• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 18,851 Views, 477 Comments

Spikes Journey - That Drunk Pony

This is gonna be my first fic about Spike and his exile from Ponyville

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Chapter 16: Intermission VI (Just Missed Him)/ Ponyville I

Chapter 16: Intermission VI

Braeburn, Strongheart, and Apple Leaves along with the six went from the train station to Braeburn’s home. Braeburn told the six that Spike was no longer in Appleoosa and left already. They all grew increasingly frustrated with Braeburn since he was the one who sent the message. They immediately began questioning him.

Twilight was first to ask, “WHERE IS HE NOW!?” while Pinkie and Rainbow also got in his face.

Braeburn was not ready for Twilight’s fury and Applejack noticed how bad the situation was already getting. She got Fluttershy and Rarity along with Strongheart to move them away and talk to them in a different room. Now it was just Applejack with Braeburn and Apple Leaves.

Applejack then calmly questioned, “Where is Spike cousin?”

Braeburn didn’t want to answer, but he had to tell her, “Spike just left on the train when you arrived…”

Applejack then asked, “Why didn’t you stop him from leaving?”

Braeburn then explained, “Well some pegasus surrounded Spike and he bolted off. We got into a little tussle with them and Spike left on the last train out of here.”

Applejack felt like something was off. Like if she was being put on the hook by him. “Braeburn. Are you hiding something from me? I can tell if you’re lying you know.”

Braeburn backed up a little and began sweating, “I have no idea what you’re talking about!”

Applejack’s stare became a glare and Braeburn almost spilled everything when Apple Leaves interrupted. “Spike is in a better place away from you and your friends!”

Braeburn shushed her and told Apple Leaves, “I’ll handle this. Go help out Strongheart.” Apple Leaves then left the room grumbling to herself. He then told Applejack, “Spike told me what happened after I sent the letter to you. I didn’t expect you to arrive so quickly to be honest.”

Applejack now understands that Spike’s influence is already here and it looks like Spike didn’t hold back either. She would now have to explain everything and hopefully get them to understand that they were wrong and ready to do anything to get Spike’s forgiveness.

Applejack started by giving her side of things. “Since Spike was honest to ya. I might as well tell you my side of things.” Braeburn was intrigued and let her continue, “It happened late at night. There was a sudden explosion and it woke up our family. We saw a lot of smoke and couldn’t see too much, but we saw a large beast spewing green flames. It eventually threw a large burning cart at our barn. It left a pretty decent hole, but we needed to act quick to stop the flames from spreading. When the flames were quenched, we immediately ran into town. By then the destruction had already ended. I saw Rainbow yelling at Spike and both Pinkie and Fluttershy stopping her. Other ponies started coming around the area and started agreeing with Rainbow’s comments. Spike passed out almost immediately and so we took him away before anything else happened. We took him to Fluttershy’s house who had very minimal damage. She was a little scared to take care of him, so we had Pinkie stay with her for the night. After Rainbow and I went to help around town and check for any pony hurt or trapped. Strangely there were no ponies harmed in the destruction, but a lot of buildings were damaged, but not irreparable. The only real place that was heavily damaged was Twilight’s home.” She then thought to herself, ‘It was stranger that Rarity’s home was completely untouched even though Spike was found right next to it.’

Braeburn was shocked from the imagery. He could only imagine what he would do under those circumstances, but at the same time knowing the truth, he only felt worse for Spike. He had no chance to really defend himself and feeling the pain of the entire town turning against him and his close friends must have only made it worse.

Applejack then continued, “After a few weeks after Spike was exiled, we were shown the truth thru the eyes of Spike by Princess Celestia. What I saw was Spike yelling back at the beast and trying to protect the town from the giant creature’s destruction. We couldn’t hear what was being said sadly, but it seems like whatever Spike said stopped the destruction. It’s why we are doing whatever we can to make it right! Spike didn’t deserve to be put into his position. Even if he did become the monster, he is still our friend and we should’ve listened to him. It’s not like anypony was hurt, but how everything played out only made it worse. We have to bring him back, but I wouldn’t know what to do even if we could talk to him face to face.”

Tears began falling down her face, “We were so cruel to him even after all the fun we had together before. I am glad that at least my little sister and her friends were still around to make him feel better that week while the trial was going on, but I still wish we listened to them and Spike. They were telling the truth. I’m sorry Spike. I’m so sorry.”

Braeburn was silent as Applejack continue to say sorry with a weak voice. Braeburn then noticed a crack in the door where somepony was eavesdropping. He then turned back to Applejack and let out a hefty sigh. “Applejack. You seem like you’ve been through a lot, but what if’s aren’t going to change what's already happened. Truly if I were in Spike’s position, I wouldn’t know how to forgive anyone after all of that. The bridge has almost burned down already.”

Braeburn’s words really stung her. She said, “I know…” very weakly.

Braeburn then turned it around by saying, “Still you should try. At least make it right between the both of ya. If he doesn’t return isn’t the problem. Make sure that you and your friends at least end it on good terms. Spike has grown a lot since I last saw him here. All the adventure’s he’s been through really seems to have matured him quite a bit. I know if anyone can get through to someone, it’s you cousin.”

Behind the door, all the ponies were listening in as best as they could. They all heard the craziness that ensued before from Strongheart and Apple Leaves. Apple, however, wasn’t pleased to hear what Braeburn said. She understands family is strong, but they had really damaged the dragon. They really couldn’t understand the damage done to him. She made it her mission to help out in whatever way she can.


Spike woke up covered in some straw-like substance. He kept crawling upwards to escape the darkness. He finally reached could see light as he continued to crawl up and out of the mountain of hay. He talked to himself out loud, “Oh no. It’s going to be one of those kind of dreams again. From the look of things it’s probably going to be a nightmare with Applejack.”

Sure enough Spike heard Applejack’s voice. “What are you doing in my barn?” Applejack said in a threatening voice. Spike noticed something odd about this Applejack. Her eyes were giving off a weird smoke and it looked as if she wasn’t fully formed yet. The mutated Applejack realized this and immediately screeched and woke up Spike.

Spike woke up terrified and looking all around. Just as he woke up, the conductor said, “Last stop for the night! Everypony get your things!”

Spike began gathering his things and getting ready to exit. When Spike heard the conductor say, “Alright, last stop! Welcome to PONYVILLE!!” his body went at a stand still. The place he was avoiding since the beginning. The home of all the ponies that he was running and hiding from. And he was now in the heart of it all.

The Conductor then told Spike, “Hey buddy? It’s time to go.” Spike just stood there with a blank face. The conductor wasn’t going to wait for him so he magically lifted him out of the train. “Alright see you later!”

Spike had no idea what he was going to do. Everything looked back to normal so at least everything got repaired. Spike began sneaking around town until he heard a high pitched voice yelled “Spike!”. Spike hid and took for cover in a trash can, not knowing who recognized him.

The pony opened the trash can and asked Spike, “What are you doing?” Spike recognized that voice. It had to be Sweetie Belle.

Spike then popped out of the trashcan happy it was just her. He also noticed Scootaloo was also with her. “Hey guys!” Spike said feeling glad it was just them.

Scootaloo asked, “What are you doing here Spike? Weren’t you forced out of town? I mean it’s great to see you and everything, but we don’t want you to get in trouble.”

Sweetie also asked, “Can you please get out of the trashcan? You are going to get smelly if you stay in there longer.”

Spike crawled out, but was still scared some other pony might recognize him. “Say um, girls? Can we go somewhere where I won’t be so easily spotted?”

Scootaloo proposed, “Well Spike, we were going to Applebloom’s place for a sleepover. Why don’t you come with us?”

Spike argued, “So Applejack can turn me in?”

Scootaloo realized Spike didn’t know that she and her friends are all having a sleepover of their own. “Spike. They are having a sleepover. We weren’t invited so we decided to have our own.”

Spike added, “Well what about Big Mac and Granny Smith?”

Sweetie Belle thought for a moment and got an idea. “How about having a sleepover at the clubhouse? It will be fun! We changed a lot in there since you left!”

Well it was Spike’s only chance of staying the night without being caught. Besides it’s nice to have fun with his friends one last time before he finally leaves Equestria tomorrow. “Alright! Let’s do it!”

Sweetie had one more idea to make him less suspicious. They went to Rarity’s shop. Sweetie had a second key to the place. She looked around for an outfit for him, while Spike headed upstairs along with Scootaloo so he can go take a shower. Spike felt weird walking through the room of his long time crush. It felt wrong and Spike felt a little headache coming on. He finally went into the bath trying to clean himself and ignore the headache, but it got worse the longer he stayed.

It had been a few minutes before Sweetie and Scootaloo finally asked, “Hey Spike! You alright in there!?” There was no reply. They were a little worried for him, but also wanted to respect his privacy. Scootaloo finally opened the bathroom door and saw all the steam escape the room. She then noticed Spike passed out in the bath.

Scootaloo yelled, “SPIKE!!”, but he was already down and out. They quickly got him out of the bath and moved him out of the shop.

Spike woke up again in the dream world, this time the evil Applejack resembled the real Applejack. Spike, however, was already convinced that this one was a fake just like the others.

Just before the evil Applejack was about to speak, Spike spoke first. “Whoever you are! Stop taking the forms of my old friends!”

“I have no idea what you’re talkin about Spike.” Applejack said looking confident, but oddly drew a bead of sweat.

Spike noticed her sweat. “If you’re Applejack, then why are you looking so scared?”

“ME SCARED!! HA! A crybaby like you shouldn’t be talking!” Applejack said gaining confidence. “Enough of this. Time to wrangle you up.” She said as she pulled out a rope.

“I’m not scared of you. You’re clearly not Applejack.”

“You can keep saying that, but I will still take you down.” She then lassoed Spike and then tied him up well. “Now that will show you that I am the real deal.” She said with a sadistic smile.

Spike didn’t care, his resolve was stronger than this faker. “You are just trying to scare me, but clearly that’s not going to work.”

“You’re still not scared? How about I give you a reason to be scared!?” She then pulled out a match. She lit it and said, “I hope you like fire.” She dropped it and exited the barn. She then sealed the barn doors so he wouldn’t escape and burn alive inside.

The barn burned brightly quickly. It had a very intense flame. She was sure that she got Spike. After burning for awhile, all that was left were some ashes. She looked around for his corpse, but out of nowhere he dove out from where he was hiding and grabbed her neck and rode her back.

She began bucking asking frantically, “How did you escape and survive that!?”

Spike said, “I’m a dragon. We bathe in lava. Did you really think a simple fire would burn me alive?”

She kept bucking around until she tripped on one of the charred pieces of wood. Spike then grabbed searched quickly for something to use. He found that Applejack still had her rope. He took it and tied her up the way she taught him long ago. She tried to struggle her way out, but couldn’t escape.

Spike felt like this was the final fact he needed to prove she was a fake. “If you were the real Applejack, you would have easily escaped that rope already. Admit it already and tell me who you are!!?”

Just then the screeching began again, but he wasn’t going to lose that easily. He covered his ears, until she was done. After she was finished her loud yells, she was too tired to do anything to him. “You done yet?” Spike asked.

Breathing heavily, “Fine! I’m not the real Applejack.”

“Who are you then?” Spike asked again. The evil Applejack was about to say something, but Spike suddenly felt cold.

Spike woke up in shock that he was covered in ice. “What happened!?” Spike looked around frantically wondering where he was. He realized he was in the Cutie Mark Crusader’s Clubhouse. Scootaloo was laughing in the background while Applebloom and Sweetie Belle had a look of concern for Spike.

He realized that they forcibly woke him up. He was kind of upset that he couldn’t uncover the truth, but would it have uncovered the truth or was that really just a nightmare that he is having because of what happened in the past?

While Spike was in deep thought, Scootaloo used another bucket of ice on his back. He yelled in pain. “Why did you do that again!?”

“Because you were ignoring all of your friends.” Scootaloo said in defense.

Spike just realized everything around him. “I’m sorry guys. I just had a weird dream. It’s a randomly recurring dream that happened ever since I left Ponyville.”

Sweetie Belle excitedly said, “You should tell us about it!”

Spike felt a little tired. “I feel like I have been telling stories too often on my journey.”

The CMC got really curious of Spike’s Journey. “Tell us already and leave no details.”

Spike felt like he was a story teller. He then began his story again from after he left Ponyville. He decided to spice up the story so he wouldn’t bore himself again.

The girls all listened and had their laughs and tears. Spike then finished his story and they were all clapping. Sweetie still wanted to know about his dreams. “Spike. Why don’t you talk about those dreams you were having?”

“Well I am a little tired. I’ll tell you tomorrow alright. I haven’t been getting a lot of sleep these past few days.” Spike bargained.

Sweetie wanted to hear it now, but it’s better if he got his sleep. “Alright then, but you better tell us tomorrow!”

“Ok.” Spike promised. “Now I’ll go sleep. You all can do whatever I suppose. I doubt you guys will wake me when I pass out.”

The girls allowed him to go rest and immediately had a devious grin on their faces as the pulled out some make-up.

Author's Note:

Well we seem to be getting close to the end. Will it end where it all began? Who is the real villain or the villains behind it all? Hopefully it doesn't become too predictable.

P.S. These two chapters were too short to be kept separate, so I just combined them. Also I recently looked back at previous chapters before my new chapters and I find so many mistakes or just poor writing. I guess I have a lot more cleaning to do, but the story won't change if anyone is worried. Also I missed you guys from the comment section and apologize for the long wait for all of this.