• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 3,751 Views, 1,004 Comments

Consequences - shallow15

Things come to a head as recent events bring Sunset Shimmer and her friends in conflict with a government agent and something angry lurking in the woods outside Canterlot City

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The Agent, the River, and the Escape

What do you think you're doing, agent?”

Glitter Drops and Cantata Luster came to a halt in the small graveled lot next to the river. Headlights from a car had burst to life the second they emerged from the scrub and the Director's voice could be heard.

Get behind me,” Drops said. The nurse complied as the Director, flanked by two other STORM agents stepped forward into the light. Drops noted with some small relief that Tempest wasn't one of them. However, another friend of theirs was.

Really, Spring?” she asked Spring Rain, who was training his pistol on the two of them. “After everything we talked about?”

Spring Rain opened his mouth to respond, but the Director cut him off. “Agent Rain knows which side of his bread is buttered on. He's been telling me some very interesting things about you, Agent Drops. Things you've said, like 'evidence,' 'abuse of power,' and my personal favorite, 'megalomaniacal lunatic with delusions of grandeur.'”

The Director grinned, a cold, unfeeling grin that didn't meet his eyes. “And now, here you are. Helping one of our most important assets to escape.”

She doesn't know anything!” Drops snapped. “She just happened to help the POIs get away from us! She doesn't know where they went or how to find them! There's no reason to detain her!”

The Director looked them both over for a long moment, then grinned again. This one warmer and more personable. “You're right.”

Both Drops and Cantata blinked.

Is he serious?” Cantata asked.

I don't know,” said Drops.

Of course I am,” answered the Director. “If what you're saying is true, then there isn't any reason to hold her in custody anymore.”

Drops frowned. Something didn't smell right. “You'll send her back home? No purging?”

“No purging.”

And she goes back to her normal life? No surveillance or 'friendly visits?'”

Well, naturally, there'd have to be some surveillance. But if she really isn't that close to the three of them, I see no reason why it would have to last longer than, say, six months?”

Drops looked behind her at Cantata. The nurse nodded, accepting the terms. Drops took a deep breath and looked back at her superior.

You have a deal, sir. If she goes home right now.”

The grin returned. “Excellent. Ms. Luster, if you would get into the car, please. Agent Rain will take you to the airport and we'll have you back home in Whinnyapolis in no time.”

Cantata took a few tentative steps out from behind Drops. She turned to look at the agent. “Thank you.”

Drops nodded with a smile. “Go on. Go home.”

Cantata walked past the Director and the agents heading for the car. Drops watched all three carefully.

When Cantata was reaching for the door handle, Agent Rain whirled, gun still in hand. Drops quickly reached inside her jacket for her own sidearm.

The Director saw the motion. Drops was fasrt, but he was faster, pulling his own gun and firing it twice in one smooth movement before Drops could train her own weapon on him. Two more shots rang out behind him as Rain finished off Cantata. The Director turned away from the injured agent to look over the body.

Well?” he asked.

Agent Rain got up from where he had been checking for a pulse. “Doornail, sir.”

Call in a cleanup crew. The POI escaped, Agent Drops was in pursuit. Somehow the POI got hold of one of our standard issue firearms and shot Agent Drops. We arrived on the scene and put her down in response. Clear?”

Clear, sir!” Agent Rain got into the car and onto the radio, calling for backup.

Sir! She's on the phone!” came the voice of the other agent.

The Director cursed under his breath. He whirled around and stalked across the lot to where Drops was laying. Sure enough she had a phone in her hand. Her eyes widened as his shadow fell over her.

Hurry!” she gasped. “Not sure where – NO!”

The director fired four more shots into her torso, then grabbed the phone and ended the call. He put the phone in his pocket before yelling back over his shoulder.

Agent Rain! Change of plan. Lose the body somewhere far away. The POI killed Agent Drops and escaped before we could arrive on the scene.”

Yes, sir!”

He heard Rain grunt as he heaved the body into the trunk of the car and drive off. His gaze didn't break from Drops'. When he hear the car pull out of the lot, he knelt down and looked at the pale face of Agent Drops.

Blood was running from her mouth and it was obvious she wasn't going to last much longer. He gave her a small smile.

It's a shame, agent, you could have been so much more useful to me.”

A set of sirens came to his ears and he got to his feet and turned around as three STORM vehicles, two police cruisers and an ambulance arrived. He got out of the way, letting the EMTs do their work. A few minutes later, Tempest Shadow arrived and forced her way to the fallen agent.

The Director managed to get to her before Drops could say too much. Not that it would have mattered, with the blood loss, Drops was nearly incoherent. Soon, she was loaded into the ambulance and rushed to the hospital.

After he sent Tempest home, he pulled out his phone and called Agent Rain.

Is it done?”

Yes, sir. I put her --”

I don't want to know the details, agent,” Stormking barked. “I just want to know that it's done.”

Yes, sir, it's done. No one will find her for quite a while, if at all.”

Good. I have one more thing for you to do tonight, agent.”

Yes, sir?”

Later tonight, once everything has died down a little, I need you to liberate Agent Drops.”

Total liberation, sir?”

She'll have served STORM to the best of her abilities... right until the end.”

Understood, sir.”

The Director ended the call and put his phone away. He exchanged a few words with the police officers on the scene, then climbed into the back of one of the STORM vehicles.

Back to base.”

The car sped off into the night.

The vision ended and Sunset looked at Tempest's shocked face.

“Now, you know,” she said quietly.

Tempest looked from her to the Director, whose face was twiting into a mask of anger. “You killed her. She just wanted to help the nurse and you --”

“She was a traitor!” Stormking snarled. “And unless you want to be branded the same, agent, you'll do what I say!”

“Oh, look,” said Sunset, interrupting him. She was standing next to the console “A big button marked 'Emergency.' Let's see what it does!”

Sunset slammed her fist down on the button. Immediately, alarms went off and gas started to pour into the observation room. Sunset jumped onto the console and grinned at the STORM operatives.

“Don't think knockout gas is going to be helpful here. I mean, unless you want to pass out yourselves in the process. Oh yeah, and Frank's PISSSSSSED at all of you, so I'd be ready for him. See ya!”

Sunset turned her head. “TWILIGHT! CATCH ME!”

Then she leaped back out of the broken window.

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