• Published 18th Jun 2016
  • 2,235 Views, 206 Comments

A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest - MetalBrony823

Colin is back and he has been kidnapped by an evil boy named George. Now, it is up to Johnny, his big brother, his girlfriend Rose, Fluttershy and the boy's family to save him from this evil child and his minions

  • ...


Colin was still in his chamber in George's ship, who stopped crying, but was still sad within. He didn't even want to think about the pain in the torture chamber, and was not planning on sneaking out like that again, especially the consequences on what happens to people like him that just did it. Colin most certainly did not want to face the shocking again, for it was a while new level of pain.

He made a sad sigh. "I miss my mommy and daddy, and my friends and family." He thought out loud. Hipefully, some help will come. Till then, he had to stay strong. If Celestia and Luna know then he will surely be rescued eventually.

There was a sound of heavy footsteps, probably some goons looking at Colin and making sure he was bahaving. It revealed to be Krusha and Shadow Mavis and doctor Eggman with him. What did they both want from him this time? What if he is going to be tortured again?

The boy cowered in fear at the corner of his cell "please don't shock me again, it hurts!" He begged

"Oh relax yoy sniveling runt." Krusha retorted. "If you did misbehave again, we would know. Now, George just wants to have a little word with ya?"

'What does he want?"

"I don't know, I didn't ask him. All the boss said was he just wants to see ya ASAP.

"And try not to run away this time, okay? Squirt? Or else you will get shocked at the torture chamber again." Eggman warned him

Colin certainly did not want to go through that painful, stinging feeling of being electrocuted again. "Okay." Was all he replied

"Good boy." Said Shadow Mavis. "Now come along." Then Mavis held his hand and walked down the hallway with Krusha and Eggman following after to make sure Colin doesn't pull any more tricks. "Oh wait till George tells you what happens next." Said Shadow Mavis in a sinister tone.

"D-did he ask you what he wanted from me?"

"Nope, he didn't tell me either."

"Just shut your trap and wait till we get their, then you can ask him for yourself." Krusha noted.

It was a rather long walk to get from Colin's cell to George's main base of operations. Finally there her was, sitting on his sinister throne. When he saw Colin, he grinned wickedly. Colin was afraid to even ask what this evil little genius wanted with him. Next to him was Bowser, making some smoke everytime he breathed put of his nostrils.

"Ah Colin, so glad you can join us."

"We got him for you, boss." Krusha. "Just as you ordered us to."

"Perfect." George turned his attention back to the poor boy, and a dressed "you are probably wondering why I asked you hear."

"Please don't shock me again! I didn't do anything wrong!" Colin blurted.

George cruelly chuckled and replied "oh relax, you're not in trouble this time. Besides, I know you would learn your lesson after my shocking. No, why I brought you here in front of me is quite different than you would expected." The evil child got off his throne and walked down the steps that were in front of it.

Colin made a gulp and said "well, -why did you call me here?"

"Well, why I called you here is way different than you expected. No, you see, we are getting close to my very own island, and I will show you your new home.... in my jail."

Colin gasped "jail! Nonono. I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Oh we believe you, Colin." Said Pavilion. "We are just trying to keep.you under watch and wait until the boss here decides to use you as the ransom for Celestia and rule all of Equestria."

"Exactly right, Pavilion. And don't worry. Prison is not so bad, the food in it is actually pretty delicious and delectable-"

"And stale!" Eggman added with an evil laugh."

"And you might as well get in a prison uniform when we arrive. But don't worry," he looked at his girlfriend. " Shadow Mavis here will take good care of you." George then made a cruel chuckle. Of course when he said it that way, it was the exact opposite if good care. Colin knew that very well.

Shadow Mavis then made a wicked grin showing her teeth. "Oh we will have some fun!" She said with mock joy, and cackled I'm a crazy tone. Eggman followed after her, and then George."

"Hey boss." A boy's voice called out. A kid that looked very similar to Colin walked into the room, same clothes, said hoodie, and hair, and even had Teo eyes like his good counterpart. It was indeed, the evil twin of Colin. But how did he get such a makeover like this?

"Ah, Evil Colin, just in time to reveal our plans." George said. "My my, you look so much like your goodie-goodie counterpart."

"What'a going on here?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you earlier, didn't I, buddy?" Said his evil twin. "I am going to ruin your life and reputation, and make everyone you love hate you. Your new family will suffer under my fists, and I will cause chaos all around them! Hahahaha! And not like Discord."

"What? No! I love my family!" Colin begged

"Oh don't be such a sniveling baby." Evil Colin insulted him. "I can imagine myself making poor Fluttershy burst into tears and make her hate you after hurting her feelings, waa waa."

Colin then tries to attack him with full zeal, but was stopped by Krusha's beefy fist to his stomach, making him whimper.

"Next time it will be a bat." Krusha threatened, cracking his knuckles after that. This guy really meant business and Colin knew he wasn't kidding when he said he will get worse than a punch if he doesn't "Behave" himself

"Oh, master George, we have got Intel that Sonic has been spotted across Equestria." Pavillion reported on his computer.

"Perfect, capture him and bring him to Eggman."

"And then I will make him suffer thereafter." Eggman added. "Oh i can imagine the look on his face after I rip his innards out, hahaha!"

"Anyway, go do what you need to do, Evil Colin."

"Sure thing, best friend." The evil twin looked at him and smiled "and don't worry, I will take good care of your family and friends." Then he exited the room to the teleportation chamber. Colin was in a really heavy pickle now. His poor family might not even know what his evil double will do to them when he reaches his home."

"Now, make sure you give Colin here a haircut and give him a mugshot, Mavis."

"Of course, my love." Then went to put on her police guars uniform

"And don't worry, we will give you a special suite in my prison. Hahahaha!"

The Boy gulped again.

"Take him away!"

Then Krusha dragged him on the floor by his hood from the jacket to do all those things George told him to him.

Collin was sitting in his cell sadly. He then heard some footsteps approaching, followed by a jingle of keys. He looked up to see Shadow Mavis. She is wearing a blue police uniform with a yellow police badge on it, a black belt that came with handcuffs and a baton, some latex black boots, and black gloves in her hands.

"Hey there, Collin." Shadow Mavis teased.

"Shadow Mavis? Is that you?" Collin asked.

"Of course it's me. How do I look?"

"Umm... interesting?" Collin blushed.

"Enough small talk, criminal.." the girl said, as she went inside the poor boy's cell and grabbed his arms and put them against a wall.

"What are you doing?" Collin whimpered.

"I gotta do this to all prisoners. That includes you, sweetheart." the girl replied, as she spread Collin's arms and legs apart.

Collin blushed in embarrassment as Shadow Mavis started frisking him down. She stuffed her hands on his legs, arms, chest, and pants, frisking Poor Collin down for any weapons.

"You're coming with me, sweetheart." the police girl replied, as she pulled Collin's arms behind his back.

"W-what are you gonna do?" Collin asked, fearfully.

Shadow Mavis pulled out her handcuffs from her belt and attached it to Collin's hands. They restrained him with a chain, and with a loud click as they were attached to Collin.

"Ow!" Collin winced, as he tried to struggle free, but the cuffs chafed his hands.

"Let's go, jailbird." Shadow Mavis said as she made Collin walk out of the cell while keeping her one hand holding the cuffs.

"Where are we going?" Collin asked.

"To take your mugshot, sweetheart." Officer Shadow Mavis said. "Every prisoner we have here must have their mugshot taken so we can keep it in their criminal records. You'll be one of the cutest criminals around here."

"P-p-please... Don't do this..." Collin sniffed as he started to cry.

"George's orders!" Shadow Mavis chirped, as she saw Collin trying to slow down, and she hit his legs with her police baton, resulting in the boy whimpering.

Shadow Mavis made the handcuffed Collin walk to the mugshot room. There was a mirror reflecting a room with a height chart of stripes.

"Let me go, p-p-please..." Collin pleaded.

"Silence." Shadow Mavis retorted as she took off Collin's handcuffs by force. "Go to that dressing room. You have to dress up in your prison clothes. Here."

The police girl gave Collin his prison clothes. It was an orange jumpsuit with the number written: #9241.

Collin sighed as he looked at it, but the police girl hit a wall with her baton, which got Collin hurting to the dresser. Hewhimpered as he hurried to the dresser and discarded his old clothes. He sighed as he put the jumpsuit on. He connected the buttons on it after putting it on. He then came out to Shadow Mavis smiling and clapping at him.

"You look adorable!" she said, as she gave him his mugshot card. "Now go to the mugshot lineup."

Collin inspected the card. It read "Ponyville Police Department: Prisoner #9241. Name: Collin."

Collin started to shed tears as he went inside the mugshot lineup. He was 5'7.

Shadow Mavis then took out her camera and said, "Raise your card, jailbird."

Collin teared up as he raised his mugshot card. The police girl took the photo with a flash and commanded him to turn to the left. Collin did so, and another photo was taken.

Collin exited the mugshot lineup room as Shadow Mavis grabbed him. "It's time to take your haircut!"

"No." Collin refused. "I like the way my hair is."

Shadow Mavis responded by hitting the poor boy with her police baton. "You're one step closer for a cavity search." She sneered, as they went to get his haircut.

Johnny and Rose were walking along a trail through a forest. Hopefully, they will look for more clues about George and where Colin was.

"Hey, Rose?"


"I thank you for coming with me. Maybe I did need some help after all." Johnny remarked. "Perhaps you coming with me on this rescue mission was all I need."

His girlfriend smiled "oh you're welcome, sweetie-pie." Then she kissed him on his left cheek. "I knew you would want me to be with you to rescue Colin." Then she frowned again "poor baby, I hope he will be okay."

"Me too, babe. Me too."

It was all of a sudden they heard a cry for help. "Hey! Get me out of here you overgrown lizards!" It sounded like a young man's voice of some kind, a little higher than Johnny's own voice. They all looked at where it came from, and saw a couple of scary looking lizard men trapping a Mobian blue hedgehog in a net.

"Hey, sons of bitches!" Johnny insulted them with anger. "Pick on someone your own size." Both the Kremlins snarled at him and his girlfriend.

"That's Colin's brother!" Said one."

"Kill him!" Said another. They both charged at him, but Johnny gave them really painful punches with his brass knuckles from his jacket, and dodged many attacks as possible. It wasn't enough for the lizard monsters kept on rolling. Finally, he pulled out the sword Severin fave him before he and Rose departed, and clashed the steel wother the Kremlins' own swords. Johnny was a rather good fighter and was fighting very valiantly in the mean time.

At last, he struck a mortal blow on one, and then slashed the other's leg, making him yell in agony. Johnny grabbed him by the head, and asked "where is my brother!?"

"I will never talk!" The Kremlin shouted.

Angered and irritated, Johnny slowly trusted the sword in the monster's him making him scream in agony.

"Gonna talk now?"

"Alright! I'll talk! George is going to take him to the prison on his private island far from here." The Kremlin confessed.

"How far is it?"

"Two hundred miles. But I might as well warn you, there are guards all over the place, and it is no smooth sailing going over there by sea."

"Thanks." Then George killed him by slitting his throat. Then he noticed the hedgehog still trapped in the net."

"Excuse me." Said the hedgehog. "A little help, please?"

"Oh sorry." Johnny said. He slashed his sword on the rope, and the creature fell back on the ground, right on his noggin.

He mildly groaned "oww, warn me next time you are Going to do that."

"Sorry. Tell me, what'a your name, stranger? And, what did those creeps want from you?"

"My name is Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic is my name, speed is my game." He flaunted

"Well nice to meet you, Sonic. My name is Johnny."

"And I am Rose, his girlfriend." Said the female human.

"Nice to meet you guys. Anyway, they were working for George and Eggman, my arch nemesis."

"Eggman?" Both Johnny and Rose asked in confusion like it was a ridiculous and laughable name.

"I know it sounds silly, but this guy is pure evil." Sonic warned "Eggman was trying to kill me for years, and He wants to conquer everything with his tools and robots, and I always defeat him, but this time he has help to take over the world and build his own empire."

"Do you think you can help us find my brother?"

"Well, I don't know where he is, but I guess I can come along. Besides, i'm getting a little bored running around this place already. "So do tell me what's going on."

Then Johnny and Roae began telling them about Colin and his capture. Perhaps this will be a greater chance that Colin will be saved after all. But what will become lf Fluttershy, Twilight, Rainbow, and the others back home in Ponyville?