• Published 24th Dec 2019
  • 3,263 Views, 43 Comments

Nuclear: The Radioactive Changeling - TheRadioactiveChangeling

A Changeling has been to the past multiple times, and became radioactive. He also is over powered with guns and magic.

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The Gleaming Empire (Reworked)

The Train breaks as it pulls up to the station of the crystal empire, With a certain blue maned prince drowsily standing on the station platform half awake.

"Shining armor!" Twilight yelled as she jumped out of the train to her brother who then woke up.

"Twilight!" Shining said as he woke up.

"I didn't know you were meeting us!" Twilight said to her sibling.

"Of course I am! It's me, right here. Here I am. Why wouldn't I come meet my sister? Though we have met before, heh-heh..." He nervously said to her.

"Are...Are you alright?" She worryingly asked.

"Never better! Being a father is amazing! And wonderful, and amazing, and confusing, and amazing, but surprising too, you know? I mean, not that you'd know. You wouldn't know, I know... You know? ...Sorry. I haven't really slept since Cadance had the baby. Come to think of it, she hasn't either. It sure would be great to get a break," He explained as the rest of the gang and nuclear came out. "Wait...Are..You the changeling Twilight was talking about? That was actually a good changeling?"

"Yeah. I know I look different then most changelings, but that's a story for another time," Nuclear responded.

"huh...Alright. But yeah, me and cadence never get a break with the baby," Shining continued.

"Oh, of course! I don't know what I was thinking! You two probably need all kinds of help! I'm sorry, Starlight, but I guess combining your first lesson with this visit wasn't such a good idea, and maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bring nuclear along at this time," Twilight said.

Hey! Come one twilight! Nuclear thought.

"Oh, uh, don't be ridiculous! You're an aunt now! That's way more important than some friendship lesson, and nuclear might be a more important thing then said friendship lesson," Starlight responded nervously.

"Should I take offense to that? I'm confused by what she said," Nuclear said.

"I just wish there was a way to deal with all three things," Twilight said somewhat sad.

"Maybe there is! I mean you've already done the work for Starlight's lesson with this list. All we have to do is follow it! And I'm pretty sure that nuclear can take care of himself if shining and cadence give him some permission access powers," Spike explained.

"Spike, that's brilliant!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Yeah...He's a Genius," Starlight said while glaring at spike, oblivious to it.

"Then it's settled! Shining Armor and I will head straight to the castle, you two can head straight to Sunburst's, and Nuclear can wonder around and see things! It's perfect! We just need someone to help nuclear with that," Twilight explained while looking at his brother, also waking up.

"What!? Oh...Uh yeah sure. I'll give Nuclear a access scroll, I'll tell the guards to not tackle him, and...If you help me I can make an announcement to the empire," He responded with twilight nodding.

"Thanks dude, although I'll probably just tag along with twilight to see the baby, then go by starlight and spike, and then just walk around the castle," Nuclear said as Shining gave him a scroll.

"Before we go in, I should probably tell you. Seeing the baby might be a bit of a shock," Shining explained to the mane 6 and nuclear as they reached the door.

"Come on, big brother. I've met babies before. I expect meeting this one won't be any different," Twilight said confidently as she opened the door. She saw The 3 princesses, 1 lying down next to the baby carriage, and a curled up unicorn baby in the carriage. But the baby turned from cute to surprising as the blanket unfolded and 2 big wings came curling out, with the mane 6 gasping and nuclear eyebrow raising.

"Of course...I could be wrong," Twilight barely said.

"Huh...You don't say?" Nuclear said.

"The...THE BABY'S AN ALICORN!?" Twilight screamed.

"It does look that way," Cadence tirely said.

"But... But... But I thought Alicorn wings had to be earned by accomplishing some great, princess-worthy deed!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Yeah, How can ya be just born with 'em?" Applejack asked.

"Well when a guy alicorn likes a girl alicorn..." Nuclear joked and ended quickly when rainbow hit him. "Worth it,"

"Anyway, The birth of an Alicorn is something Equestria has never seen," Celestia said, Making nuclear raise his eyebrow again.

"It is beyond even our understanding," Luna added, making nuclear more confused.

"wait wait... Then where did you come from?" Nuclear asked which made celestia and luna look at him and each other. "THEY'VE BEEN LYING SINCE FOREVER!" Nuclear joked.

"Wow! A unicorn, and a Pegasus! So she could be a super-strong flyer, and have crazy baby magic!" Pinkie jumped around.

"Uhh...Yeah. That's how unicorns, pegasi, and alicorns work, how can I help you?" He kidded.

"Well, I know all about super-strong flying!" Rainbow said as she flew in a circle.

"And I can help keep tabs on her magic!" Twilight said as the baby sneezed causing a wave of powerful magic to blast through the roof.

"Well... You all have fun with that, I'm gonna go find spike and starlight, goodbye!" Nuclear said as he grabbed a pretend suit case and hat and ran out of the room.

Nuclear was heading out of the castle as he looked around and saw multiple crystal ponies looking at him. He both expected this, and was used to this by now. So, instead of dealing with the crowd or explaining what he’s doing there, He instead put his headphones on and played his song and sang along.

“We don’t care what they say, we will be here all day, We’ll stay here till it’s over,” He sang to himself as he walked down the main road. Suddenly a hoard of fillies came running out to him and he stopped.

“What are you doing here?” “What’s that your head?” “Why are you green?” Some of them asked.

“Ok, I won’t be able to answer all of your questions, but I am not a bad guy. If anyone here is wondering why I’m here, I’m totally a good guy. I got the access card and everything,” He proclaimed to the stallions and mares around. “Now, 1st question?”

“Who are you?”

“My name is Nuclear, and I’m a radioactive Changeling. I’m a hero from the future who came back to save all of equestria,”

“What’s on your head?”

“It’s called headphones. Think of it as a portable band. Put whatever song you want in this device right here, click the triangle, and it plays through the headphones,”

“Why are you green? Are you sick?”

“Technically. If you remember, I said I’m a radioactive changeling. Radioactive means that I could conduct Radiation, which is both green and can cause radiation poison. So technically I’m constantly sick by a virus that I’m immune to,” Nuclear finished as he saw spike and starlight near a statue. “Oop, sorry kiddies, but I gotta get to the dragon hero of the crystal empire. Official hero business,” He said as he held up a card with him as a hero and walked over to the pair.

"...and that's how we found the Crystal Heart, defeated King Sombra, and saved the Empire," Spike explained to the crowd of crystal ponies as starlight watched from a distance with popcorn, With nuclear arriving shortly behind starlight.

"Hey watcha doin?" He asked starlight who jumped up.

"Uhh...Just listening to Spike explain why he has a statue of him put up in the empire. Want some?" Starlight offered Nuclear some popcorn, who considered for a moment before agreeing and sitting down.

"We Love you Spike! Tell us the one about the equestria games!" The crowd asked and yelled.

"Well, as much as I love reliving my heroic deeds, Starlight and I have an important lesson to do, by order of the Princess of Friendship!" Spike explained, which made the crowd leave.

"Aw come on spike I wanna hear about the games too! Nuclear does as well!" Starlight said which made nuclear look at her.

"Hey don't drag me into this! I just ate some popcorn!" Nuclear yelled.

"I know you're nervous about seeing Sunburst, but it says right in step 3, to, uh, 'Deal with your fears by facing them, not by putting it off' and besides, twilight might be disappointed in you if you don't complete this," Spike explained, which unknowing made Nuclear kind of on edge.

"Ugh...Fine. Let's just get this over with," Starlight said as the three of them continued to sunburst's oddly shaped house. Starlight stepped up to the door.

"Wait!" Spike yelled.

"Ugh! What now?" Starlight asked.

"Knocking on the door isn't the next thing on the list!" Spike explained.

"Seriously? We don't need to do all things on the list," Starlight said.

"I know Twilight can be a little nitpicky, but this is your first lesson as her pupil, and it's important that we do it right!" Spike said.

"To be fair, he has a point. I mean, I've only been in this timeline for so long, but I know being a student of pupil of royalty is a big deal," Nuclear said.

"Fine. What's the next thing on the list?" Starlight grudgingly asked.

"It's says 'Before they see each other, be sure to highlight the importance of the meeting'," Spike read.

"I'm pretty sure we can skip that one," Starlight said.

"I don't know... I mean if we skip it, the whole lesson could go south! And then you might end up taking a giant step backwards instead of forwards! Maybe you'll never be able to learn anything about friendship at all! It's almost like your whole future depends on this moment!" Spike dramatically said.

“Well...I...I’m not sure that’s how time or fate works, but starlight, I will say that it probably is a good idea to just know everything you need to before you actually go into the Warzone. I learned that whenever I almost lost my 3rd leg before going into an actual battle,” Nuclear said as Spike and starlight did a double take.

“Excuse me, WHAT!? YOU LOST YOUR LEGS!?” Starlight yelled.

“Yeah...2 of my legs got, basically cut off, and in another dimension I got some dude named, like tony shark or something, to make me some mechanical legs. In return I helped out him and his friends against a purple raisin dude. I guess since I’m in my original body they look like they normally do. Maybe being a changeling helps out,” Nuclear explained.

"Well then...Spike what do we got," Starlight changed the subject and accepted as spike started to read off the lesson plan.

"Well, Looks like my work here is done. If you need me, I'll be in the castle seeing what's happening," He said as he flew to the castle.

Mane 6, Shining, Cadence, and Nuclear

"Dearest citizens, I am sure you are all just as thrilled and ready for this Crystalling as myself and Shining Armor," Cadence said with her amplified voice from the castle balcony.

"I'M NOT READY!" Shining said from the inside.

"Take it easy! Just pick whoever looks the most like honor guard material," Rainbow explained.

"Right...Right...Ugh..." He fell onto the floor, as Nuclear entered the room.

“What happened here?” Nuclear asked.

“Big daddy shining really tired, must take nap instead of choosing an honor guard,” Rainbow joked.

"Ok...Well, if you need me, I'll be downstairs," Nuclear said as he looked around and walked down the stairs.

Nuclear was now just walking down the stairs of the empire and into the basement of the castle with the whines of shining and the baby echoing through the halls.

"Jeez. I know a baby alicorn is a big deal, but it's happened to equestria like 2 times- and now I see," He said as he continued walking downstairs and into the basement. What he didn't know is that the basement had something that he didn't expec-

"Hey I still hear you!" Come on dude, really? "Yep. Why don't we just skip to the good part? You know the part wher-" Just stop! Stop telling me how to write my story. "Alright fine," Good, anyway...

...He didn't expect. "Hmm...I know this place has ancient relics and strange stuff, but still. Is this place too cheap to get some janitors?" He asked himself before the portal came.

"OH COME ON! NOW!?" Nuclear yelled as the portal sucked him into it.

It was a bright sunny day at Canterlot high, as people were playing soccer in the field, hackysack on the grass, and other things. But let us focus on a certain 7 people. Sunset Shimmer and her friends were now hanging out at the entrance of the school, when a familiar whirring magical sound came.

"Do you hear that?" Sci-Twi asked her friends who all looked at the mirror, and saw a green skinned, full yellow eyed person fall out of the mirror. He had green and yellow hair with steampunk pants and a green radioactive Jacket and Robotic shoes. He had sharp fingers instead of normal hands, and had a backpack and belt full up weapons and tools that they didn't recognize. They then heard his voice,

"Ok...I'm definitely high,"

Author's Note:

HOLY! That was a big chapter compared to some of the others.

Anyways, see in the next chapter!