• Published 30th Mar 2020
  • 1,533 Views, 460 Comments

Marshmallow Dreams - Halira

Rebecca Riddle seems to be your typical human-turned-pegasus in a world of both humans and ponies, but she has a secret double life, and there is nothing typical about her other life.

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Chapter 92: Fetch Quest. Part 1

Rainbow Falls did indeed have rainbow waterfalls. How that worked, I didn't know. The best explanation I had was magic. It earned plenty of gasps from the crew as it came into view. As we got closer, we saw that there looked like what I could best describe as a flea market there. I think that was the most bewildering aspect of the place for me. They had this beautiful, magical place, and they used it for people hawking goods. There were a thousand other things they could use the site for, but they instead used it for a swap meet. That felt so wrong, like sacrilege.

Our three ships landed a short distance away, and we were each given our daily allowance. It was explained to us that many of the things for trade at the falls were literally for trade, and the ponies would want goods for goods instead of money. However, there were still plenty of stalls that would accept currency, and if we wanted to get involved in the actual trading, it was up to us to figure out how to go about doing that.

As we left the ship, Sunflower hurried up beside me. "Hey! Want to walk around together? I want a little break from my family, and I also wanted to talk to someone about that duel thing between the old man and Phobia's daughter."

"Guessing the other two ships didn't get something like that for entertainment," I mused as we walked.

Sunflower gave a grim nod. "What took me most by surprise was that Crystal was able to order it over Rosetta's objections. It was like she was sending us a message about the bodyguards. They can order your family around."

I glanced sideways at her. "Are you sure that was the message they wanted to send?"

She nodded. "That was a pretty public display that they can order family around."

I grimaced. "To be fair, that filly needs to be taken down like ten pegs. Who the heck screams that they are the alpha and the eldest? She even sounded full of herself when she conceded."

"I'm the daughter of Phobia Remedy and the granddaughter of Sunset Blessing!" Sunflower mimicked. "Yeah, she acts like that is supposed to make her better than everypony else. I'm surprised she didn't point out she is the niece of Wild Growth too. I don't want to be judgemental, but that filly is a brat. Still, it makes me worry."

"Worry, why?" I asked, perking one ear up.

Sunflower sighed. "That if I become a Dreamwarden and get married and have foals that they'll end up like that, or that whoever I get for a bodyguard will boss my spouse and kids around."

"Well, knowing it could be a problem could help you stop it from ever happening," I pointed out. "I get more uncomfortable thinking about family getting trained like Phobia's foals are."

"Do you think he really had weapons on him?" Sunflower asked.

I nodded. "I know he had at least one knife. I saw him pull it out and slice up an orange. He seemed very handy with it."

Sunflower shook her head. "How did he sneak that through customs?"

"I don't know," I answered.

"How did that filly know he had weapons on him if the customs agents couldn't find them. Did she use magic?" Sunflower pressed.

"I don't think it was magic," I replied. "It was something visual. I don't have a clue what she picked up on. That just highlights my worry. Who trains their kids to pick out hidden weapons with visual clues that federal agents can't manage? It's the stuff I always worried about—all that pressure on my foals and worrying all the time about protection. What kind of life is that?" I shook my head. "And here I am, dating like anything about all that has changed. Am I being an idiot? Should I get out of the relationship?"

Sunflower gave me a shocked look. "What happened to living in the moment? That's a lot of worry about things that might not even matter."

I sighed and kicked a stray rock out of the way of our path. "I know, and sorry for being a hypocrite. I just have always worried about that, and seeing that filly made it all hit home again. Forget I mentioned it."

Sunflower chewed on her lip as if trying to think of something else to say. "I can't say I don't see your concerns, and I agree with them, but I think they can be worked around. You know… if you become a Dreamwarden and have foals, the foals don't need to know you're a Dreamwarden till they are much older. I'm sure you could come up with an excuse for the bodyguard. Skytree is the bodyguard capital of the world, after all."

I blinked and gaped at her. "Are you saying lie to my own family?"

She shrugged. "Not lie, just leave details out. That's the way Dreamwardens are supposed to do it, right? They don't lie; they mislead with the truth. You wouldn't need to keep it secret forever. You could tell them when they grow up. By that time, you should be getting ready to retire anyway. Didn't Phobia say she wants us retiring in our mid-forties or mid-fifties? That's about the time any foals you might have are reaching adulthood if you wait a few more years to have any."

We were almost to the market, and I perked my ears. "Time to stick a pin in this conversation. Time to find some souvenirs."

The market was busy. I was still baffled by why everyone came to market here in the middle of nowhere. We had seen the countryside leading up to the falls and beyond from the airship. There wasn't any town anywhere close to this place. Everyone here had come in by train, balloon, or airship. There was no local economy. Maybe it had become a meeting place to trade between multiple villages long ago since it was an accessible landmark for them all to locate and somehow maintained being a top trading spot long after the necessity of it ceased to be a thing.

It didn't take long for me to spot something of interest. "Cupcakes! Cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes! Just what my rumbly tummy needs."

Sunflower frowned. "This doesn't have anything to do with the fact you just had a bunch of stressful thoughts, would it?"

"Can't hear you, too focused on getting sugary sweetness!" I said as I hurried over to the cupcake stand. "Two cupcakes, please!"

"You didn't need to get me one," Sunflower said as the vendor took my bits and passed me the cupcakes.

I blinked and held out one. "Oh… did you want one too?"

Sunflower stared at me for a second, then giggled. "I need to help you keep to your diet."

I had already finished one cupcake while she was talking—chocolate fudge with pink frosting and rainbow sprinkles. "I've been good all trip, don't worry about me."

She was about to reply when something in the next stall made her gasp. "A first edition copy of Daring Do and The Forbidden City of Clouds!!"

I finished off the other cupcake and looked at the book in question. "Um, okay. It's a book. I didn't think you were a book nerd."

Sunflower got right in my face. "Just a book?! It is a first edition of my favorite Daring Do story! It's action, adventure, far away places. It's not a book; it's an experience!"

"So, I guess you want it," I replied. I didn't get a verbal reply. Instead, I got to see her eagerly hurry over to the vendor.

"How much for that book?" Sunflower asked, pointing to the book.

The earth pony mare running the stand looked at it and back at Sunflower. "It's not for sale, but we could work out a trade."

Sunflower's ears fell. "I don't have anything on me to trade."

I came up next to her and considered the situation before looking at the vendor. "Is there anything you saw around here that you were wanting?"

The earth pony considered the question. "Well, it wouldn't be just one thing. I see someone had some original Discord lamps, and I would love to have one. They are highly collectible and hard to find these days. I also saw a stand that had some Daring Do full-body pillows that are outside my price range. If you can bring me those two things, I'll part with the book."

"A lamp and a pillow, that shouldn't be too hard," I replied and smiled at Sunflower. "Which do you want to go look for?"

"I guess I'll go get the pillow," Sunflower replied. "If I get the pillow and you fail to get the lamp, at least then I get a nice pillow."

I wondered if I should tell her what people often used full-body fan pillows for, but I decided that might scare her, and I kept my mouth shut. "Sure thing. I'll find the lamp and meet you back here. It will be a piece of cake to get that book."

The vendor laughed. "Good luck!"

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