• Published 18th Jun 2016
  • 2,235 Views, 206 Comments

A Boy's Tears 2: Johnny Fraser's Quest - MetalBrony823

Colin is back and he has been kidnapped by an evil boy named George. Now, it is up to Johnny, his big brother, his girlfriend Rose, Fluttershy and the boy's family to save him from this evil child and his minions

  • ...

Even Friends can come from Prison

Colin never felt so afraid in his life. In the prison, he slowly sat in an empty table, and preferred not to interact with the other prisoners. Some of them looked scary and tough, like all prisons would have in them. Shadow Mavis and a couple of other guards were watching the place, keeping it under surveillance so none of the prisoners would try to escape from within. A few prisoners looked at Colin like he was a small fry, and an easy target, which was exactly what the boy would fear about being in here.

"Go on, Colin, go ahead and go mingle with some of the prisoners. Or else!"

"Or else what?" Colin asked, feeling a little scared. Just then, he was punched in the face by her fist, knocking him to the ground. Some of the prisoners laughed when they took notice of that action. Colin felt like crying from the pain, but he kept to himself and replied "Okay." then he walked through the chamber so he can have a seat.

Most of the prisoners kept to themselves, because most of them just wish they would be out of this hellhole, like all prisoners would dream of, including Colin of course. He touched his eye, and it instantly hurt quite a lot. The pain was almost unbearable for him to contain.

Just then a large, fierce looking stallion walked up to him and sat with him on the table. He was an earth stallion that looked quite muscular (not really steroid type of muscular like Bulk Biceps would be, but still really large and strong). Colin felt the fear rising up within him. He was no fighter, that was for sure.

"Hey." he said in an African-American type of voice. His fur was dark brown, and had a goatee on his face, but was bald on the head, and his tail was shorter than most ponies would have like a Clydesdale would have behind him. His face was broad, too.

"Ummm, hello." was all Colin replied nervously. He gulp as he slowly looked away, not really wanting to make eye contact with the random prisoner.

"You must be Colin Fraser, right?" the prisoner asked

"yeah." the boy said "Why do you ask?" He felt like biting his fingernails.

"I've heard so much about you, son." he replied in an unusual soft voice. "Don't you worry, you have no reason to fear me. Of course that's normal, I completely understand." then the stallion zoomed into Colin's ear. "Ponies here say I am the toughest prisoner inside this hellhole."

What he said made Colin gulp, feeling like peeing his pants. "What- what have you heard about me?"

"Well, like the fact that you lost your parents in a house fire." the stallion noted. This made Colin want to tear up again. "Oh but then I heard you made a new family here in Equestria, and then here you stand."


"I also heard your brother is a rocker and in a band." The stallion added

Then Colin's sad feelings of his past slowly began to drift away. "Look, please don't hurt me, or give me a black eye. I'm just a kid."

The pony laughed. "Give you a black eye? Boy, I would never do such a thing. Listen, You have nothing to fear from me. I'm a nice guy. As a matter of fact, I was wrongfully imprisoned here as well."

Colin didn't expect that to happen. A prisoner wanting to be friends with him? That was something peculiar. "Who are you?" the boy asked him

"I am Comet Onyxtail. The toughest prisoner that this place has ever known. Nopony ever bothers to mess with me." Colin slowly started to feel more comfortable with this character

"So, Comet, how did you get sent here?"

"Well, it's a very intriguing story, son, you see-"

"Hey! Comet!" came another stallion's voice. Colin looked in alarm, and a few more prisoners wanted to sit with him and this mysterious stallion. His fear instantly came back in a snap. A small group of prisoners, probably up to three, four, or five sat next to Comet and looked at the boy. "Who's the kid, boss?" the other stallion asked him. They looked at Colin with blank expressions on their faces.

"Silver Moon, this is Colin Fraser. He is the brother of Johnny Fraser."

The others gasped at what he just said "Johnny Fraser?" said the first stallion. "Dude, I love his music with his band! Well, Colin, it is quite an honor to meet you. I am Silver Moon."

"I am Jet Set"

"Clover Venture's the name." Said a Pegasus stallion with a green deathhawk hairstyle

"Name's Wild Lightning." Said another Pegasus with a brown ponytail and a macho mustache.

Th last one was a unicorn stallion with a long white mane and tail than made him look like a white lion, and said "and I'm Silver Spirit."

Colin was still quite nervous to be around these type of prisoners. They looked like the type of ponies who would commit a crime whenever possible, or kill somepony. "Well.... um... it's nice to meet you." He said nervously

"Hey don't worry, Colin." Said Comet. "We are all cool. No need to be afraid of us."

"Yeah, we're nice guys." Said Jet Set." The other stallions agreed with him thereafter. "You see Colin, we were all locked up for no apparent reason. In Here, we are all brothers."

"Jet is right, Colin my boy. Don't worry, you have nothing to fear in this place, as long as we are around." Said Comet.

The boy gave a small smile of gratitude. "So Comet, you were going to tell me why you came here, right?"

"Oh yeah, of course. You see, weeks ago, George and his goons tried to kidnap my family and bring them here for ransom. I put up a fight with many of his henchmen, and I offered myself to be in here in exchange to let my family go.

"What? They wanted to take your family?"

"Yep, George is quite clever when it comes to choosing prisoners, but I would never forgive myself if my family was wrongfully incarcerated in this rathole."

Colin started to feel more sympathy for this guy. "That's horrible. They must miss you right now."

"I know. I just want to see my family, and my sweet daughter, Sweet Star." Said Comet in a sad tone-of-voice. "But I have been working on a plan to get out-"

"Hey You! Comet!" said another stallion's voice. They all looked, and this time, this voice did not seem very friendly like Comet and his boys here. This one looked white with a scar across his right eye, with an eye-patch over it. He looked just as muscular and Beefy as Comet here, but not as much.

"Oh that's all we need." Comet muttered sarcastically. "Whatcha doin' here, Death Gator? we had a discussion about what tables we want to sit in, man. Get lost, ya nasty piece of work!"

"Oh come on now, Comet. I was just coming here to look at this new piece of meat, I mean- addition to the family." Said the terrifying stallion. "Say kid, you got a little mark on your face."


"Right here!" then unexpectedly, the stallion punched Colin, right in the the eye where it was already punched by Shadow Mavis, making him yelp and fall to the floor

"What's the deal!?" Comet shouted in anger to him "Get him, boys!" then his gang tackled this mean stallion, and punched and kicked him like there was no tomorrow. They beat Death Gator so terribly that he stopped moving for a second. The other prisoners began to notice this, and all chanted "Fight! Fight! Fight!" repeatedly.

"Colin, are you alright?" Comet asked Colin as he ran to his aid.

"Ow!" Colin groaned. "No. He hit me right in the black eye!" he sobbed quietly and covered his right eye to ease the pain from the impact of the punch. "Why would he do that to me? I didn't do anything wrong."

"Of course you didn't, son." Comet reassured. "That Death Gator is the meanest prisoner around here. Don't worry, your eye will heal."

"Okay." Colin whimpered.

"I'll be right back. I gotta finish this punk!" then Comet joined in on the fighting. He pummeled Death Gator mercilessly for one long minute, but then Shadow Mavis and a few guards came and pummeled Comet and his boys to the ground. "Come at me!" Silver Moon said. Both the prisoners and the guards put up quite a fight, Jet set hit one of the guards with a pipe on the floor. Clover Venture bit another guard's arm to the point where it caused mild bleeding.

Before it looked like the gang could finish off the guards, all of them were painfully tasered and fell to the floor. It was Shadow Mavis and a bunch of more guards. "Take these troublemakers to solitary confinement cells!" she ordered sharply

"Yes, mistress Mavis." the other guards said in obedience.

Comet, his gang, and Death Gator were taken away brutally, and the guards were taken to the infirmary. There was nothing Colin could do, but watch as his supposedly new friends in prison. "Comet!" he exclaimed

"Don't worry, Colin! We'll be okay, just stay strong!" Comet called out to him.

Shadow Mavis noticed Colin's black eye, and went up to him "Oh my, looks like someone needs a bag of ice for that shiner." she sang. "I'll be right back." then Colin got back on his feet and started crying into the table. His eye still stung from the pain Death Gator inflicted. He just wanted to get out of this hellhole so he can be back with his mother, Fluttershy, and the rest of his friends, Twilight, Spike, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, his father Big Mac, his girlfriend Scootaloo, and all the rest of his friends and family in Ponyville. "Johnny, where are you?" he thought

"I'm back!" said Shadow Mavis with a bag of ice. "Here you go, Colin." then she gave it to him "And be ready for some mashed potatoes for lunch in a little while."

Then the boy sadly held the ice on his blackeye to make it hurt less. It was slowly working, but it still hurt.