• Published 18th Jun 2016
  • 2,235 Views, 206 Comments

A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest - MetalBrony823

Colin is back and he has been kidnapped by an evil boy named George. Now, it is up to Johnny, his big brother, his girlfriend Rose, Fluttershy and the boy's family to save him from this evil child and his minions

  • ...

Trying to Escape

In the cell, Colin was weeping in his cell silently. He just wanted to go home back to his friends and family, no matter how oddly flattering his little cell was. He can only hope that Celestia, Luna, and everyone he loved and cared about will figure a way to help him out of this hellhole. He looked out the window and saw that he was in the sky, making him queasy to his stomach and liver. "This.... feels like an airplane." he thought to himself "But, not as fast, and it's a little lower in the sky."

He then wondered how he is in a big fortress like this, and how nopony can even notice it.

At last, he went over the glass keeping him inside and looked around the hallway. "Excuse me, mister monster." he said to the bodyguard from before "Please, let me out. I beg you. I don't belong here."

"My name is Krusha, remember?" he said annoyingly. "Anyway, no. Forget it, kid. This is were you belong now."

"But, there has to be a way out of here. Let me out!" he began to talk a little louder. Just then, Krusha punched the wall next to the boy's cell, making him jump back with fear.

"There is no way out! So get used to it! I don't wanna here you whining, got it?!"

Colin gulped and quietly replied "Yes sir."

"Good." Krusha said more calmly "That's a good boy. Oh, and don't even think about trying to escape, because if you do try anything, just anything, mind you, then....."


"You don't really want to know what I will do." Not as loud as before when he punched the wall, he added in his tough voice "Now I want some quiet! Go and play with your.... toys or something!"

Colin gulped "Yes sir."

"Good."The creature looked really intimidating to him, and if there was one thing certain he would know of, it would be not to cross him or make him angry. He was too scared to even imagine what he would even do to him if he didn't "Behave" in their own way of saying it.

Then he heard footsteps echoing in the hallway "Krusha, Krusha!" Said a man's voice.

The bodyguard sighed "what is it now, York? I'm a little busy guarding the kid right now."

"The boss wants to have a word with ya."

Krusha "oh, very well." Then he turned back to Colin "excuse me, kid, i'll be back in a little while. Don't go anywhere, like you would even have a choice anyway." He gave a cruel chuckle. Then all Colin heard was the footsteps of Krusha and York leaving the room until they faded, and silence swept across the hallway.

The boy was looking around for a way out, and tried to pull the window bars off, but to no avail, then he realized that he would fall to the ground if he got out through there. He sighed sadly, and walked over to play with at least one of his action figures, then he stumbled and tripped.

The air vent opening suddenly came open when Colin's arm incidentally slided over it. The vent was big enough for a small body like him to fit through and crawl in. He was thinking for a second and maybe, maybe, he might get out of here sooner than he imagined before he entered, he had another thought.

"Wait, what if they know i'm gone?" Then he realized that with a basketball, one or two puzzle boxes might be the trick to fool Krusha and the other guards. He took the ball and two boxes and pulled them under the covers of the bed. With this, he can make George and his henchmen think he is sleeping

With a breath, Colin slowly crawled through the vent, and quietly put it back from within so no one will know he came out through there. He looked for any passageways that could lead him out of George's lair. He went deeper and deeper, until finally, he found a peculiar light on the right side of him.

The light became brighter and brighter and he peaked through the opening. Colin was worried that some guards might walk through the place. "I wonder if any mean guards are in here. He examined the place outside and saw that it was a room with things that a boy would like to have, like toys, action figures and comics, and other fun things, but unlike any other boys room, it had some lethal weapons hung on the wall.

That could only mean one thing:

"Thus must be George's room." Colin whsipered. He quietly pushed the lid open and silently crawled out of the vent. He landed in a rather clumsy fashion, but luckilly, no one heard it.

The other thing the room a little boys wouldn't have would be the bed. It was a large, regal king-sized matress, and the covers were royal red. This bed looked like it was meant for a king, a young evil king.

"I admit, those pies were delicious." Said a voice from out of the room

"Someone's coming!" Colin yelled in his head. He looked for a hiding spot, and went under the bed, making it a perfect place for him to hide.

The door opened, and he saw goat hind legs, and tiger front legs. It was the chimera that helped kidnap Colin in the first place. "Yesssss, so deliciousssss." Said the snake.

"So, what do you think George would do to that kid when he rules everything?" Asked the goat

"That's beyond me. Maybe something bad of course." The tiger remarked. "Maybe he will kill that kid when he is done trying to invade Equestria."

"Or maybe make him into a personal pet forced to do tricks." The goat theorized

"One thing issss certain that we will have to wait and ssssee." The snake concluded

"Yeah. You're right. Maybe George will make something useful out of Colin."

"Good point. Come on, let's go. We gotta give that boy his special gun." Then the chimera took one of the weapons from the racks and went out the bedroom door.

After a few seconds, Colin whispered to himself "they're gone." Then silently came out from under the mattress. He wanted out of the beast's bedroom and out of his personal domain, too. He slowly opened the door, making slight creaking noises, and looked left and right to see if the coast was clear, and it was.

The boy tip-toed down the corridor and looked at his surroundings for any danger that might lurk ahead. He went left, back against the wall, trying to be as sneaky as possible. "Where do I go now?" he said really quietly. "If only Johnny was here, he would think of something."

He went straight up and found a room with a door open. Should he look inside? or are any of George's goons in there? Thanks to his curiosity that every boy his age would have, he slowly peeked through, and saw that it was the locker room. He tip-toed in the quietest footsteps he can do, and looked around for any danger.

"Come on, Pavilion." said a voice from outside that sounded like a girl. "We have to make this work."

Panicked, Colin looked around for any hiding spots and found a slightly opened locker, and silently went inside. He was just in time when they came in the room. He got a little peak at them, and one of them was a girl that looked human, but had demonic wings on her back.

"That kid's better off useless. It might take a little more than Colin Fraser to force Celestia to surrender. Maybe somepony like Prince Blueblood, Shadow Mavis."

"No. You heard my evil boyfriend, Pavilion, George made it clear." the girl replied

Colin looked a little dumbfounded "That's George's girlfriend. I better not let her know that I escaped." he said in his brain.

"With Colin as the hostage, Celestia, and all the others ponies would not bother trying to stop us. They wouldn't even forgive themselves if we did the slightest little pinch on him. Besides, he's kind of cute."

Colin, still in the locker, flushed at her comment. "Cute?" he thought. "Ah, what am I thinking? My heart belongs to Scootaloo."

"Okay okay, because your boyfriend is the boss of us all, we might as well listen to what he tells us to do."

"What my boyfriend says goes."

"Alright. "So, we might as well look and see how George is doing at the moment, eh?"

"Yep." then they both left the locker room with the door closed.

Colin sighed in relief "Whew, that was close." he murmured. Colin slowly got out the locker and silently opened the door again, looking left, then right.

This fortress looked really complex to him, that he couldn't really decide where to go next, finally, he made up his mind, Colin went down a staircase, and saw another three way hallway. He decided to go right, and then peaked for anyone who might find him Then, his heart stopped when he saw a guard with a sword and lantern, looking mighty stern. He hid behind a wall and slowly creeped away when the lantern was getting brighter

"Someone's coming!" Colin thought loudly in his head. He went to another hallway when he saw the lantern in view. The guard looked around suspiciously, and thought he heard something

"Hello?" called the guard. "Is anyone there?" he pulled out his sword "Come out!" he ordered. All that he heard was dead silence, and put his blade back in his scabbard. "Heh, must be hearing things. pttf, Krusha doesn't really pay me enough to do this job" then he turned the other way he came from. Colin sighed again, and quietly sneaked past him while still on guard duty.

As he kept snooping down the area, he noticed the wall was becoming a little more darker, and looked to his left to see the throne room he was put in before when he met George. Then, he heard a few more voices coming this way. Now where was he going to hide?

Then he found a cabinet and hid in it. He peeked through the opening and saw Krusha and George together, walking in the throne room. When they went in, Colin came out from the cabinet and hid behind the large door.

"Come on, boss, I don't even think that kid would even help us rule Equestria." said Krusha's voice.

"Sure he will. With him on our side, the kingdom down below will be all ours! Just have faith in me. Have I ever been wrong before?"

"Touche." Krusha replied. "I suppose you're right. I imagine the look on their faces when they see we have Colin as our hostage." he chuckled

"I know. It will be so sweet."

Then through another set of doors, footsteps were heard sprinting in the throne room. "George! George!" it sounded like the demonic girl he had seen before. "Colin Fraser's escaped!"

"What?" George said "That's impossible. How could he have gotten out? That cell is locked tighter than a regular bank safe."

"That's what I want to know." said Pavilion.

"Well no matter, he won't escape. He's like me, except I am in charge here. Krusha, Pavilion, look for Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy, muster the guard and look for him. I want him to know what happens to him when he doesn't..... cooperate to say the least." George instructed.

"Yes sir." Krusha said. "I'll make sure we find him."

Then they all scattered "And Shadow Mavis, my cute queen, you come with me."

"Of course my love." then they all went out of the throne room as well. Colin was now in a heavy pickle here

"They know I'm out!" he thought. "This is so bad." he felt like screaming and panicking, but he stayed strong within himself, and went down a few more hallways quietly. After many more areas and rooms of sneaking, a guard finally found him

"Hey you! Stop!" said the guard. He was with a dozen other men by his side, and they began chasing after the boy. Colin ran as fast as he could up a staircase.

"Get back here, kid!" said another guard."

"Don't let him escape!" said a third

Colin went to another left and had to think of another place he can hide. He didn't have very long, for the soldiers were not far behind him. Finally, he saw another open door, and quietly went inside without the goons knowing, silently closing it. He kept himself as silent as possible, and heard the sound of running feet go past him

"He went this way!"

"Over here!"

The sound of drumming feet died down, and they were gone. Before he can come out however, he heard a weird singing

Colin gasped, but was still silent, and looked behind him to see another locker room. Of course, there was always an opened one, and quietly went to the one close to the door.

When it opened, he was horrified. There were four animatronics that consisted of a brown bear with a small top hat, a blue rabbit with a bow-tie, a fox with an eyepatch and hook on his right hand like a pirate, and a chick like animitronic with a bib on her chest that said "Let's eat!"

"Hmm, That's funny. I thought I heard the boy in this room." said the fox in a regal voice. "After all, I have an exquisite sense of hearing.

"No matter." said the bear in a low voice. "I'm pretty sure he is still running somewhere. Let's go look in another room."

"Wait, shouldn't we look in one of these lockers, Freddy?" said the rabbit

"No, they are always kept closed and locked at all times, Bonnie." said the chick, having a woman's voice.

"Chica's right. Come on, Foxy, let's use more of your useful hearing to find the kid." said the bear

"Of course Freddy." Then they left the room.

Colin got out of the locker, and thought that he had never seen robots like this before. He wondered if they were like part of a Chuck E Cheeses like place, but he decided to not think about it to much, and just get the hell out of here. He quietly opened the door, and continued sneaking on.

When he wasn't looking however, he bumped into someone. He rubbed his head "Ow."

"Well, there you are, Colin." he looked and it was George himself, looking rather evilly happy to see him "Trying to escape, I suppose?"

"Ummmm, no." Colin replied weakly

George chuckled evilly "Come on, Colin. We all know that's a lie"

"Tell me, how did you do it?"

"I.... I....."

"Yes? I'm waiting."

"I'd rather not tell you."

George chuckled again. "Well no matter. What's important is, I found you." He made an evil grin on his face. Behind him, Colin felt something picking him off the ground." he looked with fright, and it was Shadow Mavis, looking at him evilly like George would do to him. "Colin, let me introduce you to Shadow mavis, my girlfriend."

"ummmm.... nice to meet you?" Colin said nervously

"Nice to meet you too." the girl replied in a cheerful tone. In a more sinister voice, she said "You're clever. I'll give you that, kid." said the demonic girl. "But foolish."

"Indeed." George agreed. Mavis, please make sure that Colin.... learns what happens when he defies me. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" the laughter echoed the room. "Well, have fun Colin, I'll see you in a little while. Take him away!"

"Yes, boyfriend."

Then the girl began pushing him "Let's go, cutie." Colin gulped and did what she told him to do, even more scared of what will happen to him now.

"Whaaaaat??!!!!" Fluttershy screamed at the top of her lungs. She, her friends, Pip, and the crusaders were at the cottage. "Colin's been kidnapped by that evil boy, George?" She felt like tearing up

"It wan't their fault, darling." Rarity said to her

"Yeah, we didn't know it was going to happen." Scootaloo begged. "We are so sorry!"

"Yeah, it wasn't our fault!" Pip added. "It just happened. We didn't see it coming. We swear!"

Fluttershy then began sobbing in Twilight's chest. "What am I going to do? We need to save my baby!"

"It's okay, Fluttershy." Twilight said "We will help Colin out of there. We need Celestia and Luna's help." They all said "Yeah!" in agreement. Fluttershy felt a little more reassured and eased her crying a little. "And maybe Johnny, and his friends would want to hear about this too."

"Hopefully Johnny can help us." Applejack said

"Yeah, he'll think of something." Rainbow Dash agreed.

"Fluttershy, we are sooooo sorry. You got to forgive us." Scootaloo begged

"We really are." Sweetie added

"Please forgive us." Said Applebloom

"Oh.... it's okay." Fluttershy said "I know you would never mean him to be captured like this. You're all right, we do need help." then they all exited the cottage to see the princess' for immediate aid, and Discord as well.

Author's Note:

The Five Night's at Freddy's characters don't belong to me. They belong to the creator of the series.