• Published 28th Jul 2012
  • 1,018 Views, 9 Comments

A Friend for Derpy - LunaISBestALicorn

Derpy and Rainbow Dash become friends

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Chapter 1

A Friend for Derpy

Rainbow Dash had a long day clearing clouds and practicing her routine for the Wonderbolts. She was flying over the outskirts of Ponyville when she heard faint crying from the distance. She being the hero of her town rushed over to investigate who she would be performing her feats of heroism on. She instead found a pony that she had rather not enjoyed knowing crying on a small hill. Rainbow dash had slowed her pace and calmly approached the Pegasus. The closer she got she felt worse and worse about disliking her. She decided to try and start new, and calmly approached her and with a soft feminine voice not normally heard from Rainbow Dash, she asked “is everything all right Derpy”. Derpy turned around and said “why don’t you just laugh at me and call me names like everypony else”. Rainbow dash knew what she was talking about and had felt guilty for saying such thing behind Derpy’s back in the past. But Rainbow dash was determined to create a new friendship with the broken down pony. Rainbow Dash Said “I’m not here to do that, I was wondering if you wanted a friend to sit with or even a shoulder to cry on”. Derpy replied hastily but hopefully “yes I would like that; I would like that very much”.

The two ponies sat and talked Derpy refrained from the topic of her troubles but held conversation with Rainbow Dash anyway, and she listened attentively. Rainbow Dash had felt like a true friend and felt a true since of sincerity and loyalty to a friend. The same feeling she felt whenever she discovered that she was an element of harmony with Twilight and the others. Derpy had asked Rainbow Dash if they could hang out some time. Rainbow replied hesitantly “sure anything for a new friend of mine”. Later that night on her way home Rainbow Dash had felt glad that she said yes and was thinking about how much Derpy had changed from there first time together, where nothing more was said than “I just don’t know what went wrong” to a real conversation, Derpy had become a real pony, somepony to talk to and share things with. Rainbow Dash had met Derpy the next morning and had lots of fun just being friends and enjoying each other’s company. Derpy and Rainbow dash had grown close and had begun to share many of the some hobbies. One night Rainbow Dash had decided to ask Derpy why she was crying that one night. Derpy told Rainbow Dash all about how she was planning to run away to the everfree forest and changer her name so that nopony would ever have to be offended by her appearance ever again, she told Dash about her thoughts of even killing herself. By now Rainbow Dash was heated up and was ready to fight to protect her new friend. But Derpy didn’t want that was she just wanted a friend to explain her troubles and Rainbow Dash was happy to be that friend. Dash was worried now for her friend she had just found this new friendship and was not ready to lose it. Derpy explained how her eyes and the way she used to talk would make other ponies call her retarded and hate her. Derpy was always a fun loving pony and wanted nothing more than to make eveypony happy. She was so ashamed of herself that she was prepared to do those things to herself until Rainbow Dash had flown over to her. Rainbow Dash was now more appreciative of her friendship with Derpy than ever before.

A few months later Rainbow and Derpy had really hit it off their relationship. Rainbow dash had taught Derpy how to fly much better than most of the ponies in Ponyville, while Derpy had taught Rainbow Dash how to bake muffins like a pro. One day Rainbow flew over to Derpy’s house and realized that she lived in the back of the mail station of Ponyville. Rainbow told Derpy about her proposition about living together like roommates at a college. Derpy packed her bags and headed on over to Rainbow Dash’s house. She was astonished at the immaculate palace in the sky the Pegasus lived in after all the prize money she had won at the best young flyers competition. They unpacked Derpy’s things and got her acquainted with her new home. For the first time in her life after being abandoned by her parents who she never met and being treated like a monster her whole life for once she actually felt loved, like she truly belonged here. Derpy never wanted to let this feeling go.

Derpy and Rainbow Dash had been out flying with each other when Derpy had decided to try to go through Ghastly Gorge to try and spark a little friendly competition to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash had accepted this silent challenge. The two sped through the gorge and then as if an awful form of scripted déjà vu, rocks fell fast, the cascade of rocks on the resting ponies. The Rainbow Dash had sped around of the gorge checking back for Derpy every few moments and always saw her close behind. Right at the exit dash panted exclaiming “wow I am never going back there ever again, right Derpy? Derpy?” Rainbow Dash sped off to get the only pony she knew could help her in her greatest time of need. She flew as fast as she could to Twilights house. Near midnight it was getting dark and Rainbow Dash and Twilight were nearly halfway back to the gorge.

While they were gone Derpy clinging on to life assumed the worst she questioned her relationship with her first and what appeared to be her last friend. Derpy’s negative thoughts were beginning to destroy her inside, and tears began to roll down the battered face of a pony who had moments ago loved life, to now be fighting back the worst of thought. Derpy had been choking up from her thoughts and could now taste the salty tears in her mouth. Derpy’s sadness was pulling her away from the world, the wounds were doing less damage to her than the pain of her thoughts. Being exhausted started falling into an eternal sleep.

As she started to faint she could feel pressure from the bolder crushing her side be lifted by some sort of heavenly power. Rainbow Dash had sped in front of Twilight to help her friend Derpy couldn’t help it she couldn’t hold back the flood of tears of happiness which gave her barely enough strength to stay awake and alive. As Twilight arrived she assessed the damage on Derpy a minor healing spell would hold her over till they got to the hospital. Rainbow Dash personally carried Derpy on her back stretching her wings around Derpy to keep her from falling. The three walked all that way to the Ponyville emergency clinic and Derpy held on to life with the thoughts and memories of her and Rainbow Dash. The medical staff at the clinic put Derpy in front of all other ponies because of her critical condition.

Rainbow Dash refused to leave Derpy’s side and stuck with her as long as she could and after all of the treatment that could be given was given to her, Derpy was moved to a room for her to recover in but nopony was allowed inside except doctors and one nurse. Rainbow Dash stayed on a bench outside her room every night for a few days and waited for her friend’s recovery. When she was moved into a regular room and out of the intensive care Rainbow Dash spent every night sleeping by her side. A doctor came out if her room and said that there might be on complication to Derpy’s recovery.
As Derpy’s eyes opened for the first time in weeks she was told what happened and that she had been out for a few weeks she saw a stranger in front of her. Rainbow Dash was so happy for her dearest friend to be with her again, but Derpy rejected a loving embrace from Rainbow Dash and violently told this stranger to leave her alone. Rainbow Dash was torn, the pony she had waited by for weeks, the pony she and cried over for weeks didn’t even remember her. Rainbow Dash fled the hospital crying uncontrollably. Derpy felt bad for the stranger but was still confused about the entire situation. When the doctors released Derpy to go home Twilight found her and made her more acquainted and showed Derpy to Rainbow’s house. Derpy found the pony she had rejected inside and was frightened. Rainbow Dash tried to explain herself and tried to get Derpy to remember her but Derpy only remember that her entire life was filled by being hated by other ponies, and took this as mocking her situation.

For a good while the two lived in the same house separately and every time Rainbow Dash saw her friend she couldn’t help but cry softly inside as if someone had made a long cut, a cut somewhere you couldn’t see, but inside Rainbow’s heart she knew she could pull Derpy back to her. But for the meanwhile she couldn’t help but cry softly and alone. Rainbow Dash asked Derpy if she wanted to go for a fly as friends. Dash, trying to slip the thought of their friendship into Derpy’s mind, Derpy went along with the idea and decided it was a good way to get out of the house. Dash purposely flew over to the hill where she had found Derpy that one night. Derpy felt nothing and all she had to say is “why have we” stopped. Dash pleaded with all of her heart for Derpy to remember her to remember them. She yelled at Derpy but her voice was chocked back by her tears and Rainbow Dash could feel her heart being pulled out of her chest.

A few days later Derpy walked over to Dash’s bed and found the broken down pony turned towards the wall. Being who she was Derpy always wanted to make others happy and asked “hey are you ok, do you need a friend to sit with or a shoulder to cry on”? Rainbow felt a faint glimmer of hope and rolled closer to Derpy and explained how she had a great friend who had an accident and she was lost now. Later that night Derpy went back to Ghastly Gorge alone and sat on the rocks peering down into the abyss, she could feel that warmth of Pegasus wings around as if protecting her from falling. When she turned around she saw nopony. She felt as if she was being missed by somepony who she couldn’t put her hoof on. She felt as if somepony had saved her life. In a dream, or a memory? Derpy had feeling she couldn’t control felling of love from somepony she didn’t know or did she know them. Then these feeling came flooding at her and she knew this pony from her “dream”. On her way back to Rainbow’s house she had a long thought or recollection and remembered everything from that one night at the gorge. She knew the pony that saved here had done it before and this pony had a real love for her a real love. She flew into Rainbow’s room and found her asleep. Derpy woke up the sleeping pony and gave her the biggest hug Dash hade ever felt. Dash knew that she had her Derpy back, and the two fell asleep content and happy that they had each other back.

Comments ( 9 )

Fix that wall of text, make paragraphs. Appeal to the prereaders group on this site, they'll help you fix all the errors and they'll teach you how to write good.

988961 agreed. The group unicoorns rule (and pegasus to) are allways glad too preread storys. Check it out and talk to watt

I lied this story

Also 988961...write Well. Sory

Keep it up:pinkiesad2:

Yup, this story has potential. Clean it up and you'll be good to go!

Needs work....... Improvement work......

Out of nowhere, a wall of text appears. It is very effective.

Hey everyone thanks for the comments about the wall of text leave more for any thing else you would like to see changed and in future fics (if they ever happen) it wont be a problem and i will edit this one thanks.

I'm sorry, but the lack of attention to grammar and formatting things from proper spacing to honoring the 'new speaker -> new paragraph' rule mean that I just can't read this. It's too messy. :ajbemused:

Also, you don't need to keep saying 'Rainbow Dash' all of the time. You can just go with 'Rainbow'. It's as odd as saying, say, "John S. Thompson" all the time when writing about a person instead of saying John.

when is chapter 2 D:

You have a very good concept for a story here. If you decided to sit down and write it out, you could easily get 10+ chapters. If you need help, there are many of us on this site that would be willing. You should also get an editor. They are great resources for helping a writer see their story from a second point of view.

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