• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 2,861 Views, 292 Comments

Raichu for Hire - CommanderX5

Twilight and Starlight provided her with a home and food while showering her with kindness and friendship. Determined to repay them, Raichu takes on various jobs, using her skills and survivability to face tasks too dangerous for common ponies.

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Ch 7.5 - ...the Mob

Raichu for Hire


Chapter 7.5

...the Mob

Running through a building covered in scorching fire taught Nica two lessons. The first one being that using ‘Volt Tackle’ provided her with some protection from the fire, like a small barrier of her own. The other being that she couldn’t use ‘Volt Tackle’ unless she was running, and she couldn’t search for trapped ponies without stopping and looking around.

With the aura of electricity vanishing the moment she pulled herself to a full stop on the stairs, she felt the heated atmosphere, her face quickly became sweaty. Breathing alone let her feel the hot air in her lungs, and the smoke traveling on the ceiling left her with the feeling of dread.

Her ears perked up as she listened with full attention, her senses now fully focused on her surroundings. Focus, focus… when I was running towards this building, the flames were covering the walls and were visible on every window and balcony. However, the moment I got inside through the wall, most of the area was fire-free… She trotted across the hallway in search, yet no noise of panic was to be heard. Were ponies unaware that flames started spreading through the floor and walls? Coco told me that those flames are magical and can spread on metal and stone. Maybe those culprits cast them from the outside, enveloping the building in flames to trap the residents inside. It means that most ponies are trapped and unaware of danger.

Nica narrowed her eyes. She sent a small portion of power into her tail, slapping the door open. The screams of panic echoed inside the apartament.

“What’s that thing?”

Nica took a moment to stare at the terrified family of unicorns. Both parents stepped in front of their daughter and son.

“I don’t care what you are, but if you think you can just break out our door and come in uninvited, you’re wrong,” the stallion said, his face unamused.

“You’re not going to steal our property, are you?” the mare asked before growling angrily. “You better not!”

<I’m not a thief! This building is on fire, I’m here to get you out!> Nica shouted, only to realize that her collar was no longer on her neck. To use electricity, she sacrificed her means of communication.

“I’m… I’m armed,” the stallion said before levitating over a golf club, waving it in front of him threateningly.

Nica’s mouth was agape. These ponies were completely unaware the danger they were in. I have to warn them somehow. Her nose picked up a burning smell coming from another room.

“Wait… is something burning?” the mare asked, sniffing the air before looking around in confusion.

Not wasting a moment, Nica ran towards the door and slapped it open, pointing at the spreading flames coming from the balcony. A third of the room already being on fire. She examined the expression of the family, seeing nothing but shock on the parents faces. She turned back to the flames and walked inside the room. At times like this, having Starmie around would be really helpful. She narrowed her eyes and focused on her electricity, sending a weakened ‘Thunderbolt’ in attempt to separate the burning part of the room from the rest. With the flaming rubble falling onto the street, Nica approached the edge, examining distance from the ground. Wait… the flames are gone? she thought. The rubble that fell to the street was no longer on fire. So that’s how this spell works. It’s meant to burn the entire building, but doesn’t spread further than that.

“It must be the mob!” the stallion shouted. “Oh no. I should’ve paid my part…”

The mare looked at Nica in confusion. “You… you didn’t come to rob us, but to help us, r-right?

Nica nodded before pointing down as the family approached.

“It’s only the third floor, we could jump…” the stallion said before looking at the colt by his side. Focusing on his magic, he levitated both children towards the street before jumping themselves, landing on the street safely.

Nica sighed before walking towards the stairs, only to hear screams of panic and see ponies leaving their rooms, forming a crowd. Out of reflex, she leaped towards the ceiling and pierced it with her tail, now hanging onto the hole. The crowd of ponies galloped under her while ignoring her presence. Numerous ponies started pushing one another in attempt to get downstairs while two tall stallions kicked a hole in the wall, now jumping outside form the third floor.

Nica’s ears drooped as she powerlessly stared at the scene. There wasn’t much she could do for the crowd, and ponies seemed capable enough to jump from this height or run through the flames at the entrance. Oh right… ponies are quite durable themselves, she thought, now remembering her interaction with Maud Pie.

She climbed onto the fourth floor and made another hole in the ceiling, climbing floor after floor as the stairs were mostly crowded with ponies. This building seemed to have nine levels, maybe ponies on the upper floors needed her help?

Her prediction had proven true as the flames started to spread across the hallway, cutting off all escape paths.

Walking on her rear paws, occasionally performing tiny leaps, she bypassed the spreading flames, only to end up trapped between them. Gritting her teeth, she ran through the fire as her spotless fur now received a few burns. Her mind provided her with reminders of each time she was hit by fire attacks while being a Pichu.

“Is anypony there?”

Nica ran towards the source of voice.

“I need help… please!”

Nica tackled the door with her body, finding herself in a kitchen which was mostly on fire.

She yelped and leaped to the side. Her right eye closed and she bit her lip as she felt a massive amount of pain still present on her right leg, as if it was making contact with a pokemon made of lava. She looked down, noticing how her right foot was stuck against a melting pan. Forget lava. This hurts so much more! Get off, get off! She shook the melted metal from her foot and focused her attention on the pleading voice. Now was no time to be bothered by pain.

“Help! Somepony! Please!”

She ran through another portion of flames while limping on three legs, her right leg raised above the floor. She broke into the bathroom, finding a pegasus hiding in his bathtub which was filled with water. The most noticeable feature about the pony was a badly burned right wing.

“W-who… what are you?”

Nica looked at the ceiling, noticing gathering smoke. Even if the water seemed to keep the fire at bay, it was only a matter of time before the toxic gas would end this pony’s life.

“Whatever you are, hide inside this bathtub. It’s better than burning alive,” the pegasus said in terrified voice, struggling to hide his pain as he occasionally glanced as his burned wing. “Oh, just my stupid luck. If I had noticed the flames earlier… ugh...”

Nica looked around. The only way out seemed to be through the kitchen and the hallway, which were already on fire. She wrapped her tail around the belly of the confused pegasus and bent her legs, preparing to run. She grit her teeth the moment her right foot touched the floor, but ignored the pain.

“Hey… w-what are you doing, release me!”

Repeating her name over and over, she ran. Electricity formed around her and the pegasus, keeping the flames at bay as she dashed through the kitchen and the hallway. Tackling the wall, she pierced through, now falling from the seventh floor with the pegasus wrapped by her tail.

Her legs bent upon the impact as she struggled to keep her head and the pegasus from crashing into the street. While on her own, she had no trouble falling from hundreds of meters, doing so with additional weight was anything but easy. With the pegasus wrapped by her tail, her weight increased four times, making her fall harder to endure. Having burned legs only made the fall more painful.

Standing on her trembling legs, she lowered the pegasus to the street whose eyes were wide as plates, his breathing quick.

The pegasus tried to speak, to yell, but words were stuck in his throat.

As much as she wished to stay with the pegasus and calm him down, she was far from being done. With a calculated jump, she reached the eighth floor by a window, her forepaws raised protectively to her face as the flames were stronger than before. The entire hallway was now on fire. Whatever sweat formed on Nica evaporated in an instant. Her senses picked an aura of fear coming from behind the nearby door. With a slam of her tail, she forced the door open, unintentionally inviting the fire inside. The scream of panic reached her ears.

Stepping into the room, she lowered her burnt paws as no fire blocked her vision. In the corner of the room was as a curled and trembling colt, an earth pony.

“M-mom… d-dad… please… d-don’t leave me…” the earth pony said, sobbing between words while his bronze mane wore a few burned marks. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that his mane had caught on fire and was extinguished with hasty stomping or rolling.

Nica bit her lip. It was one thing to use ‘Volt Tackle’ while pulling a grown up pony, but would a terrified colt endure the experience?

With slow steps, she approached the young pony and gently nuzzled him, yet the trembling and aura of fear remained.

She carefully picked up the colt onto her back and wrapped her tail around them both for stability, her attention now focused upon a wall. With help of a weakened ‘Thunderbolt’ she pierced a few holes, creating a path. <Hold on tight,> she said before jumping forward. With a long jump, she flew above the flames quick enough to keep them from burning her passenger, only to start falling from an even greater height than before.

She straightened her less-burned rear leg downwards, preparing her foot for the landing. As she’d hoped for, the landing proved softer, due to her passenger only doubling her weight. She gently placed the traumatised colt on the street and embraced, stroking his back while pressing his face into the fur on her chest. <You’re safe now… ssshhh… everything will be alright.>

“Nica, you’re safe!”

Nica turned towards the source of voice, recognizing Coco. Not wasting a moment, she released the colt from her embrace and pointed at him, and next ran and jumped back to the eighth floor. My boss is very kind. I’m sure she can cheer up the poor pony.

Despite her obvious durability, the continuous contact with fire started to hurt more and more as the atmosphere became unbearable. Each step across the flames became a struggle on its own. If I remain too long in the fire, it will wear me down. I have to hurry. With the pain becoming harder to ignore, she once again used ‘Volt Tackle’, piercing wall after wall while protecting herself from the flames, yet most rooms on this floor were abandoned. Upon hearing screams of pain coming from above, she stopped herself and jumped, piercing the ceiling with ‘Iron tail'.

Now finding herself inside another burning room, she walked towards the source of voice, noticing three ponies trapped under flaming rubble. One quick glance at the hole on the ceiling was enough to let her see the red sky.

Gritting her teeth, Nica slammed the burning rubble away. Two grown up earth ponies held a young filly in their embrace, most likely a desperate attempt to protect her when the ceiling itself started to fall on their heads.

Nica wanted nothing but to help, but couldn't move an inch, a memory of her past flashed before her eyes.

She was in another building filled with flames, and she was a Raichu as well, staring at two burned humans protecting their child. Despite her attempts to help them and get outside, the father didn’t survive, while the mother’s face was never the same. Only their daughter remained unharmed, though afraid of fire and fire pokemon ever since.

Nica shook her head, now was not the time to remember her failure. The ponies before her were conscious and struggled to stand up, showing impressive durability.

“I… I don’t know who you are…” He coughed. “But thank you…”

The mare ignored her own burns, examining her daughter. “Are you alright? Please, speak to me.”

“I am…” the filly coughed. “What… what will happen to us?”

The mare looked around, seeing nothing but fire from all sides and even the roof. She embraced her daughter, covering her line of sight and stroke her gently. “It’ll be okay, it’ll be okay, it’ll be okay.”

Nica felt tears sliding down her face, which evaporated upon making contact with the heated floor. Even though she no longer stood in flames, she felt heated air from all around. The smoke on the ceiling kept escaping through the hole.

Feeling a surge of confidence, she approached the family and spread her forepaws in direction of the scared filly.

“You want to hold her?” the mare asked.

Nica nodded.

“But why?”

Nica pointed at the hole in the ceiling, begging in her mind that the ponies would trust her enough.

“You think you can save her?” she asked, receiving a nod of confirmation.

“But how can you do that?” the stallion asked while looking at the approaching flames. “Nevermind that… we’re going to burn anyway!” He looked at his wife and shouted, “If there’s even a slight chance, we should take it, honey, please!”

The mare slowly placed the filly in Nica’s embrace, her forelegs shaking. “Please, get her to safety if you can. I beg you!”

Nica nodded before turning around. She pressed the filly into her fur and wrapped them both with her tail. With a quick jump, she flew through the hole in the roof before falling onto the roof of a nearby building, gently placing the filly on the cold stone. <Please, wait here, I’ll go get your parents.>

The filly stared back at her with terrified eyes, yet she could sense more than just aura of fear. A powerful aura of gratefulness and trust.

With no time to waste, she repeated her trick with the other ponies. While it worked with the mare, the stallion proved heavier than she thought.

Weighed down by her heavy passenger and not strong enough to reach the roof of another building, she fell down to the street. In desperation, she sent power into her tail, keeping it above her head. Her paws slammed into the street with great force, causing cracks to spread as her own face was now stuck in it. The stallion was spared the unpleasant crashing, still raised centimeters above the hard ground. Deeply inside she felt like screaming in pain from the non-stop abuse, but kept her mouth shut.

The Chief of the Police stationed nearby Coco’s store with a small group of his subordinates as he awaited Coco’s response. It didn’t come up as a surprise that the mare and her bodyguard needed some time to consider their plea, and Miss Pommel promised to give him the answer after closing her store today. It was only a matter of time before the mob would find the behavior of the police to be suspicious, so the sooner he could get his answer, the better.

What came as a surprise was smoke coming from the mafia’s territory.

Not wasting a moment, he organized his squad and galloped towards the burning building, passing street after street. The firefighters seemed to be heading in the same direction, pulling large containers with water.

The biggest surprise however was what was awaiting them. Beside a panicked crowd of ponies gathered around the burning building, Miss Nica, the bodyguard he needed for a special mission, was now standing in the middle of the street covered in burns. Coco by her side.

With firm steps and an impassive stare, he approached the large critter who seemed to notice him.

Nica approached in his direction as they now stared at each other in silence.

“Where are those responsible?” Nica asked, her eyes narrowed while the collar was present on her neck.

“I take it you’re willing to cooperate in taking them down?” Blue Cross asked, doing his best to keep his emotions in check. The critter before him looked as if it had been running through hell and deserved his pity and respect, but now was not the time to show it.

“Where are they?” Nica asked again.

“They are most likely in their headquarters. I would advise not going after them until you recover,” Blue Cross suggested, only for the critter to jump towards his head. Burned rear paws anchored themselves against his chest, burned forepaws were on his cheeks and a tiny black nose was pressed against his muzzle. The oval eyes of the critter were filled with rage and determination. She wasn’t going to step down.

“I’ll be battle ready in ten minutes! Now, where are they?”

Blue Cross sighed and pointed at the tallest building in this part of town. “Pyrocasters, lieutenants and the boss himself reside in that building, guarded by their most brutal enforcers.”

Nica released his face, landing on the street before sitting. Her breathing heavy, eyes closed, ears drooped and her tail lying motionlessly. “I’ll stop them… I swear.”

Blue Cross nodded before looking back at his subordinates. “Don’t stand in place like foals, call for reinforcements.”

Each officer saluted before running away, following their order.

Blue Cross glanced at the burning building, examined the gathered ponies and next looked at the burns covering her fur. There were more than enough clues as to what this brave being was doing all this time. It seems that Princess Twilight Sparkle has a good eye for talents. I hope our little mercenary is as skilled and powerful as she is brave.

A tall orange unicorn in a grey suit eyed the city from the top of his building, which would be considered as a skyscraper by some due to it having no less than thirty levels. Only a few constructions in Manehattan surpassed his own personal fortress.

His attention focused upon a burning building in distance, a fine example for fools what defying him would cost them. Between him and the outside was a reinforced glass window, hard enough to stop even the strongest pegasi from assaulting him from the air. One of the perks of being the top dog in this big apple called Manehattan was a nice view and very competent security.

He massaged his forehead and groaned upon experiencing yet another headache, a sore reminder that maybe he wasn’t the top dog after all. He approached his comfortable armchair and sat in it, his eyes now staring at a single note.

“Either live in a blissful ignorance, or your life is forfeit,” he read it aloud in angered tone. For a unicorn, he was not a fool, possessing both powerful magic, vast knowledge and street smart. Ever since his headaches started a few days ago, he investigated them, finding out that part of his memories were sealed by dark magic while some mysterious curse was regularly draining a small portion of his magic, like a parasite feeding off his power.

Sealing someone's memories wasn’t new in the world of crime, a useful and more merciful method of dealing with someone who knew too much. It didn’t take a genius to find a connection between memory loss, headaches and his magic being drained. “Stupid curse,” he said to himself and unleashed his anger on a pony statuette of himself, shattering the marble stone into tiny pebbles. Someone powerful cursed him with dark magic while sealing his memories of the event.

Not long after researching a spell to remove the curse from himself and his pyrocasters, a mysterious note appeared in his very room. Someone way above him in power and cunning was warning him, and he knew better than to ignore it.

He sighed before once again looking at the burning building in the distance, the very sight improved his mood.

“Sir, it’s an emergency!”

The unicorn looked towards his door, which were slammed open as his trusty subordinate rushed in, his forehead covered in sweat and his breathing heavy.

“Calm yourself this instant, Tombstone. You’re shaming our family by panicking like that.”

“S-sorry boss.” Tombstone took a moment to catch a breath before saluting. “Our family is under assault. You need to escape before it is too late!”

The boss stared at his subordinate as if he went insane. Tombstone was one of his toughest earth ponies, always wearing a grey suit with black stripes sitting on his back, which often got dirty whenever he was assigned to beat someone into submission. This time however his suit was covered by burns, and so was his face.

Taking a deep calming breath, he asked, “How many attackers? Are they from the police, or a bunch of rival gangs gathered together? How much progress have they made into my fortress?” He placed his forehooves on the desk before him, staring at his subordinate with a calm and collected posture.

“J-just one and small, sir, but insanely dangerous. This beast use its own tail like a sword and blasts room after room with electricity.” He took a few quick breaths. “The police arrived later and started cleaning after it, taking the unconscious enforcers into custody with no resistance.”

The boss raised an eyebrow. Merely joking like this would earn his subordinate a tombstone of his own, so as ridiculous as it sounded, it couldn’t be a prank.

“The pyrocasters tried to burn it with no effect. That creature must be fireproof or something. One of your lieutenants was defeated already while another one formed a defensive line on the twelfth floor.” Suddenly, both stallions felt weak trembling under their hooves and heard noise of breaking glass. “Well… I think his line has been breached just now.”

The boss lowered his head and held it on both of his forelegs, which were supported against the desk. “One bad thing after another,” he said to himself before glancing at the note. Whoever was coming couldn’t be sent by this mysterious figure who did mess up with his memories, but was probably someone of the same league.

He raised his head and glanced at his subordinate. “Our family doesn’t run away with our tail between our legs. If we’re fated to fall today, we’ll do so in combat.”

Tombstone nodded before approaching his boss, sitting next to him. “If this is your wish boss, I will fight by your side.” His panicking voice was now filled with determination while breathing returned to normal.

The boss gave his subordinate a satisfied smile. This kind of attitude is what he expected from his family.

Seconds felt like minutes as noises of battle became louder and louder, only to turn into a dead silence. Half a minute later, a shining thunder-shaped tail cut the door in half and next pushed it aside. A small pear-shaped creature with a long tail and rabbit-like legs walked inside. Despite bruises and burns covering nearly the entirety of its body, it didn’t show any sign of weakness.

The boss facehooved before laughing in a creepy way. “So… the powerful Del Gambino family is fated to fall… to such a tiny being. The fates truly couldn’t play a more cruel joke on me on this very day.”

The critter approached, staring back with narrowed eyes filled with rage.

“Boss… Sir Gambino, please be wary. When it arrived at our doorstep, we were fooled by its innocent appearance. Before we knew it, a third of our forces were knocked out by electricity.”

Gambino chuckled. “I see. Size isn’t always the symbol of strength, or else the dragons would have burned down Equestria a long time ago.” He shook his head. “Still, I can’t let everything end this way. What’s your name, intruder?” As he awaited the answer, his attention focused on a small saddlebag attached to the critter’s shoulder. The intruder opened it and picked up a collar, only to put it on its neck.

“My name’s Nica and I am a Raichu.”

“I wish I could say it is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Nica, but it would be a lie. Despite your meekly appearance, you managed to defeat my strongest subordinates and overpowered my entire family by yourself. I feel a great respect towards your strength and great sadness that we are on opposite sides.” He stood up from his armchair and rounded his table, now staring at his opponent with an even look. “Before we exchange blows, may I ask what reason you have to fight us? If we offended you in anyway, I would be willing to apologize and repay in return for your neutrality.”

“It’s not about me, it’s about all the ponies you hurt. Criminal organizations grow in strength at the expense of weak and innocent, which is why I’m more than willing to take them down!” She pointed at what was left of the burning building out the window. “So many lives would have been lost if I wasn’t there to help, and I fear that not everypony made it out safely.” She pointed at him accusingly. “I’ll use all of my power to take away yours so you can’t ruin any more lives.”

Gambino raised an eyebrow. “While I find your motivation to be a bit of a cliche and over-idealistic, I can’t deny the determination and willpower I see in your eyes. You’re not somepony trying to play hero. I can tell that you’re emotionally invested in taking me down.” Gambino crossed his forearms. “Still, defeating me wouldn’t bring you any benefits. Would you agree to remain neutral or side up with me? I can give you riches and a position of pow–” He failed to finish as the critter’s tail slammed into the floor with great force and a loud thump. His attempt of negotiation did little but enrage the intruder further.

Tombstone approached his boss and took a fighting stance in front of him, ready to defend him with his life.

Gambino rubbed his cheek and said, “I see how it is, but before I unleash my power against you, would you tell me what kind of being are you. I have studied the royal archives in Canterlot quite intensively, so I know numerous species that live in Equestria and on the borders. You, a being called Raichu, don’t seem to be from around here.”

Nica stomped. “I see no reason to tell you anything, and even if I wanted too, I am still recovering my memories. There’s much I still don’t know about where I come from and myself.”

“Wait… recovering memories?” His horn lit as he performed a quick scan of the critter in front of him, who took a fighting stance in response but didn’t attack. “So your memories were also tampered with…”

“What do you mean, also?” Nica asked, blinking in confusion. Her tail raised threateningly.

“It matters not. Maybe I will tell you if you defeat me,” Gambino said before vanishing in a flash of teleportation, reappearing behind the critter. He shot a beam of magic towards the back of Nica’s neck, damaging the collar by accident as it fell onto the floor. He smirked before grabbing the creature with his levitation and throwing her against the reinforced glass. He grit his teeth, putting all his power into his horn before unleashing a powerful beam, which pinned Nica against the glass while continuously burning her belly. A loud painful "chuuuuuu..." filled the room.

One crack, a second crack, the reinforced glass broke as the long-tailed creature fell from the thirtieth floor. Despite the long distance, a thudding noise reached his ears. As he approached the window to see if the intruder was flattened, his ears picked up an odd noise, as if “Rai” was being repeated over and over, followed by the noise of broken walls.

He flinched out of reflex as Nica pierced the floor before him, and he could see an aura of electricity surrounding the intruder. He raised a barrier, yet it broke the moment his opponent tackled it. A bright explosion blinded him as he felt electricity go through his bones and muscles, only for him to be pinned to the floor by a much smaller being.

Tombstone ran closer and turned around, delivering a series of kicks in attempt to get Nica off his boss, each blocked by the long shining tail.

With a quick swing, Nica hit the earth pony with her tail, pushing him across the room. Her attention focused on the unicorn boss.

Gambino stood up on his shaking legs, still feeling the side-effects of being shocked by electricity as his muscles rebelled against him. He shot several beams of magic at Nica, who evaded three shots, deflected two with her metallic tail while the last one left a bruise on her cheek. His focus on a teleportation spell was interrupted by the metallic tail slamming against his horn. Another portion of electricity went through his body a moment later.

Nica picked up the collar from the floor and held it on her neck with her paw before speaking, “You’re much faster and more battle-experienced than Princess Twilight, I’ll give you that.” She narrowed her eyes and pinned him against the wall with her tail. “But you still have a long way from reaching her in terms of raw power. It is over.”

The boss chuckled, a satisfied smile present on his face. “It is over indeed, and despite being hurt, you fought with skills and might. It makes sense why Princess Twilight Sparkle would send someone as competent as you to deal with my family.” He chuckled again. “I’ll find solace knowing that we lost to a subordinate of the vanquisher of Tirek herself.”

The pokemon groaned. “If you used your powers and talents to help those weaker than you instead of exploiting them, you wouldn’t end up as my enemy. You can only blame yourself and the choices you made.”

“Speaking of choices,” the boss said, looking at the critter in pity. “If your memories were sealed by the same dark magic that cursed and weakened me, you’ll no doubt encounter this powerful being again. For your own sake, don’t stand up against it.”

“What are you talking about?” Nica asked, still holding her collar against her neck while pinning the stallion with her tail against the wall.

The boss pointed at the note on the table and said, “Either live in a blissful ignorance, or your life is forfeit.” He shook his head. “My memories and the memories of my strongest family members were tampered with, and curses were placed upon us. As a reward for defeating me, I’ll give you this one warning. If you’re given a choice, do not fight against this powerful being.”

“Twilight, Twilight, where are you!?”

“Over here!” Twilight shouted from her spot behind the table in her library, an open book levitated in front of her face. It didn’t take long before Pinkie Pie and Starlight ran inside.

“You really really really need to read this!” Pinkie shouted before throwing a newspaper onto the table.

“You won’t believe what happened!” Starlight shouted as she clapped her forehooves, her face filled with excitement.

Twilight lowered her book and started reading the newspaper before pointing at the numerous pictures. “You mean Rarity’s punk mane’s style? I already knew about it since yesterday.”

“No, turn the page,” Pinkie suggested, turning the page for the princess before once again bouncing in place from excitement.

Twilight’s neutral face turned into one of shock while her eyes became wide like plates.

“A small but brave bodyguard protected a clothing store from a gang.”

“The long-tailed critter called Raichu rushed into a burning building and saved numerous lives.”

“Miss Nica assisted the police in fight against the mob by defeating and arresting leaders of the Del Gambino family, ending their reign of terror!”

Twilight’s mouth opened agape, suddenly out of words.

“Isn’t this the coolest news you’ve ever read?” Pinkie asked.

“I must say, it is certainly a very strong way to start her career as a mercenary, don’t you think?” Starlight asked. She wiped liquid pride from her eyes a moment later. “Just a week ago she solved a friendship problem in the changeling’s hive, and now she’s up there kicking flanks and taking names. So proud…”

Pinkie stopped bouncing and waved a hoof in front of Twilight’s eyes, and then poked her in the side, making the alicorn fall. “Well… that’s certainly one way to react.”