it looks like on the ground here, is... Hey, you there?"

Starlight shuddered, looking at the sound stone with wide eyes.

"Princess? Testing, is this working? Can you hear me?"

Throat dry, Starlight croaked, "It's me."

For a moment, silence.

"Hey, kiddo."

Starlight stared at the hovering sound stone.

"Those dumb kids I sent dragged you back into this, huh? Bananas, I had a feeling they'd do that. Welp. Guess that means I failed again. Hope we managed to keep the north off your back long enough for it to matter."

Rainbow's eyes crossed, and she viciously swiped the sound stone back. "Alright, hold on, you," she demanded, brushing off Starlight and Twilight's expressions. "I had to go on a huge rant and basically threaten Starlight to even get her to touch this thing, and that's all she gets? You're sorry you didn't do a good enough job at making it so you could go even longer without talking? Are you nuts? Do you have any idea how she's been feeling about your inevitable reunion?"

"Rainbow-!" Twilight made a grab for the sound stone, but Rainbow juked away.

"Listen, it's cool how you've tried to give her less to worry about," Rainbow insisted, ducking and sheltering the stone until she could say her piece. "But we've spent weeks talking her out of ditching you, and you are going to help us with this, like it or not. Here, I'll make it easy for you: hey Starlight, sorry for the eighteen years of literal radio silence. Should'a come found you ages ago. Let's make up for it by kicking some Yakyakistani tail together like the good old days. There's your script. Got it? Now speak."

She thrust the sound stone back at Starlight, who was visibly overwhelmed.

"Take it," Rainbow insisted. "You've both got your lines. Or make your own lines, I don't care. Just say something!"

The voice on the other end of the sound stone burst out laughing.

"Nyaah ha... You sound kinda like I used to. Even got that old fire. Guess Starlight has similar taste in friends now as she used to. But if you think you're coming up here, I hope you've got a lot of that fire left. Because we're going to need more to get out of this alive than I know where to find. You guys are my reinforcements, right?"

Starlight gingerly took the sound stone again. "We are," she said. "And I don't know what fire I have to offer. I've still never escaped the weight of our year together, the last time I went to the north." She took a deep breath. "But my friends have what you're looking for. They'll be able to see us through. And that's why I can come back again."

"Woah," the sound stone said after a moment of silence. "Never heard you speak about others that way before. I guess you really have changed. Heh." A soft, well-concealed sniffle. "I always wanted to be the first one you said that to. So, then. See you soon?"

"If all goes well, tomorrow afternoon," Starlight promised, tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes. "See you soon, Valey."

"Roger. I'll gather the others and roll out the biggest welcome wagon a wartime economy dealing with a doomsday cult can afford. See you soon, kiddo."

The sound stone went dim.

Starlight stared at it, and slowly started to shake. "I just..."

Twilight stepped over and gently put a wing on her back. "Welcome home, Starlight. It'll all be alright now."

Starlight buried her face in Twilight's shoulder and started to cry.

"So," Rainbow said with a cheeky grin, "did I know exactly what to say right there, or did I know exactly what to say? Because that feels like the coolest thing I've gotten to do in at least a week."

Twilight glared at her. "You were incredibly rude and really should have left them to their reunion in peace."

Rainbow grinned harder. "Yeah, but I still knew exactly what to say, right?"

Twilight rolled her eyes.

Starlight took a shaky, shuddery breath. "Thanks, Rainbow," she managed. "Valey's probably right, though. She's no stranger to what the north can do. We'll need every bit of your drive and more. So I hope I can count on you as well."

"Um, duh," Rainbow pointed out. "I want to go to Ironridge more than anyone else here. You remember I heard foalhood stories about this place growing up, right? So what if there's a doomsday cult that's been completely off our radars so far? This trip is going to be awesome. And I will personally see to it that you get to hug each and every one of your old friends, where I can see it, for at least an hour each with no interruptions."

"Thanks," Starlight said. "I mean it."

And then she grabbed Rainbow Dash with her telekinesis and pulled her into Twilight's hug as well.

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