• Member Since 7th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 12th, 2023




stuff · 5:24am Nov 3rd, 2014

you might as well see what I'm doing other than writing a story so i put a link to my DA

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Oh my god, I am so super sorry for my massively long absence! I lost use of my Kindle and that lead to forgetting my password. And i`ve only recently got access to the internet again. So I apologize for that. I hope we might be able to still work on "Hilarious Hi-jinks". On the plus side, i`ve finally managed to start doing stories that don`t involve me in them. Still have trouble with the writing down portion though. But i`m making progress!!
Random mustache!! :moustache:

Thanks for the favorite on Unseeing Eyes! XD I really appreciate it!

thanks for the fav on midnight melody^^

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