• Published 9th Jun 2012
  • 2,819 Views, 141 Comments

Real Mares of Genius. - overlord-flinx

Let's all just wind down, take a mug of cider, and pat the backs of all the great mares we know.

  • ...

Ms. No-Nonsense Fruit Kicker

Apple Acres and Sugar Cube Corners proudly presents, Real Mares of Genius...

Real Mares of Genius... mamma mia~~.

As a sponsor of us, this is one mighty respectful raise we bring to you, Ms. No-Nonsense Fruit Kicker.

Ms. No-Nonsense Fruit Kicker~~~!

Skills pay the bills, and no one has more skills than a Third-Generation Apple Farmer.

Banjo music playin' in the background~~!

They said having a market on just one item alone was a stupid idea. Who's laughing now with the endless acres of orchard land?

Let's play monopoly~~~!

Sure, you could use even a little bit of the money you make to pay for help on the farm, but that would just take work away from the family. And family, is everything.

Pony Freud would have a field day on you~~.

When ponies come to try and sell you an idea to make your business more 'efficient', you send them packing. Only an Apple knows how an Apple works.

Still hearin' that banjo~~!

Now, relax under the tree, o' land lady of the plantation. We honor and respect you completely... so don't hoard the apples.

Real Mares of Genius... Django~~.

It's time for Life Lessons with Luna.

"Greetings, loyal subjects. I am princess Luna. Today, I would like to lay upon you a great truth on my magical control. For those of you who are gifted with the magi arts, please draw a piece of parchment and a quill for yourself to take upon my words in note. Hence, some would say I have a deep rooted hatred that brought me to use dark arts and nearly drove me from my sister. This is true. However, look upon me now. I am now a poised, diligent, and respectable force of good. Would you care to hear my secret?"


This has been a Life Lesson with Luna.