• Published 22nd Jul 2015
  • 10,030 Views, 1,069 Comments

Daughters of Glimmer - Summer Dancer

Starlight reverses the ages of the Mane Six and raises them as her own.

  • ...

Chapter 16 - There's Your Answer

The sun rose slowly over the horizon. With reddened eyes, Twilight watched as the sky turned bright orange and red, with streaks of golden rays peeking out of the mist. She clutched at the blanket wrapped around her body with her pale lavender hoof. After a moment, she sighed silently and turned to face her friends. They had spent the rest of the night in Celestia’s old chambers, and even though there was a bed large enough to hold them all, they stayed huddled up together on the floor. The room was silent, with the occasional sniffle from Fluttershy.

Rarity had her back against the wall with her eyes closed, and Rainbow Dash was lying on her side, facing away from the others. Whether she was awake or not, Twilight couldn’t tell. Pinkie Pie continued to slowly rock back and forth, not saying a word. Twilight then met Applejack’s gaze, her usually lively green eyes now cold and listless.

Twilight’s lips tightened before she finally broke the long silence. “It’s morning.”

Nopony responded.

There was a knock on the door.

Twilight cleared her throat. “Who is it?” she called.

It’s me,” came Sunset’s muffled voice.

Applejack immediately shifted away from the door and buried her face in her hooves. "Can't we see somepony else?” she asked in a low voice.

Twilight’s eyes shifted. “Applejack..."

“I don’t wanna look at her,” Applejack said, raising her voice a little. “Can’t we please get anypony else?”

Twilight stood up on her hooves, letting her blanket fall to the floor. “No...we can’t. She’s the only one I’m sure we can trust right now.” She made her way to the door. “Excuse me, Pinkie,” she said softly. The pink pony silently shifted to the side, letting Twilight through.

Twilight was greeted by two kind eyes when she opened the door. “Hi,” she whispered softly.

Twilight smiled briefly. “Hi. Almost all of us are awake. You can come in if you want.”

“Are you sure?”

Twilight nodded and moved aside. Sunset Shimmer entered the room, taking in the scene infront of her. Every single bearer of Harmony--every single one of her friends--they were all here. Alive.

Alive, and miserable.

With a clipboard encased in her aura, Sunset silently moved around the small ponies and made her way to the front of the room before taking a seat upon the window sill. One by one, each pony turned to look at her. Twilight tapped Rainbow Dash on the shoulder and leaned down to whisper in her ear. After a few moments, Rainbow finally sat up and turned to face Sunset.

The unicorn felt her heart clench at the drained look on Rainbow’s face. “I wish I could tell you that everything’s going to be alright,” Sunset said. “I wish I could tell you that you have nothing to be afraid of.” She waited, making sure that she had everypony’s attention. She adjusted her reading glasses and took the clipboard in her hooves. “But you’ve been told enough lies.”

She sighed.

“The truth is, I don’t know what’s going to happen. And I don’t know what could have led Starlight Glimmer to do what she did.”

Some of the girls flinched involuntarily at the sound of Starlight’s name.

“But I do know that we’re going to do everything in our power to help you. You have my word on that.” Her eyes swept the room. “I’m here this morning to answer any questions you might have. Everypony’s anxious to know what happened to you all this time...and, frankly, so am I,” she admitted. “But today is about you. I'll tell you as much as I can so you won't be blindsided when you return.” She paused before taking a deep breath. “Well... after your disappearance, everypony searched. Tirelessly.” Her eyes clouded at the memory. “I remember when Spike sent me the message through Princess Celestia’s book.”

Twilight bit her lip, hard.

“...I came as quickly as I could. All of us pitched in, together. Days stretched into weeks...and weeks quickly turned into months...and months turned into years. Not even Princess Luna could see into your dreams. That was when we thought…” Sunset stopped short and briefly wiped her eyes.

“Because she could see into anypony’s dreams, anywhere, anytime she tried, she found nothing. She never gave up, but...but we knew. At least, we assumed.” Guilt etched her features as she shook her head. “Nopony wanted to believe it. But with every passing year…” Sunset pursed her lips to suppress what was threatening to rise from her throat. “But we never forgot you. Please know that.”

A heavy silence.

“Was there a funeral?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

Sunset looked at the yellow pegasus. “Yes, Fluttershy,” she replied gently. “There was a funeral.”

“Sunset,” Rarity said, almost timidly. “How...how is my mother and father? And Sweetie Belle?” She hastily rubbed her hooves together. “How did...how did she take it?”

“She was heartbroken,” Sunset said sadly. “She was...lost without you. After the funeral, she spent most of her time with Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Spike.

“Eventually, her smile came back again. Nopony knew what to do with your Boutique, since the owner no longer occupied it. So, when she was old enough, Sweetie decided to claim it for herself and made a home there. I hear she’s a music teacher now. And, your parents are still living in Ponyville, and are in good health.” Sunset smiled. “She grew up into a beautiful mare, Rarity.”

Rarity’s eyes filled with tears. Swallowing hard, she nodded curtly.

“...And Scoots?” Came Rainbow’s croaked voice. “H...How is she?”

Sunset sighed. “She had a falling out with her parents around the time of your disappearance. I’m not sure what happened between them, but she eventually moved out when she was a teenager. I think your pet tortoise is in her care, from what I’ve heard.”

Sunet looked over to Applejack and nodded when she saw the look in the farm mare’s eyes. “Applebloom is also doing well. She’s married now, with a little one on the way.”

Jumping Junebugs,” Applejack breathed out. “Who...who’s she married to? When did this all happen?”

“A little over a year ago,” Sunset replied. “She and Snails...they grew close over the years.”

Everypony in the room stared in shock. “Snails?” Applejack repeated.

Sunset shrugged with a lighthearted smile. “He’s a good husband.”

“If that’s what she’s into,” Rainbow Dash murmured from the back. A few chuckles scattered across the room, making Twilight smile.

“Big Mac also eventually married, to Miss Cherilee. They’re taking care of the farm together.”

Applejack nodded, taking all of it in. “I knew he was sort of sweet on her, but I didn’t know he liked her that much. And...Granny Smith?”

The cheer died down in Sunset’s eyes. “I’m sorry, Applejack.”

Quiet gasps rippled throughout the group and Applejack stiffened. Fluttershy crawled up and hugged her from behind, burying her tear stained cheek into Applejack’s neck. Rarity and Twilight both nuzzled her gently.

Applejack swallowed lightly,


“A month and a half after the funeral,” Sunset whispered. "She didn't feel any pain."

Drawing in a breath, she continued on. “Fluttershy, your parents are still in Cloudsdale. So are yours, Rainbow Dash. They retired early. I’m...not sure where your brother Zephyr is, Fluttershy. Your parents lost contact with him a few years ago.”

Fluttershy grew quiet for a moment. “May I ask what happened to my animal friends?”

Sunset shook her head. “The last they were seen was the night of the funeral. Before anypony could figure out what to do with them, they just disappeared the next morning.”

Fluttershy’s eyes turned downcast. “Oh...I see. And...and what about Discord?"

"He's been taking care of Ponyville since you were taken. I'm...not really sure what he's up to at the moment. He's been keeping a low profile lately...I think he took your disappearance the hardest."

Sunset Shimmer turned to Pinkie. “Pinkie, would you like to know about your family or the Cakes first?”

Pinkie looked at her.

“Pinkie Pie,” Rarity said softly. “Sunset just asked you a question.” Pinkie glanced over at Rarity, but said nothing.

“I’m sorry, Sunset,” Twilight sighed as she rubbed Pinkie's back.

“She hasn’t said a word since she returned to herself,” Fluttershy said.

Sunset’s forehead creased. “She might be in shock.” She looked at Twilight. “Maybe I should fill her in later. Now, Twilight-”

Knock knock knock!


Miss Shimmer,” bellowed a voice. “We’re about to head out.

Sunset’s ears perked up and she hopped down from the window sill. “Excuse me for a moment,” she said briskly as she trotted around the girls. She cracked the door open and pressed her face in between the opening. The young ponies craned their necks to try to see who Sunset was talking to. Straining to hear what was being said, only the words “Princess” and “Mountains” registered. She and the pony at the door talked in a few more soft whispers before abruptly ending the conversation. Sunset quickly shut the door behind her and turned to the bearers. “Sorry about that. Now as I was saying, Twilight--”

“Sunset,” Twilight said standing up. “Who was that? Was he talking about the Princesses?”

Sunset blinked and briefly worked her mouth. “Well...yes, but--”

“Are they looking for them?” Twilight started to move past Sunset. “I’m going with them!”

Sunset’s hoof caught her by the shoulder. “Twilight, no. The Guards already have it handled. What you need to do is rest. We can have you back in Ponyville tonight. You’ve been through enough already.”

Twilight looked up with pleading eyes. “Please, Sunset. I need to see them. I...I know the rest of my family is alright, but Spike’s still out there somewhere. Starlight did something to him, but I was...They can help! My friends can stay here, but I need to go!”

“Princess Luna will take care of it,” Sunset said firmly. “Spike’s been under her wing for years. As soon as she returns, she’ll be all over it, I guarantee it.”

“Luna...took care of Spike?” Twilight asked, holding a hoof to her heart.

Sunset nodded. “Her first and only pupil. You need to get home, Twilight. A lot of ponies need to see you. Alive.” She glanced at the rest of the girls. “There are some things you remember that won’t be there anymore. But there’s still much more to come back to. Your town loves you. Equestria loves you.”

Twilight looked around at her friend’s solemn but determined faces. She sighed softly. “What about Starlight?”

“They’re still out searching. Trust me, Twilight. There’s nothing more you can do here. Go home. Get some rest. Spend time with those you love. I’ll send a letter to Shining Armor and Cadence to let them know.”

“Hey,” Rainbow said. “How come you never noticed us before? Or anypony else?”

“You all looked...different before,” Sunset said. “Your manes, your eyes, your coats...you didn’t look like yourselves. That was, until you rediscovered the Elements of Harmony.”

Applejack cursed under her breath.

“She must have put a spell on our appearances,” Rarity sighed. She smiled ruefully. “She really did think of everything, didn’t she?”

“If she did, she wouldn't've got caught,” Rainbow Dash pointed out. She smiled softly at Twilight and winked.

Twilight gave a tearful grin and nodded. “Alright. We’ll go back. Thank you, Sunset.”

Sunset reached out her forehoof and brought Twilight in for a hug. “I’m so happy you’re back,” she whispered. “I’ll meet you in Ponyville when I’m finished. We have a lot to catch up on.” She pulled back and smiled at the girls. “I’ll have some Guards escort you to the train. Be safe, girls.”

“Five minutes till Ponyville!” the Conductor boomed out as he paced the train station. One by one, each pony quietly climbed onto the train.

“We should be there by noon, Miss Sparkle,” the Guard said to Twilight. She squinted up at him as the sun glinted on his metal helmet. “In addition to ensuring a safe passage to Ponyville, my ponies will accompany you for the next week for your safety. It's just a percussion.”

Twilight bowed her head and dipped low. “Thank you, kind Sir.”

A hoof encased in fine metal touched her chin and guided it up. With a smile, the Guard replied, “Please, call me Silver Shield. And, your return is thanks enough…” He gave a nod. “Your Highness.” Twilight smiled but sighed inwardly as the Guard trotted away.

“You look like you smell something funky,” said an approaching voice.

“I don't know how I can get back to being a Princess after all this,” Twilight said quietly.

“Well, I don’t think anypony’s gonna hold it against you,” Applejack said as she walked past.

Twilight trotted up and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Wait a minute, A.J.” She looked around before guiding her friend behind a bulletin board five feet away from the train.

After making sure they were alone, Twilight faced Applejack and nodded. “Okay, A.J. Go ahead.”

Applejack blinked. “Go ahead?”

“We’re alone now,” Twilight said gently. “I know you wouldn’t want to lose face in Ponyville.” Looking upon Applejack’s confused expression, Twilight added, “It’s okay to cry.”

Applejack stared at Twilight for a good long minute before her face broke out in a smile. “Cry?” She chuckled. “Twilight, I don’t have time to do any sort of cryin’. I’m not sad. I’m angry.” The blonde mare leaned in, her voice low. “Personally? I think it’s a waste of time, bein’ sent back to Ponyville. I think we should be lookin for her.”


“That mare needs to be stopped, she escaped twice already and now you’re telling me she’s getting away for the third time!?”

“She’s not getting away!” Twilight said, almost shouting. After turning a few heads, she tried to keep her voice at a low volume. “They know who she is now...what she can do. We even gave them directions to our ho--” She stopped herself. “--the place where we used to live. Sunset trusts the Guards, and I trust Sunset. It’s going to be okay--”

“Twilight,” Applejack choked through gritted teeth. Blinking up at the sky, the earth pony sighed heavily. “I am a forty-one year old mare in an eighteen year old’s body.”

More ponies chattered and milled about as a new train arrived at the station.

“Don’t tell me it’s going to be okay.” Not waiting for the reply, Applejack brushed past Twilight and marched over to the train.

“The Cakes can’t see her like this,” Rarity whispered.

Rainbow Dash grabbed Pinkie by the shoulders and shook her. “C’mon, wake up!”

The pink pony stared at her with a slight hint of confusion. Rainbow growled and slapped her lightly on the cheek. “Snap out of it!”

“Dashie, stop it!” Fluttershy reproached, grabbing Rainbow’s hoof before pushing it away. “That’s not helping!” She turned and looked into Pinkie’s eyes. Beyond the lack of effervescence and mirth, the yellow pegasus could see the fear and uncertainty that clouded those blue irises. With a sweet smile, Fluttershy sat beside her and cupped Pinkie’s face in her hooves. “Everything’s going to be alright. The Guards are taking us home now. We’re going back to Ponyville.”

Pinkie’s mouth opened a little and her ears perked up.

“Yes, Ponyville! We’re going to see all our friends again. And the Cakes will be there too! Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Pound and Pumpkin...”

Immediately, Pinkie’s ears flopped against her head and her lower lip started to tremble.

“Pinkie? What’s wrong?”

Pinkie Pie gently pulled out of Fluttershy’s grasp and sat back a little. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Rarity watched as Pinkie folded her forehooves and slowly rocked them side to side. “Baby?” Fluttershy inquired. “You mean the Baby Cakes?”

Pinkie bobbed her head. She then spread her hooves and raised them up. With silent tears cascading down her cheeks, she pointed to the tops of her friends heads and raised her hooves again.

Fluttershy nodded and wiped her friend’s eyes. “I know,” she said softly. “I know.”

Just then, Applejack appeared behind Rarity. “We ready to go?” The train whistle sounded, followed by the Conductor’s voice.

All aboooooard!

Rainbow gave a nod to the side. “There’s your answer.” Twilight stepped onto the train while her friends all took their seats. She glanced at Applejack before turning away and sighing. She stood in the middle of the aisle as the train slowly began moving. It wasn’t long before Canterlot began to flash across the windows as the train sped up.

“Sunset mentioned that the press will get wind of this soon,” Twilight said as she hopped onto a seat next to Rainbow Dash. “If they ask any questions you don’t want to answer, you don’t have to tell them anything. It’s okay. They’ll think we’re in shock.”

Rarity stared at her for a moment. “We are in shock, Twilight.”

“Well, then this should be easy.”

They sat in silence and watched the scenery outside. The world they’ve been kept from looked more or less the same. But the trees seemed more green and the sky even more blue. The colors of Equestria seemed more vibrant and alive than it was before. Some of the girls were still adjusting their eyes, for they spent most of their lives seeing grey. Ten minutes in, Fluttershy slid from her seat.

“I’m going to get some fresh air,” she said. “I’ll be right back.” After receiving a few nods, Fluttershy exited their car and wandered further down the train until she reached the caboose.

She slid the door open and stepped outside. She smiled as the wind blew her mane back. She walked forward and placed both of her hooves on the railing. Closing her eyes, she inhaled through her nose and lifted her good wing into the air and felt the rush of the wind beneath her feathers. She giggled lightly at the sensation before exhaling in content.

Behind her, the floorboards creaked loudly.

With a squeak, she whirled around. She then sighed when she saw Pinkie Pie’s sheepish expression with her hoof positioned forward. “Oh, it’s you, Pinkie.” She brought a hoof to her chest and sighed again.

Pinkie looked apologetic.

“It’s okay. I was just startled.” Fluttershy glanced around before smiling. “Checking up on me?”

The earth pony nodded admittedly before casting a sad glance toward Fluttershy’s damaged wing.

Fluttershy looked down at her grey harness that was strapped all the way across her shoulder. “Oh, it’s okay. I’m fine with it, really.” She paused before shrugging. “But...I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss flying just a little.”

She lifted her good wing again. “I was never the best flyer. But I did like it. It helped me connect more with the birds, and other creatures that fly.” Tucking her wing to her side, she added, “But I think it’s better if I stay more connected to the creatures here on the ground. Now I have to convince Rainbow Dash to finally take off again.”

She fell silent for a moment. Her eyes trailed down to her hooves and she chewed on her lip. “Pinkie, I have another confession to make.”

Pinkie lifted her eyebrows.

“Do you promise to keep it a secret?”

For the first time, Pinkie Pie smiled and silently performed the tried and true Pinkie Promise.

Fluttershy gave a warm chuckle, but her smile quickly faded. “Everypony’s so upset. I am too, for the most part. But at the same time…” She looked out into the distance. “I don’t feel as angry as I should.” She paused for a while, avoiding Pinkie’s gaze. “I think there’s something wrong with me.”

She felt a hoof on her shoulder and she finally looked at Pinkie, who gave her a look of concern. “I...I don’t know if I can forgive her,” she gasped, a single tear trickling down her cheek. “But no matter how hard I try, I can’t hate her. I just...can’t!”

Her breaths came out in short bursts as she fumbled with her words. “Every time I do try, I only see the face above my crib and the warmth of her hugs whenever I felt scared…” She squeezed her eyes shut. “I remember the nights when she invited me in her bed during thunderstorms, and I remember the night she saved my life…”

Pinkie Pie pulled her into a hug and Fluttershy embraced her tightly. “Pinkie…” she whispered. “I think I still love her.”

Author's Note:

I am....soooooo incredibly sorry for the long wait. Finals, y'all. Merry Christmas!

Edit 2018: Well, for those of you who would like this story to continue, it will! It's been a long while, but this will keep going!