• Published 9th May 2017
  • 11,243 Views, 298 Comments

Ill Winds - ClanCrusher

It had taken two failed invasions, an arduous civil war, a foalnapping, and the promise of a date, but Chrysalis can finally be counted among Equestria's allies. Unfortunately, the rest of her race might not be so easy to convince.

  • ...

Chapter 13: The Conscience of the Queen

“I'm sorry, Princess, none of the usual spells are working.” Luna's eyes didn't turn from her sister as the medic gave his report. “I've never seen burns like this before, magic or otherwise.”

The assessment wasn't surprising. It had been decades since Celestia had fought another pony, much less used the power of the sun on one. “Soothe the pain as best you can and stop the magic from spreading any further,” ordered Luna. “What of Shining Armor and Cadance?”

“Traveling here as fast as possible,” replied one of the royal guards. “Less than five minute away if they teleport the last leg of the journey.”

Luna nodded, still facing her sister with an unblinking gaze. Twilight, Chrysalis, and Rainbow had been moved from the crater, the three of them and Celestia looking like they were in a deep sleep rather than a mental struggle. While she couldn't see the fight that was taking place, she was more than prepared to act if Celestia opened her eyes and Twilight did not.

“Um...princess, about the sun...” began the unicorn.

“The moon stays,” came Luna's curt reply. “I have need of all my power at present.”

“O-of course...but ponies are starting to worry.”

“If the sun comes up again, Twilight will die and Aurum might break free. Tell anypony that asks, that the sun has been experiencing an unusual amount of energy fluctuations and Celestia needs to make certain that it is under control before it returns to the sky.”

“Right away, Princess.” The guards galloping hooves quickly disappeared down the hallway. He was one of several ponies working to cover up the conflict that had taken place. Several others were maintaining an illusion around the visible parts of the castle, hiding the damage, while still more were maintaining a perimeter.

Beside her, the medic sighed and took a step back. “I'm at the limits of my magic and knowledge. I've stopped the burns from spreading, but if it can't be removed completely...”

“We understand,” said Luna, her tone level. All they could do now was wait, and hope Celestia woke up instead of Aurum.


It soon became apparent that organization wasn't the only thing keeping Celestia's mind stable. Magic was involved as well, magic that seemed to be unraveling as Aurum's influence spread. Some memories had no doubt been lost in the struggle already.

Time was difficult to keep track of. My past experiences had taught me that things moved a lot faster on a mental landscape, but it was easy to have your perception of that time warped, and I had no idea if the time it took us to travel from the city to the castle was longer or shorter than it would have taken in the real world...or if the distance was even comparable.

One thing I knew for sure, however, was that we were getting closer. Aurum's magic was getting stronger in tandem with Celestia's, and once we entered the castle, I began to feel the influence of the other elders too, their magic still fresh and tinted with Aurum's magic.

Errant memories were everywhere, most belonging to Celestia, but also some from Aurum. The most vivid ones were recollections of Celestia's power. Even though she'd only used the sun once, there had been other occasions where the queen had witnessed her strength. Battles against Discord that warped and twisted the landscape, fights with Sombra and his minions that had turned the area around the Crystal Empire into a frozen wasteland, and a clash between her and Luna that had lasted nearly a full day with the moon and the sun fighting for dominance in the sky.

Aurum's fears were almost understandable, but the displays of power were only one facet of a very long lived and complicated alicorn. It was likely only Luna had any true understanding of her.

“Am I the only one feeling super uncomfortable here?” asked Rainbow suddenly, breaking the long silence. “I mean, did you even know she had a dragon lover?”

“She's probably had dozens,” replied Chrysalis. “Did you really expect her to be celibate for a thousand years?”

“Well...no, but it still feels weird thinking of her like that.”

I was finding it difficult to disagree. Even though I probably knew Celestia better than both of them, this small glimpse into her private life was definitely at odds with how I’d pictured her for so many years.

“We're getting closer,” said Chrysalis. “The memories are becoming increasingly personal.”

“So where's Aurum then?” Rainbow asked.

“Most likely at the core,” I guessed, “In the part of her mind where Celestia holds her values and experiences that define her as who she is.”

My senses led me through another series of twists and turns in the castle interior. If I'd tried to use conventional wisdom and mapping techniques, the result would have likely been some bizarre, twisted shape that couldn't be replicated in the real world, but the flow of mental energy continued to be easily traceable, almost as if...

“Aurum is leading us,” I said, stopping suddenly.

“Um...why?” asked Rainbow.

“I...don't know,” I admitted. Was she that confident in her abilities? Wouldn't it have made more sense to try and hide her presence and give her magic time to work?

“We need to confront her regardless,” cut in Chrysalis. “If she wishes to rush this confrontation, let her.”

There wasn't much I could say to refute the point, opting instead to continue following the path towards the throne room. Dozens of hallways branched off in different directions, but were ignored, our pace getting faster as the memories became less erratic. Aurum's damage was less extensive here, but her power was still growing. Our progress was steady and unimpeded, taking us straight to the double doors just outside the throne, covered with numerous intricate carvings of the two sisters.

“Wow...did the door used to look like this?” asked Rainbow, flying up to examine the pictures.

“Canterlot castle is hundreds of years old,” I informed her. “Ornate designs were probably placed with more practical ones when repairs were needed.”

Frowning, Chrysalis approached the door and placed a hoof against it. Like in all the other places she'd done so, golden lines quickly spread across the surface. “Another memory. A big one. We'll have to push through it, or remove it entirely.”

“If Aurum has a link with Celestia, I want to save our power for that,” I replied. “If not, then the first place we need to liberate is Celestia's core principles and values. Just keep your defenses up.”

Placing my own hoof on the door, I took a deep breath and pushed, letting the flood of memories wash over us as it opened.


“-already too many close calls, and now the Elements of Harmony are residing there too. Celestia is going to be watching Ponyville more closely than ever now.”

The mists cleared and the voices became louder. The details were hazy, but from Aurum's point of view, she and the other Elders seemed to be sitting at a round stone table of some kind.

“We can't afford to let the fighting continue,” Aurum agreed. “Crimson, I want you to assess the situation. Once you've determined the weaker of the two queens, support that one and drive the other from Ponyville. And as always-”

“Keep collateral to a minimum,” finished Crimson with a scoff. “You act like I've never done this before.”

The figures and voices grew dim as the scenery shifted around me. Tightening my mental defenses, I tried to push through, but bits and pieces continued to slip by.

“...Terranim and Chrysalide are both dead. Crimson is trying...”

“...Daughter has fled to Canterlot. Our agents can't...”

“...extremely reckless. Not to mention...”

The mists cleared as a particular memory came into focus. Aurum was outside, her gaze fixated on the violet shield that was now surrounding Canterlot. Internally, she was calling herself twelve kinds of idiot. How had such a young queen amassed so much power so quickly? With over a thousand changelings, she might even be able to pull off an invasion...and then their race would be doomed. Hopefully, putting Celestia on alert would discourage her. Just as the mists began to return, I felt the Elder Changeling's heart sink as she saw a black swarm flying openly through the sky towards the shield.

“...just invaded Ponyville. Holed up in the Badlands with...”

“...agents are finding it harder to operate....”

“...can't find Chrysalis or her hive after the seal broke...”

“...just walked right up to Celestia and said she'd tell her everything!”

Aurum stared at the amulet in front of her. It was a simple design coupled with inexpensive materials, paired with a complicated enchantment she couldn't even begin to unravel without further damaging it. Every worst case scenario she had thought up was coming to pass.

Part of her was wondering where things had gone wrong. Should she have ordered Chrysalis' hive wiped out? Should Terranim have been the one Crimson sided against? Should she have challenged Chrysalis directly before she'd built up her forces and risked discovery by Celestia? She had hoped allowing her to 'kill' Crimson would have pacified her, but it hadn't been enough.

Regardless of how it happened, this was where they were now. Unmasked, with Celestia's hoof pressed against their throat. Even though the Sun Monarch claimed to desire peace, Aurum knew where that road led. The ponies had total control over their food and a reliable means of denying it to them. Whatever Celestia asked of them, they could either do it or starve.

Going back into hiding wasn't an option either. Not with Celestia's new pet queen at her beck and call.

“Elder Aurum?” The voice drew the changeling from her thoughts, her mental barriers dropping slightly. She'd had them in place so as not to distress her hive with her erratic emotions, but she didn't need the link to sense the worry and uncertainty from her lieutenant. “The other elders are waiting for you.”

“And Azure?” she asked pointedly.

“Being held securely with every protection we have.”

Aurum shook her head. “Don't bother. Bring her to the meeting. I wish to know every last detail about her battle with Celestia.”

“But...the mark-”

“Matters little compared to these amulets.”

The fog enveloped us again. Aurum's mindset was a familiar one. One I'd heard several months past, back when Chrysalis was visiting my library under royal guard. And here it was again, so deeply ingrained into Aurum's mind that this crazy plan of possessing Celestia was a more reasonable alternative to compromise.

Finally, the fog began to clear, my connection with Chrysalis and Rainbow growing stronger as the three of us pushed through. The hazy images gave way to a grassy field with several trees surrounding a quaint little cottage. The place reminded me of Fluttershy's house in Ponyville; secluded and simple.

Celestia's presence was strong here. Stronger than everywhere else we'd been, and the small cottage glowed softly with the radiance of the sun.

And there, in front of the door, was Aurum, her presence a dark blemish on the serene landscape. It was clear she'd been trying to overcome the final defenses, and the faint lingering presence of the other queens made me wonder just how close she'd come.

Drawing on the strength of my companions, I called out to Celestia. Almost immediately, the cottage's faint glow increased, our minds linking with hers and bolstering her battered will.

With a sigh, Aurum took a step back, turning and facing the three of us with a glare, though the target of her ire was clearly Chrysalis. “Are you satisfied yet?” she snapped. “Are enough of us dead for you? Three elders, two queens, hundreds of changelings...do you feel 'free' yet?”

Chrysalis' anger surged, but it vanished as quickly as it had come. “No...I feel tired. Tired of seeing your followers do everything in their power to ruin an opportunity that was gift wrapped for them. I'm tired of hiding, tired of being paranoid and constantly on edge, and I'm most definitely tired of you thinking our race should be working in lockstep agreement with your insane plans!”

Aurum seemed to almost recoil under the furious tirade, but she quickly recovered. “You don't even see the cage around you. Clearly you became a queen far too soon. It's a pity your mother chose to sacrifice herself rather than help you grow into the role.”

I held my breath as Chrysalis' anger returned, but Rainbow cut in before the queen could respond. “Yeah, real pity your plan didn't work, too. Maybe if you'd actually learned from Chryssy, all your Elders wouldn't have had to sacrifice themselves.”

Aurum's face remained neutral as Rainbow continued. “I mean seriously, kicking you outta here is just a formality. Luna has your number and her horn at your neck, and Spitfire's got your whole hive in custody. So why don't you just save yourself another embarrassing defeat, jump on out, and surrender already?”

Unnervingly, the golden queen chuckled, her laughter filling the clearing as she stepped away from Celestia's home and towards us. “Or what? You'll force me out? Perhaps you've already forgotten the last time I got inside that fragile mind of yours.”

“Yeah, and I've been meaning to pay you back for that. Maybe when I find your real body, I'll treat it to a Rainboom too. Right now though? I'll settle for evicting you.”

Aurum's gaze finally turned my direction. “And what of the-”

“I have nothing to say to you,” I said before she could even start. “We're beyond negotiations. Either leave and face the consequences of your actions, or stay and face us. If you want my opinion, I'd advise you not to make things any worse on you or your race.”

The elder shook her head and sighed. “So be it, then. I daresay you already know my choice.” Her eyes flashed and suddenly my mental barriers were under attack. Dozens, no...hundreds of probes tested my shields, seeking out any cracks or weaknesses with frightening speed and efficiency.

“It truly is amazing just how many things one can manipulate through the mind,” said Aurum, her tone almost casual as she continued walking towards us. “Memories...emotions...even pain.”

Like an insidious snake, one of Aurum's tendrils slipped through my defenses, found a particular lever, and pulled. A sharp cry left my mouth. Stabs of agony traveled all over my body as I desperately tried to shield myself from the mental onslaught. Beside me, Rainbow and Chrysalis let out similar cries as their minds were likewise assaulted. Outside of Celestia's mental landscape, I could practically feel my real body thrashing.

“Perhaps I cannot best you physically or magically, but this is my battleground,” boasted the elder as she walked between the three of us. “The number of things I can do to your mind is nearly limitless.”

Desperately, I grasped for Rainbow and Chrysalis' links, reeling them in and directing both to fight back against her in a concentrated effort. The pain subsided, the three of us gaining traction against her assault, but it was taking all of our energy just to hold our ground.

“You're skilled, Twilight, but I have decades of experience over you.” The elder's boast was followed by a fresh wave of power, the three of us reeling as our mental shield was tested. “And with the three of you in my link, you've given me many lucrative options.”

“The only option you have is whether you're gonna get beaten now, or later!” snapped Rainbow. A swell of confidence spread through our link. “You're desperate! You've got no army, no allies, and no plan!”

“But I do have your minds,” said Aurum with a chuckle. “And your defenses aren't nearly as good as Celestia's.” The scenery around us took on a golden hue, the tranquil grotto shifting from its natural green state to a twisted black and yellow. The mental assault redoubled and hit us harder than ever.

To my left, Rainbow let out a cry and collapsed, her link with myself and Chrysalis straining and rapidly weakening. Desperately, I tried to reinforce our connection, but Aurum blocked me at every turn. “Perhaps your mind will be more suited for me, Twilight. I'd love to discover the secrets of those amulets of yours. Or maybe I'll simply take your lover's place.

Her siege continued even as she spoke, hammering our connection with all she had. She was isolating us. Separating our links. Darkness filled my vision as Aurum's magic continued to slip through my failing shields as Rainbow and Chrysalis’ presence faded from my mind.

“You...won't win...” I gasped out as the scenery vanished completely, leaving behind a black and gold void that only I and Aurum occupied. “You've already lost everything you were fighting for.”

“So long as I survive, we will rebuild,” said Aurum dismissively. “But really, this conversation is pointless. You won't remember any of it once I'm through.”

A fresh wave of pain accompanied her renewed attack. Her strength was unfathomable. Where was she getting so much power? Celestia herself? Or was the difference in skill simply too much? Dimly, I heard Chrysalis and Rainbow's voices echo in my mind, but my senses were rapidly fading as Aurum shut down my mental facilities bit by bit. Soon, all I could hear was her mocking voice. I had to hold out. Keep my sense of self...and then what? Hope that someone would stop her? Wait for rescue? No...there was no one here but me...and there was only one way out.

Taking a breath, I tightened my defenses...and dropped my barriers completely. Aurum's presence spilled in like a tide, seeping into my memories and thoughts...and then I pushed back, taking the link she had formed with me and using it to force my thoughts into hers. She hadn't even tried to form barriers, and I quickly took advantage, finding every pain point I knew of and triggering them all at once.

Almost immediately, I felt her recoil, her focus shifting to try and stifle my assault. Relief flooded through me as her own offensive eased but even with her attention split, I felt her vividly in my mind.

“My, you're much more of a fighter than your princess,” came Aurum's voice, floating through the darkness and whisking past my ear. “Perhaps in a few decades, you might even be a threat.”

Aurum's energy lessened slightly, the barrier rippling briefly before solidifying and redoubling in power. It was strong. Too strong!

Nothing was working! I was a fly beating against a glass window. What could work against centuries of knowledge and experience? Fighting her on this battlefield had been just as reckless as trying to fight Celestia in the air.

In a small corner of my mind that was still my own, I felt my body back in the real world, trembling. How long was it going to be 'my' body? Would Luna catch on to what was happening? Would I stay trapped in my own mind while Aurum drew me around like a puppet on her strings?

Desperately, I made one final charge against the encroaching darkness, not trying to break Aurum's hold, but trying to reach my friends, hoping to draw one last bit of comfort from them through our link.


Only Aurum’s voice remained, and now she was eroding away my very sense of self. I was alone, frantically clinging to what few thoughts I could. Was the same thing happening to Chrysalis and Rainbow? I had no way of knowing. I was...

No. I wasn't. I wasn't alone!

I had friends, family...ponies and changelings who cared about me. Since when did I need a mental link to know that? A spark of defiance lit inside me. Rainbow and Chrysalis were here. They were inside me, just like I lived in their memories.

Delving deep into my own subconscious, I focused on the two I cared about most. Rainbow, with her determination, unshakable confidence, and fierce loyalty. Chrysalis, with her devious wit, endless cunning, and her devotion to those she cared about. There was a bond there, and it wasn't something Aurum could stifle, no matter how she warped and twisted my mind.

“Hmph. Took you long enough.” Chrysalis' voice floated past me in the darkness of the void. “Why does it always take you so long to remember your own Friendship lessons?”

Around me, Aurum's assault intensified, trying to overwhelm me again, but this time I stayed firm. A moment later, I heard Rainbow's voice. “C'mon egghead, we're right here with you. Kick her out already!”

The spark ignited and warmth flooded my body as I drew strength from my bonds. Rainbow and Chrysalis were only the first. My friends soon joined, adding their voices to the void, slowly but surely drowning Aurum out. My eyes opened and the darkness seemed to waver. Focusing all of my mental energy, I cried out. “Rainbow! Chrysalis! I'm here!”

The mental link I thought I'd lost suddenly roared back to life. Light pierced the darkness around me, the forest brightening as the surroundings of Celestia's mind came back into focus. Rapidly, strength returned to me...to us...even as Aurum tried to destroy our renewed connection.

“Gah...just give up already!” shouted Rainbow. “You're not getting any of our minds!”

Aurum’s laugh was sharp and derisive. “Bold words from an emotionally unstable mare like yourself. It doesn't matter how strong you think your link is. You'll never match my power in here. All you've done is bought yourself a few more moments of freedom.”

To my right, Chrysalis suddenly let out a chuckle. My eyes widened as I felt our link grow stronger, a familiar sensation running through me. “So...this is what it feels like. I really have been missing out.” Shakily, the green changeling queen stepped forward. For the first time since our confrontation, a look of uncertainty passed over Aurum's features. “You really know nothing about the strength of a true bond shared with another.”

“Spare me your inane lectures. Your minds are pitiful compared to mine. I am a hair's breadth from dominating the most powerful being in Equestria. You three-”


The Elder blinked and suddenly a burst of green fire lit the grass next to Chrysalis. When it cleared, Dusk was standing next to her.

“So you remembered your hive. It matters not. Even with their collective power, you cannot match me,” said Aurum confidently, but I was barely listening to her. My eyes were locked on Dusk. He had been at Carbon Creek, and if he was here right now...

“Oh but that's the funny part,” said Chrysalis as she gave Dusk a nod. “It's not just my hive. I brought Celestia's too.”


“Whee!” An explosion of streamers and an excited voice heralded the entrance of Pinkie Pie, along with a burst of green fire from the changelings who had helped bring her into the link. Landing gently on her hooves, Pinkie's presence began to have a noticeable effect on the clearing. Ribbons and streamers appeared in the branches of the trees, and up in the sky, party balloons idly floated by.

“About time we got through to you. Reception on the train is terrible.” More bursts of green fire appeared, the mind link growing to include more and more of the queen's hive.

“How? I shielded this mind the moment you came in!” shouted Aurum.

“Don't be silly,” said Pinkie with a giggle. “You can't stop a bond of friendship with a shield. Oh and...” her expression suddenly turned serious. “You need to leave. No one likes a clingy guest.”

Before Aurum could respond, another link roared to life. Eagerly, Chrysalis and I reached out to it and pulled. In a flash of blue fire, Rarity's mental projection appeared next to us. “Dear me, that is a rather dizzying trip,” she murmured.

“You've bought yourself nothing more than a temporary reprieve. Your connections won't help you here, even if you bring in all of your Elements!” snarled Aurum, quickly proving as good as her boast as her darkness fought to return.

“Really darling, I don't think you realize how these shiny trinkets work,” said Rarity with a scoff. “You don't need a bauble to have a bond with somepony...or even some changeling.”

“And I don't need to like Chryssy to respect what she's doin' and lend her my strength,” came Applejack's voice moments before she appeared beside me.

“A-also I'm here too,” came a quiet voice from behind Aurum. I blinked, focusing on the pegasus. I hadn't even felt her enter the link, and from Aurum's surprised look, neither had she. There was a moment of silence as the pegasus tiptoed around the Elder, joining our growing group of ponies and changelings with a muttered 'sorry' before whirling around and facing Aurum with a determined look.

Shaking my head, I reached out to all of the changelings and ponies who had joined their minds with mine. Some were stronger than others, and I sensed uncertainty as our coalition still only seemed to be able to match Aurum's vast power, but we were near a tipping point.

“This is your last chance,” I warned. “Remove yourself from Celestia's mind, or we'll force you out.”

“There is nowhere else for me to go,” Aurum responded sharply. “There is no choice. Force me out if you can, but I will never accept your false promises of peace!”

“False? How can you still say that after all you've seen of her mind?” I snapped.

“Because I am not ignorant to the ways of the world. Celestia will always put her ponies first above any other species, just as I do mine.”

“Then maybe you should think about those you're leaving behind,” cut in Chrysalis. “Despite your best efforts to burn your queendom to the ground, some of your followers are still alive and desperate for guidance. Or will you abandon them, too?”

Aurum's expression slipped and a snarl appeared, her mental energies twisting around her in a sudden flurry of activity. “The only one who has abandoned their duty is you!” she shouted, her magic lashing out towards Chrysalis.

Our defenses were there to meet her, deflecting one wave after another, shielding Chrysalis with the strength of our bonds. And then, at long last, I felt a bit of Aurum’s fatigue. She was tiring, her mental projection wavering as she carelessly burned through her reserves of power, along with the energy she'd managed to borrow from Celestia.

In that magical torrent, Chrysalis struck back and blasted the mental magic that had woven itself through Celestia's mind while my friends and I continued to shield her from Aurum’s wrath. Bit by bit, the intricate and deeply woven corruption that had spread through the princess' mind began to unravel.

Aurum did not go quietly. Her mental attacks lashed out at us repeatedly, trying to find a weak link in our bond, but we remained steadfast and determined, rebuffing her every time. The tide was turning in our favor, Aurum's fear rising as her influence waned and Celestia gained strength.

Chrysalis was being careful and deliberate, making certain every bit of the Elder was purged, slowly driving her back into a corner. Panic began to manifest on her features, but rage soon returned, the bright blue sky boiling a deep blood red.

“Don't do it,” warned Chrysalis. “Even if you've given up your body, one of your drones might be willing to take your consciousness. There's no reason to throw your life away.”

“Life beneath the Sun Tyrant isn't worth living,” snapped Aurum. Her power waned as she drew it inwards, on the defensive now as Chrysalis pushed her down...but then it began to shift. All of the tendrils of energy seemed to compress inwards, right before lashing out. Like a hundred sharpened needles, Aurum drove her power into Celestia's mind, stabbing deep, blindly striking out at everything she could reach.

“Stop it!” My shout rang out through the clearing as I threw my power against her, taking the lead from Chrysalis and drawing my friends into an all out assault. The first mental blow didn't even seem to register with her, but I quickly piled on, striking out at her mind as her golden corruption tore at Celestia's mind.

Chrysalis was trying to communicate with me, but I couldn't waste the time to listen. I knew what fate lay in store for the princess if her mind was too severely damaged. Nightmares still haunted me about the time I'd accidentally done it.

Her mental barriers shattered under the assault, her power weakened thanks to our prolonged battle. My energy poured in through the opening, diving towards one place in particular.She was trying to interfere, but I ruthlessly pushed her aside, forcing myself in deeper until I was at the central point for all her thoughts and memories.

My friend's voices were in the background, trying to reach me as I fashioned my magic into a razor thin dagger. They were seeing all of this. Watching what I was doing. What I was about to do. I hesitated, my nerves fraying as the vision of that changeling so long ago in Chrysalis’ cavern flashed across my mind.

No...she wanted this. She wanted me to lose control. She wanted her death to send a message to all the other changelings in the world.

Swallowing hard and closing my eyes, I forced myself to calm down, drawing on the strength and support of my friends, their voices of concern and worry pulling me back to a more rational state of mind.

It was a bluff, I realized. She was spent. She didn’t have the power to harm Celestia’s mind any more than a single pony could ‘harm’ Canterlot Castle with their hooves. And I’d almost fallen for it.

Even now, she was making a show of lashing out against Celestia, but now it looked more like a toddler flailing at a titan. The ‘dagger’ of magic I’d been forming faded as emotional exhaustion set in. My friends...they must have known what I’d been about to do. What were they thinking right now?

A pair of legs wrapped around my neck. Chrysalis was by my side, and Rainbow soon joined her, both of them providing some much needed comfort.

“I will finish things here,” murmured Chrysalis. “Go pass out in the real world. I'll be right behind you.”

“And I'll soften things with the girls,” promised Rainbow. “Just get out and get better.”

Weakly, I nodded before slowly untangling myself from the link, letting the fatigue, both mental and physical, take me back to the real world and a peaceful sleep soon after.