• Published 21st Mar 2018
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Duelists of the Friendship Cup - DrakeyC

Friendship Games is retold, but with less academics and athletics and more card games.

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King of Destruction – Sunset and Twilight vs Sombra (Part 2)

Duelists of the Friendship Cup

King of Destruction – Sunset and Twilight vs Sombra

-Sunset Life Points: 400-

-Twilight Life Points: 7900-

-Sombra Life Points: 12600-

Twilight put a hand on her deck. “My turn.” She drew and looked at her card, then set it on her duel disk. “I activate the Spell card ‘Solar Recharge’. This lets me discard ‘Ehren, Lightsworn Monk’ to draw two cards from my deck, and then I discard two cards from the top of my deck.” Twilight’s deck ejected two cards, then retracted two as she picked them up.

-Twilight’s deck: 16 cards-

“I summon ‘Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner’, in defense mode.” A woman with white robes and pale blonde hair rose in front of Twilight, kneeling with her arms crossed over her chest (1000/1000). “I then activate Limina’s special ability. By discarding ‘Jain, Lightsworn Paladin’ from my hand, I can revive a Lightsworn monster from my Graveyard. I revive my Felis, Lightsworn Archer.”

Lumina cupped her hands together and produced a glowing orb of light. The orb circled around her and then floated down beside her, where it grew and expanded into Felis, kneeling with its bow at the ready.

“I then activate Felis’ effect. By offering it as Tribute, a monster on your side of the field is destroyed.” Felis raised its bow and pulled back the arrow on the string. Twilight pointed. “I choose your Wave King Caesar!” Felis loosed its arrow and it flew across the field.

“I will activate Caesar’s ability.” Sombra tapped the screen of his duel disk and one of the blue orbs floating around Caesar dispersed and rained down over it. “By detaching one of its Xyz Materials, any destroyed monsters will be revived at the end of your Battle Phase.” Felis’ arrow struck Caesar and it shattered in a burst of light. Sombra took a card from his duel disk. “And since Caesar was sent to the Graveyard, I will use its effect to add another Dark Contract with the Gate to my hand.”

Twilight nodded. “Using Felis’ effect also causes me to discard three cards from the top of my deck.” her duel disk beeped and she looked down at it. “One of my discarded cards was ‘Wulf, Lightsworn Beast’, so I revive him in defense mode.”

In front of Twilight, a humanoid white wolf with white and gold armor and an axe appeared, kneeling with its axe planted on the ground (2100/300).

“I set a card and end my turn. Since I didn’t conduct my Battle Phase, your Caesar isn’t revived. And during the end of my turn, the effect of Lumina sends three more cards from my deck to the Graveyard.”

-Twilight’s deck: 10 cards-

Sunset frowned. What is she doing? She could have used Lumina’s effect to revive Raiden and Synchro Summoned. Her duel disk beeped to indicate her turn, but she ignored it. She wouldn’t be holding back to sabotage us, she’d just not have joined if she was still helping Sombra. Is she afraid? “Twilight.”

When Twilight turned her head to Sunset, Sunset gave her a stern look. “This is the most dangerous duel either of us has ever faced. We can’t let nerves get to us, right?”

Twilight swallowed heavily and nodded back. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Sunset looked back at Sombra. “It’s my turn, now.” She drew and set her card on her duel disk. “I activate the Spell ‘Harmony Jewel’. I return Honestas from my Pendulum Zone to the Extra Deck and draw a card.” Honestas faded away in the air as Sunset drew again. “I then activate the Spell card ‘Harmony Sprout’. This lets me return Magnanimity and Pietas in my Graveyard to my hand. And then, I summon Magnanimity to the field.”

As her monster materialized in front of her, rapier at the ready, Sunset had another card already in her hand. “I activate ‘Harmony Guardian Infernal Juniperus’ in my empty Pendulum Zone.” A pillar of teal light shot into the air beside Sunset. A warrior woman with a helmet over her eyes and green and purple armor rose within it, a flail with a metal disk on a chain hanging at her hip.

Sunset breathed deep. Here we go. “Using the Scale 3 Harmony Guardian Infernal Sonare and the Scale 9 Harmony Guardian Infernal Juniperus, I Pendulum Summon!” A swirling blue and green portal opened above Sunset. She reached to her duel disk, grabbed her cards, and held them out. “From my hand, I summon Harmony Guardian Pietas and ‘Harmony Guardian Risus’, and from my Extra Deck I summon Harmony Guardian Gracia and Harmony Guardian Adagium!”

Four blasts of light swirled out of the portal and slammed into the field in front of Sunset. Adagium stood up, glowing orange and hefting her mace. Beside her, Pietas, stretched its arms up and spun its lance over its head. On the other side of Magnanimity, Gracia grabbed her whip from her hip and let it uncoil to the ground. And on the far end of the row, Risus twirled a pair of crossbows and pointed them across the field, winking (1400/1100).

Sombra’s eyebrows raised. “Five monsters? Very impressive.”

“I’m not done yet.” Sunset thrust her hand out. “I activate Juniperus’ Pendulum ability! I can conduct a Synchro Summon using Juniperus in the Pendulum Zone as the Tuner and a Harmony Guardian monster on my side of the field! I tune Juniperus and Pietas!”

Juniper flew out of her light pillar and turned into four green rings. The rings descended around Pietas and began to spin, Pietas glowing teal. “I align the spirits of the guardian of loyalty and the fallen guardian of inspiration, and open the dimensional gates to call on the harshest of dark musicians!” Sunset grabbed her card as it ejected from her duel disk and set it on her tray. “Synchro Summon! Awaken, Level 8, ‘Harmony Guardian Infernal Ariette’!”

The rings around Pietas exploded out and the glow faded, revealing Sunset’s new monster. Armored in violet and green with a red gemstone on its chest, it grabbed a trident from its back, purple and green lightning coursing along it, and planted it on the ground (2300/1300).

“Since I Special Summoned a Harmony Guardian monster, the effects of Risus, Gracia, and Magnanimity all activate. Magnanimity lets me draw a card, Gracia prevents my Harmony Guardians from being destroyed in battle on your next turn, and Risus negates any battle damage I take on your next turn.”

“And thus your field is virtually impenetrable,” Sombra thought aloud. He smiled. “Your Pendulums truly are something wondrous, Sunset Shimmer.”

“If you like them now, let me give you a closer look!” Sunset pointed. “Harmony Guardian Infernal Adagium, attack D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser!” Adagium flapped her wings and flew across the field, mace in her hands. “At this time, the effect of Harmony Guardian Infernal Sonare in my Pendulum Zone activates. When a Harmony Guardian battles, Sonare can lower the attack power of your monster by eight hundred!”

Sonare held up her hands and fired a ray of blue light. The light shot past Adagium and struck Kaiser, the silver-armored demon groaning and stumbling (2800 → 2000). Adagium reached it and slammed its mace into its chest, sending Kaiser falling back to shatter as it hit the ground.

-Sombra Life Points: 12500-

“And then Adagium’s effect activates.” Sunset smirked. “You take damage equal to the defense points of the monster she destroyed.” Adagium held its mace out and shot a barrage of orange lightning at Sombra.

“You insult me, Sunset.” Sombra snorted. The ghostly image of Oracle King d’Arc appeared in front of him and the lightning passed through it, turning blue before it hit Sombra. “Did you not think I would maintain a defense against that effect? As long as my Oracle King d’Arc is on the field, any effect damage I take is reversed into healing.”

-Sombra Life Points: 14600-

Sunset scowled. “Fine, but she’ll be going away now. The effect of Sonare can be used multiple times each turn, so now, Ariette attacks your Oracle King d’Arc!” Ariette flew forward, aiming its trident at d’Arc (2800 → 2000). It planted its feet on the ground in front of d’Arc and skewered it through the chest. D’Arc exploded in a wave of purple light.

-Sombra Life Points: 14300-

“And now, you’re wide open.” Sunset smiled. “Harmony Guardians Risus, Gracia, and Magnanimity, attack Sombra directly!”

In front of Sunset, Risus raised her crossbows and fired a pair of sparkling pink bolts. Gracia and Magnanimity ran alongside them, Gracia spinning and lashing out her whip and Magnanimity stabbing with her rapier. The rapier bolts hit Sombra and he stepped back with a grunt. Gracia’s whip snapped at the air in front of him and he stumbled, and Magnanimity’s rapier narrowly missed his head as he fell back, collapsing to the ground.

-Sombra Life Points: 10800-

“I end my turn.” Sunset’s monsters rested on her field as the face-down card materialized behind them.

Sombra slowly climbed to his feet, breathing deeply. He reached to his deck and drew. “My turn.”

“And since it’s your Standby Phase, you take a thousand points of damage for your Dark Contract cards,” Sunset called.

Sombra looked down at the two hands emerging from the ground, the contracts in their hands glowing red. His body lit up in the same light and he cried out as he was shocked.

-Sombra Life Points: 8800-

“Well done indeed,” Sombra hissed. He sneered and reached to his hand. “Your perseverance in the face of superior ability is admirable. But I won’t allow an upstart to think she can control this duel.” His eyes lit up bright green. “I consider your efforts a personal insult, now. An insult that will not stand.”

Sunset tensed. Oh no.

“I activate a second copy of Dark Contract with the Gate, and invoke the power of both copies to add two D/D monsters from my deck to my hand!” Sombra’s eyes flared brighter. His deck glowed the same green as two cards materialized on top of it and slid into his fingers. He grabbed the cards and held them in the air. “Using the Scale 0 ‘D/D/D Crystal Queen Frashokereti’ and Scale 13 ‘D/D/D Crystal King Fimbulwinter’, I set the Pendulum Scales!”

The ground shook. The cards in Sombra’s hand vanished and reappeared above him, rays of blue and red light shining from them. The card in the blue light shifted and grew, forming a purple-skinned demon in a deep blue cloak and long blue hair, her lower body vanishing into an orb of blue light. In the red light, the other card turned into a grey-skinned demon in a red cloak with black hair, its lower body connecting to an orb of red light. Both of their eyes lit up green as pillars of light rose around them, blue and red.

“Scales of zero and thirteen?” Twilight whispered. “He could summon anything!”

“Yes, but now I will summon this.” Sombra set his drawn card on his duel disk. “I summon ‘D/D Nighthowl’.” A large pair of disembodied jaws with rows of fangs appeared on Sombra’s field (300/600). “When Nighthowl is summoned, I can revive a D/D monster in the Graveyard. Return to my field, Oracle King d’Arc!” Nighthowl turned its jaws and fired a ray of dark light at the ground, d’Arc rising within it.

Sombra swept his hand out. “And then, I tune my Level 3 D/D Nighthowl with my Level 7 D/D/D Oracle King d’Arc!” Nighthowl split into three green rings and circled d’Arc as a cyclone of wind rose around them. Sombra’s eyes glowed green. “Demon of fangs and demon of miracles, align your powers and invoke the form of an indomitable storming demon king!” Sombra held his hand out to the side, his card appearing in his fingers. “Synchro Summon! Arise, Level 10, ‘D/D/D Gust High King Alexander’!”

A massive silver and green sword sliced through the cyclone, dispersing it and revealing a demonic knight in gleaming silver and red armor, orbs on the armor glowing bright blue. A flowing green cape fluttering on its back as it hefted its sword and bellowed (3000/25000).

“I now invoke the powers of my Pendulum monsters.” Sombra thrust his hand out. “Pendulum Summon! From my Extra Deck, come forth D/D Savant Nikola and D/D Savant Copernicus!” The Pendulum Summoning portal opened between Sombra’s Pendulums, glowing red, blue, and green. Nikola and Copernicus descended to his field, Nikola’s cloak rustling and Copernicus’ gyroscope slowing to a halt.

“Since I have summoned a D/D monster, the effect of Gust High King Alexander activates, reviving my D/D Berfomet in the Graveyard.” Alexander pointed its sword at the ground and a rush of wind heralded the appearance of Berfomet, kneeling. “I then activate the effect of Berfomet to change the Level of my Copernicus to 6.” Copernicus’ gyroscope clicked and turned, the orange core in the center glowing brighter.

“I overlay my D/D Savant Copernicus and D/D Savant Nikola! Using my two Level 6 monsters, I construct the overlay network!” Nikola retracted until it was only its red power core and floated into Copernicus, its gyroscope spinning as dark energy consumed it. “Demon of astronomy and demon of technology, unite your powers and invoke the form of an indomitable crashing demon king!” Sombra thrust his hand into the air. “Xyz Summon! Come forth, Rank 6, ‘D/D/D Wave High King Caesar!”

A column of water burst up out of the combination of Sombra’s monsters. The waters lowered to reveal a massive demon in blue and grey armor, a large spiked club in its hands. It swung the club into the ground, creating a tremor, and then spun it back onto its shoulders (2800/1800).

“Finally, I activate the effect of Dark Contract with the Swamp King. I banish D/D Berfomet and D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser in my Graveyard to perform a Fusion Summon!” The two monsters appeared above Sombra and swirled together in a purple vortex. “Demon of feathers and demon of conquest, combine your powers and invoke the form of an indomitable blazing demon king!” Sombra held his card up. “Fusion Summon! Awaken, Level 8, ‘D/D/D Flame High King Genghis’!”

A spiral of flame erupted from the vortex and washed over Sombra’s field. They dispersed to reveal a demon in black armor, red and blue bands wrapped around its limbs. Four arms raised three flaming swords and a shield into the air and clanged them together, then swept them out (2800/2400).

Sombra chuckled softly as his three monsters glowed in front of him, his eyes flashing green. “Now that my monsters are set, I will invoke the powers of my Pendulum monsters. First, D/D/D Crystal Queen Frashokereti. Once per turn, I can destroy a Dark Contract card on my side of the field, and add another Dark Contract with a different name from my deck to my hand. I destroy Dark Contract with the Swamp King, and add to my hand ‘Dark Contract with the Eternal Darkness’.”

Frashokereti glowed with a blue aura, her cloak fluttering and her power core flashing. One of the hands in front of Sombra holding a contract glowed the same light and retracted into the ground. Sombra’s duel disk beeped and ejected a card to his hand.

He looked at Sunset, a small frown on his lips. “A pity that your Harmony Guardians have provided you such potent protection, or else I would eliminate you from this duel. But, no matter.” He turned his eyes to the side. “Your partner’s defenses are far easier to circumvent.” Twilight tensed as Sombra thrust his hand toward her. “I will activate the Pendulum effect of D/D/D Crystal King Fimbulwinter! By destroying a Dark Contract on my side of the field, I can destroy a card on my opponent’s side of the field! I dispose of Dark Contract with the Gate and destroy Lightsworn Barrier!”

Twilight gasped. Above Sombra, Fimbulwinter glowed red. A hand in front of Sombra turned into red energy and was sucked up into Fimbulwinter’s power core. The orb flashed and fired a ray of red light across the field. The hologram of Twilight’s Trap sparked and exploded as the light struck it.

“And now.” Sombra’s outstretched hand clenched into a fist. “D/D/D Flame High King Genghis, attack Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner!”

Genghis ran forward, its three swords twirling in the air over its head. It reached Lumina and brought the blades down in a tri-directional cleave. Lumina shrieked and shattered.

“Next, D/D/D Wave King Caesar, attack Wulf, Lightsworn Beast!” Caesar charged, the ground shaking under its steps, and swung its massive sword through Wulf. Wulf was bisected and exploded.

“Now your monsters are gone.” Sombra sniffed. “I do believe this is the time to note the effect of D/D/D Gust High King Alexander. Since I control three D/D/D monsters, Alexander gains three thousand attack points.” He pointed at Twilight. “D/D/D Gust King Alexander, attack Twilight Sparkle directly!”

Alexander (3000 → 6000) raised its sword, gusts of wind swirling around it, and jumped across the field.

“I activate my Trap card ‘Glorious Illusion’!” Twilight called, pressing her duel disk screen. “This card revives a Lightsworn monster in my Graveyard!”

“You waste my time.” Sombra snorted and raised a hand and snapped his fingers. “The effect of Wave High King Caesar negates and destroys a card effect of yours that would summon a monster.” Caesar slammed its sword into the ground and a shockwave of blue energy raced across the field and struck Twilight’s Trap, shattering it. “Then, Caesar and another monster I control gain eighteen hundred attack points each for the rest of the turn. I choose my Alexander.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. Alexander’s sword lit up blue and green, the two colors trailing around the blade (6000 → 7800). Alexander descended on Twilight and slammed its sword into her, sending her flying back in a wave of wind and water.

-Twilight Life Points: 100-

“Twilight!” Sunset ran over to her and knelt. Twilight weakly pushed herself into a sitting position, panting heavily. Water dripped from her hair and small cuts were dotted around her uniform where the winds had torn them.

“We can’t beat him,” Twilight whispered.

“You are correct,” Sombra said. “I set one card and end my turn.”

Twilight’s duel disk beeped. She looked down at it.

“Come on, Twilight.” Sunset stood up and held out a hand. “We’re not out of this yet.”

Twilight took the offered hand and let Sunset pull her up. She shook her head. “How do we strike back?”

“I… I don’t know.” Sunset moved her hand to Twilight’s shoulder. “But if we don’t try, we won’t find out a way.”

Twilight slowly lifted her arm in front of her and picked up the card her duel disk had ejected. She looked at it and took hold of the other card left in her hand. “I summon ‘Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden’ in defense mode.” A young girl in a white robe with short auburn hair materialized in front of Twilight, an owl perched on her shoulder (800/200). “When Minerva is summoned, I can add a Light-attribute Dragon monster from my deck to my hand with a Level equal or less than the number of Lightsworn monsters in my Graveyard.” Twilight swallowed. “I have way more than eight, so I add ‘Judgment Dragon’ to my hand.”

Sombra held up a hand. “At this time, I will activate my set card, the Continuous Trap ‘Dark Contract with the Eternal Darkness’.” The card flipped up before Sombra and a dark purple mist spewed out of it, washing over Twilight and Sunset. “While I control two D/D monsters in my Pendulum Zones, my opponent is forbidden from targeting monsters on the field with Spell or Trap effects, Tributing monsters for a summoning, or using monsters on the field for a Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz Summon.”

Sunset grit her teeth. “That sounds fair.”

“I wasn’t going to Synchro Summon anyway,” Twilight said. “I Special Summon Judgment Dragon in defense mode.” A large white dragon appeared standing above Twilight, its wings swept forward to shield its face (3000/2600). “I set a card and end my turn, and the effects of my monsters send six cards from my deck to the Graveyard.”

-Twilight’s deck: 2 cards-

“You did your best, Twilight,” Sunset said.

“No, I didn’t,” Twilight muttered. “I could have Synchro Summoned last turn, used Michael to turn things around, and then recovered my Life Points. I would have been able to use Judgment Dragon’s effect to destroy his field.”

“If you had used Michael’s effect to shuffle your deck, you may not have drawn Judgment Dragon.” Sunset put her hand over Twilight’s. “Beating yourself up about your mistakes now doesn’t help us win the duel.”

“We’re going to lose because of me.” Twilight looked up at her. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to help.”

“Make your move, Sunset Shimmer,” Sombra said loudly.

Sunset glared at him. “Fine!” She drew and looked at her hand. “I…” she paused and looked over where her monsters were still standing in place. “Oh, no.”

“What?” Twilight asked.

“I have no room left to summon,” Sunset said. Her eyes moved between her Harmony Guardians – Adagium, Ariette, Risus, Gracia, Magnanimity, and then Sonare floating in her Pendulum Zone. “My field is full. I don’t even have a second copy of my Extra Deck monsters to try and summon another one of them. And even if I did, I’d need a way to destroy his Trap card, and I don’t have one.”

“Then what can you do?”

Sunset sighed. “Just this. I activate ‘Harmony Guardian Magia’ in my empty Pendulum Zone.” A pillar of purple light rose next to Sonare. A warrior in smooth purple armor rose within it, holding a long, wooden staff.

Twilight blinked and raised her head to stare at the monster floating above them. “That monster… wait… what is it?”

“A memory of a friend,” Sunset whispered. “I activate Magia’s ability. I can return a Harmony Spell or Trap in my Graveyard to my hand, but I can’t activate it this turn.” Sunset held out her card. “I’ll take this, Harmony Shock. I switch my monsters to defense mode, then I set a card and end my turn.”

“That’s it?” Sombra snorted. “A pitiful display from both of you. Is this the limit of how far your powers can take you?” He reached to his deck and his eyes glowed green. “Very well, then. Let us end this.”

He drew, his card bright green in his hand. “During my Standby Phase, the effects of my two Dark Contracts each inflict a thousand points of damage to my Life Points. But, as I’m sure you’re aware, such inconveniences are disagreeable to me. I thus use the effect of D/D/D Crystal Queen Frashokereti. Any effect damage inflicted to me by a Dark Contract card is reversed to healing.” Sombra spread his hands as Frashokereti fired a blue beam of energy at him, his body glowing.

-Sombra Life Points: 10800-

Sunset held up her hand. “I’ll then use my set card, the Quickplay Spell Harmony Shock. By returning Harmony Guardian Magia to the Extra Deck, I destroy your Dark Contract with the Gate!” Magia was drawn into Sunset’s spell in tendrils of purple light, and a blast of lightning fired into Sombra’s Spell, shattering it.

“No matter. I do not need further monsters than what I have.” Sombra turned over his drawn card. “I activate the Spell card ‘Dark Contract with the Crystal King’.” A crystal hand rose from the field at Sombra’s feet and unfurled a rolled piece of parchment, the text glowing red.

“For this turn, my D/D/D monsters are forbidden from performing direct attacks. However, for each Spell and Trap card I control at the start of my Battle Phase, a D/D/D monster can perform two attacks on monsters. Then at the end of the Battle Phase, for every two monsters they defeated, I can destroy a Spell or Trap card on the field.”

Sombra thrust his hand out. “Let us begin! D/D/D Gust High King Alexander, attack Harmony Guardian Infernal Adagium and Harmony Guardian Infernal Ariette!”

Alexander swung its sword and sent a wave of wind across the field. Adagium and Ariette recoiled and braced themselves as it struck them, the two eventually tumbling back and shattering.

“Next, D/D/D Wave High King Caesar, attack Harmony Guardian Risus and Harmony Guardian Magnanimity!”

Caesar slammed its sword into the ground and a tidal wave washed over the field, striking Risus and Magnanimity and carrying them away to be lost under the water.

“Finally, D/D/D Flame High King Genghis, attack Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden, and Judgment Dragon!”

Genghis pointed its swords out and shot two streams of flame from the tips. Minerva cried out as the blasts wrapped around her and Judgment Dragon before they exploded.

Sombra’s contract lit up. “I end my Battle Phase. The effect of my Dark Contract now allows me to destroy up to three Spell or Trap cards.” Sombra pointed at each card as he spoke. “I destroy Harmony Guardian Infernal Sonare and Twilight Sparkle’s set card.”

The light of the contract shot two orbs of red light at Sunset and Twilight. The first light orb struck Sonare and she convulsed and exploded in red energy. The second orb hit Twilight’s ‘Lightsworn Judgment’ as it flipped up and it exploded in the same energy.

“Ah, and there is one final card left.” Sombra eyed Gracia kneeling in front of Sunset. “I activate the effect of D/D/D Crystal King Fimbulwinter. I destroy Dark Contract with the Eternal Darkness and Harmony Guardian Gracia.” The contract rolled up and was drawn into the power core of Fimbulwinter, and a ray of red light struck Gracia and she exploded.

“I end my turn.” Sombra crossed his arms. “Nothing on the field, nothing in your hands. Take your final turns before this duel ends.”

Twilight’s hand shook, and Sunset gripped it tighter. “Ignore him, Twilight.”

“He’s right!” Twilight protested.

“No, he isn’t.” Sunset looked into her eyes. “Sombra is using magic to augment his deck, it’s the same power we have. If he can create cards like that from will, then we can do the same.”

“Not like that, we can’t!” Twilight shook her head.

“Not like that, no, but we can create something better.” Sunset put a hand on her chest. “You used magic to create a whole new deck theme that almost beat me, and somehow my magic created a new type of card.” She glared across the field. “What has Sombra done that outshines what we can do?”

“You’ll recall that she needed my help to manifest her Twilightsworns,” Sombra said.

“No. She doesn’t.” Sunset looked back at Twilight. “Twilight, believe me when I say he’s lying. This is your power. The only reason Sombra would ever have any interest in your magic is if it was something he wanted, the same way he wants mine. And if he thinks your power was good enough to defeat mine, then I’d say that’s a sign he thinks you’re just as strong as me.”

“You think so?” Twilight whispered.

“Maybe.” Sunset moved Twilight’s hand to her deck. “But we’re about to find out. I believe you have it in you to beat him here and now. Sombra said you weren’t good enough. Draw your card and prove him wrong!”

Twilight gripped her card. “I don’t know if I can…”

“If you’ll try for me, that’s enough.” Sunset smiled. “And that’s a friend telling you that, so you know I mean it.”

The two gasped as purple light shone from beneath their hands. Sunset pulled her hand back and stepped away. Twilight looked down: her deck was glowing bright purple. “This is… my magic?”

“You got it.” Sunset nodded. “So show him what it can do.”

Looking up at Sombra, Twilight steeled herself. “My turn!” She drew, purple light streaking through the air as she swung her card out. She turned it over and set it on her duel disk. “I summon ‘Scientia, Lightsworn Scholar’!”

A circular portal, glowing with golden light appeared in front of Twilight. A woman in folded white robes with gold trim rose out of it, a book tucked under her arm. Golden blonde hair spun itself into a bun as she raised her head and snapped her free hand to the side, her clothing fluttering (500/800).

Twilight took a breath before continuing. “I activate Scientia’s special ability! I can send the top card of my deck to the Graveyard, and if it is a Lightsworn monster, I can conduct a Synchro Summon using that monster and Scientia as the Tuner!”

Scientia grabbed her book and held it out between her hands, opening it to let the pages flip.

“Last card…” Twilight looked at Sunset, then reached down and picked up the card in her deck slot. She turned it over, the card glowing. She smiled and held it out. “The last card in my deck is Celestia, Lightsworn Angel! So, I tune the Level 3 Scientia and the Level 5 Celestia!”

Five glowing yellow motes swirled out of Scientia’s book and encircled it. A ray of golden light lit it from above, and the monster rose into the air, the light glowing brighter. The light drew up into a golden orb around Scientia.

Twilight’s eyes glowed purple as she spoke. “By aligning the knowledge of the scholar and the wisdom of the angel, I call on the Heavens to send down the envoy of true judgment!” She held her hand into the air. Purple and gold particles swirled up her arm and gathered in her palm, forming a glowing card. “Synchro Summon! Descend, Level 8, ‘Judgment, the Dragon of Heaven’!”

With a flash, the golden orb exploded out. Sunset looked up, her eyes wide in awe.

A massive white dragon with four wings slowly descended to the field. Bright red eyes glared down at Sombra beneath a golden crown set with a green stone. The dragon landed behind Twilight and roared, its wings flaring up around it (3000/2600).

“You perform a Synchro Summon and call out a monster no better than your original Judgment Dragon?” Sombra lifted his eyebrows. “I am disappointed.”

“You won’t be.” Twilight pointed up at her new monster. “I have four Tuner monsters with different names in my Graveyard – Raiden, Felis, Minerva, and Scientia. Thus, I can use Judgment’s effect. By paying half my Life Points, all other cards on the field are destroyed!”

Sombra’s eyes widened. “What?”

-Twilight Life Points: 50-

“Go, Judgment, the Dragon of Heaven!” Twilight glared at Sombra as she issued the order. “Destroy everything in sight!”

Judgment flapped its wings and rose into the air. When it was high above the field, it looked down and opened its jaws, particles of light gathering around it. Its mouth glowing bright with golden energy, it fired a beam straight into the ground. The blast struck and a shockwave of light burst out. Sombra raised his arm to his face and turned away as the wave hit his three monsters, the trio lighting up and bursting into light particles.

Twilight smiled as Judgment descended behind her again. “Now it’s your field that has been wiped out.”

As the smoke cleared, Sombra lower his arm and sneered. “Not quite.”

Above him, two glowing silhouettes emerged from the shadows, one red and one blue. Twilight recoiled as she recognized them. “Your Pendulums?”

“Not anymore.” Sombra spread his hands. “When my D/D/D Crystal Queen Frashokereti and D/D/D Crystal King Fimbulwinter are destroyed while in my Pendulum Zones together, I can summon them to the field as monsters.”

Frashokereti’s cloak settled around her, her blue power core gleaming (3500/3200). Next to her, Fimbulwinter chuckled deeply, its eyes and core glowing red (4000/4000).

“No…” Twilight stepped back. “I can only use my monster’s effect once per turn.”

“A pity.” Sombra gave a grunt. “Then there is only one thing left for you to say, isn’t there?”

“I…” Twilight slumped. “I end my turn.” She hung her head. “I’m sorry, Sunset.”

“Don’t be.” Sunset smiled at her. “It’s like I said, Twilight. You’re stronger than him. And so am I.”

“You insult me, Sunset Shimmer.”

“Oh, I’m going to do more than insult you!” Sunset snapped. Her body lit up red as she reached to her deck. “I’m going to beat you and win your magic from you. Not to use it, but to make sure you can’t anymore! To make sure someone like you can’t abuse their powers to hurt anyone ever again!” Sunset’s arm tensed. “For the sake of both our schools, Sombra, this is your end!

“My turn, draw!” Sunset drew and slapped her card on her duel disk. “I activate ‘Harmony Guardian Compassio’ in my Pendulum Zone!”

Red light coalesced in the air beside Sunset, forming a warrior in golden armor holding a sword and shield, red and yellow hair flowing in the air behind her.

“I use Compassio’s special ability. Since my other Pendulum Zone is empty, I can place a Harmony Guardian monster face-up in my Extra Deck in it. I choose Harmony Guardian Magia!”

Purple light rose on the other side of Sunset, and Magia floated up in it, armor shining purple.

“And now, using the Scale 3 Compassio and Scale 5 Magia, I Pendulum Summon!” Rays of colored light shone from Sunset’s duel disk. “From the Extra Deck, come forth! Harmony Guardian Pietas, Harmony Guardian Risus, Harmony Guardian Magnanimity, Harmony Guardian Gracia, and Harmony Guardian Honestas!”

Pillars of blue, pink, white, yellow, and orange light shot out of the ground in front of Sunset. One by one the five Harmony Guardians rose onto the field, arms crossed, weapons at the ready, and dropped back to the ground.

“An impressive line-up,” Sombra said. “But what do you think it accomplishes beyond grandstanding?”

Sunset closed her eyes and inhaled. “I’ve used this deck to master Fusion Summoning, Synchro Summoning, Xyz Summoning, and even created Pendulum Summoning. If this is the power my bond with my friends and their bonds with each other can produce, then it really is capable of anything. And everything.”

She snapped her eyes open, red light shining bright. “I combine the power of all seven of my Harmony Guardians!”

The five monsters rose up, floating level with Sunset’s Pendulum monsters. Strands of light in seven colors whirled around each of them, the seven glowing brighter and brighter. As one, the lights shot into the sky as a rainbow of light, the clouds of the Shadow Game parting. Sunset put her hand over her duel disk, red magic pulsing over her as swirls of light ran over her limbs.

“I harmonize the spirits of the seven guardians of harmony, and open the dimensional gates to call upon a shining spirit of hope.” Sunset’s magic burst into a spectacle of colors. “Unity Summon! Ascend, Level 8, ‘Harmony Guardian Compassio Belle’!”

The rainbow light vanished, the new monster hovering in the air where it had been. A fae being in pink and white slowly descended, large red eyes staring down at Sombra. Glowing wings of golden energy spread from its back, their light radiating across the field. Golden boots with sun emblems crossed each other as the being spread her hands, sending more rays of light out.

Sombra gaped. “Unity Summon?”

Twilight slowly shook her head. “It’s beautiful…”

Eyes shimmering, Sunset held her hand out. “Compassio Belle can be summoned by tributing any number of Level 4 Harmony Guardians on my side of the field, be they in the Monster or Pendulum Zones. For each card tributed from a Monster Zone, she gains that monster’s original attack points, and for each card tributed from a Pendulum Zone, she gains an additional attack this turn.”

Sombra gasped. “Then, with all seven…”

“The combined power of Pietas, Risus, Magnanimity, Gracia, and Honestas, is transferred to Compassio Belle, and by the power of Magia and Compassio, she can attack three times.”

Sunset nodded firmly. “Harmony Guardian Compassio Belle, attack D/D/D Crystal Queen Frashokereti and D/D/D Crystal King Fimbulwinter!”

Compassio Belle (6900) raised its arms and fired two beams of gold magic. The beams struck Sombra’s two monsters and they lit up gold. Sombra stared, horrified, as their power cores cracked apart, light shining from them, and shattered, the monsters exploding.

-Sombra Life Points: 4500-

“No!” Sombra growled as Compassio Belle loomed above him, her arms brought together to form an orb of light. “This can't be possible! Your magic can't defeat mine!”

“Yes, it can. I’d explain how, but I have a feeling you wouldn’t understand.” Eyes blazing with rainbow light, hair and clothing fluttering behind her, Sunset thrust out her hand. “Harmony Guardian Compassio Belle, attack Sombra directly!”

Compassio Belle spread its hands and the orb of light between them fired forward. Sombra screamed and raised his hands as the light impacted him, swirls of rainbow light erupting around it. His eyes and hands lit up with green magic, flickering rapidly.

Green light shot into the air around Sombra, piercing the clouds of the Shadow Game. The purple mist rapidly faded, the evening sky shining down. Around the field the spectators of Canterlot High and Crystal Prep reappeared beyond the darkness, watching the field.

Sunset’s and Twilight’s monsters dissolved and the light faded. Sombra, head tilted back, eyes bright green, let out a weak groan.

The green faded and he fell to his knees before collapsing to the ground.