• Published 15th May 2017
  • 2,744 Views, 289 Comments

Samudra's Journal - vren55

On the fall of a Seapony Empress. Pre-equel to Equestria's Changeling Queen and the Abyssal Empress

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Entry 74: Searching for Followers

Trying to find Yoth-Atal’s followers has been what seems like a fruitless exercise.

It’s been about fifty years since Celestia disappeared and all I have to show for it? Whispers, rumors, and old, abandoned temples. The cultists, whomever they are, keep getting word of my raids despite my best efforts.

It doesn’t help that Tethys sometimes tries to make a move on occasion. Her incursions are rare, but the kelpies are trying their best to become more active. Over the past fifty years, the kelpies have been concentrating their efforts on rescuing those kelpie fry that my forces try to collect, and then cull.

For the moment, we’re around equal on the number of escaped kelpie and the number of kelpie culled per year, but it’s forced me to remain vigilant. It’s a low number, only about ten or twenty a year escaping, and the kelpies always take casualties when they attempt to save their kind. Still, occasionally, Tethys sallies out and forces me to hunt her. It’s forced me to try to predict where she might strike, which is difficult considering the size of Aquestria.

But back to the Old Ones… the Primal Gods. The only evidence of their followers are the temples that they’ve left behind. Many are to primal gods that don’t exist anymore. A few though, are that of Yoth-Atal.

Her temples themselves are interesting in that what’s being worshipped is the sea itself. Water pays an intrinsic part of her rituals, as do various sea fauna, animals, dance, and singing. We know the latter due to the lyrics and dance poses carved into the stones of the temples, which we often find in shallow-trenches and caves.

There are also other icons of sea animals… okay reliefs are more accurate. They are highly detailed, raised carvings, with every cut and chip of the reliefs meticulously placed. Often, these reliefs are of sea ponies and other fauna and features in these temples, but it’s impossible to figure out what they are. My forces will have to continue to find and hopefully capture some of Yoth’s cultists.

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