• Published 24th Dec 2019
  • 3,263 Views, 43 Comments

Nuclear: The Radioactive Changeling - TheRadioactiveChangeling

A Changeling has been to the past multiple times, and became radioactive. He also is over powered with guns and magic.

  • ...

The Massacre at Canterlot

“Alright, final answer Chrysalis, do you regret everything?” Nuclear said as he lowered the gun at the picture of his “mother”

“No answer? Welp, sucks to suck,” He said as he Shot straight through the picture. He’d always wanted to get back at his mother for all of her atrocities, heck he wanted to get back at his entire hive. They all stood by as he was cast out, so now he gets to stand while they all lie dead.

“How long until we get to the time?” He asked himself as he went over to the date and time clock. “About 6 minutes? Good. Can’t wait to shoot her till she’s twitching on the floor, begging for mercy,” Nuclear said as he looked at his gun.

“Sweet celestia. I knew you were upset, but wow,” Nuclear turned around to see a small green and purple dragon.

“SPIKE!? What the hell are you doing here!?” Nuclear shouted at him.

“I wanted to join you. I also wish to kick the living crap out of these guys,” Spike said as he punched his palm.

“While I admire your prowess and goal to kick my mother out of a castle, this is dangerous. You could mess with how events work out in the futur-” Nuclear said as spike interrupted him.

“Yeah yeah, I won’t try to find my past self or anything like that. I won’t try to find twilight’s past self or any of the elements of harmony’s past selves. It’ll cause a massive time disruption or something,” Spike said, as nuclear stared, than laughed for a second.

“You know what? I like you kid. You’re bright, and you’ve got cojones. 2 properties I greatly admire. Surprisingly too, that isn’t true. You can literally punch your future self, and nothing will happen. But that’s not important right now. If you wanna go with me, you gotta learn how to shoot a gun,” Nuclear said as he picked up spike with magic.

“What...What gun am I shooting?” Spike asked as Nuclear smirked. They walked to another room of the machine, complete with targets and dummys.

“We’ll start with something simple,” Nuclear said as he let go of spike and picked up a gun.

“Which gun is that though?” Spike asked.

“This is a 5.7 USG handgun, also known as the Lady Killer,”

“Why is it called that?” Spike asked as his claws grasped the gun.

“Because if fire correctly, It can go through any animal. I think. I don’t really know why, that’s just what I got from it,” Nuclear said as he aimed spike to shoot at a dummy. “Alright, steady. Put your claw on the trigger, and...” Nuclear said as spike closed his eye.


“Don't let them distract you. We have to get to the Elements of Harmony. They're our only hope!” Twilight sparkle said as they were surrounded by changelings, all disguised as them. Meanwhile, on the other side of canterlot, the machine appeared.

“Alright spike, are you ready for a fight?” Nuclear asked his, now apprentice, spike.

“Oh hell yeah,” Spike smirked as he saw the changelings buzzing around.

“Wait, before we go, I gotta get something,” Nuclear said as he ran back inside.

“Ok...That was anticlimactic,” Spike said as he grasped his lady killer and Uzi.

“Ok, here we go,” Nuclear said as he got out with...Headphones?

“Headphones? That’s what you ran in to get?” Spike asked.

“Just give me a second, I gotta find the song...Here we go. I don’t know why, but this song is great when commiting genocide. I’ve been told by some talking raccoon, tree, and some blue guy. Let’s see if they were lying or not,” Nuclear said as he put the headphones over his and spike’s ears.

“Ok. So you go and protect the elements and yourself. Do really anything you can. I’m gonna go to the castle and attack the son of a bitch that is my mother,” Nuclear said looking at the top of canterlot.

“Hell yeah man. Let’s go.”

“Okay, this is just gettin' weird. Real me! Real me!” Applejack said as she was fighting various copies of herself.

“Do me! Do me!” Pinkie said hopping and laughing as a copy of her was trying to attack her. “Ehh, I’ve seen better,” She said as he kicked her copy.

“There’s way to many of them. We’ll never get to the castle this way!” Twilight said as suddenly, all the changelings in the area fell to the ground, each one being shot down by what seemed to be a loud noise.

“What about this way?” They heard a voice behind them as they turned around. It was spike, dressed in power armor.

(Ignore the helmet. Imagine it smaller without the helmet)

“Spike!? What is that!?” Twilight yelled.

“This my friends, is an uzi. Also, I’m not your spike,” Spike said as he held up the uzi.

“Can confirm! That is not me!” Past spike said as he arrived at the scene.

“Wait...than who are you!?” Rainbow said as she flew straight to him.

“I ain’t a changeling, nor a copy. I’m spike from the future,” Spike said as he shot a changeling behind him.

“Wait...what are you shooting at them?” Applejack asked.

“Bullets. They’re probably dead, but hopefully not. Even if most of them are evil, they’re only following orders and nature. But, fair is fair,” Spike said, looking at the body.

“Wait...YOU JUST KILLED THEM!” They all shouted.

“Oh boy...”

After explaining everything briefly, Spike went back to clearing a path for the elements, until he got lost himself.

“Jesus. Canterlot is way too big,” Spike said as he traversed the city, shooting any changeling who dare try to attack him. Suddenly, he heard a yip. “Huh?” He said as he looked in the direction of the noise. He saw 2 blue eyes right before they disappeared. “Ahh...Changeling hiding huh? Probably a good idea,” He said as he walked over to the eyes.

“Uhh...Hello sir?” He heard as he looked where the eyes were.

“Hello there changeling. How goes it?” Spike said as he climbed out of his power armor.

“Please don’t kill me! I promise that I’m good! I swear by the royal sisters!” The changeling started begging. Spike did not expect this at all. While his training with Nuclear had taught him to be a warrior, he still carried his emotions. He didn’t want to just shoot something dead if it wasn’t attacking.

“Hmm...What’s your name?” Spike asked him, with the Lady killer still in hand.

“Thor...Thorax,” Thorax explained. Spike than wondered if this changeling was important in some way. He picked up the comlink in his power armor.

“Give me a second thorax,” He held up a claw to thorax and put the comlink in his ear. “Hey nuclear?”

”Yeah spike?” Nuclear asked through the comlink.

“I’ve got a changeling named thorax, who said that he was a good changeling. Do you know anyone named that?” Spike asked through the comlink.

”Thorax? Thorax, thorax...Yes actually, he is important. After chrysalis is dispatched from the changeling throne. You also become pretty good friends with him,” Nuclear explained.

“Alright. Got it. Well thorax, Guess you’re off the hook. You’ll be fine,” Spike said as he climbed back into his power armor. “We might meet again in the future, but if we do, don’t being this encounter up. Got it?” Spike told thorax.

“Ye-Yeah. Got it,” Thorax said as spike walked off.

Nuclear was ready. This was gonna be a great day for him. He’d been wanting to get back a Chrysalis since forever. Why hasn’t he done so already, with the machine? He could never find the right time. Seems ridiculous right? It’s harder than you might think. From the inside of the door, he could hear them.

“You won't get away with this! Twilight and her friends will–” Princess cadence, nuclear guessed, was cut off by a certain witch voice.

“You were saying? You do realize the reception's been cancelled, don't you?” The witch cut her off. Nuclear had enough of the witch’s Voice already. He was about to knock down the door, but then he realized, he could make this much more awesome. He turned off the music, took out his headphones, put on speaker mode, turned up max volume, and put on the song of revenge.

“What...What is that sound?” Cadence said from the other side.

At 00:10, Nuclear kicked down the massive door, with the song, and also paused the song at 00:21.

“Who are you!?” Chrysalis yelled as nuclear laughed. It was a sick, twisted, hearty laugh. Unsettling to hear.

“Wow! You really are a bitch!” Nuclear said smiling, chrysalis scoffing.

“Wha- I- You will pay for that drone!” Chrysalis said as she stepped closer. Nuclear laughed again.

“Wow, You really think I’m a drone? I’m a drone? The changeling you casted out cause he couldn’t do anything beneficial, yeah, he’s definitely a drone. Surprise surprise, I survived the badlands!” Nuclear said as he holstered his guns.

“What are you talking about? I’ve never done anything like that!” Chrysalis laughed.

Even if she’s the villain, I guess she likes the approval of heroes and villains. Heh, pathetic. Nuclear thought as he smirked. “I guess you like the approval of other creatures so much, that you would rather take over their entire castle than tell the truth. It was really a dumb decision to cast me out from the hive. Now, I have the ability to send you to layers lower than tarturus and hell. Heck, I know the ruler of beneath hell. He’s a pretty cool guy,” Nuclear rambled on. “Sorry, ‘Queen” I rambled on for a second. Now, I gotta do my job,” Nuclear said as he smirked. “You got your song. Now I get mine,” He smiled as he resumed the song at 00:21.

“I'm not just a creature,
More than a simple feature
I'll stand here, waiting until you can't see me,” Nuclear sang as he pulled out his Glock-47.

“I'm not all fun and games here
There is much need for your fear
I'll be here waiting until you grow weary,” Nuclear continued as he shot straight through one of chrysalis’ leg holes, leaving her in shock.

“I'm not the crazed killer,
You think I am.
I'm just here ready to see my vengeance through
Hatred, bloodlust
They are all irrelevant too,
The moment when my jaws come down on you,” Nuclear sang as he clenched his jaw, and let the song go on. He then shot through chrysalis’ crown, striking it off of her head, while also getting both cadence and celestia back up.

It's you
It's you
It's me,” The song continued.

“You've done such a bad thing
So why are you still breathing?
I'd like to make you live down below.
I've been given life by you,
So I'm taking you out
I was your problem, and I’m going to break it,” Nuclear sang as shot a paralyzing shot through her neck.

“I'm not the crazed killer,
You think I am.
I'm just here ready to see my vengeance through
Hatred, bloodlust
They are all irrelevant too,
The moment when my jaws come down on you,” Nuclear repeated as he came closer to her, now in front of her face, waving the gun in front of her face. Celestia and Cadence were watching as they deparalyzed shining armor.

“I’ll Never forgive,
I’ll Never forget.
Don't close your eyes,
It's not over yet,” Nuclear said as he tied up chrysalis and deparalyzed her.

“LET ME GO!” Chrysalis yelled as nuclear held a hoof to her mouth.

“I used to play,
I used to laugh,
But now I’m trapped
Like a photograph.
I've come so far
From the foal inside.
Remember my face
And jaws behind,” Nuclear finished as he sent a spell into her mind, which was a flashback spell. It was a flashback to when she cast out nuclear. She gasped as Nuclear smile sinisterly.

“I'm not the crazed killer,
You think I am.
I'm just here ready to see my vengeance through
Hatred, bloodlust
They are all irrelevant too,
The moment when my jaws come down on you,” Nuclear finished as he stopped the song.

“Wha...Mithrix?” Chrysalis tearfully said, as his gun was pointed at her head.

“Hey! Check check! We have a winner!” Nuclear said as he clapped, holding the gun with magic. “Good job mother! You remembered the kid you casted out who came back to kill you! Also, that name has been forgotten by time. I go by Nuclear now, and your heart of glass is about to be shattered."

“Now now, Mithr-er...Nuclear, We can talk about this!” Chrysalis yelled. Nuclear gave another hearty laugh.

“Oh yeah, now the ‘useless’ kid is now the center of attention cause he has a gun to your head. Ain’t that something!” Nuclear said with a Cheshire smile. He had practically entered the mood of a Face painted clown criminal he once met. He was about to count down when the doors bursted open, revealing the elements of harmony.

“Stop right there chrysa- wait...what?” Twilight yelled as they burst through, seeing Luna, shining, and cadence watching chrysalis pinned by nuclear.

“Ooh! Guess you got lucky this time chrysalis. The elements has arrived, and I don’t wish to mess with them,” Nuclear said as he lifted the gun from her temple, and ran out. Chrysalis let out a sigh of relief.

“Wait...Who are you?” Rainbow asked as nuclear was at the balcony. He looked back and smiled.

”Nuclear U. Thorium at your service. You’ll never know when I’m coming, but I will be back,” Nuclear said as he jumped off the balcony, with the elements running over, only to see nothing.

“Well, that was fun, right?” Nuclear asked spike as they got back in the machine.

“A lot more fun than I thought it would be,” Spike said. “Who’s next on the list?”

“Uhh, let’s see,” Nuclear said as he looked at the list. “King sombra,” Nuclear read.

“Actually, let’s skip him. That one worked out really well!” Spike quickly said.

“Huh?....Right, you saved the empire,” Nuclear said as he smirked. “Don’t worry, I won’t mess with your victory. The next is...”

Nightmare Moon
Queen Chrysalis
King sombra

Author's Note:

Song is Aviators’ “Jaws,” An underrated gem. This is the song of vengeance, and I love it.

Next chapter is the super tirek chapter. We shall see how that turns out.