Okay, here goes nothing.
First of all, I'd like to thank everypony who has been putting up with this since the beginning for your support. I love you guys to death.
But, as I'm sure everypony who isn't living under a rock has noticed, and even you poor things who are, come to think of it, Summer is coming to an end, and with the end of summer, comes the beginning of Highschool. (Ya don't say, right?)
Because my parents are determined to keep me out of a job at McDonalds when I grow up, I will have much less time to write due to a large, unhealthy dose of homework, which every student is required to eat each day, which means, unfortunately, less updates. I'll try to keep my chapters coming at least once a week, but sometimes they may be a bit late, because I have to write a paper on the physiology of the long-haired goat or some other ridiculous, non-pony subject instead.
This said, I resign from my avid writing, because I have to go read 127.5 (Yes, I counted) pages of The Scarlet Pimpernel before tomorrow morning.
Again, I'm super-duper ultra (fluttershy) sorry, but I don't want to get grounded, even if I'd rather be writing silly, happy stories about ponies rather then doing homework.
Love and Wubs, (Yes, I'm going to be old-fashioned and sign this like a letter, because why the hay not?)
CharmingChaos, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, and of course the beloved Tamby (pink because buck you, that's why). Sonata is too awful and hates you guys so she doesn't get her name printed. Sorry, Sonata fans, if you even exist, you should go die, because Sunny sucks.
P.S. writing in Rainbow is 20% cooler.
PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT the end!!!!!!!!
Just in case anypony was worried. I wouldn't leave you guys hangin' for the world.
Dun worry bout us.
I work in fast food (Begrugingly. Only place that was hiring) and I agree with your parents.
STAY AWAY FROM FAST FOOD! Your hatred of humanity will become unbearable.
1161577 Yeah... about the jury, I don't really know why. I just kinda felt like sticking some other ponies in the courtroom. As for your other remark, I have no clue what you're talking about.
Good luck in high school, and hope you have fun! I'm afraid of beginning my fanfic in the beginning of the school year. It's even worse than having to continue it, I'm guessing.
Highschool is starting next Tuesday for me... I hate school, but it's worth it. Might I ask what grade you're in I'm in sec 4 (10th grade) Oh and did anypony ever make a pic of Tamby, cause if not just P.M me describing her and I will get to it (After I'm finished FlutterDash7's pic, I've been putting that off for way too long.)
Over the phone Tech support. This shows you that there are only two types of people in the world, complete and total idiots and total bucking arseholes. Nuff said.
I have IT experience. I know that feel bro.
1169433 OMCOMCOMC () if you draw Tamby You must, must, MUST give me the link on Deviantart or wherever it is. I triedto draw her, but my mediocre/borderline terrible skill-less-ness made it disappointingly icky.
By the way, Tambourine is a slightly lighter grey then Octy, with a Sweetie-belle-esque mane in Vinyl's two shades of blue, and blue-purple eyes. And she's a unicorn.
If you draw her, I don't care what your style is, I will love you for ever and ever because I am so honored that you would deem my lowly character worth drawing.
And, for anypony who is wondering, I'm a freshmen this year - very scary. But my purple hair () made people think I was more confident and social then I actually am, which means I actually made a couple of friends!
1173263 I'm done (I know I PM'd you but this is pretty much for 'advertising' my work ) Here is tamby the way you described her DA Link and here is the other pic you requested with Tamby and her parents Da Link 2
1045158 It's pronounced Vin. Not Vine. Just like 'Tavi is pronounced 'Tahvi, and Octavia is pronounced OctAYvia. Go figure.
1166632 www.reddit.com/r/talesfromretail is a good place for you to hang out then
1169715 www.reddit.com/r/talesfromcallcenters and www.reddit.com/talesfromtechsupport are a good place to vent frustrations
sonata just makes me want to punch her in da face
I'm afraid I can't say what I want to do to that ugh pony (she doesn't deserve to be one) because there might be kids reading
i feel your pain I had to read all of life of pie in a week in grade school
3008254 I feel your pain. I had to write a 5,000 word report because my 5th grade English teacher was a total wipe.