• Published 26th Mar 2020
  • 323 Views, 14 Comments

The demons in side all of us - Applejackisbest

We all have a demon inside of us. But what happens when there's more demon then you

  • ...

and the pain they cause

Author's Note:

This is a prologue

Right now multiple things are happening. One of those things brings us to the start of our tale. In the land of Equestria, a baby is being born to a poor family. This baby’s name is Blazing Fury. I won’t tell you his parent’s name because no one knows. At this moment a man named Sombra is hatching his plan.

As his mother cradles him in her arms, she whispers soothing words to her sweet baby. That’s when multiple people walk into the room with guns. The shiny weapons that were pointed at the woman and her husband were known for what they mean. No one who has seen the glint shine from the barrel has ever lived to tell anyone.

As multiple people walk in, silence sweeps over the small house by the ocean. Then the sound of leather boots crunching under the gravel. There before the insignificant couple and their son is Sombra. His slick black hair shining in the light. His face is devoid of emotion as he stares down at the pitiful look.

“Kill them and take the boy,” He says, his voice as cold and ruthless as the sound of a new blade cutting through the air.

The lead soldier nods and before they can protest shoots, the couple with practiced precision. He grabs the boy and holds him with care. He looks at the child and smiles as he cradles him gently.

18 years later

“Wake up...Wake up…” Blaze groans as he hears the voice of his mentor and close friend as he feels his hard hands shaking him awake.

He rises from his bed and looks at the man’s smile. Today is Blaze’s 18th birthday. He had been training for this moment his entire life. He had fought through so many dungeons and rituals and the pits of Tartarus itself. His weapon of choice was a scythe, as he had mastered it early on. He had been bread into war.

As he leaves the comfort of his bed, he yawns and picks up his uniform. On his tenth birthday, they had issued him a uniform that was refitted and changed every year. The shirt was Egyptian cotton that had been chemically strengthened to stop bullets. The pants were also made with this chemically strengthened cotton, but they provided him more stamina with a magical aura no one could see.

They made his jacket of tough black leather that could break a sword if it attempted to cut it. His boots were also modified to strengthen his kicks while they made his gloves to enhance his punches strength. He was ready to get his ceremony over with because he had a mare to see today.

A blue mare with a moon as her cutie mark to be specific. Today was a big day for Blaze because he and his best friend Luna were going to the black moon ball. It was a big event and only happened once every thousand moons. Blaze stood up straight and made his way through the castle corridors.

He stops at a big crystal door and looks at his mentor. The man smiles and nods as Blaze sighs. He opens the door and steps outside the door to the balcony that overlooked all of canterlot. There were three people waiting for him. A familiar girl with light blue hair, a woman he knew all too well with pale pink hair and his father.

He walks up to the two women and nods at them. “Celestia. Luna” he says, bowing respectfully. Luna smiles and waves at him in a warm and friendly manner. Celestia however nods back in a cold demeanor. He smiles back at Luna and walks over to his father.

After a few seconds, the crowds quiet down, and a man walks up to the balcony. He bows to the royalty standing before him before clearing his voice.

“I give you Blazing Fury, Son of our ally King Sombra.” The man states as the crowd cheers. Sombra steps forward and clears his throat as the crowd goes silent.

“As you all know, my son has faced many trials on his way to becoming my successor. He has never once complained or gone against me. He is the embodiment of loyalty and devotion. Which is why I wanted to inform all of you together that my son will leave to defend our people in the Zebra lands”

Blaze hears a few gasps, but the gasp that Blaze hears the most is the one from behind him. He nods and walks forward.

“As my father has said, they informed no one about this. Not even me, but it is my honor to give myself to protecting my people” Blaze says with a chilling calmness. The crowd erupted into applause as he bowed to them.

After the ceremony, he goes to find Luna in her room. He walks up to the door but finds Celestia at the door, trying to convince her to open the door. He walks up to the door but as he’s about to open it an arm blocks him.

“She doesn’t want to see you,” Celestia says in a chilling tone. Blaze's eyes moisten a little, but it doesn’t register on his face as he nods. He pulls out a letter and hands it to the woman.

“Please give this to her,” He says walking away. Celestia nods as he walks away from her. As he gets farther and farther away from her, his emotions become too much for him. He gets to his room and collapses onto the floor as he breaks down crying. He pulls out a small photo that has him and Luna on it. He smiles as the tears fall onto the photo.
10 years later

As Blaze gets off of the train into canterlot he smiles. He had been gone for ten years and so much had changed. He walks through the streets and notices nothing different about the people there. The pegasi are flying through their days, and the unicorns and earth ponies are getting along through their days.

He smiles as he walks to the castle. He walks into the throne room and notices one thing first. Luna isn’t there. He sees Celestia and approaches her. She looks at him with sad eyes and tells him what has happened. There isn’t much response until smoke fills the room. They look to see the source is coming from Blaze.

It’s a disturbing scene for one reason. He has fallen to the ground with tears coming out of his eyes. Everyone is at a loss of words as the man lets out a wail emotion never seen from him. Then everything stops. He looks up and his eyes are gone, replaced with empty sockets. He runs out of the room.

Later that day there is a report of an explosion of fire that consumed a town named mountain city. In the center, Blaze’s body is found with a picture in his hands. The same picture of him and luna all those years ago.

Comments ( 14 )

Ouch. So many mistakes and bad grammar.

PLEASE get an editor.


I know it's because this was just for fun and kinda rushed

You can try using Grammarly for grammar problems
I use this my self and it's not bad

Browsing and found u. I’ll be watching

I really appreciate that man




I have edited it just a little. Nothing to fancy so don't get onto me about mistakes. Thank you for your feed back :twilightsmile:

What you think about the small edits

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