• Published 6th Feb 2018
  • 357 Views, 5 Comments

Lost Lightyear of Equestrian Command: The Adventure Begins - ComedySketch

Lost Goes On A Journey With A Team Of Three Rookie Rangers To Stop The Evil and Sexy Serenader

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Battle For Unidersh

"Under Attack" Pearbots fly over the smokey ruins of the RDP Homeworld as the RDPs and TwilySPs scream and run away in pure horror.


"THE UNIDERSH!" they shouted as the doors appeared again as they rush to protect the Unidersh.

"GET BELOW, GO TO THE UNIDERSH" they frantically shouted as a Pearbot blows up one of the secret doorways. They get in their circle once more.

"PROTECT THE UNIDERSH! We are one" an RPD said as she held hooves with other RPDs and TwilySPs.

"WE ARE UNITED, WE ARE POWERFUL" Their antennas lit up causing the Unidersh to swirl and flash.

"WE. ARE..." the hatch blows up, spreading rubble everywhere as it collapses.

"AFRAID!" they said as tons of rubble to fly everywhere. Tons of RDPs and TwilySPs were stuck in the rubble and tried to escape.

"OH FUUUUCK!" two RDPs said as they pointed their hooves at a large spacecraft that looked like a Nerf gun that was never made.

"Pearbots, move in!" Agent S ordered as tons of Pearbots jumped down and blocked the RDPs from getting close to the Unidersh. The Pearbots suddenly turned around to shoot at something, but a laser cut the Pearbots in half.

"At ease Rainbow Dash citizens, Equestrian Command is on the job" Lost announced as she and PR were flying overhead. The RDPs and TwilySPs cheered in excitement, but that was soon stopped by the Pearbots trying to shoot down Lost and PR. Lost luckily used her laser to blow up those robotic scum as PR was using his built-in weaponry.

"AT EASE RAINBOW DASH CITIZENS..." PR began as he shot down more Pearbots.


Suddenly, more Pearbots appeared and tried to shoot Lost down a second time.

"OUR WORK'S NOT DONE YET PR!" Lost shouted as she and PR flew over to get rid of the Pearbots.

"Agent S to Serenader, they sent Lightyear" Agent S told his boss.

"That's why I sent you bby~" The Serenader responded. Agent S pressed a button for the drop hatch as he activated his wings and flew over to where Lost and PR were. He shot his blaster at them which almost hit them but blew up Pearbot remains instead.

"OH SHIT!" PR shouted as they jumped out of the way.

"A new player" Lost thought as she activated her wings and chased after Agent S.

Lost shot her laser at Agent S but it wasn't effective enough to take him down. He flew off as Lost and PR were on his ass.

"WE'VE GOT HIM ON THE RUN!" Lost shouted still chasing the mysterious agent. Agent S flew past remains of RDP and TwilySP houses and buildings and flew passed a pile of smoke, tricking them to think they'll know where he is.

"WE'VE GOT HIM ON THE RUN?" PR questioned as they stopped and lost Agent S. They looked around to see where he is, but their answer was solved as blasts shot from behind them as Agent S emerged from the smoke still shooting his blaster, Lost and PR gave chase and followed him.

Agent S tried to hide in the remains but were all sot down by Lost's laser. The agent turned around and flew away.

"He's good..." Lost began and shot her laser as it bounced off buildings and shot Agent S down.

"...but I'm better." Lost said smirking.

Agent S fell onto a nearby building and used it as a battleground as he began firing. Luckily, Lost and PR landed down onto a nearby rooftop. One blast from Agent S hit PR and sent him falling off the rooftop.

"PR!" Lost shouted as he fell. Luckily, PR used his grappling hook to pull himself back up.

"He's good but i'm better" PR copied.

"You really are learning, now watch this." Lost told PR as she fired her laser and took her hand off the armor as it fired on repeat.

"That son of a bitch won't see that one coming!" Lost told PR as they slid down the rooftop, but were stopped by Agent S.

"Saw it coming" he said as his robotic arm formed into the cannon. Lost tried to grab her laser but was blown up.

"PR GUN!" Lost shouted with a hand motion.

"PR GUN!" PR copied taking out all his weaponry. Agent S turned to the side as a spiked bomb blasted out from the shoulder joint and stuck to PR's chest cannon, blowing him to smithereens as he fell off the rooftop again.

"PR!" Lost shouted as PR's broken body layed down on the ground.

"System Malfunction-TION" PR said as he shut down.

"Agent S to Serenader, the Unidersh is all yours" Agent S said via his wrist communicator. A big shuttle is waiting for the pickup as three mini-rockets carried the Unidersh up to the blimp as three RDPs scrambled for their lives.

"You're good but I'm better" Agent S said as he shot Lot down and off the rooftop. Tons of RDPs and TwilySPs were screaming as they had lost their only way of being linked together as the shuttle flew away. Lost got up and talked to her communicator.

"Lost Lightyear to Equestrian Command, this is a priority one mission update: The Unidersh has been captured and...we got a ranger down" Lost sadly said.

PR's broken body is now back at Equestrian Command but on lab table. Six RDPs are standing next to Lost who is worried if they could still fix him.

"You can fix him, right?" Lost questions the RDPs. They looked at each other, scared about losing the Unidersh.

"Can we?" one RDP asked another.

"I don't know" one said we are not one!"another RDP responded.

"But we shall try" one said happily. Lost smiled at the thought of hearing that.

"Lost Lightyear Personal Log: My brave little robotic partner had recently been blasted into a pile of twisted, carbonic scrap..." Lost began as the RDPs began working on fixing up PR.

"...And yet the RDPs were rebuilding him, even without the Unidersh the RDPs had the right stuff, then came the wrong stuff" Lost said to herself as the RDPs began placing random items into PR's chest cavity such as a raft, a ladder, a teddy bear, table contents, a book containing a table of contents, and lots of other stupid shit which also included a crack-head Pinkie Pie. She ran away as an RDP gave another the look.

"Their random selection of items was obviously not part of the idea, but perhaps, those Rainbow Dash Ponz had a point to this stuff. No, they fucked up badly."

"Damn, they really need that Uniwhatveritwascalled." Scribbula said as she walked into the room.

"I don't think they have no fucking clue what they're doing anymore" Lost responded confused of what they are doing. As they walked passed Lost with things like a plush Derpy and Genie Pinkie's lamp, two went up to to her with one of PR's arms.

"What is um, this thing?" an RDP questioned.

"An arm" Lost responded.

"Told ya bitch" one RDP said to the other.



"No Commander, if that's what The Serenader wanted, he could've blown up the Unidersh, instead he had his new lacky Agent S steal it!" Lost responded.

"Why? What's he going to do with it?" Scribbula questioned Lost. "

I have no idea Scribbula, but I bet that out there, The Serenader is hatching his most diabolical scheme yet." Lost responded sternly.