• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 28,330 Views, 1,780 Comments

Dark Wanderings - ed2481

Twilight journeys to the Capital Wasteland

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Day 6 part 2/A

Day 6 part2

Ethan and Twilight were crouched atop a ledge that gave them a perfect view of the Fort Bannister. Below them Talon Company mercs patrolled the grounds lazily barely paying any attention to their surroundings. Ethan was lying on his stomach looking through the scope of his silenced anti material. Twilight was lying next to him using a pair of binoculars.

“What’s the plan Ethan?” Twilight asked.

“We can do this the quiet way or we can do it the loud way, you’re choice.” Ethan replied simply.

“I’d prefer the loud way; I have a bit of stress to work off.” Twilight replied with a grin.

“My my isn’t someone blood thirsty. Alright we can do it the loud way. I’ll take the idiots with the rocket and the sniper from here with my rifle, then we’ll kill the others and go from there.” Ethan told her before snapping off two clean headshots causing both merc’s heads to explode violently in two tremendous showers of gore and grey matter.

The rest of the mercs looked around in confusion as Ethan and Twilight ran down the hill towards them; something about being charged by a purple unicorn caused them to pause in surprise. Well at least until Twilight unloaded her tri-beam laser rifle into one of them causing the unfortunate merc to turn into a pile of dust. They opened fire with Chinese assault rifles and a smattering of laser rifles thrown in for good measure.

Ethan returned fire with deadly 12.7mm machinegun fire easily cutting through the armored chests of two mercs in splashes of red and pink as the bullets tore through the combat armor and into the pink flesh underneath.

Twilight had decided to keep her mind together in this fight so she was slightly sloppier then she could be but she didn’t want to fall into the practice of depending on the technique especially when it knocked her out unexpectedly. As she ran at Ethan’s side she concentrated mostly on deflecting bullets with her magic instead of firing her rifle, in her mind
deflecting bullets from her head was more important than killing the one’s that Ethan would kill.

Ten mercs survived the initial charge and fell back as Ethan advanced steadily firing round after round at their two would be killers. Ethan’s submachine gun went off twice and two of the mercs suddenly found themselves severally lacking in functioning right arms. A bullet made it through Ethan’s duster and slammed into one of his ribs breaking it in half. Ethan let out a slightly pained grunt as the rib snapped back together and with a hacking cough he spit the bullet out of his body. Twilight looked over in concern but Ethan shook his head and returned to the battle.

The sound of missile soaring towards them came to Ethan’s ears as a merc who Ethan hadn’t seen in his initial scan of the area took up arms. Ethan pivoted on his heel and tracked the missile as it flew towards them and then with a smirk shot it out of the air with a rapid three round burst. Then with an even larger smirk he sent a single bullet arcing through the air until it slammed into the merc’s eye and pulped the inside of his brain before ricocheting off the inside of his skull and being expelled out the back of his neck.

Twilight meanwhile had begun to return fire with her laser rifle sending three crimson beams at the mercs who had now slipped into cover positions in front of a tent surrounded by sand bags. She wasn’t having much luck with the rifle so she switched to the plasma defender and began to shoot a rapid string of plasma balls at the enemy mercs. She got a lucky hit and a merc with a laser rifle turned into glowing green stain on the floor of the wasteland. Another burst of assault rifle fire smashed into her shield deflecting Twilight’s attention away from shooting.

Ethan let out a wild whoop and sprinted towards the area where the mercs were entrenched and drew Jack the ripper. The enemy switched their fire to the rapidly closing target but Twilight blocked all of their bullets a few inches away from Ethan’s body. When he reached the sandbags Ethan grabbed the top of one and hoisted himself over it landing on top of one of the mercs and with a chuckle he decapitated the merc with his good buddy Jack. One of the other mercs charged him with a large combat knife but Ethan’s wrist shot to the side and the merc suddenly found himself unable to feel his now severed hand. Ethan followed this up by jamming the top of Jack into the underside of the merc’s chin where it carved through the merc’s jaw in under a second.

Twilight joined him on the other side of the barrier and sent out a wave of force that shredded the skin of one of the mercs armor and all leaving him with a bloody pulsing mess for a chest. The merc cried out in pain but Twilight stifled it by tossing him bodily at another merc who had been trying to sneak up on her blind side. The other merc screamed as his squad mate’s bloody form slammed into him with the force of a super sledge causing both of their bodies to fly apart in an almost artistic display of destruction.

The five remaining mercs exchanged a glance before they let out a wild war cry and charged the two wielders of death.

Ethan put away Jack and ran at them bare handed but for a pair of steel knuckles that he slipped onto either hand. Twilight stayed back and looked on expectantly. The first merc Ethan reached attempted to stab him with a combat knife. With an open palm Ethan slapped the man’s arm aside and smashed his knuckles into the man’s jugular breaking it with a snap as he ducked under another knife and jabbed his other fist into the new man’s stomach sending him flying backwards with enough speed to impale him through the chest on a nearby camping spike.

Three mercs remained and they decided to charge him at once hoping against hope that they could at least harm this man in the duster who could casually kill them with offhand punches and slaps.

The first knife jabbed into Ethan’s duster but was easily repelled by the thick leather and Ethan slammed his fist into the man’s nose imploding the front of the skull into the brain behind it killing the man before he knew what was happening. The second man and the third man’s knives slashed at Ethan’s arms but his right leg shot out and snapped one of the merc’s legs with an audible snap and let a satisfying thud as he hit the ground. As for the other merc Ethan calmly snapped out his arm, caught the other man’s wrist and broke it with a resounding crack. As the second man fell back clutching his wrist in pain Ethan calmly shattered the other man’s throat with a swift kick. Ethan advanced on the last merc his bloodstained body swaying back and forth with a steady rhythm as the man fell backwards cowering in fear.

“Tell Commander Jabsco that I’m here to kill him, I’ll be in in two minutes.” Ethan said before his foot lashed out and kicked the merc in his broken wrist causing him to cry out in pain. The merc scrambled to his knees and took off towards the main door of the fort. Twilight let out a low whistle and Ethan turned to regard her quizzically.

“You didn’t break a sweat Ethan; that was incredible.” Twilight said softly as her eyes drifted to the nine bodies lying broken on the ground around them.

“Thanks Sparky, that little flaying the skin off people trick was cool to.” Ethan replied with a smile.

“I didn’t even know I could do that.” Twilight said sounding slightly awed.

“Anyways there’s something that I’ve been meaning to ask you Sparky.” Ethan said changing topics.

“What Ethan?” Twilight asked puzzled.

“How do you teleport somewhere?” Ethan asked.

“Well you focus on a memory of a place and add a small spark of magic, and then you’re where you picture yourself.” Twilight answered.

“Could you use my memories?”

“Yes, I’ve never done it before but I know that it is possible to do that, I would just need to look into your mind at the memory and then it would act as a focus, why do you ask?” She asked.

“Because I just got a very good idea.” Ethan replied with a large grin.


“What the fuck is wrong with you idiots he’s just one man with a unicorn, how hard could they possibly be to kill?!” Commander Jabsco shouted at his men.

“Sir they tore through fifteen of our men with no trouble and left Jenkins alive to tell us about it, there was nothing they could do!” His second in command shouted back.

“I don’t give a fuck, they still bleed and they still die; so would one of you idiotic fuck ups kill them already!” Jabsco raged back hoping to cow his new lieutenant, but the man in the leather jacket and oddly styled hair held his gaze without backing down.

“Sir attacking those two is suicide.” The lieutenant replied calmly, the other mercs in the room had stopped what they were doing in order to watch the gathering confrontation.

“Do you think I give a damn you little piece of shit?” Jabsco asked.

Before anything else could be said there was a loud bright flash followed by a loud bang that sent the mercs reeling in pained confusion. When their eyes were capable of seeing again they saw Ethan and Twilight standing in front of Jabsco who was down on his knees while the heel of Ethan’s boot pinned his right hand to the floor.

“I am going to kill you.” Ethan said simply. “But you get to decide how fast or slow I do it.”

“How about you take that unicorn’s horn and stick it up you’re a- ahhhhhhhh!” Jabsco cried out in pain as Ethan sent a kick into the man’s ribs knocking him onto his back. Ethan stepped forward onto the prostrate man’s chest and stomped once just hard enough to crack a single rib. Jabsco let out a pained whimper.

“Now as I was saying you’re going to tell me exactly who ordered the hit on Twilight Sparkle the purple unicorn standing behind me or I’m going to slowly remove every part of your lower body while you cry out in pain like the pig you are.” Ethan said calmly as his face took on a hard mask.

“Go fuck you-” before Jabsco could continue Ethan moved back and stomped once snapping the man’s kneecap.

“So we were discussing who ordered the hit.” Ethan said conversationally.

“Fine, it was some blonde, never said her name, there’s a picture in the desk in my office!” Jabsco cried desperately and a smile crossed Ethan’s face before he drew a small Chinese pistol and fired a single shot into the man’s skull where it drilled a tiny hole that burst into flames. The smell of burning flesh wafted up to the rest of the mercs who had been too fearful to do anything to help their boss.

“Alright listen up, how many of you boys singed up to help the wasteland and bring back the joy of prewar times?” Ethan asked and around ten cowardly looking mercs raised their hands. Ethan fell into VATS and placed ten shots into their heads which erupted into flames as they fell to the ground. “Those men were liars, how many of you hate me for what I’ve done to your company?” Ethan asked the rest. He was met by the hard stares of around twenty mercs. “Good, that’s good I can work with that. Now tell me who was Jabsco’s second in command?” Ethan asked

The lieutenant stepped forward and Twilight could’ve sworn that a small smile swept over Ethan’s face but if it had been there it was gone seconds later and he stared into the man’s eyes.

“That would be me… prick.” The lieutenant said with a confident smile.

“Huh, what do you know, how many of you assholes will follow this guy?” Ethan called to the mercs.

The mercs began to exchange glances, the lieutenant hadn’t been around for a long time but he’d rapidly risen up to his rank by completing his assignments quickly without losing a single member of his squad. More than that he’d taken the time to learn each of their names and he never swore at them pointlessly the way Jabsco had. Eventually they all raised their hands and Ethan gave them a grin.

“Good, I’m going to get what I came here for and then I’ll be gone, but from now on this guy is in charge and if any of you kill him I’ll set off a nuke in the center of this base and tie you to it.” Ethan said giving the mercs a smile before he walked towards the stairs leading down to Jabsco’s office. The lieutenant joined him and Twilight brought up the rear occasionally shooting looks at the mercs above them until they passed out of sight and into the office and shut the door. Then Ethan and the lieutenant exchanged a glance and fell into hysterical laughter.

“I told you that I would run the best gang in the wasteland!” The lieutenant said with a smile as he laughed.

“Butch, what the hell were you doing out here you asshole?” Ethan asked as he finally got his breath back.

“Well I decided that I was going to join up, dispose of Jabsco, and then be in charge of the best, most well-armed gang in the wastes. Thanks for the help.” Butch replied with a grin.

“You bastard!” Ethan said before he grabbed his old friend in a bro hug. When they let go of each other Ethan turned to Twilight and said. “Sparky this is Butch my old friend from the Vault, Butch this is Sparky the unicorn.”

“Hi, call me Twilight.” Twilight said.

“It’s cool to meet you Twilight, like the idiot said I’m Butch.” Butch said offering Twilight his hand which she shook.

“Alright down to business.” Ethan said going over to Jabsco’s desk. He spent a few minutes searching for
something and then returned with a smile holding a file marked ‘Twilight Sparkle’. “This should tell us who hired Talon Company to come after you Twilight.” Ethan said with a grin.

“The open it already!” Twilight said impatiently.

Without further ado Ethan opened the file and drew out a photo.

“Who the fuck is this?”


Daring Doo groaned as she inched her way up the side of the cliff, she hated cliffs in her mind they were the gods’ was of making things take longer than they should, almost as if they were trying raise suspense. She also really wished that she hadn’t broken her wing earlier…