• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 6,826 Views, 497 Comments

No Hugs for Sugar Crush - FerociousCreation

If a bat pony offered you a hug, would you accept it? Apparently, Mineral Water would not hesitate to deny Sugar Crush one.

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Contains Eggs

Nervous mumbles rolled out of Sugar Crush’s throat as the mare paced back and forth in the kitchen. Am I sure I have everything? Will I be okay on my own? How many ponies will actually like what I made? She froze and her ears fell back with horror; thoughts of negativity clouded Sugar’s mind. What if nopony wants what I made and all my work was worth nothing?! What if a critic comes along, tries one of my cookies, hates it, and tarnishes the Chocolate Palace’s name?!!??!

A ding came from the front of the shop and Sugar Crush flinched with skittish nerves. “I’ll get it,” Raspberry said before the worried employee could tend to the call. Sugar didn’t want to show herself to whoever was at the front of the house; it was most likely another delivery pony. The Chocolate Palace hadn’t opened its doors to the public, but five minutes remained until the ultimate moment would come into play for Sugar Crush. And five minutes meant three-hundred more seconds of isolated, worried pacing.

“Sugar Crush!” Raspberry sang. “You have some business to attend to!”

The thestral squeaked an “eeee,” wondering why her boss was informing her of business. Had somepony already come to her table and was waiting to be served a fresh Mineral Milk Cookie? Sugar Crush didn’t feel ready to present herself, worried her face didn’t match the Chocolate Palace’s motto of a “sweet smile.” But it was her day to shine like a real crystal pony. And yet, despite the opportunity given to her, Sugar was more hesitant to show herself.

“Sugar?” Raspberry called once again. “Come on out, sweetie. The pony of the hour has arrived.”

Pony of the hour? Distracted by the statement, Sugar Crush gave her summoning a moment of thought. Who could- At once, Sugar bolted for the kitchen door and peered through the round window it held. She saw Raspberry talking with Mineral Water about whatever. But Sugar didn’t care about their conversation and pushed the door open to enter the diner. Both talkers snapped their necks at the scared thestral.

“Good morning, Sugar Crush,” Mineral Water said. “You look… composed?”

Sugar couldn’t contain her worry. “I am so glad you are here!” she cried. Her uncontrollable emotions took control and she lept at Mineral Water. Sugar was expecting her friend to catch her in a comfy embrace to ease the tension hardening in her joints. But the joy of a hug was not granted. Instead, Sugar Crush felt her entire body stop mere inches from Mineral Water.

An aura mixed with blue and red-violet encased the thestral from any further movement. “Thanks for helping me there,” Mineral Water said to Raspberry.

“Of course,” Raspberry nodded. An angry boss voice quickly followed her charming reply. “Sugar! Have some self-control! I understand that you are stressed. But this is a professional work environment!”

Shame corrupted Sugar Crush’s mood, her ears signaling distress by flopping down. An employer’s scolding was never a great way to start the day and Sugar assumed it was the beginning of events to come. Still targeting his magic at her, Mineral Water stepped forward. “I saw your display outside,” he said. “And I must say I am impressed with what I saw.”

“R-really?” Sugar Crush gasped. “You mean it?” The cloud of doubt still hovered above her. “Or are you just saying that?”

“I wouldn’t be ‘just saying’ things if I didn’t want to support my friend,” Mineral Water smiled. The magical force began to weaken and Sugar felt her muscles start to regain the ability to move. “Raspberry, you can set her down now.”

“Alright,” the shop owner said. “But if she jumps at you, that’s not my worker’s comp to sign for either of you two.” Sugar was lightly settled on the tile floor, all hooves touching down. Raspberry left from behind the front counter and up to the front door to flip the closed sign around to “open.” The store hours have begun.

“I think you should head outside, Sugar,” Mineral Water suggested by pointing to his friend’s goods that waited to be sold. Despite his smile and positive mood, Sugar Crush was hesitant.

“But… I’m nervous…” she squeaked.

“And I don’t blame you. The same thing happened to me when I placed my first shampoo on the shelf.” Mineral Water’s eyes looked at Sugar’s glittering hooves for a moment before glancing back at the thestral. He rose his hoof and pressed it on his purple muzzle. “Pause.”

Half of Sugar Crush was amused Mineral used her technique of creating a serious mood. The other half was disappointed the stallion had to use that against her. Sugar knew he did it so she couldn’t hug him if he got too close. The rule of pause became a blessing and a curse to the thestral.

However, Sugar was not expecting her friend to get up and personal with her as Mineral Water stepped forward and placed his forehead on hers. Her cheeks flushed, taken aback by the gesture. “Don’t worry, I won’t try to kiss you,” Mineral Water smiled.

“If you did, then you would be going against the rule of pause, which punishable by death… and a hug.” Sugar Crush cleared her throat. “But what you are doing is close to breaking the rule.”

“So. When you paused the first time, you got up against me.” Mineral Water’s eyes blocked out most things around him and her and Sugar Crush was entranced by them. She never noticed the crystal of white that reflected off of Mineral’s eyes. Her attention was snapped back to reality when Mineral Water spoke up again, “Besides, I am being serious. And this is the best way for me to do it. It was an old trick Nebula and I used to do as well. It also helped keep our attention on one another.”

“I noticed,” Sugar Crush smiled.

Because of how close Mineral Water was to her, Sugar didn’t notice his rogue hoof reaching for her shoulder. His touch shocked Sugar Crush, but she managed to not flinch for once. “Listen to me.” Sugar’s highly sensitive ears swiveled toward the crystal pony, ready to soak in very important soundwaves. “I know that feeling of nervousness; that hollow feeling in your chest that also weakens your shoulders.” The thestral heard Mineral Water swallow. “Trust me, getting close like this makes me feel that same feeling.”

Sugar Crush giggled, “I wonder why.”

“I’m only doing this to get your attention,” Mineral Water calmly argued. “And because I really don’t like hugs, this is the best thing I can do.”

“But-” Sugar was about to ask why he didn’t like hugs, the mystery still vague. She could only assume something happened between him and Nebula, but even that might not be the case. Regardless of her curiosity, it was not going to be explored as much as her worried mood; that was the topic at hoof. “Go on,” Sugar said, curious with what her friend was about to go on about.

“When I was younger, I had a weak work ethic. But thanks to the ponies in my life, they were able to help me overcome that worry. It is better to understand that, yes, being worried will happen. But at least it shows that you care about what is to come and you want to take every moment as serious as possible. And now, I want to be that pony in your life to help you overcome your worry of worrying.”

“How can you worry about worrying?” Sugar asked, not sure how such a thing was possible.

“By thinking about every possible bad thing that might happen,” Mineral Water answered. The pressure of his muzzle lightened and the world around Sugar Crush began to become more clear around her. “The clear giveaway that told me that you are feeling that way was when I said I was pleased with your set up, and you simply turned around and told me, ‘are you just saying that?’” Sugar Crush looked at the tile floor, ashamed she said that. But the moment the thestral broke eye contact, the original pressure from Mineral was reapplied, snatching her pupils back to his. “Also, the leap of faith you did was another sign of distress, though I just figured that was typical Sugar Crush behavior.”

“You know me,” Sugar smiled even though she wanted her friend to see it, “just wanting to hug my resistant friend.”

“I just don’t like hugs.” After their long moment of closeness, Mineral Water finally parted; Sugar made sure to keep eye contact with him, or she would have to endure another gentle bull attack. “If it will make you feel better, I can stay for the first hour or two while you sell to keep you company.”

“Really?” The thestral stepped forward to hug Mineral Water in a grateful embrace. But the stupid rule of pause was still in effect. Why did I have to show him the rule of pause so soon…? Still, she knew the best way to thank Mineral Water. Like an autumn leaf gently touching down on a still lakebed, Sugar Crush walked beside her friend and gently pressed her side against his. His twitch was noticeable but not as intense as the first time Sugar got close to him. “Thanks, Mineral Water. For many things.”

“Your welcome,” he flushed. Mineral Water cleared his throat and faced the door. “Shall we head outside and start the day?”

Sugar Crush wanted to take the first step to really beginning her day. But there was something she had to do. “Can I go make sure I have nothing in the kitchen? Just want to make sure I am all set.”

“Just don’t panic back there.” Both ponies turned away and went their separate ways. The thestral only took a few steps before she heard Mineral say, “Unpause.” Sugar snapped her neck to see Mineral Water pressing his muzzle with a hoof.

Sugar Crush entered the kitchen with a small skip in her step, not needing to add comments to his action. She went to the prepping area, the space around her open and empty. Mineral’s words of encouragement warmed her little bat pony bones and Sugar couldn’t help but squeal with joy to herself. It was everything she needed to rejuvenate her spirits. Unlike her boss, who wanted to talk about the terrible bake sale she said that flopped. What made Mineral’s positivity so much more meaningful was how he came all on his own to see her. Nopony told him anything to force Mineral to come along and support her. Sugar Crush did worry about Mineral Water not showing up, but remembered how he told her about worrying about worrying. All that was needed to make her day much brighter was to be granted permission to squeeze Mineral Water to death with a thankful hug, so long as her grip doesn’t cause him to pass into the afterlife.

“You look happy,” Raspberry said, just several meters away from the mare.

Her sudden voice didn’t startle the lonely mare. “Just thinking about everything Mineral Water just told me. I will be at my table in a moment.”

Raspberry smiled at her employee. “Good thing you chased him home last week and made a good friend.”

“I- I did not chase him home!” Sugar Crush did not want to be around a pony who wouldn’t give her any positive quotes and would instead say embarrassing things like Nightshade. As she passed Raspberry, Sugar said, “I wanted to thank him for inspiring me.”

Just before the kitchen door closed, Sugar heard her boss say, “Sounds like a mare is very fond of a certain stallion.”

A bright set of sharp teeth showed itself, the comment unneeded. Words of encouragement! NOT embarrassment!

The back of Mineral Water glittered as he sat alone outside by Sugar Crush’s display of cookies. His presence assisted the less stressed mare in getting out the door. The bell chimed, signaling to the entire Crystal Empire the thestral had arrived at the scene.

Only a few ponies walked down the block, tending to their early morning chores. She didn’t allow the first bad thought get to her; it was morning; most ponies wouldn’t want a cookie so early in the morning, except for maybe a foal. Sugar Crush chose the second seat beside Mineral Water.

As she sat beside her friend, Sugar watched his diamond eyes follow every pony that walked by. His smile was bright, unlike her lips that imposed a less positive vibe than Mineral Water’s. But it was the crystal’s pony’s eyes that intrigued her the most. Being an omnivore, Sugar Crush knew when a predator was on the hunt.

“You look more confident than I do,” Sugar half-joked.

Mineral straightened his spine. “My professionalism is in full effect,” he said without taking the slightest glance at Sugar. “I am looking for your first potential customer. The key is to bring attention to a lone pony or group of ponies when your stall is vacant.”

“And how would you bring attention to a pony?” Sugar asked.

Mineral Water pointed to a mare and filly walking on the opposite side of the street. “By calling to them.”

Shouting was the one thing Sugar Crush was not expecting her friend to make such a suggestion. “But it is so early in the morning!” she whispered as if the crystal buildings around her were made of glass, and worried that the slightest loud noise will cause them to explode in a loud blast.

“Lucky for you, it is a Saturday. Causing a commotion for a business is what you want to do.” Just as the two potential customers were passing in front of Sugar’s setup, Mineral Water called out loud, “COME AND TRY THE NEW AND ORIGINAL MINERAL MILK COOKIES!” The outburst definitely grabbed the small foal’s attention. Sugar Crush’s heart increased a few ticks, somehow embarrassed that her friend was trying to attract business. “THAT’S RIGHT, LITTLE FILLY! THESE ARE NO ORDINARY COOKIES! IF YOU COME ON OVER, I CAN SHOW YOU THE MAGIC OF TURNING YOUR MILK INTO A DIFFERENT COLOR AND FLAVOR WITH THE POWER OF THE MINERAL MILK COOKIE!” The child stopped the pony she was walking with to discuss with her sister, or mother, or whoever the foal was with. While the two talked, Sugar Crush could hear them speak because of her strong ears.

“But it is too early for sweets, Topaz,” the older pony said.

“So! You wanted to go shopping so early, Onyx!” Topaz complained. “Can’t I get something I want for once?”

Since Mineral Water had already caused such a ruckus, Sugar Crush chose to join in alongside him. Using what she had heard to her advantage, the thestral called out to them, “IT’S… NEVER TOO EARLY FOR A COOKIE! IF… EGGS ARE A PART OF YOUR BALANCED DIET, THEN… umm… DID YOU KNOW EGGS ARE ALSO IN COOKIES, TOO?! IF YOU DIDN’T, AND IF YOU LIKE HAVING EGGS FOR BREAKFAST, THEN DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT BEING TOO SOON TO HAVE ONE OF MY FRESHLY BAKED MINERAL MILK COOKIES!”

It was impossible for Mineral Water to keep his professional posture and made obvious laughing sounds with his closed mouth. Sugar Crush puffed her cheeks to try and charm him with a pouty batpony expression, which worked quite effectively.

“What prompted you to say that?” Mineral Water asked.

Sugar’s fluffy ear twitched. “I can hear them from here. I am sure you know how thestrals have a strong sense of hearing.” More chatter from the other side of the street made the thestral hold up a hoof to stop her conversation with Mineral.

“Just because there are eggs in something, doesn't make it appropriate to eat cookies at any time,” Onix calmly argued with Topez.

“Okay…” Both ponies went on their way as Topez looked at Sugar, the filly still wanting a Mineral Milk Cookie.

In a last attempt to not lose her potential customer, Sugar Crush called out, “WE’LL BE HERE ALL DAY! DON’T WORRY ABOUT MISSING OUT SO LONG AS YOU COME BY!” Little Topez gasped, igniting hope in Sugar’s heart that they would return. But on the two crystal ponies went, not stopping for anything else.

“That was good,” Mineral Water said. “Though, I am still not sure why you first said that eggs were an ingredient in your cookies.”

“I heard the older pony tell the foal that it was too early for cookies,” Sugar Crush explained. “So, I chose to be like you and became a loud, obnoxious sales pony.”

Mineral scrunched his nose. “My obnoxiousness is what got me into the Emerald District, thank you.” He shook his head and gave Sugar a courteous smile. “But I am glad you took my example and gave calling to two ponies a try.”

An empty plastic cup sat in front of Sugar Crush, its flowery art bright at attractive. She started to fiddle with it, leaning it on its edges. “It’s just so embarrassing to be so loud. I am already nervous as it is.” Sugar’s shoulders gave into worry and slumped. “And I worry what will happen when you leave.”

It was a faint gasp, but Sugar Crush heard Mineral Water quickly suck in air. The smile from before left him, and his diamond eyes scanned over the mare. “Who said anything about me leaving you?”

“You said you would sit with me for an hour or two and keep me company. And I am sure you have things you want to do.”

Mineral Water broke eye contact with Sugar Crush and looked over the products on the table. Sugar watched his pupils move millimeter by millimeter. He was thinking. “I thought I told you not to worry about worrying.”

The cup Sugar was playing with tilted over. “You can’t expect me to instantly change a part of my character in just one day.” She sighed, “Look, I know we talked inside, and yes, your words were very sweet. It’s just…” Sugar Crush shifted herself to face her entire self at Mineral Water. His muzzle still pointed at the Mineral Milk Cookies, but both eyes managed to find Sugar. “I thought I could handle myself being alone. But now I know what my boss meant by the pressure of running a business. My little venue is small, but it is still going to attract business. And since I clearly need help, can you please stay with me?”

Like herself, Mineral Water turned his body to the mare. But instead of looking at her directly, Mineral stared at her forelegs. And as his vision was cast downward, a shiny arm reached for Sugar Crush. The moment Mineral’s hoof touched Sugar’s, she immediately surrendered it. “Until you give me permission, I won’t leave.” His touch was warm. His grip was firm. And his arm shook in a calm quiver. Finally, Mineral Water looked at Sugar Crush’s nocturnal eyes. “I swear.”

“Hehe, thanks again,” Sugar beamed. Mineral only nodded with a smile as an answer. The shaking in his arm began to increase like water ready to boil. It was time for Sugar Crush to calm him down. She used her free arm to reach for Mineral Water. The shaking stopped instantly, and the stallion used his arm to intercept. “Can I thank my friend with a hug, please?”

“No,” Mineral Water said with a smirk. Both ponies began to fight against each other, trying to best the other in strength. The two wore grins, Sugar Crush’s much more intimidating considering her sharp teeth. During their small duel, Mineral Water started to pull a hoof toward his nose.

“What are you doing?” Sugar Crush grunted as she started to lose strength.

“Trying to pause. Once I touch my nose, it’s over!”

The mare gasped, her rule of pause once again used for the forces of evil; and a resistant stallion. “Not unless I hug you first!” Sugar let go of one of Mineral’s arm and used it to assist in fighting the hoof reaching for the stallion’s muzzle. But that was her undoing.

“Pause.” A wide smirk almost touched Mineral Water’s eyes as his free arm touched his nose. “If I am also going to stay here, you play by this technicality.”

Defeated, Sugar Crush removed herself from the stubborn pony and gave him a scowl. “You are so lucky you have that at your disposal.”

“Yes, I am,” Mineral winked. His spine straightened, and his body regained his professional stature. “I am lucky to have you.”

Sugar had to look away to not allow Mineral see her blush. “I’m lucky to have you, too. My Mineral Milk Cookies wouldn’t have existed without you.”

The sound of chair legs scratched the ground. “Unpause.” Sugar Crush didn’t have time to react to Mineral Water. His forelegs wrapped around the thestral’s body, trapping her forelegs and wings. Instead of resisting, Sugar was too stunned by her friend’s sudden affection. The way Mineral embraced Sugar was awkward. He leaned into her by having only his chest pressing against a wing, and his arms were stretched to their limits. The second Mineral Water removed himself, he was quick to press his nose again. “Pause.”

Sugar Crush regained her composure and leaned an arm on the table. “I thought you didn’t like hugs.”

“I don’t,” Mineral Water said. “But you do. And I figured, just this one time, you deserve it.”

“Well thank you, Mineral,” Sugar smiled. She then leaned forward, “But this doesn’t mean my pursuit on hugging youis over.”

“I had a feeling,” Mineral said.

A voice spoke from above. “Are you two trying to kiss?” Both Mineral Water and Sugar Crush looked up to see who called at them.

“N-N-Nightshade!?” Sugar Crush cried.

Author's Note:

Does anyone have a sibling that does nothing more than to embarrass you? D: