• Published 7th Aug 2015
  • 222 Views, 1 Comments

The rise of New Begging - Freedomrunner

Come and explore the world through the eye's the ponies that tell their tale

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memories of two

Looking at Freedom Runner with disbelieve Princess Luna shook her head,

“Really must you do this at this hour?”

As he was about to open the door, Freedomrunner looked back at me and said,

“Don’t worry I won’t be long”

I stopped him by placing a hoof holding the door close, I moved in front of the door, and was not going to let him through.

“If any pony sees you walk out of this chamber then they will know of us” I said to him.

Celestia and I took an Oath Thousands of years ago; to never fall in love nor have any fillies, we would protect all of Equestria and beyond both Day and Night. After our time together over years I have truly fallen in love with him. I look into his brown eye’s thinking back to the first time I had ever met him.

All Around Equestria ponies where getting ready for winter, unicorns were hanging up icicles, Pegasus ponies carrying clouds filled near burst with snow flasks, and Earth Ponies were starting to finish up with the harvest. As I made my way to the throne room to raise the moon, I watched as the unicorns began to hang the mistletoe, ponies began to kiss under the plant and every time I see others ponies doing this I always feel so lonely. As my sister Princess Celestia lowered the sun and I raised the moon, a green flame came through a window and a letter dropped. My sister used her magic to lift the parchment and began to read. She threw down the parchment saying we must go to Princess Twilight’s castle immediately, using a teleportation Spell Twilight taught us we were in Twilight's castle in a blink of an eye.
Princess Twilight and Princess Cadence were using healing magic on a Pegasus lying on the ground, I looked closer at the light brown Pegasus and notice that he was oozing venom from his neck; I joined them while Celestia grabbed a container and we drop the venom in it bit by bit. Finally after hours of pulling out the venom from his neck and healing any other wounds the Pegasus was stable, all four of us were so tired even Celestia fell to her stomach.

Princess Celestia began the conversation with, “Twilight Sparkle who is this Pegasus and how did he get in this state?”

The heavy panting Princess Twilight caught her breath and responded,

“He-He’s name is Freedom Runner, Queen Chrysalis was feeding off of him Huff Huff for five months and used her own venom and he resisted just barely a little”

“It surprises me that he lasted that long, Shining Armor was fully under her spell in nearly a day even without venom” Princess Cadence added to the subject.

“Where is Queen Chrysalis?” Princess Celestia asked

Having a moment to catch her breath twilight answered “I put her in a magic resistant cell in the dungeon, last time I checked she is still unconscious.”

Princess Luna shook her head “I wonder how he….”

A blood grueling shriek cut off Luna it came from Freedom Runner as he toss and turned banging his hoofs everywhere, Immediately Princess Cadence and twilight held him down with magic but they began to lose control because how tired they were. One final shriek broke there spells and they both hit the floor with a thud, he continue to shriek as he began to change.

His once dark brown wings turned changeling green and grew to the size of griffon’s wings, and his cutie mark once three rings joined together lost all its color.

Without warning Princess Celestia blasted Freedom Runner with a stun spell that made him fall to the ground and stayed there, shortly after that princess Celestia fell to the floor unconscious leaving Princess Luna frozen with fear and shock.

In the days following Chrysalis was transported to special prison on the outskirts of Canterlot, Princess Celestia kept the venom to analysis because this was the only sample of the queen chrysalis venom she ever had, and Freedom Runner was transported to the Canterlot Royal hospital as he never woke up from the stun blast. Six friends decided to take turns watching over him to see if he wakes up,

from what Princess Luna was told, Pinkie Pie kept poking him in the cheek repeatedly asking "are you awake yet!? Are you awake yet!?", Fluttershy brought a friend every time it was her turn but mostly brought Angel the bunny, Rainbow dash played catch with the unconscious Pony (by that I mean throwing a ball and it bouncing off his hoof), Apple Jack kept on singing all sorts of Bucky Cash and other country Songs, Rarity use Freedom Runner as design Manichean for her upcoming stallion line that she would show at the next fashion week which would be in Mane hattan, and twilight kept pouring through notes and journals trying to learn all she could about different subjects.

This went on for three years and he never showed any signs of change and everypony was getting nervous, Princess Luna decided to look inside of him to see if she can help in a way. As she entered his mind and into his dream Luna felt something was wrong, before she could get out she was caught in a warp of Freedom Runners darkest memories.

a flash of light and Princess Luna saw what she thought was a human for the first time; they were in a darkened room and a fight between two voices could be clearly heard from the lower levels, as Luna looked closer she saw that the human male was looking down at a small child.

With a soft tone the human spoke to the small child

"Don’t worry little star light your big brother will protect you"

The little child let out a little laugh and the male picked up the child, the child was a little girl who began to yawn due to being tired.

Like a whirl of light and dark Princess Luna was transported to another memory, showing a adult woman being loaded into a white truck in a straight jacket and a male adult being put into a black car wearing handcuffs.

two men both wearing a black suits walked up to two children holding hands, they ran inside the house out of fear of being separated. Another whirl of light and the boy was a young teen and the girl is grown up but just a little, the boy tuck the girl in a bed but the girl was hiding something and the boy knew she was,

"All right Star Light what is it? I know your holding something you don't need to hide anything from me."

Star Light looked at her brother, "will those men come back again?"

The boy's mood turned sad, “I don't know honestly"

The girl sat up straight "I don't want them to take me, I want to be with you big brother"

The boy put a hand on Star Lights shoulder, "I promise that we won't be separated again"

Star light raised an eyebrow “do you bbbff Promise?"

The boy roles his eye's and stood up in front of the bed, as he said special the promise and did the movements " Cross my heart, hope to fly like an eagle , dress as a princess and skip threw town"

Star Light giggled as he did their special promise she then snuggled back in her bed, as the boy tuck her back in and turn the night light on and the bedroom light off Star Light called out to her brother "good night Freedom Runner I love you"

The boy smiled and returned with "love you too Star Light sweet dreams"

Princess Luna smiled at this finally a happy time for them; but what came next made her begin to cry, the whirl of light this time was much stronger and lead to a heart breaking memory.

Freedom Runner was being held by two police officers while a man in a black suit carried Star light, she yelled and kicked trying to get back to her brother while Freedom Runner fought to get free but could not. The man in the black suit put Star Light in the back seat of a car.

Freedom Runner shouted at the man


The man turned to look at Freedom Runner

"I know what your father is, but he served his time and convinced the courts that he stable to raise his child again."

Freedom Runner got a lucky shot on one of the police officers and was free, he ran straight up to the man and looked him in the eye

"You and I both know he's lies, you give her back to him and Star Light will never be the same again"

The man shook his head

"yes I know that, I will have a police officer Check on them every day to make sure he never does anything like he did to you"

The man got in the car and started to drive off Freedom Runner looked back at star Light, Her eyes filled with tears now streaming down her cheeks shouted


This made Luna also fill her eye's with tears but what came next only made her hold her head in horror, with yet another flash of light Princess Luna was transported to another memory. Freedom Runner Burst threw a door where a group of officers were standing around taking down A mans words,

Freedom Runner pushed through the police and grabbed his father by both shoulders and shouted


Looking at his son and with a blank and mocking voice said "I don't know where that little trouble maker went"

Freedom Runner forced his father to his feet and with one punch forced him to the ground, with his father having a Bloody nose and three missing teeth the cops grabbed Freedom Runner and separated the two. As they Dragged Freedom Runner out he shouted at his grinning father, Princess Luna could not take any more of this but she could not escape this nightmare no matter how hard she tried. A Tremble and a wave broke through the memory freeing Luna of its control she fell to the floor and there was only silence, a calm voice broke that silence

" I would like it if you didn't shift threw my memory without asking"

Luna looked up to see Freedom Runner in his human form stretching out his hand to help her up; Princess Luna looked away from him only to see that she became human herself, Princess had a little difficult to stand on only two legs a chair pop up out of nowhere and Freedom Runner helped her into it.

As Luna was about to speak Freedom Runner raised his hand to silence her

"I know what you’re going to say what you want to ask and I will tell you everything."

Luna Remained silent as Freedom Runner Explained everything, How his sister was found and put into the hospital, what she told the police put their father in jail for the rest of his life. As he went on Luna was amazed not so much about what happen after they found Star Light but the very world he lived in, and she couldn't help but to laugh when he mentioned about dressing as a princess and skipping threw an entire city. As he went on Freedom Runner was cut short and started to rub his cheek as if it hurt, Princess Luna knew it was Pinkie Pie poking at him and began to giggle. Princess Luna began to explain to the confused Freedom Runner about what happen after he fell ill, Freedom Runner had a hard time believing what I said but in time he started to believe.

I broke fully from the memory when Freedom Runner put a hoof on my shoulder and smiled at me, I was confused by his expression but he then pointed to a nearby table holding a platter with a jug and two glasses. I punched him in the shoulder for tricking me and making fun of me, as he poured out the water for the both of us I added another log to the fire for it was becoming colder in the room. As we sip our water Freedom Runner continues his tale, I lay on the bed and gesture him to join me as we finished our water we lay on the bed I listen to him to his tale and I'd listen.

When I opened my eyes I was lying down a bed as sunlight was pouring through in some sort of hospital window I tried to move but my body was still numb, I fought the numbness and looked around I looked at the sunshine, around the room. There was something cowering beside the bed it was yellow with some pink, my arm slipped off the bed and tapped the object that yelped and with great speed was on the other side of the room. To his surprise it was a yellow pony with a pink mane with wings, for a moment Freedom Runner thought he was dreaming but the pony truly had wings. After that he fell asleep for several hours before waking in the light of the moon, by now the numbness have left his body and was free to move.

Freedom Runner was cut off by Luna's steady warm breathe as she fell asleep right in the middle of the tale, he smiled at her thinking that even the strongest of mares can be gentle as dancing leaves in the warm autumn air. I covered her with the blanket, put another log on the fire, and with one final kiss a flew from her room and onto the castle grounds. My head hung low knowing full well what we have cannot live forever she has her oath to her subjects and I from another realm, I look back at Luna's balcony and spoke the words that was meant for her and her alone

"Luna my light of the moon I love you from beyond the clouds and the stars, you are my everything forget me not my light of the moon for you are my paradise"

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