• Published 27th Mar 2016
  • 5,841 Views, 526 Comments

The Ever Changing Moon - CommanderX5

The return of Nightmare Moon is coming, and with thestrals on her side, the Elements may not be enough. Now the fate of Equestria rests in the hooves of a young pureblood thestral, Fluttershy and the friends she made.

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Confrontations - Motivation

The Ever Changing Moon


Chapter 4


Part 3 - Motivation

Celestia took a teacup between her trembling hooves, her magic no longer available to her. The heavy ring on her horn was a reminder of that. Dancing flames on a few candles on the table table lit the room, being the only source of light inside her prison cell.

Not having access to her precious sun for so long, as well as transferring part of her magic to Cadence after a long battle, left her greatly weakened. Only her strong will and buckets of water kept her awake and in a sitting position as sleep called to her insistently.

Slow sips of tea felt pleasant as the warm liquid entered her dry throat. Bits of sugar provided her with bits of energy she so needed.

In front of her was a pureblood whose actions led to her defeat. I knew killing purebloods in the past would fuel the wrath of their children. If vengeance is what he wants, I must take him away from my subjects, she thought before saying, “I am truly sorry.”

Moon Shadow lowered his glass of blood onto the table and asked, “What for?”

“For taking the lives of your parents. If you can show forgiveness to my little ponies, I will do whatever you want of me. Just give me a chance to atone for my crime.”

Moon Shadow raised an eyebrow. “You have nothing to apologize for. I would do the same in your horseshoes.” Celestia withdrew her head backward, surprised by such a response. He continued, “Do not get the wrong idea. I was enraged when I found out what you did and I swore vengeance. It took a few centuries before my mind ascended above such petty desire, and even now, a small part of me still hungers for revenge, but so far I have been able to keep it under control.”

Celestia kept staring at her captor while trying to comprehend what she just heard. She placed her forehooves on the table and asked, “If vengeance is not the reason behind tonight’s attack, what was?”

Moon Shadow raised his glass filled with blood and drank it slowly with his teeth, savoring each drop for at least a minute. Celestia lowered her forelegs to the floor and waited patiently. Remaining calm was top priority in her current circumstances.

The pureblood lowered an empty glass and smiled in satisfaction. “As I sought a means to defeat you, I learned much about the history of my race. Over time I learned how flawed we were. In other words, I learned that you were not the only one to blame for my parents’ death. It was also their weakness that led to their demise.”

“Weakness? I killed them only because they were growing too powerful,” Celestia interrupted.

Moon Shadow shook his head as his face displayed pity. “Being powerful doesn’t make one competent or mighty. Power is useless if used poorly.” He chuckled. “To be honest, those possessing power who fail to use it are even more worthless than those who are weaker but prevail against the odds.”

A thestral maid opened a bottle with blood and filled Shadow’s empty glass before refilling Celestia’s cup with tea. Moon Shadow pushed the glass to the side as it shattered against a wall, decorating the floor with glass fragments while painting the rusty wall in red stain.

“Purebloods in the past were pathetic and self-centered. They got what they deserved!”

Celestia maintained her composure, not flinching at the sudden outburst of her captor. Her firm and judging mask of a ruler she mastered over centuries once again hid any outward sign of her emotions. Yet her heart rate betrayed her shock.

“Individuals who aren’t eager to cooperate and are unable to show initiative whenever crisis arises deserve a humiliating defeat!” He took a calming breath. “Sombra was the first to take charge, yet his foolishness and greed led to his downfall. After his fall, purebloods turned to Luna for leadership and protection. She united them and gave them a goal to work for.”

He groaned. “Yet, purebloods of the past lacked skills and determination. When Equestria turned against my kind, they were too weak and incompetent to help Nightmare Moon win.”

Celestia interrupted, “I was against this conflict from the start as I trusted my sister, but my subjects were aggravated. Wendigos killed thousands before Equestria was formed. Only one century passed before Discord’s reign of chaos.” She took a quick breath as she kept talking restlessly. “When Luna and I ascended into alicorns and sealed Discord with the Elements, we tried to bring back order to Equestria while protecting our subj–”

“Enough!” Moon Shadow interrupted with a stomp, leaving a deep hoof-mark on the dusty floor. In the meanwhile, the maid entered the prison cell with a new glass. “I know everything. Sombra’s attack on the Crystal Empire and regular monster attacks after you overthrow his reign. Your subjects’ distrust towards us was justified since our ancestors tried to take over the Crystal Empire. I don’t hold a grudge.”

Celestia nodded hesitantly, deciding to listen for now. His motivations are an enigma. I must learn more to have hope for any negotiations.

Moon Shadow drank some blood from his new glass before wiping his mouth with a napkin. He continued, “One side proved that they can’t be trusted, while another felt fear and demanded safety. Ponies are a source of blood and servants for us while banishing thestrals from Equestria would kill a majority of them from hunger. There was no way to satisfy both sides, and this is what makes conflict inevitable. Only the leadership of Nightmare Moon kept us united.”

He took a quick breath, his ears lowered, wings spread and eyes narrowed. “Yet, when you banished Nightmare Moon, purebloods showed their weakness. They retreated and hid, everypony for themselves. None was capable of taking the lead, none was willing to cooperate. Some even wasted their strength competing with each other for what was left of our territory. Equestria proved superior and deserved victory.”

Equestria deserved victory? I am slowly starting to understand who I am dealing with, Celestia thought.

Moon Shadow pointed at the alicorn. “As the ruler of this nation, you did the correct thing. You led your subjects to battle, banished your sister who betrayed you and hunted down strongest purebloods before they could become a threat.” He clapped his hooves in applause. “Your actions were quick and decisive, as actions of a ruler should be.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes as her neutral mask started to crack. Being praised for doing something she regretted for centuries only fueled her anger and guilt.

“Yet, even a strong leader like you has its flaws. You spared younger purebloods and their clans while hiding their existence from the generations to come. Your hope for peace and consciousness gave us an opening to hide, regroup, grow stronger and invade this very night. You hesitated and look where it led you.”

“How dare you?!” Celestia snapped, alarming the guards at the entrance as the result, but Cornerstone calmed them down. “To wish death on your kind is cruel. What kind of twisted logic do you follow?” Her battered wings flapped in aggravation.

Moon Shadow rolled his eyes. “I am only stating the truth. A mighty race shows initiative, masters their skills and nurtures their power. A strong kingdom is united and ready for sacrifices to accomplish a common goal and crush their enemies. A good leader never hesitates to take firm actions and knows that end justifies the means.”

He smirked upon seeing furrowed forehead on the alicorn. “I knew that even without the sun, you would still kill many of my followers. I sacrificed Fleur de Lis to use your conscience against you, reducing my losses. By sacrificing one life, I saved many.” He shrugged. “I almost thought I failed as half of the purebloods disappeared in your solar flames. At least until I was informed that you secretly banished most of them from Canterlot. Such an irony that Cadence, the weakest of the alicorns, killed three purebloods, while you killed only Fleur.”

Celestia looked to the side. So he thinks that I killed Fleur? Good. I hope that Twilight or Luna healed her in time. She sighed and spoke as calmly as she could, “If I understand your logic, your decisive actions ensured your victory, while my hesitation and your cunning reduced your losses. By sacrificing one pureblood you saved many?”

“I see you’re beginning to understand. Hesitation was our downfall in the past, and now it became yours. For centuries I strengthened purebloods and their clans all over Equestria while eradicating this flaw from myself and my followers.” He raised his head arrogantly. “Tonight we are superior.”

“You haven’t won yet,” Celestia said, much to her captor’s annoyance. “You took over Canterlot, but Equestria will resist. Cadence now possesses half of my magic and her Crystal Guards were trained to fight your kind since Sombra’s death, similar to monster hunters who will only grow in numbers in response to your invasion. The Royal Guard is mobilized and my sister will overthrow your rule.” Much to her surprise, Moon Shadow laughed. “Are you too arrogant to see your own downfall?”

“Quite the opposite. You’re not informed enough to see that there’s no hope for you to win. Allow me to enlighten you.”

Celestia took a teacup between her forehooves and responded with a challenging glare, “I am listening.” She flapped her wings in discomfort, still feeling marks from chains on them and on her legs. Her physical strength partially returned.

“As you wish, fallen princess.” Moon Shadow bowed his head politely. “Let's start with monster hunters. You probably think of them as citizens who learned about thestrals and united to fight them.” He grinned. “But in reality, they are my creation.”

“You are lying,” Celestia said firmly. “What would you possibly gain from creating enemies?”

“More than you think,” Moon Shadow answered. “To train myself, my clan, all purebloods and thestrals in Equestria, I needed enemies. They needed to be strong enough to force us to act, yet too weak to defeat us or cause lasting harm.” His eyes flashed red as blood escaped his glass and started floating in circles over the room. “I controlled leaders with blood hypnosis, provided them with information and targets while limiting their actions if they became too much of a threat.”

The princess frowned. “Even so, this still cost the lives of many thestrals and put clans at risk.”

“Precisely. Their hunters eliminated the weak and useless, all the while strengthening the strong.” Blood levitated into his teeth as he licked his lips. “Century after century, purebloods were forced to improve their skills and replace dead clan members. Only pushed to our limits we could become a stronger race.” He rubbed his chest with a hoof. “We’re united, cunning, competent and lead large clans. Now a five-hundred years old battle-hardened pureblood is capable of defeating eight hundred centuries old pureblood from the past. The weak have been purged and the strong have taken their place.”

The alicorn narrowed her eyes and said with venom in her voice, “You created an organization that was killing your race just to strengthen those who would survive? Does your cruelty have no limits?”

“Tss, tss, tss,” Moon Shadow interrupted with a shake of his forehoof. “Says the princess who throws her own students into the river to teach them how to swim. Do you think I didn’t know about trials you force upon them? Your secret lessons, withholding information and manipulative challenges.”

Celestia groaned as her ears drooped.

“Truth hurts, does it? Your teaching methods may be tamer when compared to mine, but in the end we have something in common. Twilight Sparkle is but one example.”

“Don’t you dare!” Celestia shouted as her forelegs started to tremble.

“Your pair of the most talented students Equestria has ever seen, Sunset and Tempest were their names… I heard one of them lost her horn and the other one nearly lost her life because you put too much faith in their skills.”

“Enough!” Celestia shouted as she stood to her hooves while resisting the urge to slam them at the table.

“You gave them dangerous tasks, didn’t warn about the risk and interfered too late. You took too many risky gambles with those who trusted you. The problem with gambling against the odds is that sooner or later, you lose. Sunset and Tempest leaving Canterlot while hating you was a price to pay.”

“I take it you had spies among my castle staff to learn about it,” Celestia said in an attempt to change the unpleasant subject.

Moon Shadow shook his head. “If I had spies among your servants, I would personally recruit those mares. Regrowing Tempest’s horn in exchange for her loyalty would be a child’s play.” He grinned. “I would use their anger towards you to make them fight you tonight and break your spirit.”

“Then how do you know?” Celestia asked as she sat back onto her cushion, now more curious than angry. “What happened to them?”

“Fancy Pants was in charge of the Canterlot clan. He simply offered Tempest to restore her horn and Sunset to heal her permanent injuries in exchange for their neutrality.” He shrugged. “As for their whereabouts, I don’t know. They either live in a secluded area or left Equestria's borders.”

Celestia sighed in relief, yet guilt was still eating her from the inside. In order to unleash her students’ full potential, she more than once took a risk. Sunset and Tempest’s injury was the main reason she was more careful with Twilight. At least I know that Tempest can use her magic again. I hope she’s safe wherever she is.

“To be honest, I always had trouble understanding your teaching methods. Instead of sharing responsibility between all of your subjects to keep your kingdom strong and safe, you put a heavy burden on a selected elite and make them face dangerous challenges, just to let other citizens have a carefree life in luxury.”

Celestia answered calmly, “I needed ponies who would keep Equestria safe should I fail. My power is not absolute.”

Moon Shadow massaged his forehead. “There’s one flaw you haven’t considered. Your little ponies always look up to you and your selected elite for protection, yet they are useless on their own. While your captain and student are powerful and capable of facing the odds, the Royal Guard is a joke.” He turned towards the entrance. “Stonehoof, come inside.”

Noise of armored hooves stepping on the old floor echoed in the room. “Look at their might,” Moon Shadow said as he approached his guard and swung his forehoof at him with great force.

The massive shield used to block his strike broke into four fragments while the floor under guard’s hooves cracked in many spots. The earth pony thestral stood up on his shaking hooves with a hoof-mark on his foreleg.

“Just one of my followers can defeat ten of yours.” He chuckled. “On second thought, I think I am a bit to generous for your incompetent guards. Won’t you agree?”

Celestia looked to the side. I cannot deny it. My guards are mostly for show. I let centuries of peace to soften my army.

“Now, do you understand? Without you, the Royal Guard is useless while monster hunters are mine to control.” He gestured for his guard to return to his post. The fact that he pulled it off without tripping over was a show of great strength and durability.

“What about my sister? She may hate me for what I did, but she will disapprove of your regime,” Celestia pointed out.

The pureblood returned to his cushion and took another sip from his glass before sending his maids to bring them something to eat. “In the ruins of your old castle, Fancy Pants and I, we meet Nightmare Moon. I offered her an army to conquer, while my honorable rival offered support in peaceful negotiations with you. Guess what she chose.”

Celestia rubbed her chin. “She did not choose war, or else she would assist in fighting me.” She narrowed her eyes. “My sister must have wished for peace and you betrayed her.” She studied her captor's expression carefully while waiting for an answer.

Moon Shadow smashed his hoof against the table, breaking it into pieces. “She chose neither! She decided to visit random towns to learn if your subjects have changed, starting with Ponyville.”

Celestia’s eyes opened widely as she pushed aside fragments of the wooden table which landed on her a moment ago. “Then why did you invade? I thought your kind still respected my sister for everything she did.”

“Because she hesitated! It would take days or weeks before she would decide between war and peace, and time is a luxury she didn’t have.”

Celestia took a step back as her pupils shrank. “You feared hesitation would lead to another defeat and took actions behind my sister’s back!”

“Precisely. I am fully aware that the Elements are calling upon their future bearers so they can banish our queen back to the moon. Furthermore, you and Cadence with numbers alone would overpower Nightmare Moon and lock her in a dungeon. Her control over the sun can’t last long and we would be unable to protect her if she lost it.” He shook his head. “I couldn’t let history repeat itself. I worked too hard to take such a risk.”

Celestia closed her eyes and grit her teeth as her eyes watered. “I only wished to purge Luna from her corruption, not banish her.” She took a deep breath as tears started sliding down her cheeks. “When I used the Elements, they failed because I could not use them without my sister’s help. They banished Nightmare Moon, turned into stone-like orbs and refused to heed my call ever since.”

Moon Shadow shook his head. “Luna is not corrupted. She and Nightmare Moon are two faces of our Queen. One wrathful and one merciful. Yet, Fancy Pants provided you with anonymous letters. He wanted you to unlock the Elements in case Nightmare Moon would become insane from her isolation. I had to act before his plan would succeed and fight for leadership.”

Celestia lowered her head, now staring at fragments of the table in front of her forehooves. Now I understand. I abandoned my plans to send Twilight to Ponyville to unleash the Elements against my sister and instead told her to surrender Ponyville, just to prevent purebloods from starting a war. Yet, Moon Shadow started this war because he was afraid I would use the Elements against my sister or capture her with force. This is such a cruel irony.

She asked, “You started this war and took over Canterlot, but what will you do if Nightmare Moon will not approve of this invasion and turn against you?”

Moon Shadow walked through leftovers of the table and looked Celestia in the eyes. His size was similar to the size of an alicorn who was only a few centimeters taller. “I ordered leaders of the guild to send all their forces against Nightmare Moon while telling them she’s a pureblood.”

Celestia took a step back and raised her foreleg defensively. “Why would you do such a thing after all you did to protect her?”

“Simple. If Nightmare Moon is as powerful as you, which I don’t doubt, she’ll eradicate those pests with ease. Not only will it convince her that you ponies aren’t interested in peace, but all members capable of fighting thestrals will die. I even snuck some of my servants into their ranks to supervise the battle and ensure that all hunters die and to ensure Nightmare’s safety.”

Moon Shadow placed forehoof on his forehead, hiding part of his face as weak laughter escaped his mouth. Second after second, his laughter became more intense, almost becoming maniacal. It became clear that for this one moment, the leader of the mighty purebloods dropped his calm act, just enjoying himself. “As for leaders who are under my control, they are setting fire to the guild’s headquarters as we speak.” He cleared his throat. “My apologies for my outburst. It was unbecoming of me.”

Mirage didn’t think it was going to end this way for her. She was just a normal unicorn when her parents were killed by vamponies. When she was offered a chance to deliver justice to those who killed her family, she took it without hesitation. What a fool I’ve been... she thought in her mind as she helped pour oil all over the office she had been using for years, one fireball away from turning everything to ashes. Alongside her were August Rush, an orange earth pony, and Valiant, a male pegasus with a blue mane and silver coat.

The three of them were the leaders of a guild... a guild built on nothing but lies.

It was like being in a movie theater, only in chains and unable to escape. For years, she had been forced to see her body and mouth move under the control of the very pureblood that ruined her life when she was a child. She had been nothing more than a tool in his sick game. All those ponies I sent to their deaths... all those that I killed…

She hoped that somepony woulda stop him. Whatever afterlife was after this one, Mirage hoped that she would see him fall from above and burn in the darkest layers of Tartarus upon his death. Her two fellow ‘leaders’ were also pouring the oil. Like herself, they looked emotionless and didn’t say anything, but she knew deep down they were panicking, unable to save themselves.

Mirage was scared too at first. She didn’t want to die either, but after so many years of being a slave she was welcoming it. I just wish it wasn’t from burning.

Once the last of the cans were empty, she and the others met in the center. Her horn flared to life and a single spark of flames dropped down below.

Even under control, she screamed as did the other two as the flames overtook their bodies and their room. Every single inch of her was in an utter pain as she felt her flesh burn, her bones melt. Mirage didn’t bother fighting anymore. There was no point. As she felt herself fall, her burning pain soon faded into a cold lasting embrace.

The last sight she saw before she left this world was the flag of Equestria, her home, burning to ashes.

Celestia’s throat became dry. Ever since she learned about the hunters, she disapproved of their actions and marked their organization as illegal, yet didn’t take any further action against them. With hunters acting behind her back and purebloods viewing her as an enemy, she decided not to interfere, secretly hoping the hunters will keep thestrals from growing in numbers at the expense of her subjects.

The realization that they were but tools to prepare the enemy for tonight’s invasion struck her like a hammer. How could I be so blind… All those ponies and fighting, all that suffering…

“I see you’re speechless. Not that I can blame you,” Moon Shadow said with a smirk before returning to his cushion. His maid who entered the prison cell with two plates with food blinked in confusion upon seeing fragments of the table scattered over the room. Cornerstone rolled his eyes before they flashed brightly. Bits of blood from a bottle in Maid’s possession levitated towards the wood and merged it into a table. “Thank you.”

Celestia shook her head and wiped her watered eyes before asking. “What about Cadence and her Crystal Guard? You know they are a force to be reckoned with.”

“They are indeed,” Moon Shadow said with a nod as plates filled with food were levitated onto the table, from simple hay sandwiches to elaborate dinners that the castle chefs have always made for her. “I doubt Nightmare Moon will show interest in conquering the Crystal Empire, but should they try to retake Equestria, I am more than eager to face them on the battlefield.”

He pointed at the alicorn. “Besides, you were the biggest obstacle in my way. With you chained and my forces nearly unharmed, I have gained a major advantage.” He smiled. “Though I should thank you for your sudden pacifism. It made everything so much easier.”

Celestia sighed as she picked up a hay sandwich and took a bite. Her chewing was slow as she analyzed gathered information. Her adversary started eating as well with blood icing on every dish.

Two minutes of eating passed as the maid wiped leftovers from the princess’s face with a tissue. Celestia glanced at Moon Shadow as her anger was replaced with sadness, which she no longer hid behind her neutral mask. “Everything was pointless.”

“Excuse me?” Moon Shadow asked curiously as he lowered a slice of cake and placed it on his plate.

“You claim that hesitation is a weakness and proved it with examples I cannot deny. Yet, you are going for the opposite extreme,” Celestia said calmly as the sad tone didn’t leave her voice. “Taking actions too quickly lead to mistakes as you do not give yourself enough time to consider all options and outcomes of your decisions.”

“Are you trying to lecture me?” Moon Shadow asked before crossing his foreleg. “In that case, go ahead, amuse me. I shall listen to your wisdom before deciding if it is worth anything, considering your recent failures.”

Celestia ignored the clear insult and nodded. “In the past, purebloods proved to be very loyal to Luna and were willing to serve Equestria and follow our rules, yet ponies were too paranoid after Discord’s reign and especially after Sombra’s invasion, and didn’t give them a chance they deserved.” After taking a quick sip from her tea and clearing her throat, she continued, “Yet, over centuries, next generations became more peaceful and understanding. I believe they would overlook feeding habits of your kind and overcome their fears.”

She pointed at Moon Shadow as her voice became more serious. “However, your attempt to make purebloods more organized and dependable also made them more violent, cunning and merciless.” She asked, “Should Nightmare Moon decide to unite purebloods and their clans with the rest of Equestria peacefully, how would she accomplish that after your actions?”

“You believe I didn’t think of that? You once again underestimate me.” Moon Shadow raised his head arrogantly. “Let’s say that I tracked a very peaceful pureblood family and tested them. And while the older ones refused to fight back and got themselves killed, their child passed trial after trial while remaining loyal to her peaceful ideals.” He smiled proudly. “She always seeked a peaceful solution, created a clan of her own from different species and even recruited her enemies who tried to kill her. She goes by name: Flutterbat, or for citizens of Ponyville, Miss Fluttershy.”

Celestia’s eyes widened. “F-Fluttershy…” Her heart rate increased as she wondered if what her captor was saying was true. Does this mean that a candidate chosen by the Element of Kindness... is a pureblood? She asked with growing anger, “Were you responsible for her death?”

Moon Shadow shook his forehoof dismissively. “Oh, you wound me. Why would I kill somepony who braved all my trials with great results? No, she’s sleeping peacefully in her grave after surpassing my expectations. Nightmare Moon with her power over dreams is capable of awakening her at any moment, should she choose peace.” He smirked. “Lady Fluttershy would be way more helpful in achieving peace than Fancy Pants and Fleur. Trust me on this. All I did was get rid of her parents who were holding her back.”

“I see…” the princess said hesitantly. “So you planned ahead and prepared in advance.”

The pureblood nodded. “Indeed. If only our two-faced Queen, Mistress Nightmare Moon made her decision when we met her, I wouldn’t be forced to take drastic actions and fight my mighty rivals for leadership.”

Celestia sighed as her ears drooped. She lowered her head and said, “This is so sad…”

“Sad? Are you referring to your defeat?”

The alicorn shook her head. “I am sad because all your efforts, all this pain and suffering was for nothing.” She raised her head and looked into the red and confused eyes of her adversary. “When I was warned that you and your army would invade Canterlot, I decided to not use the Elements and was even willing to surrender to Nightmare Moon, just to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.”

“W-what?” Moon Shadow asked, now caught off guard.

“You strengthened your kind and provided Nightmare Moon with means to achieve an easy victory. My student was tasked to surrender Ponyville to Nightmare Moon.”

“Y-you… you lie!” Moon Shadow shouted as he stood up to his hooves. His brother’s ears straightened upward as he started to listen to the conversation with growing interest.

“Why would I?” Celestia asked with tears once against escaping from her eyes. “This invasion and all your attempts to protect Nightmare Moon was an unnecessary endeavour.” She held a forehoof on her chest and continued, “I felt great guilt for what I did to my sister and your kind while my subjects have changed over centuries. I was willing to set things right peacefully. You should know; you used my conscience against me in combat.”

Moon Shadow’s eye twitched as his breathing became rapid while sweat started forming on his face. His guards approached, looking at him in worry. “Are you saying… that I took actions behind my Mistress’s back... for nothing?” He raised his trembling forelegs and looked at his hooves. “Fancy Pants… Lady Fleur… I sacrificed them… for nothing?” He grit his teeth in anger.

“You sound as if they were important to you.” She winced in pain as she was pressed against the wall with a single hoof. Her captor stood on rear hooves and glared daggers at her.

“Important? Of course they were important! They were my rivals for centuries, my equals. They were mighty purebloods who deserved to share my rule.” He released the alicorn who started to take desperate breaths. “Sacrificing them was something I did with great pain. Pretending otherwise was anything but easy.” He slammed his forehoof against the wall next to Celestia’s head with a loud thump as the alicorn flinched to the side.

“B-brother…” Compersone said as he approached and placed forehoof on Shadow’s shoulder, who in response pushed him away. After reasserting himself, he asked, “Please, calm yourself before you’ll hurt or worse, kill our prisoner.”

Moon Shadow took a few calming breaths as he struggled to keep his eyes from producing tears. He kept his face out of sight from his servants, staring at the wall. “I need some time alone. Our talk is over. Put her back in chains and lock this cell tightly,” he said in commanding tone before turning around and walking outside. His maids saluted and levitated the alicorn towards the wall while two guards put chains on her four legs and both wings.

Celestia glanced at Cornerstone in confusion and asked, “What happened? Why such a large shift of attitude?”

Cornerstone looked back at the princess and spoke in a saddened tone, “My brother shows no mercy to those who he views useless, but showed great respect to those who impressed him. Fancy Pants and Fleur were important to him.”

The princess nodded. “I see. He hid it quite well when he sent Fleur to death.”

“Moon Shadow views consciences as weakness. If he has a goal in sight, he won’t show any sadness or guilt, no matter what horrible thing he commits.” Cornerstone turned towards the exit and added, “To be honest, I find this display of emotions very surprising. I suppose the knowledge that everything he did was for nothing broke his cold composure.”

Celestia asked in panic as she struggled against the chains, no longer feeling as weak as before. “This invasion is not at the point of no return. I kept the casualties on both sides to a minimum. If there’s a chance to end this conflict peacefully, I am still open for negotiations. I am even willing to surrender leadership to my sister if she promises to show mercy to my subjects.”

“I wish it was that simple,” Cornerstone said as he approached the exit. “My brother once said that only as a monster he can make our race strong and take actions necessary to ensure our victory. Such a role he chose for himself is not one he can so easily abandon.” He sighed. “At this point, I believe only Nightmare Moon can convince him to change his ways, unless his manipulations will change hers first.”

The door of the cell closed as Celestia was left in an empty dusty cell, fragments of wood decorating the floor. Cushions and the table with food were no longer present. The lack of windows and lit candles left her in darkness. She closed her eyes as tears started to escape, sliding down her cheeks. My dear student… my dear sister… Please, don’t let Moon Shadow fool you. Open your eyes, and end this pointless war.

Author's Note:

I deeply apologize for such a massive delay. I suppose it took a long time until I got my inspiration back and I ended up focusing on my other projects, but now I am back and ready to finish this story. Hopefully my long break will not make me make too many continuity errors and drop the quality too much.

Special thanks to people who offered to proof-read this story:
Detsella Morningdew

I am not sure which one will be willing to assist me to the end, but hopefully we'll lead this story to a satisfying conclusion.