• Published 20th Mar 2017
  • 2,631 Views, 219 Comments

Heavy Rock - CoffeeMinion

Limestone Pie and Flash Sentry find unexpected love and unimaginable loudness as they navigate a path through social anxiety, heavy guitars, and the occasional love triangle.

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Track 8: Hot For Teacher

Limestone’s pulse quickened the moment she sat down opposite Sunset in the small cafe. It wasn’t just that she was pretty; Harmony was she pretty though, and Limestone briefly wondered just how sure she was about Flash, or about being straight in general, because the only thing more impressive about this girl than the sense of calm confidence she projected was the glow of her skin in the light that streamed through the nearby window.


“Wha… yeah, sorry.” Limestone took solace in the anger she felt over having been caught staring. “Thanks for meeting.”

“Pinkie said you needed some advice about Flash.”

Limestone sighed. “Yeah, well, whatever Pinkie told you, just forget it. She seems to think our next stop should be for kinky nighties over at Platinum’s Secret.”

Sunset took a sip of her coffee, visibly stalling for time to process Limestone’s words. “You know they just sell regular underwear too, right? And comfy clothes. Actually half of what I’m wearing right now comes from them.”

Limestone fought down a blush. “Okay, so maybe Pinkie was just trying to get me to freshen-up my wardrobe a little.” She paused. “Actually, thank you; that makes most of what she said on the way over make a lot more sense.”

“No problem,” Sunset said, smiling. “So what can I help you with?”

Limestone looked down at her own cup of coffee, gave it an experimental sniff, and set it back down. She looked back up at Sunset and tried her best to muster-up irritation at the girl’s warm smile, but found herself failing utterly. “I think I screwed something up with him, and I’m not sure how to make it right.”

“Flash is a pretty understanding guy. I’m sure that whatever it is, he won’t freak out, and you guys can probably work it out together.”

“Well, it’s kind of big.” Limestone took a deep breath. “He thinks I wrote the lyrics that I’ve shared with him.”

Sunset nodded slightly. “Who did?”

Limestone failed to hold her blush at bay. “My sister, Maud.”

“Hmm.” Sunset took another sip of coffee. “I’m glad that you want to be honest with him. It’s the right thing to do, regardless. But what’s the big deal if you wrote the lyrics or she did? He’s interested in you.”

“Well, yeah, but that’s because he thinks I wrote the lyrics.” Limestone sighed. “He likes them.”

“Limestone, I’m pretty sure he likes you, and the lyrics are secondary.” Sunset smiled. “I don’t want to pry, but has he tried pulling any grand spontaneous gestures yet?”

“I don’t think so?”

“Well, you have that to look forward to.” Sunset chuckled. “He’s a sweetheart, but sometimes he can overdo things when he likes someone. Just saying.”

Limestone nodded. “Okay, sure, but I haven’t gotten to the worst thing yet: Maud likes him, too.”

“Oh.” Sunset’s smile faded. “Ohhh.

“Yeah. Now you see it.”

Sunset's face pulled tight into a look of uncertainty. “Well, Maud really isn’t in the picture, is she? You like him, and he likes you.”

Limestone frowned. “Do I?”

Sunset blinked. “Limestone, please don’t lead him on if you’re not sure about him. Flash is a really great guy, and his heart has been through some tough stuff over the past year. The last thing he needs is…”

“I don’t want to jerk him around.” Limestone squeezed her eyes shut. “In all senses of the word. Look, I don’t know, Sunset. I don’t really date, I don’t know what I’m doing, and I certainly wasn’t looking. He just came out of nowhere, and we jammed, and it was nice.” She shrugged. “I don’t know what any of that means.”

“Well, I’d say that could be the start of something.” Sunset smiled. “It sounds like you guys are still really early, which makes sense. You’ve got some surface attraction, which helps start things; now you’re starting to think about when and how to take things deeper.” She took a drink of her coffee. “I think your instinct about wanting to be honest about the lyrics is a good one. I don’t think it’ll be a problem, but the longer you let that go, the more of your relationship will be founded on an untruth, which isn’t good.”

Limestone nodded. “What about Maud, though? I feel like I’m going to squish her heart flat if I actually go for him.”

Sunset frowned. “I know that makes things complicated for you at home, but Limestone, it isn’t healthy for you to hold back on this just for the sake of what she might do.”

“Honestly, I’d rather just let her have him if I could get her to actually go for him,” Limestone said.


“Because you don’t know Maud,” Limestone sighed as she took a sip of coffee. She immediately regretted this, as her face puckered at its bitter taste. “Oh, I hate that stuff. No, like… I’ve never seen her act like this before. He means something to her. And I don’t want to take that away from her if she really wants him.”

“It’s not that easy, though. Relationships have got to be a two-way street, otherwise you can go through all the motions and they don’t mean anything.” Sunset leaned closer. “It’s like the way you’re thinking about Maud here; it doesn’t matter if you want to put your feelings aside to let her have a chance with him, it matters what she’s ultimately willing to do now, in the moment, now that Flash has maybe got a thing for you. And how she’s willing to treat you, now that you’re starting to be attracted to him.”

“I don’t get it.”

“Let me try it like this: You’re willing to put your feelings aside to give her a chance to be happy with Flash, right?”

“Right, I guess.”

“Well, relationships don’t work that way. What Flash feels for you right now isn’t something he can just put on the shelf while he tries it out with Maud. I mean, I’ve heard stories about people breaking up and getting back together later after being with other people, but I wouldn’t bet on that as a general thing.”

Limestone sat back in her chair, frowning. “So what you’re saying is that I’m going to have to let her down.”

Sunset shrugged. “I’m sorry. You may want the best for her, but she has to be willing to take steps to start things with people if she wants to find someone. It sounds like maybe that’s hard for her, but it wouldn’t be any different for you or anyone else.” She smiled. “You’ve gotta open yourself up a bit if you want to achieve intimacy.”

Limestone blushed. “I don’t think I’m quite ready for that…”

“No, I mean intimacy in the sense of really sharing things and building the relationship.” Sunset winked. “Maybe save the other kind of intimacy for once you actually have a committed relationship, or at least once you know your way around Platinum’s Secret.”

Limestone’s blush grew hot and intense. “Okay, is it weird for you talking about Flash like this with someone else?”

“Not really. If you weren’t serious… yeah, maybe. But I can tell you’re serious.”

“How can you tell?”

“You really aren’t asking me for much. You care about the people in your life, and you want to find a way to preserve their feelings even though you know that someone isn’t going to end up getting what they want.” Sunset took a breath. “And you’re way too eager for that someone to be you, but not like, in the martyr sense of it.”

Limestone nodded, then broke into a small, sideways grin. “You make me sound so good.”

Sunset gave her a warm smile. “I’m sorry, but it looks like you might be good, Limestone Pie.”

Limestone froze. “This isn’t flirting, is it?”

“W… what?”

“Good.” Limestone forced herself to suffer through a long pull of her dark, bitter coffee. “Very good.”

Author's Note: