• Published 19th Apr 2016
  • 11,740 Views, 231 Comments

Loveliest of Trees (Old) - Nordryd

**A rewrite** After helping the new student with his things after getting jumped by bullies, Fluttershy finds herself quite smitten. And the feeling might be mutual. One small act of kindness can change someone's entire life... no matter how damaged.

  • ...

Ch.6: Revelations

Coppermane laid exhausted in his bed after spending the whole evening cleaning his house. He wanted his place to be nothing below pristine for Fluttershy tomorrow. Yes, Fluttershy. Coppermane had worked up the nerve to finally ask Fluttershy out. And she said yes!

Coppermane couldn't believe she actually said yes. He lifted his hand to feel his cheek. The very cheek that was touched by Fluttershy's lips. It still felt warm. Her lips were so tender and soft. And the way she smiled at him after she kissed him… it was heart-melting.

Coppermane tried to go to sleep, but he couldn't. As tired as he was, his mind was racing with every possible scenario of his date with Fluttershy tomorrow. His mind mostly conjured up bad scenarios, making him sweat. What if she didn't even want to go out with him? What if she stood him up? What if he just bored her with how lame he is?

Coppermane bit his lip. Fluttershy was special, and deserved nothing less than perfection. He wanted to give just that to her, but what if he couldn't?

He nearly jumped out of his skin when his phone buzzed next to him.

Who could be texting him at this hour? He picked up his phone to see… Rarity?

Rarity ==> Coppermane, 10:05 PM
Did you ask Fluttershy out???

Coppermane ==> Rarity, 10:08 PM
Um, yeah I did. Is there something wrong? I'm sorry :/

Rarity ==> Coppermane, 10:11 PM
Oh I'm not mad at all, darling. I think it's wonderful! Are you excited??

Coppermane ==> Rarity, 10:14 PM
Of course I'm excited. I am pretty nervous though.

Rarity ==> Coppermane, 10:17 PM
What would you have to be nervous about?

Coppermane ==> Rarity, 10:20 PM
I'm just worried that I'll disappoint her. I want to give her a perfect night, but what if I can't do that? Will she not like me? Will she think I don't care? What if she thinks I'm boring? It's my first date, and I don't want to screw up, y'know? She's special, and I don't want to lose her.

Rarity ==> Coppermane, 10:27 PM
Darling, Fluttershy does NOT think you're boring in the least. I don't think you'll disappoint her unless you really try.

Coppermane ==> Rarity, 10:30 PM
How do you figure?

Rarity ==> Coppermane, 10:34 PM
Think about it, if she thought you were boring, do you think she would've spent as much time with you as she has? I will say this. Tomorrow, don't act like it has to be the best night ever. One thing that will scare Fluttershy away is pressure. All she'll want to do is spend some quality time with you. Just try to have a nice time with her, and make her feel comfortable. That's the best thing you can do for her.

Coppermane ==> Rarity, 10:41 PM
Pizza and a movie is harmless, right?

Rarity ==> Coppermane, 10:45 PM
Absolutely! That's perfect. Don't worry, dear. Fluttershy will have a great time with you.

Coppermane ==> Rarity, 10:48 PM
Thanks, Rarity. Sorry for overreacting. I just can't screw this up. If I do, I'll never forgive myself.

Rarity ==> Coppermane, 10:51 PM
I understand, darling. And don't be so hard on yourself. It's so sweet that you care about her so much.

Coppermane ==> Rarity, 10:57 PM
Thank you so much for your help, Rarity. I should probably go to sleep now. Have a good night :)

Rarity ==> Coppermane, 11:01 PM
Anytime, darling. Good night :)


Fluttershy stood in front of the mirror, fixing her hair for the umpteenth time. She glanced at the clock over and over, raising her heart rate with every look. Coppermane would be here at any minute to pick her up for their date. Yes… date. Coppermane surprised her after band practice yesterday, and made her entire week by asking her out! She couldn't believe it was actually happening! She must've done her hair and makeup about ten times by now. She wanted to make sure she looked perfect. She was just going over to his house to watch a movie, so she didn't have to dress up, but she had to make sure her hair and makeup were flawless.

This week has been the most amazing week of her life. Fluttershy has had many crushes before Coppermane, but she never got too far with any of them because she was too scared to talk to any of them. But Coppermane was different. She worked up the courage to talk to him at the start of the week, and she never looked back. They had gone from total strangers to close friends over the span of just one week. She discovered just how dark his past is, and how much he's had to go through. It was so heartbreaking to learn. Why would anybody want to bully such a sweet guy? What drove those jocks to harass Coppermane every day? Who could be so cruel? Coppermane hasn't done anything to deserve this kind of treatment, right?

What Fluttershy appreciated most about this week was getting the opportunity to know Coppermane for the sweet, intelligent, and talented guy he truly is. On the surface, he seems distant, but once you got to know him, he was an amazing guy. And that amazing guy would be here in any minute to take Fluttershy out on a date! Fluttershy brushed her hair as a smile grew on her face. She took deep breaths to try and slow her pounding heart. Her nerves were almost as wild as her excitement. Fluttershy bit her lip at the thought of disappointing Coppermane. It was her first date ever, and she couldn't mess up.


Fluttershy nearly jumped out of her skin. She looked at the clock. 7:00. It was him.

A big smile grew on Fluttershy's face as she checked herself in the mirror one last time. After adjusting the butterfly pin in her hair, she rushed to the door. She looked through the peephole. She gasped when she saw her crush standing on the other side in his signature black hoodie and sweatpants. After taking a deep breath, she opened the door.

Coppermane's face seemed to light up upon opening the door. Fluttershy felt her face heat up.

"H-Hi, Fluttershy," Coppermane said, blushing.

Fluttershy smiled, and brushed her hair behind her ear. "Hi, Coppermane."

"Y-You ready?" Coppermane asked.

Fluttershy nodded, "Mmmhmm!"

Coppermane smiled, and held out his hand. Fluttershy's eyes went wide. Did he want to hold her hand? She smiled, and reached her hand out to take his. Seamlessly, their fingers interlaced, and Fluttershy did her best to not squeal in excitement.

He's holding my hand!

Fluttershy felt Coppermane guide her to his car. He opened the passenger side door for her, and allowed her to get in first. He closed it for her when she was safely inside. Fluttershy watched as Coppermane walked to the driver's side, and let out a small squeal she could no longer contain. He was being such a gentleman!

Coppermane got in the car, and started it up. "We have to pick up the food on the way back. Is that alright?"

"Of course," Fluttershy said, "Um… Coppermane?"


Fluttershy started playing with her hair. "I-It was really sweet of you to ask me out. Thank you."

Coppermane's cheeks went red. "N-No problem. The pleasure's mine," he said as he started up the car.

And with that, they were bound for Coppermane's house.

"Well, here we are," Coppermane said, opening the door, "You can take your shoes off if you want to. I don't mind either way."

Fluttershy decided to take them off, and took a look around. It wasn't a big house by any means, but it seemed a little empty in the main room.

"Most of my things are in my room. If it's okay with you, I figured we could go there," Coppermane said.

"That's fine," Fluttershy said.

Coppermane guided Fluttershy up to his bedroom, holding the pizza with one hand, and holding Fluttershy's hand with the other. He let go of her hand to open the door. While downstairs was a little barren, his bedroom was the opposite. His twin-size bed was situated against the wall just under the window with an end table at the top of the frame. In the corner was an electronic keyboard with some sheet music on the stand, and in another corner was a desktop computer. In the middle, across from the side of his bed was a decently sized TV with an Xbox 360 and some shelves off to the side with tons of movies and games.

"You can sit on the bed if you want. Make yourself comfortable," Coppermane said. "Do you want anything to drink?"

"Just some water, please," Fluttershy said.

"Alright," Coppermane said, taking his hoodie off, "Be right back." He threw his hoodie on the bed and proceeded downstairs.

"Okay, thanks," Fluttershy said, playing with her hair.

Fluttershy looked around, and let out another squeal. She was in Coppermane's bedroom! And she was on a date with him! She got up on his bed, and squealed again. She couldn't wait to see what Coppermane had in store for their date.

Coppermane returned with two plates and two fresh water bottles. He handed a plate and water bottle to Fluttershy, and showed her the movie he picked. It was a romantic comedy that Fluttershy's seen before. Coppermane started the movie up, and sat on the bed next to Fluttershy. They dug into the pizza as they watched the movie together.

It didn't take them long to finish the pizza, and once they were done, Coppermane moved the box off to the side. He glanced at Fluttershy, who was already looking at him. She darted her eyes away after making eye contact, and her cheeks flushed bright red. Coppermane blushed too, and felt a sudden urge to try something. Taking a deep, yet silent breath, he slowly scooted closer to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy felt the bed moving. She looked to her side, and her eyes went wide when she saw Coppermane scooting closer to her. His arm brushed up against hers, making her shudder. A big smile graced her face. She scooted closer to him in return, and slowly leaned her head on his shoulder.

Coppermane shuddered when he felt something on his shoulder. It was soft, and a familiar aroma filled the air. It was Fluttershy's hair. She was leaning on his shoulder. Coppermane's heart beat faster. She was reciprocating. Was this really happening?

He got the urge to make another move. He slowly lifted his arm, and gently wrapped it around her, feeling her hair cascade around his skin, like a pink, silky waterfall.

Fluttershy shuddered when she felt his arm behind her. His hand wrapped around her, resting on her waist, and lightly squeezing her in his embrace. Fluttershy fought with every fiber of her being to not squeal. He was cuddling with her! She smiled as she rested her head on his shoulder again. She blushed as she placed her hand over his heart, and gave his neck a nuzzle.

Coppermane shuddered at the feeling of Fluttershy nuzzling his neck. He looked down and saw her hand over his heart. Could she feel his heart about to pound out of his chest? He leaned his head on hers, and gave her delicate waist a squeeze as he placed his free hand over hers.

Coppermane and Fluttershy completely forgot about the movie they were watching. They were too lost in each other's embrace to care about anything else.

Before they knew it, the movie was over. Seeing the credits roll snapped Coppermane out of his trance.

"Oh… I… I guess the movies over," Coppermane said, releasing Fluttershy from his embrace.

"Huh?" Fluttershy said. She blinked, snapping out of her trance. "Oh… I guess it is," she said, feeling her face heat up. She felt cold without his arms around her. "Um… is there anything else we can watch?"

Coppermane rubbed his neck. "Well, I need to go the bathroom really quick. If you want to look through my movies and find something, be my guest."

Fluttershy smiled. "Okay. Thanks," she said. Coppermane smiled and left the room, leaving Fluttershy alone. She wasted no time in browsing through his movies. She hoped she could use another movie as an excuse to cuddle with him some more.

As she sifted through his movies, something caught her eyes. On the shelf, there was a stray piece of paper, folded in half. Fluttershy could barely make out pen indentations on the inside. Curious, Fluttershy took it, and sat back on the bed. She opened it up, and found a note on the inside. She began reading, and as she read, her face went from one of curiosity to one of horror…

To anyone who finds me,

I had nothing. No friends, no family, nothing. Everybody either hated me, bullied me, or neglected me. Every day was spent hoping I could survive without breaking down and crying from the pain. Even when I thought I was free, when I finally thought I was out of the well, the rope was cut, and I fell all the way back to the bottom. The well is cold, dark, and lonely. So, so lonely. I was worthless… pathetic… never meant for this world. Now, the mistake that was me is undone, and the world is a better place…

Fluttershy's hand was over her mouth as her tears dotted the note. What was this? What did she just read? Is this what was going on in Coppermane's head? Was he this depressed? This broken? This lonely?

Coppermane… oh my gosh…

Coppermane walked back in, and his smile turned dark when he saw Fluttershy on the bed with her face buried in her hands.

"Fluttershy?" Coppermane beckoned, sitting on the bed next to her. "What happened? What's wrong?

Fluttershy looked up, and Coppermane was taken aback when he saw how red her eyes were. She tried to say something, but all she could muster was a whimper before she returned to crying.

"Fluttershy?" Coppermane cooed.

Fluttershy's breathing was shaky. She offered the note to Coppermane in her trembling hand.

"C-Coppermane… wh-what is this?" Fluttershy asked in a shaky voice.

"Huh?" Coppermane asked, accepting the note from her. It was dotted with her tears. Coppermane's eyes went wide when he realized what she found.

"I… I found it on the shelf," Fluttershy said. She placed her hand on her knee. "Coppermane… are… are going to… k-kill yourself?"

Coppermane's heart pounded. He must've overlooked this when he was cleaning. He felt so horrified that she discovered this…

"Coppermane?" Fluttershy cooed, squeezing his knee. "Tell me, please. Are you having… s-suicidal thoughts?"

Coppermane looked into Fluttershy's bloodshot eyes. Her face was red and puffy from her tears. Her breathing was shaky, and she squeezed his knee hard. His mind went haywire.

"I… I… um…" Coppermane stammered.

Fluttershy gasped, and pulled Coppermane into a big embrace. She held him tight in her arms, crying on his shoulder.

"Coppermane, don't do it. Don't kill yourself. You're not worthless. You're not pathetic. You have friends now. We care about you. I care about you. Don't do it. Please. I… I can't lose you… I just can't…"

Coppermane was shocked at her outburst. He held her tight, rubbing her back and brushing her hair to comfort her. Her nails dug into his skin, holding onto him tight. Her body trembled in his arms as her tears soaked his shoulder. He felt tears building up behind his own eyes. Hearing Fluttershy cry… it was heart-wrenching.

"Fluttershy… shh… it's okay… it's okay… don't cry…" Coppermane cooed. "I'm not going to kill myself."

Fluttershy's grip on him relaxed, and she pulled away in his embrace. She whimpered as she dried her tears.

"You're… You're not?" Fluttershy beckoned.

Coppermane bit his lip. "Well… not anymore…"

"A-Anymore?" Fluttershy asked, "Wh-What do you mean?"

Coppermane pursed his lips, and sighed. He looked down, almost shedding a tear himself.

"Coppermane?" Fluttershy cooed, placing her hands on his shoulders.

Coppermane sighed, "Fluttershy… I… I've told you about my past right?"

Fluttershy sniffled and nodded. "Mmmhmm."

"Well… I… I haven't told you everything," Coppermane said.

Fluttershy's eyes widened, "What?"

Coppermane sighed. "There are some things that you don't know about me. I've been holding back because… well… I-I didn't want to scare you away…"

"What would scare me?" Fluttershy said, "You can tell me, Coppermane."

Coppermane bit his lip, "I… I don't know…"

"Coppermane, please," Fluttershy beckoned. She reached up and cupped his face. Coppermane shuddered at the feeling. Her beautiful eyes were filled with compassion. It was the same look that made him feel safe and secure. The look that comforted him unlike anything else could. "I promise, no matter what you say, I'll still be here. If you're having suicidal thoughts, I want to help you. I'm your friend, Coppermane. Nothing you say will scare me away."

Coppermane bit his lip. Part of him still didn't want to tell her, out of fear of losing her. At the same time, he felt almost compelled to tell her. If she was this concerned about his safety, she deserved to know. If he had to choose one person to open up to, it would be her. Not just because he had a crush on her, but because he was truly closest to her. He trusted her more than anybody.

Coppermane looked her dead in the eye. "If I'm going to tell you, you need to promise me something."

"Of course," Fluttershy said.

"Everything I'm about to say stays between us, okay?" Coppermane said. "Promise me?"

Fluttershy smiled, "I promise."

Coppermane smiled, and felt her stroke his cheek. He took a moment to savor the feeling as he gazed into her beautiful teal eyes. But it didn't last long before she backed away, sitting across from him, and waiting for what he had to say. Coppermane sighed, and sat across from Fluttershy.

"I've been bullied my whole life. For as long as I can remember, there was always someone I feared. I've been the school loser ever since I started attending school. They always told me that if I went to the principal or a teacher about what they did to me, they would beat me until I needed an ambulance. I was so scared. I lived every day in fear. No friends… no family… nobody. I was alone…"

"That's awful," Fluttershy said.

"I didn't know what to do. I just kinda… took it, y'know? What else could I do?" Coppermane said. "But… everyone has their limits…"

Coppermane paused for a moment, playing with his hands.

"It's okay," Fluttershy said. "I'm not going anywhere."

Coppermane looked up, and was met with Fluttershy's beautiful smile. Just seeing that gorgeous smile made him feel safe.

"I never told you why I transferred to CHS, did I?"

Fluttershy's smile faded. "No… no you haven't."

Coppermane bit his lip. "Well… I was walking out of school one day…"

Coppermane hurried with his books and binders in his arms. Maybe he could make it out of school before…

Suddenly, Coppermane was sent tumbling to the ground. His books and binders escaped his arms, scattering across the hallway floor. He landed on the floor, and his heavy backpack landed on top of him, making the impact harder. As Coppermane struggled to get up, he heard cackling behind him.

"Ha! I barely bumped you! How can anyone be so wimpy?"

"I think I hear him crying!" one of them called out. "Hey everyone! Step right up! Marvel at the crying piece of shit on the school floor!"

Coppermane fought his tears back as he heard more laughter around him. More and more cackling, making it harder and harder to hold the tsunami of tears back.





Every single one of their words cut through Coppermane's heart like a knife. He looked up, and saw his fellow classmates pointing and laughing at him. Laughing at his pain…

His tears could no longer be contained. He felt a warm drop run down his face, followed by many others. His breathing turned shaky, and his body trembled.

"Ha! What a loser!"

"Such a stupid crybaby!"

"How pathetic!"

Amidst the humiliation, Coppermane heard footsteps approach him. A shadow was cast over him. He looked up to see one of the bullies staring him down as everyone continued to laugh at him.

"You gonna cry about it, huh? You gonna cry? You're pathetic. The most pathetic excuse for a human being I've ever seen."

As Coppermane looked into his eyes, he felt something stir within him. His breathing became harder, and his eyebrows began to furl. He clenched his teeth as he balled his fist.

With a swift move, he delivered a hard punch to the bully's stomach.

The laughter in the hall went dead silent. The only sound was the coughing of the bully as he held his stomach in pain. Coppermane felt his anger peak, clouding his vision and mind in a haze of rage. He grabbed the bully by the jacket collar, and threw him against the lockers. Before the bully had time to recover, Coppermane delivered another blow to his stomach. He punched him in the cheek, sending him sprawling to the ground. The bully had no time to react before Coppermane began punching him relentlessly in the face, completely ignoring the spots of blood.

"How does it feel, huh?! How does it feel to be jumped?! HOW DOES IT FEEL?!" Coppermane screamed as he continued his assault.

The other students tried to restrain Coppermane, but he just kicked them away, and continued his assault on the bully.

"HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?!" Coppermane shouted at the top of his lungs, "THIS IS WHAT YOU PUT ME THROUGH EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!"

It took eight students to finally pull Coppermane away from the bully. Coppermane continued to kick and scream like a child as the students tried to restrain him.

Eventually, he began to slowly calm down. His breathing softened, and his fists relaxed. He looked around to see all the other students staring at him in total horror. He looked at the bully on the ground, laying completely unconscious. Blood ran down his face, and pooled up on the ground around him. Coppermane looked down at his hands, and they were covered in blood. His breathing turned shaky as panic surfaced.

What has he done?

Without even thinking, Coppermane ran. He ran out of the school as fast as he could.

"I… I never meant to hurt anyone… I… I just wanted it to end. I was done. I couldn't take it anymore. I just wanted it to stop!" Coppermane said, raising his voice at the end. Tears were threatening to escape from his eyes, but he held them back. For Fluttershy… he held his tears back.

Fluttershy was speechless. She studied Coppermane's face. He held his eyes closed and clenched his fists. He looked so pained…

Fluttershy reached out and touched his clenched fist, lightly massaging it.

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to," Fluttershy said.

"No. I… I'm fine…" Coppermane said. He was in too deep to stop now. "So… I ended up getting expelled for the whole thing. That's why I changed schools. All because I lashed out like a total psychopath. Gosh… I can still see their faces…" Coppermane said, massaging his forehead with his hand. "I thought I could escape it all when I came to CHS. I thought I might have a chance to not be a total loser. But then, Hoops and Score came along. In the blink of an eye, I was the school loser again. I couldn't escape it. It was starting all over again, and the only way out I saw… was death."

Fluttershy felt like she was going to cry. Coppermane looked so pained. So haunted. So scared.

"Coppermane, there's always hope for the future," Fluttershy said.

"Fluttershy," Coppermane said, looking her dead in the eye, "Put yourself in my shoes for a moment. You've spent your entire life alone. You've never had a single friend. No matter how hard you try, everyone hates you. Every day, you wait in fear, wondering how you're going to be bullied today. Every night, you cry yourself to sleep because you feel so hated and pathetic. And you're all alone. You have nobody to reach out to. Nobody to talk to. Nobody to tell you everything's going to be okay. Nobody to help you. You're all on your own. And just when you think you've escaped, it all starts over. In an instant, you're right back where you started. Having nothing, and being nothing. How would you feel, Fluttershy? Do you know what it feels like to be alone for so long?"

Fluttershy bit her lip. She looked into Coppermane's brown eyes, but they weren't warm. Instead, they were filled with one thing. Angst. Through his eyes, the world is cold and dark. Fluttershy could finally see how broken and scarred he truly was. She looked into his eyes, and saw every scar. Every scar that left him so damaged inside.

But Fluttershy knew Coppermane. He wasn't a bad person. He was just scared. He deserved happiness, just like everyone else.

Fluttershy placed her hand on his knee. "Coppermane, there's always hope for the future. No matter how dark everything may seem, the future is still bright."

Coppermane looked into Fluttershy's beautiful eyes, and saw something he's never seen before. Sympathy. Sympathy for him. Concern for his feelings, and a willingness to help him.

"Even after all that, you would still have hope?" Coppermane asked.

Fluttershy smiled. "There's always hope. And Coppermane… you're not alone anymore," she said, squeezing his knee. "You have friends now. Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Flash Sentry; they're all here for you. And… Coppermane…" She took his hand, interlacing their fingers together. "I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you. What you went through was awful, and nobody deserves that. You're a wonderful guy, and I care about you. Your feelings matter to me, Coppermane. You're not alone anymore. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

Coppermane looked down at his hand, weaved together with hers. Her hand was so small and delicate…

"Coppermane," Fluttershy said, squeezing his hand. "I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, because then you would see how amazing you are."

Coppermane's eyes widened, and his heart melted. He looked into her eyes, and saw nothing but warmth.

"I… I just told you everything. And… you're still here," Coppermane said.

Fluttershy smiled, and lunged forward to give Coppermane a big hug.

"Of course I am," Fluttershy said, squeezing him in her arms.

Coppermane was feeling her embrace again… and it's never felt so warm. He wrapped his arms around her, and felt her relax in his embrace, giving him another nuzzle. He began weaving her silky hair through his fingers, earning another nuzzle in return.

"Coppermane?" Fluttershy asked.

"Hmm?" Coppermane asked.

Fluttershy pulled away and looked into his eyes. "Um… what made you change your mind?"

"What do you mean?"

"A-About death. Wh-What made you change your mind?"

Coppermane blushed, and did something bold. He lifted his hand, and cupped Fluttershy's face. Her eyes seemed to light up.


Fluttershy felt her face heat up. "M-Me?"

"The day we met… I was gonna do it then. But then you came along, and for the first time ever I felt..."

Coppermane paused when he realized her hands had been caressing his the whole time he's been cupping her face.

Time seemed to stop as Coppermane gazed into Fluttershy's eyes. His gaze found its way down to her lips. They were so close to his. They looked so sweet…

Fluttershy could feel his breath on her lips, electifying her heart, making it pound against her chest. Her lips began trembling as she stared into his warm, brown eyes.

They stared into each other's eyes until their minds started working on their own. Their faces drew closer together. The sensation of each other's breath on their lips intensified more and more as they got closer and closer. Their lips were barely touching when they paused. Their lips trembled with desire. Fluttershy slowly offered a smile. Coppermane smiled back, and in moments, their lips met.

Coppermane felt his heart explode with lust as his lips touched Fluttershy's for the first time. His nervousness was replaced immediately with total bliss. She moaned into his mouth as she massaged his back. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. He began massaging her waist, making her moan into his mouth. Her lips caressed his so delicately, perfectly molding with his. In that moment, nothing else mattered but Fluttershy's amazing lips. So soft… so warm… so sweet… so perfect… just like her…

Fluttershy fell into total euphoria. If Coppermane wasn't holding her, she would've melted onto the bed. Her nerves were quelled, and the world around her seemed to disappear as she became lost in his lips. A moan escaped her mouth as his lips caressed hers. She shivered in pleasure as he started brushing her hair and caressing her waist. She massaged his back in return, causing him to moan into her mouth. He squeezed her even tighter. Coppermane was actually kissing her! His lips were so tender and sweet, caressing hers so perfectly…

Coppermane laid back on the bed, bringing Fluttershy with him. Her hair cascaded around his head, filling the air with the sweet scent of roses and strawberries. He ran his fingers through her silky hair, making her moan in to his mouth.

Fluttershy melted in Coppermane's arms as she laid on top of him. Passion emanated from his lips, exciting her own. Waves of pleasure rippled through her body with every movement of his lips, and with every stroke of her hair. Fluttershy never thought she could feel this good.

Their lips remained locked together as they savored each other's taste. It was unlike anything they've ever felt before.

Is this what love felt like?

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, when their need to breathe outweighed their lustful ecstasy, their lips separated. They were left panting for air as they gazed into each other's lustful eyes. Lust was soon replaced by shock and awe. Did they just…?

They did. Their very first kiss. Their cheeks flushed bright red as total wonder filled their eyes.

Coppermane smiled and reached up to caress Fluttershy's face. She moaned and leaned into his hand as a big smile graced her face.

"Happy," Coppermane said.

"What?" Fluttershy asked.

"Fluttershy, when I first met you, for the first time ever, I felt happy," Coppermane said, continuing to stroke Fluttershy's cheek. "Nobody has ever helped me like that before. Nobody's ever given me a chance before."

Fluttershy smiled and lifted her hand to touch his. "Everyone deserves a chance, Coppermane."

Coppermane couldn't resist. He wanted to feel her lips again so badly. He lifted head to kiss her.

Fluttershy melted in his arms upon feeling his tender lips again. Their lips remained locked as Coppermane moved Fluttershy to lay beside him. He pulled her closer in his arms as he began brushing her hair. She wrapped her arms around his waist, never letting go.

Coppermane pulled away, and was met with Fluttershy's smiling face. Her smile was so beautiful and bright. He saw tears running down her face, and slowly brought his hand up to dry them. He felt her shudder, and his nerves caused him to pull his hand away. He heard a small, saddened whimper from her when he withdrew his hand.

"S-Sorry. Th-this is all so new to me," Coppermane said.

Fluttershy giggled, and gave him another kiss on the lips. She snuggled up with him, nuzzling his chest.

"We can learn together," Fluttershy said.

Coppermane's heart melted. "Together…"

"Together…" Fluttershy cooed, looking up at Coppermane.

Her Coppermane…

Coppermane pulled Fluttershy into another tender kiss, making her melt yet again. She pulled him closer in her arms. She never thought kissing him would feel so amazing.

Coppermane felt something wet on his face. He pulled away, and saw tears in Fluttershy's eyes.

"Why are you crying?" Coppermane whispered.

Fluttershy smiled as she gazed into his big brown eyes.

"I… I'm just so happy…" Fluttershy cooed.

Coppermane's heart melted. She was happy… because of him. Her beautiful eyes twinkled as she looked at him. He gave her delicate kisses on the cheek to dry her tears.

Fluttershy giggled each time Coppermane kissed her cheek. It was just too cute. And so loving…

Coppermane kissed her on the lips again once her tears were dry. He never thought kissing her would feel so amazing. Her lips were sweeter than candy…

They pulled away, and Fluttershy snuggled up with her new boyfriend, nuzzling his chest. She felt so warm and cozy in his arms… and so safe in his embrace…

Coppermane squeezed Fluttershy in his arms.

His Fluttershy…

Holding her in his arms felt amazing. She was so warm and delicate. He started brushing her hair, and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She nuzzled him in return, making his heart melt. She looked absolutely adorable right now, resting her head on his chest.

"Fluttershy?" Coppermane asked.

"Hmm?" Fluttershy asked, looking up at her new boyfriend.

"Do you… um… do you want to… s-spend the night?"

"Yes," Fluttershy answered immediately, "I… I'd love to." She blushed at how quickly she answered, but it earned her one of Coppermane's smiles nevertheless.

Coppermane gave Fluttershy a peck before she snuggled up with him, nuzzling his chest. Coppermane squeezed her warm, delicate body in his arms to keep her safe as she slept.

"Sweet dreams, Fluttershy," Coppermane said, kissing Fluttershy on the forehead.

Fluttershy's heart danced. She nuzzled his chest, "Good night, Coppermane." Within minutes, Fluttershy allowed herself to drift off in her handsome boyfriend's arms.

Coppermane soon followed, allowing himself to be taken by the clutches of sleep, holding his sweet, beautiful girlfriend in his arms.

Author's Note:

I actually decided to merge Ch.6 and Ch.7 together from the original to make the plot a little more concise. Don't forget to comment and like if you enjoyed it!

Before I go, I know you people are anxious for the sequel, but that's on hold for now. Final exams are coming up in a couple weeks, and I have tests next week as well. That's where my focus needs to be. I can't even think about writing brand new content until finals are over. This is my project for now.

Peace out :derpytongue2: