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Eyebrows of Hope 3

"Luna, dear sister, it's good to see you again!" Celestia hugged her sister with the fury of the sun itself. All around them, the ponies who had been abducted by the weeping pegasi cheered as they realised they had been returned home.

"Oh Celestia," The smaller alicorn cried, "Can you ever forgive me?"

"Hush now. Don't blame yourself for anything that happened here today. I'm just glad you're alright. I always won our staring contests, so I should've seen this coming," she added playfully. "But what actually did happen?"

Luna shook her head in disbelief. "You won't believe it sister: right before I was taken, I met the strangest stallion." Here she turned, and made to point the Doctor out, but he was gone.

Celestia followed her sister's searching gaze over the crowd. "A stallion? Luna! And here I thought saving me would be your first priority." But Luna payed her sister's well meaning jab no mind. The sun princess saw her sister's worried gaze, and tried to change the topic. "And what part did your mystery colt play in all of this?" She asked.

"Well it's-

-a long story!" Luna screamed. "But if you want to chat our lives away so badly then why don't you explain yourself!"

"What's there to explain?!" The Doctor replied.

The bang that shook the doors almost sent them flying. Two more bangs followed before the pegasus stopped trying. They took the chance to breathe, but refused to leave the doors.

Luna looked the Doctor in the eye, and said, "Ponies of your advanced age don't normally go around chasing monsters in strange little cubes that are strangely bigger on the inside. If at all," she said slowly, "Explain yourself."

"Look around you. It's fake, all of it. Everything you see around you is fake. Hell...between you, me, and the pegasus. None of us is real. Well, we are real in the sense that we are physically here. But not real, in the sense that this reality shouldn't exist. Everything you see around you is a product of an event that should have never happened in the first place."

He gestured around the room with his hoof, and her eyes followed.

"Something happened here this morning, but I don't know what. What I do know is; six hours ago, this entire city became what is know as a quantum anomaly. A big nope in the fabric of time and space. Normally, you'd have a big ol'crack in the sky, or a massive timestorm to tell you something's up. But this time? Those statues came instead. And let me tell you they really shouldn't be here. I saw to that when I threw them into a reality eating crack in time and space. Only another crack could have brought them here."

"An opening in time and space..." Luna frowned, "Doctor I think I know the cause."

"Forget the cause, we have the solution. You're a product of this mess. If she scans you with the device I was hooking up earlier, she can manipulate the time energy here, and set this whole mess straight."

"But the machine is back in there with that thing."

He nodded, "And it gets worse, because we're on a time limit."

"You never mentioned a time limit!" She cried.

"Didn't I? Well, we can only fix things right now because the reality we're in is like a dream. If we wake up, all the nasty things fade away. And the opposite is true; if the nasty things stick around long enough, then they'll become real. Now, just imagine one of your nightmares coming to life."

She shuddered, "Oh no, you don't think-

"Wait, can you hear that." He said suddenly. He realised it was quiet. Too quiet, in fact. The Doctor was struck by a sense of Deja vu. "What do you call it when you're taking a run up, but you don't have legs?"

They were sent flying by a powerful shove. The timecharger saw the pegasus' maniacal grin just before he blinked.

Comments ( 5 )

What's up with the 12 in the story title?

This may be unedited, but I think you messed up somewhere in the spacing. The italics make up half of the chapter, they are only supposed to be used for emphasis. But it's good nonetheless so far.

Srry if it's unclear, but the italics are supposed to be a dynamic scene transition from present time to memory. Let me know if it's unclear, and I'll work on it. Cheers.

The entire title is a reference to the 12th doctor. Is it not clear?

You've got 12 spot on, I await more.

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