• Published 18th Jun 2016
  • 2,235 Views, 206 Comments

A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest - MetalBrony823

Colin is back and he has been kidnapped by an evil boy named George. Now, it is up to Johnny, his big brother, his girlfriend Rose, Fluttershy and the boy's family to save him from this evil child and his minions

  • ...

The Rescue

Johnny, Sly and Rose continued walking down corridor through corridor, and dealt with as much guards as possible. It was not easy, for they were both greatly outnumbered from time to time, and their friends weren't their at the moment. Of course, Sly was so used to it since he and his friends pulled out heists and robberies very similar to this, but the same was not said for the two humans with him. Once in a while, he would have to go in front of them to make sure there are no traps like hidden lasers, or if any are in reserve power, or trigger plates on floors like Indiana Jones.

The raccoon made a gasp and whispered "Hold it guys!"

"What is it?" Rose asked. "More guards?"

"No." Sly replied. He reached out his cane and then pressed down on one floor tile that looked lighter than the other ones. A small click was heard and both walls in the hallways opened hatches scattered around, and lots of arrows appeared out of nowhere, and the sounds of arrows hitting the walls were heard.

"Whoa, what was that?" Johnny asked with his eyes wide in disbelief.

"Booby traps." Sly remarked. "That George kid is smarter than i thought, even for a kid who is six years old."

"I know. A boy like him having a gigantic army and mercenaries by his side?" Johnny agreed. "He sounds more dangerous than I imagined."

"You said it. Come on, if there is one trap here, there are sure to be more of them up ahead."

"The others did disable the security around here, did they?" Rose asked worriedly.

"Of course they did. Bentley and the Panda King said so themselves." Sly noted. "Come on, let's just keep moving, but trend lightly."

"Got it." said Johnny. All three of them kept on pushing forward, and only stumbled on a few more traps, but they were finally at the room with the cells. How Johnny can hardly wait to see his brother and his sweet, smiling face again.

“So what did Bentley say Colin is being held up?” Asked the human woman.

“At cell block twenty one eighty seven.” Sly clarified.

And all of them went to the cell block that said the exact same number and found poor Colin sleeping in his bed. Johnny never felt so happy to see his own little brother. He knows that Colin is not unscathed, but he will get him to recovery soon as soon as he frees him from this hellhole.

“Here, let me open this door with these keys.” Sly volunteered. The raccoon used all the keys on the confounded lock, and they all worked. When he tried to open the door, it was still sealed shut like a bank safe. “Damnit, hold on.” The next thing he tried to do was pulling out a small lockpick and try to trick the lock keeping them away from the poor human boy. It took a little while, a couple of minutes to be exact, but there was a loud click sound, and the cell door opened.

“I’ll wake him up.” Said Johnny. “You two stand guard here while I bring him out here.” Both Sly And Rose guarded the open cell door

“Bentley, we have rescued Colin, and Johnny’s bringing him out of the cell.”

“Roger, Sly.” The green turtle replied on the other line. “You guys hear that?”

“Totally!” Murray sajd triumphantly. “Nothing can go against the Cooper Gang. We’re definitely the greatest thieves in the world.”

“Yeah, it was easier than I thought.” Sonic said. “So my bad guys to beat up, I can’t believe that George would have such lousy security to back him up, pfft.”

“Don’t get to cocky, Sonic.” Knuckles said. “We May have gotten out, but when we get Colin out of here, it will be a real challenge to escape from George. He and his followers will come looking for him sooner or later and he will get snatched by them all over again.”

“You speak wisely, Knuckles.” Said Panda King. “All hell will break lose once we free the poor child from his cell. We would probably be in for the fight of our lives anyway.”

Guru made another aboriginal remark in agreement and it sounded a little grave and doubtful.

“We can fight them.” Said Mario. “Take a look at how much baddies we haven taken care of.”

“We can always try plan B.” Luigi added.

“What’s plan B, bro?”

“Ummm... fight every last one of them to the death?”

“Yeah, that’s thinking with your brain.” Dimitri muttered sarcastically through the other line. “We might as well send many of those bad babies to kingdom come with our powerful bling-bling and unstoppable plans.”

Meanwhile, Johnny bent down next to the bed Colin was resting in and gently rubbed his side. “Colin? Colin, wake up.” Said he. “It’s me, your big brother.”

Poor Colin suddenly awoke with a small fright and screamed a little.

“Shh, Shh, Shh, relax.” Johnny whispered. “Calm down.”


“Shh, keep it down buddy. I’m busting you out of here.”

Tears of joy appeared on Colin’s eyes and they both hugged one another very tightly. “It’sso Good to see you again.”

“Same with you, dude. Oh man, what happened to your cool hair?” He noticed his shaved head.

The boy didn’t really say anything but bowed his head in shame. “They shaved it all off of me, and Shadow Mavis was hurting me nonstop.”

“What?!” Johnny quietly screamed. A small patch of anger was growing inside of him like he was turning into a werewolf or the Incredible Hulk. Oh how he wanted to butcher that George into a million tiny pieces of flesh and organs. He didn’t let that get to him too much, for he still had a job to do

"Don't worry, I was being strong for you." The boy added

Johnny felt so proud of him hearing that out of him. "That's my little brother." He said, hugging him tighter. "Come on Colin, let's take you home." He gebtly picked him up and carried him in his arms.

When the boy saw Rose, a big smile appeared on his face. "Rose it's you." He whispered.

"Hello Colin." Rose replied. She gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead for affection. "It's good to see you again. Are you okay?"

"Well... mostly." Colin replied.

"I know you guys are happy to see each other, but we have to get out of here and regroup with the others."

"Wait!" Colin said. "I want to get some friends out of here too."

"Friends in jail?" Johnny said. "That's stupid."

"No it's true, Johnny."

"He's right." Said a prisoner. It was Comet Onyxtail, looking on at what was going on. "So you must be Johnmy Fraser."

"Uh-huh. Who wants to know?"

"Me and my boys are big fans of your music and we have been helping him survive here and give him the protection he needs."

At first, the three were unsure about this, but Johnmy looked at his younger sibling and asked him if Comet was telling the truth.

"He's right." Colin remarked. "Comet and his friends are my friends."

"Are you sure?"


He took a little breath and was a little hesitant, but Johnny said "well, we can always have some extra backup." Then he went to get Comet and all his closest friends out of jail.

"I knew this day would come." Said Clover Venture.

"Yeah, freedom at last." Wild Lightning agreed.

"We can do introductions later." Said Sly. "For now we have to regroup woth the others and get out of here."

"Right." They all said in agreement. They all quietly rushed and sneaked pass multiple corridors, and everyone regrouped outside of the prison.

Just as when they had won and successfully pulled this heist off, a really bright, blinding spotlight hovered over them.

"Well well well." Said a voice. It was George riding on a small ship with Eggman. "The heroes decided to come and rescue Colin."

Shadow Mavis was right next to him with her hand on his shoulder. "Ooh, and it looks like that troublesome Comet Onyxtail and his boys are free, too." She said

"We can take them." Said Johnny, pulling out his nimcha.

"Oh I wouldn't be so sure about that, Johnathan." George sang. "You and your meddling friends are very outnumbered."

"Pfft, bring it on!" Knuckle exclaimed, pounding his fists together, looking more than ready for a fight. "It doesn't matter how many minions you bring out, there's no way i'll back down."

"And we have beaten you time and time again, Eggman. This won't be any different!"

The mad scientist made a cackle. "That's where your wrong, Sonic!" He said. "Now that I have George and other friends by my side, we are unstoppable! Mwahahahahaha!"

“Yeah right. I kicked all you’re robots mechanical butts and look where me and my friends are now.” Sonic gloated.

“You make a good point, Sonic.” George mildly praised the blue hedgehog. “Matter of fact. I would have to give praise for all of you for your efforts, but I am afraid I will have to deal away with all of you.” And with a big change of voice, he barked “Krusha, and my loyal followers, kill them all! Oh, except Colin. I still need him for World domination.”

“Got it, boss.” Said Krusha, cracking both his knuckles. “Get them boys! Make them suffer fates worse than death!”

Just like that, a whole army of kremlins charged at the heroes with full Zeal, and some of eggman’s machine henchmen charged with them. Bowser was also leading an army of goombas, koopa troopas, and hammer Bros with him as he let out a blood curdling battlecry.

“Come on bro, let’s get this tyrant a beating.” Mario said

“Right behind ya, Mario.” Luigi Said. “Although I am feeling a little nervous about this.” And in a change of demeanor, he said more comfidently “But in Bowser’s case, I will make exception.”

“Rose, you go and take Colin somewhere safe away from this. The rest of you on me!” Johnny instructed. “To the death!” And he raised his sword into the sky.

“Come on, sweetie. Let’s go.” Rose Said, And she tried to keep Colin as safe as possible so he wouldn’t get hurt.

The others charge at the large army in front of them, as a matter of fact, they didn’t care if they were obviously outnumbered. If they will go down, then they will all die fighting. The sounds of clashing steal, punches, kicks, and poundings were heard here and there.

George and Eggman just watched from above and Shadow Mavis decided to have some what she called “fun” down there. “I’ll be back, Cutie.” And she kissed her boyfriend before flying down there on the battlefield.

Rose was trying to comfort and console Colin in any way possible so he wouldn’t be so stressed or scared. “Will they be okay?”

“I’m sure they will, Colin.” Rose replied in a modest tone of voice.

Johnny was face to face with Krusha, and his large cleaver as a weapon. Both he and the Kremlin were face to face in an interesting match between one another. One kick or punch would be from Johnny, and the other would be from his opponent. Of course, Krusha was slightly getting the upper hand since he is way larger than the young human. Despite the few bruises and scratch marks he was receiving, Johnny kept on fighting and fighting with all his might.

Thus, the battle between the heroes and George has just begun.

While the battle in Ponyville has been going rough, Shadow Mavis watched the chaos unfold along with some of the other guards. Explosions were heard while cries and deaths occurred. Not to mention the number of weapons used.

"Wow. That is so much trouble. I like it." Shadow Mavis said. "I expected lots of explosions, but this takes the cake.

"This is only the beginning sweetheart," George said, as the two kissed. "Did I ever tell you how hot you look in that police uniform?"

"I know to make you happy, Georgie." Shadow Mavis teased.


Rose has been standing inside the prison with Collin. They recently snuck out while Johnny and the others have been trying to battle out George's mercenaries.

"Poor baby. You didn't deserve to be in jail." Rose comforted Collin.

"I know. They treated me like a criminal." Collin replied.

Suddenly, a searchlight spotted them.

"They there are!" George shouted. "Get them!"

Rose then offered to carry Collin as they ran to the exit, only to be blocked by the guards.

"Stand back, sweetie." Rose put Collin aside. "Time for some girl power!"

Rose then punched some guards, kicked them, and wrestled them. Collin stared in awe as Rose defended herself.

"Let's go, Collin," Rose said as they neared the exit.

"Not so fast!" a voice shouted, and they turned to see Shadow Mavis floating down towards them.

"I take the fact that you stole Collin?" Rose growled while protecting Collin.

"As a matter of fact, we did. He is serving jail time here, and he has not finished his sentence. What makes this worse is that you're harboring a prisoner! I must take you both in!" Shadow Mavis said as she carried her police baton. Collin whimpered and hid behind Rose.

Before Rose can do anything about it, Collin was suddenly grabbed by the chimera.

"Rose! Help me!" Collin cried as the chimera ran off.

"Collin!" Rose shouted as she gave chase, but then she got hit on the head by Shadow Mavis's police baton.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Rose turned around and sighed. "I guess you wanna do it the hard way, officer?" She then got into a fighting pose.

"Yup." the police girl replied as she got ready to fight. "Let's roll."

Rose then charged at Shadow Mavis. The police girl flew above her, but Rose managed to grab onto one of her boots.

"No fair!" Shadow Mavis complained as she flew up. Rose held on tight as they went higher. She then spotted that she was gonna crash onto a wall. Rose then let go at the last second, avoiding the impact.

"I take it you are skilled?" Shadow Mavis asked.

"Yes. I learned it all from my boyfriend." Rose responded.

"Is that so? Well, get ready for the stuff MY boyfriend taught me!" the police girl then dug onto the ground, making Rose confused. She looked around until Shadow Mavis rose by punching her in the jaw. Rose landed on the ground.

"You think you got the best of me?" Rose then smirked. She then grabbed some rocks and threw them at the flying Shadow Mavis. Most missed, but enough were hit to distract her sight. She then plummeted into the prison, with her police cap falling off.

Rose then came up to her. "Who's the best girl now?"

Suddenly, Shadow Mavis pulled out her taser and shocked Rose with it. Rose screamed with pain, and she was sent flying nearby one of the walls. She wasn't hurt much, but the taser was painful. She tried to get up, but Shadow Mavis grabbed her and made Rose have her against the wall after putting her police cap back on.

"Resisting arrest is also another reason to arrest you, girl." Shadow Mavis sneered, as she spread Rose's arms and legs apart.

Rose growled. "Get your hands off me!" Rose tried to break free, but Shadow Mavis had a strong grip, and Rose was unable to escape.

"You won't get away with this! When Johnny finds you, he will beat your ass!" Rose said before Shadow Mavis started frisking her down. "Oof!"

"Yeah, yeah, tell it to the judge." Shadow Mavis replied as she stuck her latex-gloved hands on Rose. She checked her leggings for weapons, didn't find anything, but not before using her boots to spread Rose's legs as she saw Rose trying to walk off. She then checked her arms for any defenses and then found something on her pants. Shadow Mavis dug for it and found a picture of Johhny and Rose together.

"Give that back!" Rose demanded as she struggled to break free.

"You two are not as popular as me and George. Time to take you in." She then grabbed Rose's arms and put them behind Rose's back, while shoving her face against the wall.

"Let go of me!" Rose tried to escape, as Shadow Mavis held on. She then pulled out the handcuffs from her belt and attached them to Rose.

"Ouch! That hurts!" Rose complained as the click went. Rose tried to break the cuffs, but it was no use.

"You're coming with me." Shadow Mavis said, as she grabbed Rose by the cuffs and made her walk inside the prison. Rose resisted several times but wasn't able to break out.

Later, in the mugshot room...

Shadow Mavis managed to walk Rose down to the mugshot room in the prison. It took multiple trips there because there were close calls where Rose escaped her grasp and tried to pry the cuffs off, but Shadow Mavis was able to handle it and bring Rose in.

"You think I will be obeying your commands? You're out of your mind!" Rose shouted.

"Really?" Shadow Mavis asked as she led them to her desk. She pulled out the mugshots of Collin she took earlier. Rose gasped in horror as she saw them.

"Collin was one of the cutest criminals we had here, if not, the cutest! I didn't really hurt him too much compared to what my boyfriend would have done to those ponies over there. And if I know you, you should obey because if you don't comply, we will be forced to hurt Collin further."

Rose then grunted and said "Fine."

"Good jail girl!" Shadow Mavis clapped, as she put a mugshot necklace on Rose's neck, making sure the handcuffs are still locked on her. The mugshot card was held by a chain necklace, which it read "Ponyville Police Department. Prisoner #1845 Name: Rose."

Rose growled as she went inside the mugshot room. She was 11'5.

"Smile!" Shadow Mavis got her camera ready.

Rose growled as Shadow Mavis took the photo. The police girl commanded Rose to turn around, which she did as well.

Later, in one of the jail cells...

Shadow Mavis was hauling Rose in one of the jail cells of the prison. Rose is wearing an orange jumpsuit for someone her age to wear, and she is still cuffed behind the back until Shadow Mavis unlocked the cell door, kicked Rose in with one of her boots, and locked the cell door.

"You know, you'd make a great jail girl." Shadow Mavis said. "Just like I did."

"You're only half right on that statement." Rose gritted her teeth.

Shadow Mavis then left to retrieve Collin while Rose looked around her surroundings.

"Damn it. I think I need to break out of here. I wouldn't be here back on Earth." Rose said to herself."