• Published 7th Aug 2015
  • 222 Views, 1 Comments

The rise of New Begging - Freedomrunner

Come and explore the world through the eye's the ponies that tell their tale

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The End and the Beggining

The End and the Beginning

I sit outside on the balcony breathing in the night air as I look over the kingdom I helped rebuild, to a time when it was nothing but crumbling ruins to a place where every pony, griffon, and yak can live and grow without fear. Turning to look inside the bed chamber to see my love sleeping peacefully, I look back at the stars thinking back to the times when I was only a stranger to Equestria. I spoke to the stars,

"How did I end up here?"

"You already know how freedomrunner" a tired voice said behind me."

I turn to see Princess Luna standing in the balcony way fully awake now; as she walked toward me all I could think of was what will happen, She brushes herself against me before resting her head on my shoulder and I wrap a wing around here.

"We noticed you were away from us my love, what troubles you so much that you must leave our bed so late at night?"

"I turn to face her, you know what tomorrow is Luna."

"Of course it is the day you will be crowned ruler of this kingdom that is called New Beginning, and the people choose you to be there leader above the rest."

"Yes and yet I don’t feel like I deserve such an honor, after what I have done, the ponies I have hurt I feel like another should take my place."

"Hmm nonsense," Luna’s reply was

"Before you came to these banished lands there was fear and hopelessness, you gave them a place to call home where happiness, honor, a sense of safety and above all hope."

A smile grew on my face as Luna spoke maybe she was right,

"come we must return to sleep it is a big day tomorrow."

"Oh indeed but now we are awake and must be told a tale for us to sleep again."

"Very well which tale shall you listen too?"

"You know which one my love."

"Oh very well as my lady wishes I will tell of my tale once again."

I remove my wing from around her shoulder as we walk back into the bedroom, using her magic Princess Luna lighted up the fire place before lying down on the bed. I slide a stool over to the bedside making myself conformable I look at Luna’s awaiting face for me to begin my tale.

Along time ago I lived in the realm in which Princess Twilight called Canterlot High, I was just another student trying to get through school and onto the real world. Little did I know that life would change on one fateful day as we had a student who just came to our school. Principle Celestia said that her name was chrysalis and that she was out of town; everyone greeted her with smiles and a worm welcome but only one did not, sunset shimmer was eying chrysalis as if she knew her from somewhere but just couldn’t remember. Chrysalis took the desk next to me and we began our day’s lesson, As Ms. Cheerilee went on with basic mathematics and equations the bell for lunch rang and we all went to the cafeteria. Everyone was sitting in their usual spots, sunset was walking with fluttershy when rarity and pinkipie joined them while apple jack and rainbow dash were waiting at a nearby table.

I started to walk towards my friends Big Mac and Greta when I saw Chrysalis sitting down struggling with formulas and for some reason was trying to write them with her pencil in her mouth, I made my way to her and pulled the pencil out of her mouth and position her fingers on the pencil. As I began to walk towards my friends chrysalis grabbed my wrist and ask me to help her study, for some reason I couldn’t leave her so I sat down next to her and started to tutor her. It seemed I was always by her side on that day on for almost two months; as we walked toward the bus station sunset shimmer asked if she could talk to me in private, I agreed but chrysalis didn’t want to let go saying to stay but I got my arm freed and went to talk to sunset shimmer.

"Alright sunset what do you wanna talk about?"

"Freedomrunner you need to get away from her she’s not what she seems to be!" She said in a hush whisper.

"Wha-what are you talking about? What do you mean chrysalis is not what she seems to be?"

Sunset looked over my shoulder and back to me, with eye’s full of worry and seriousness.

"She’s a changeling freedomrunner and not just a basic one but the queen from the world of Equestria."

"Oh right like you when to turn into that monster and those three girls who were actually sirens."

"No I’m serious she is dangerous and she is taking your life away."

"Now I know your lying I feel fine and healthy."

"Oh really? Then hold this," sunset Shimmer handed me a textbook I held on to it and I nearly dropped it as if it weighed a ton.

In an instant chrysalis grasped my hand and pulled me onto the bus before it left we sat in the back of the bus it seemed we were the only ones on; I started to think of what sunset shimmer said about chrysalis being a queen of changelings, but then I started to think of her as more than a friend, I shook my head in disbelieve trying to gain my basic sense back but all I could think of was her being my girlfriend. Chrysalis looked at me and asked if I wanted her to be my girlfriend, I tried to say no but I agreed and she gave me a kiss after that all I could think of was chrysalis.

I started to turn into a walking corpse and yet I felt fine with her by my side, I began to see flashes as we walked by everyone at one point I saw everything was fine and the next was worried faces and concerned looks. I shook my head trying to clear it and I noticed chrysalis seemed to also have a headache; whenever she had a headache she would kiss me and everything was alright, but today no matter how much she kissed me it was not enough clear her head and I seemed to be getting back in control of myself.

Later that night as we walked to the edge of the National evergreen forest reserve, she glared at me and I couldn’t move an inch; she stood in front of me standing on her toes and whispered in my ear

“I don’t love you freedomrunner not one bit but I still want you to be mine and mine alone”

after that she got off her toes and licked my nick, I felt her burying her teeth in my neck and something pouring into my veins. I felt like I was going to die there and then and my last thought was pushing her away to fight back, I began to fall to my knees and my eyes started to close the last thing I saw was sunset shimmer along with six others running towards us. My eyes were closed but I could hear fighting and blast of magic, when I heard a thud and a scratching voice shouting and gasping for air.

I heard sunset shimmer speaking to her group,

"Twilight over here quickly!"

A voice who I never heard said in a shock and scared voice,

"He’s been injected with changeling venom we have to hurry if we are going to save him!"

"Sunset you and I will carry chrysalis to the portal."

"Rainbow dash I need you to fly him back to the portal as fast as you can he’s life and mind depends on it."

Rainbow dash answered with a strong, "I’m on it" and scooped up my body

As Rainbow Dash flew faster and faster I could feel nothing at all; I could barely move or even open my eyes, all I could feel was pain and agony from my neck and started to spread quickly through my body. When I opened my eyes I was lying down a bed as sunlight was pouring through in some sort of hospital window I tried to move but my body was still numb and I was so thirsty.
I stopped thinking of how thirsty I was in the now.

Princess Luna looked at me with eyes full of confusion; after a minute had passed she spoke out,

"Continue please we want to hear the rest, please continue Freedomrunner."

I looked at her and with a playful smile answered with a grin,

"Owe I will but I’m feeling a little parched and could use a drink of water."

This is the end of chapter one of the series “The rise of New Begging: