• Published 20th Jun 2015
  • 9,011 Views, 333 Comments

Beyond the Skies - FrostTheWolf

It all started with obtaining a Crystalline necklace that looked like a Traptanium Crystal. Now, for one boy, he can turn into a Skylander. But he still needs to get a hold of his powers first. [Skylanders Crossover][Displaced]

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Scroll 10- Limitless

Beyond the Skies- Limitless


Around now, there were a lot of things to take in for just about almost everybody that had seen the dark portal master named Kaos escape. Now, almost everyone present had questions form inside their heads. For Twilight, she wondered how was it possible for him to have Sombra’s horn… and if it meant that somehow… the dark king that once ruled the Crystal Empire was still alive. For Calvin, he was personally wondering what kind of plan Kaos had this time around in order to try and take over Skylands. Tessa had a few questions as well, about who they are and what it was that they knew about the new trinket that the Dark Portal master had.

Rainbow, on the other hoof, was the first one to ask the question that was on her mind. “So, it’s been twice now that we’ve been seeing that bald midget causing trouble… is this going to be some sort of recurring theme?”

“Wait a minute, you’ve seen him before?” Tessa asked, surprised by this newfound information.

“Yes, but the last time around just seemed to be a way to make his presence known… He tried crashing a royal party, only for me to throw an apple at his head.” Calvin added on. “Still though, something doesn’t seem right…”

“Well, he’s a villain. Obviously, something’s not right,” Rainbow interjected before getting elbowed by Twilight. “What? I mean, he’s obviously a bad guy. They’re always trying to cook up evil plans…” After saying that, she turned to her left to see Whiskers staring her down and causing her to back up. “And no, I don’t mean you!”

“Calvin… actually makes a valid point…” Twilight then spoke up. “It can’t be a coincidence for him to just show up after… well, that…” At that point, the alicorn nudged her head in the direction of the tear in the barrier between both worlds, causing Tessa to think of a new question.

“Hold up… you actually know about the tear? What happened?” Tessa then questioned the group, looking at each one of them for a moment. That was when both Twilight and Calvin looked at Rainbow, who was slightly a little embarrassed from having everyone stare at her.

“Uh… why is everypony looking at me like that?” The pegasus asked, only for her to sigh deeply as she looked at them and cleared her throat. “Okay… but if I tell you this… you can’t be mad at me.”

“What… happened?” Tessa repeated the question this time, itching to draw out the crossbow from her holster.

“Okay, first off… I was minding my own business.”


“I WAS!!” The pegasus then complained.

“And exactly what happened while you were minding your own business?” Tessa then asked, pressing Rainbow a little bit more in order for her to spill out what she knew about it.

“So, first, I was relaxing in my home, then I went to go find Twilight, who is a friend of mine. Calvin was there also, and I was telling them about my best stunt that I do during my flying routines… Then, Calvin said that he had not seen me do it before, so I wanted to give him a demonstration…” Rainbow then sighed, trying to catch her breath for a moment… shortly before hearing Tessa speak again.

“Go on…”

“So, I went up to the highest point that I could go in the atmosphere, raced forward with enough force to create a Sonic Rainboom, which is the name of my stunt by the way, and the next thing I know, something hits me and knocks me out… when I wake up, I find that hole in the sky…” Rainbow then sighed, thinking that she had summarized everything… for the most part at least.

“So, in short, Rainbow’s sonic rainboom caused the crack in the sky to open, and we went to go investigate-”

“TWILIGHT!! Why!?!” Rainbow then shouted. Hearing her say that made the pegasus think that she was trying to ruin her plan of NOT making it look like it was her fault.

“What? Your story had missing parts to it, and it would’ve been easier to tell them what happened straightforward,” the princess said, causing the two ponies to argue amongst themselves… while Tessa, Calvin and Whiskers just stood there and watched them go at it with words.

“Is this… normal?” Tessa then asked out of curiosity as the skyshifter soon looked back at her and sighed for a moment.

“Define normal,” Calvin then stated, sighing a little. “I’ve only been with them for a short amount of time, and I can’t even tell what’s normal or not, honestly.” It was around then that Tessa happened to notice the necklace around the boy’s neck and the crystal that was at the end of it. The crystal was what caught her attention the most though as she then asked him a question.

“Hey, is that an creation crystal at the end of your trinket?”

Her question confused the boy as he looked back at her with a raised eyebrow. “Uh… not exactly, It’s elementanium- ...Wait, what the heck is an creation crystal?” That… surprised Tessa… for two reasons. One, there were only two known crystals that she was familiar with, which was Traptanium used by the trap masters, since their weapons were forged out of it. Second, there was imaginite, crystals used by Portal Masters to create their own Skylanders. This… elementanium that Calvin was speaking about… was something she had not heard of before.

“Seriously? I honestly thought that after the Doomlanders fiasco with Kaos a while back, everyone in Skylands would be somewhat familiar with it.” Now that… was news to Calvin. Big time. He had no clue what Tessa was talking about or that Kaos tried taking over Skylanders again… again. “Not to mention that the Senseis have been helping to try to keep things organized as of late, with all the stuff going on.”

“Wait, what Senseis?” The Skyshifter then asked, now really confused at the mentioning of that. “Do you mean like teachers at Skylander Academy?”

“Well… sort of…” Tessa first stated. “Since Creation Crystals allow for Portal Masters to create their own Skylanders, the senseis help train them in preparing to combat Kaos’ forces based on the battle class of the Imaginator. Some of them were even former villains after being tasked with trying to rearrange the books in the academy library… which almost drove Wolfgang crazy. Let alone disappointing the Golden Queen, since so few of those books had to deal with treasure or gold.” Again… that was news to Calvin. He honestly didn’t think that the Villains that were in Cloudcracker Prison could actually be reformed, after Kaos broke the Villain Vault’s traptanium entrapment with the piece of The Darkness he found.

While he was thinking on that though, he almost didn’t hear what Tessa said next. “So… how exactly were you able to turn into a Skylander back there anyway?”

Looking back at her, Calvin sighed as he held out the gem that was around his neck. “Well, that’s the thing… This crystal allows me to shift into the form of a Skylander by saying their catchphrase. The transformations happen for a short amount of time, but the more I use a particular Skylander, the longer I can last in that form.” This… was interesting to Tessa. But, she needed some clarification on this first before acting like Mags and thinking she knew everything.

“So… if you would say Weed ‘Em and Reap, you would turn into Ambush, or if you said Stay Frosty, you would turn into King Pen?” Tessa asked, but that caused Calvin to be a little bit confused as he looked back at her.

“Who are Ambush and King Pen?” He asked out of curiosity.

“They’re Senseis back at Skylander Academy. Ambush is a Life Element Sensei of the Knight Class, while King Pen is a Water Element Sensei of the Brawler class,” Tessa explained, going into specifics. “Unfortunately, I don’t remember them all off of the top of my head. I do know though someone who can explain it better than I can… Only problem is that he’s at the Academy.” Now, Calvin was a little familiar with what she was talking about as he looked back at her.

“So… how is that exactly a problem? Twilight and Rainbow can fly, and I can just get a ride,” That caused Tessa to look at him with a raised eyebrow as he sighed. “Oh yeah… that’s right… I might need to explain something else to you then.”

“Go ahead, I’m all ears,” she replied as she looked at Calvin. He sighed, looking back at her as he held his crystal.

“Well… You know what… how about I show you instead?” He insisted, having his crystal glow a bit as the skyshifter looked back at her and said fuel the flames. In a split second, a rift portal opened up beside him, and Spitfire soon arrived on the scene with Hot Streak. He and Splat had left a few seconds earlier to report their findings on Kaos to Master Eon. But now that Calvin called for his help again, the Supercharger was quick to respond.

“You called, Calvin?” The fire supercharger asked before he noticed Tessa. “Oh. Hi, Tessa. What are you doing here?”

“Spitfire, I came here because Mags was picking up some magic signatures on that contraption of hers back at the academy- Wait, how exactly do you know this kid?” She then asked, realizing that the skylander actually knew Calvin.

“Calvin has been able to communicate mentally with some of the skylanders that he turns into along with being able to call upon them if he needs one to fight alongside him. Case in point would be me, since I’ve had to help him on more than one occasion,” he explained, remembering the time in Griffonstone. “Right now though, can we keep that part to ourselves right now? Only a few of the skylanders actually knows about what Calvin is capable of.”

“Possibly, but I’m not sure, Spitfire. We need to get back to the Academy, and pronto. We just had an encounter with Kaos, and not in a good way,” Tessa explained as Spitfire noticed the pegasus and the alicorn that were behind the two of them. “We don’t know a lot of what he’s planning, but from what he did say, we can only think that it involves both the skylands and the world below us-”

“Equestria,” Spitfire corrected.


“No, Equestria… That’s the name of the world below us… well, more likely the continent, but you get the picture.” The supercharger replied as he had Calvin get in the back seat of Hot Streak. “Have those two ponies follow us. We’ll be opening a rift portal to get us back to the Academy in ten seconds flat.”

“Hey, that’s my catchphrase!” Rainbow snapped. “Well, one of them at least.” All that caused her friend to do was sigh deeply as Tessa got on the saddle that was on Whisker’s back. Seeing his friends ready, Spitfire rev’d up the engines on his vehicle and raced forward, causing a rift portal to open up as everyone went after him. Just like he said, a few seconds later, all of them arrived at the Academy. Twilight herself was spellbound by how the rift portal thing was possible… while Rainbow… well…

“Oh goddess, I feel like I’m gonna throw up…” The Rainbow maned pegasus groaned, putting her head over the edge of the island and away from everyone else.

“That normally happens when someone goes through a Rift Portal for the first time. I know you like being a speedster, but you’ll get used to it over time.” Spitfire said as he and Calvin hopped out of Hot Streak before he dismissed it. “Now that that’s out of the way… Welcome to Skylander Academy.” Turning around, Calvin himself was completely surprised by what he was seeing. It was exactly like the Skylander Academy he remembered from Skylanders Superchargers. The test tracks, the training grounds, the game room… everything was almost exactly the same aside from a few small differences.

Just as they soon were able to get a bearing on their surroundings though, they heard someone speak up. “Hey, you’re back!” They all turned to see Flynn walk up and notice them. But upon seeing Calvin, his response was not quite what the Skyshifter honestly expected. “Is this the pizza guy? If so, can I have pepperoni?”

“Flynn!” Tessa snapped at him in response, causing Twilight to raise an eyebrow in response as she watched what was going on. “We got more important matters to focus on. Where’s Mags?”

“I think she’s trying to adjust her magic radar after she was getting some strange readings earlier or something like that… Either that, or she’s too busy with her head in a book…” Now was when Twilight’s ears perked up as she looked at the pilot.

“Did somepony say… books?” Now was when Flynn looked back at Twilight… and personally was caught off guard to the point where he tried hiding behind Tessa.

“AHH! Talking winged unicorn!! Tessa, do something!” All that she did was sigh and roughly hit Flynn in the nose before folding her arms and turning around to look at Flynn.

“Flynn, quit overreacting… Twilight’s not going to harm you now… are you?” She asked, for clarification purposes. When Twilight nodded her head, Tessa returned back to speaking. “See, she’s perfectly fine… Now, do us a favor and get Mags and Hugo over here. I need to talk to them for a moment.”

“What about Buzz?”

“I don’t think we would automatically want him to assume that he needs to use his ninja commando skills in this particular situation,” Tessa told him as the pilot soon ran off, scarf flowing in the wind as she turned around. “Don’t mind him… sometimes, he’s a bit oblivious…” When she said that, Rainbow Dash just casually walked back to the group a few moments later, wiping her mouth a little as she looked at everyone.

“So, what did I miss?” She asked, causing Twilight to sigh again as she looked at Tessa.

“Do you want the short version or the long version?” Spitfire asked her as the pegasus thought it through.

“Which one would be easier for me to understand and also sound less… well… boring?” Before Spitfire could answer that, he saw something out of the corner of his eye as he turned to see both Mags and Hugo walking over towards the group.

“Let’s make it simple. You didn’t miss much,” Spitfire told her in order to simplify things a bit as Tessa soon noticed the mage and the record keeper walk over to them. “Right now though, we got company.”

“Tessa, ah’m glad you’re back and all… but why in the world am I picking up the readings I detected earlier from your… companions here?” Mags then questioned as she checked the radar device she was holding onto before looking back at Tessa and her companions. “Matter of fact, who are they?”

“Ah. Right... Well, this is Calvin,” Tessa said, pointing to him first, since he was the one standing to the left of her, before realizing something. “And… aw, whiskers.” She turned around to Twilight and Rainbow, a little bit embarrassed but trying not to show it. “I’m sorry I forgot to ask this, but what are your names?”

Before Twilight could say anything, Rainbow boldly interjected as she pointed a hoof at her friend. “The egghead next to me is my friend Twilight Sparkle, while I am Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in all of Equestria!” This was followed by doing a pose in the air that would remind Hugo and Tessa of Flynn as she boldly began to show off. “Booya!”

Tessa just sighed to herself upon hearing the pegasus say that. “And now I regret asking that question.”

However, one detail still eluded Hugo as he pulled the huge book that he carried out of his backpack and flipped through the pages. “Uhh… Could you say where you are from again? I couldn’t find it in the encyclopedia on Skylands here.”

“Yeah… That’s the thing…” Calvin spoke up this time, noticing that Twilight was staring at the book that Hugo was holding and snapping her out of a small trance she was in. “I’m going to take a wild guess that you already have seen the big massive crack in the sky?” Hugo nodded and was going to ask about something… until he realized why exactly the Skyshifter posed the question for him in the first place. Mags was also shocked once she realized it as well… But she was the first one to speak.

“You’re from the other side…” she said, causing Calvin to nod his head in response. “…Well, Hot Buttered Toast! Isn’t this something?”

“Seriously? Now, you’re just reminding me of Applejack… and not just because of the accent,” Rainbow rolled her eyes, looking at the inventor as her eyes narrowed. Hugo though, was more interested on Calvin though. He had heard Spitfire and Master Eon talking about him once, but he was always confused as to who they were talking about. He originally thought it was a Mabu on an island populated by Griffons when they were talking about the place called Griffonstone. Now though, this changed things.

“So, you’re the one that Master Eon was talking about! Well, it is an honor to finally meet you.” Hugo said to Calvin. “He said that you were capable of incredible things! Can you show me? Please? Please?!”

Oh boy, why is he reminding me of Twilight like this?” Calvin asked himself mentally. Before he could even say anything though, Rainbow decided to interject… again.

“Yeah, Calvin! Show him how you can turn into one of those Skylander thingies and kick some serious butt!!” That… did nothing to help the situation at all for him. Spitfire himself even sighed as he looked back at Hugo and tried to make sure that he wasn’t going to overreact… But the overreaction instead came from Mags.

“You can WHAT!?”

“It’s true, Mags. I saw it for myself,” Tessa replied to her. “I saw him turn into one of those undead types to get his friends and Whiskers out of a tight spot when they wandered into an undead elemental zone on accident.”

“…Okay, look. Ah’m an undead element, and for me, I would like to see it with my own eyes first,” she replied back, looking at Calvin as she held her staff upright. “Show me what you can do, kiddo.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he replied, stretching his arms as he looked back at them. “Anyone in particular?”

“Surprise me,” Mags insisted. This caused Calvin to grin a little as he stretched his neck from side to side. The crystal glowed around his neck as he said the first phrase that came to his mind. He wasn’t thinking it would be necessary to turn into Spitfire, since the Supercharger was technically right next to him, so he had to go for another phrase… but the one he was thinking about in particular was one that he had on his mind for a while.

Lights out!” Shortly after saying that, a strong and vibrant glow appeared around him as Hugo and Mags both saw the crescent moon that represented the dark element. This was followed up by Calvin landing on all fours after he successfully changed into the Skylander named Blackout. “So, what do you think?”

“T-that… was incredible!!” Hugo said in shock and awe after seeing Calvin transform into a Skylander in front of him. “How can you do that!?”

“That may be a lot to explain, but I already told Tessa about it,” he replied, taking a moment to change back to normal. “Maybe she can give you the short version of the explanation.”

“The crystal that’s on his pendant can have him change into a skylander based on the phrase that they say. So, for example, if he said ‘Eight legs and no pegs’, he’ll transform into Wash Buckler.” Tessa started the explanation. Allowing for Spitfire to pick up on the other half of it when she was done talking.

“In addition to his transformations, Calvin has been able to call upon me to support him in combat, and also, it seems that if he turns into a supercharger, he can summon their vehicles, too.” The fire skylander added onto the conversation. “Still, there’s a lot more that we can be doing right now besides talking about Calvin.”

“Spitfire’s right. With the crack in the sky and your report on Kaos, something tells us that we are going to have our hands full,” Hugo said, scratching his chin. “What do you think we should do right now?”

“Well, first thing’s first, I have some questions that I would like to ask Twilight and Rainbow,” Mags spoke up, causing Rainbow to worry. “Oh, come on now! It’s not that bad! Besides, it’s not like you have anything better to do.”

“Tessa and I can take Calvin to a training room and see the extent of some of his abilities. I’m also a little curious what would happen if Calvin came across a creation crystal myself,” Spitfire then told everyone else. “If some of the senseis are coming back later, maybe it will be a good opportunity to give Calvin the chance to meet them.”

“That, I agree,” Tessa replied, “I think we might have a spare crystal back in the storage room, but I’m not entirely sure if it’s a creation crystal or an imaginite crystal. I’ll go have a look while you show Calvin were the arena is.” The skylander nodded, having Calvin follow him towards the Academy as Hugo turned around and went to the center of Skylander Academy to tell Master Eon about Calvin’s arrival.

Meanwhile, on the way to the battleground that was used as a training ring, the Skyshifter had a question for Spitfire. “Hey, Spitfire, can you tell me a little bit more about the senseis and the imaginite crystals you were talking about earlier?” He asked, curious to finding out what Tessa and Spitfire were talking about a few moments ago.

“Well, that may take a bit, but I can try my best,” Spitfire acknowledged as he began to speak. “First off, Imaginite Crystals allow portal masters, like your friend Ace, to create their own Skylanders from scratch. They pick their element, battle class, appearance, catchphrase and move set before going out into the field. Second, the senseis serve as teachers for those imaginators, going as far as being able to teach them secret techniques that they can use in combat, along with increasing just how powerful they can grow.”

This made Calvin a little more interested. But one still thing confused him. “What kind of battle classes are there?”

“There’s ten in total and not only does it provide the imaginator some flexibility with the element they choose, but different class and element combinations allow for different varieties of powers.” The supercharger told him as he pointed to a board along the back wall that had a bunch of different symbols. “From left to right, the battle classes are as followed. There are Brawlers, Sorcerers, Smashers, Bowslingers, Knights, Quickshots, Sentinels, Ninjas, Bazookers and lastly, Swashbucklers. Each class relies on a different choice of weapons and sometimes rely on certain key components, like speed or strength in battle.”

Calvin looked closely at each of the symbols and tried to see if there were any in particular that caught his interest. However, there were still some details that he was missing. “What kind of weapons do each of the battle classes use?”

“That is a good thing to take into consideration,” Spitfire replied, amused by Calvin wanting to learn a little more about the classes instead of immediately just picking one off of the bat. Pointing out the first one, he mimicked a boxing stance, like one that Night Shift would make as he began to continue his explanation. “Well, some of the classes weapons are seen in their icons. Brawlers use items such as gloves, gauntlets and at times, brass knuckles since they rely on speed and how fast they can throw a punch.”

After that, he began to copy several of the other senseis. Even going as far as posing to look like the Golden Queen for the next part of his explanation. “Sorcerers use wands or staves that correspond to their element.”

After that, he now pretended to carry a sledgehammer, just like what Crusher would do. That, of course, was followed by several other motions each time he mentioned a particular class or skylander off the top of his head. “Smashers use heavy two handed weapons, like a greatsword or an axe like what Bushwhack or Krypt King would use.”

Now, he began to mimic Flameslinger with the next class. “Bowslingers are basically archers… their weapon is in the name of the class.” This was followed by copying Chop Chop, Trigger Happy and then Splat with the way she would hold her brush like a staff. “Knights use various types of swords. Quickshots use a pair of pistols like what Trigger Happy would use. Sentinels would use long staves and dual blades similar to Fire Kraken or Ember, anything with a blade on the end of it normally does the trick for them.”

Finally, to finish with the whole copycat act that he was doing, Spitfire soon pretended to be like Stink Bomb, Zook, and lastly, Ninjini. “Ninjas use shurikens or sawblades, depending on what sort of skills they know. Bazookers use rocket launchers… and I honestly have no idea why they would let the Chompy Mage have one of those… and lastly, Swashbucklers wield two swords in each hand.”

When Spitfire was done talking, he let out a huge sigh that looked like he was holding back for a while as the skylander looked back at Calvin. “Did that help?”

“It did… a lot,” he said, thankful for Spitfire explaining everything to him. “I would be interested in coming up with one later, but right now, I think we were suppose to do something like… I don’t know… train? You did say to Tessa that you want to know the extent of my abilities.”

That… was a valid point. “Alright, why don’t you tell me what you know as of right now with your powers?”

“Well, other than what we told Tessa and Mags, there’s only one… other thing I noticed.” Calvin replied back to Spitfire. “Like, when I transform into Blackout for example, I can shoot Shadow Orbs like he can, make a small black hole and fight with my wings. But anytime I shoot an orb at a black hole, it wouldn’t exactly erupt or explode like I thought it would.” That made the supercharger scratch his chin for a minute… puzzled, until he figured it out himself.

“I think I figured out what your problem is… You’re missing upgrades,” Spitfire explained. “Normally, when a Skylander gets stronger enough, they go to Persephone for new powers and upgrades. But since you haven’t met her yet, you still have the original abilities that you started with when you first transformed into a particular skylander.”

Now, that made sense… for a little bit. But something else came to Calvin in his mind. “Yeah, but wouldn’t we need to pay her for those upgrades? I don’t know about you, but I don’t have any gold I can use to afford something like that.”

“I’ll let you borrow some of the extra cash I have later… Right now though, I think we're about to have company.” Spitfire told him, directing his attention to the entrance of the training hall as the doors began to open. A small chill ran through the room as Calvin heard something like footsteps enter the room… But he was honestly not prepared for who just entered the room.

“Hey, is it just me… or is a little too warm here for my enjoyment?” The voice asked as what looked like an oversized penguin with a pair of metal gauntlets on his flippers and a helmet on his head entered the room. Equally surprised to see both Spitfire… and Calvin. “Oh… so that’s why it’s not so chilly in here.”

“Good to see you too, King Pen.” Spitfire sighed to himself, putting a claw over his face as he groaned a little. “I honestly expected for another sensei to be with you when you came through the door just now. Didn’t you go out with a couple of them to check on the new Cloudcracker prison a while ago?”

“Why, yes, we did,” King Pen replied back. “In fact, Ember, Chopscotch and that one lady who called herself the Golden Queen are reporting to Master Eon as we speak. In the meantime, I thought I would come here to see if there was anyone in the training room, only to find you two.” In that moment, the water skylander turned to look back at Calvin, tilting his head. “Forgive me, but I don’t think we’ve met before. What’s your name, kid?”

“Uh… My name is Calvin,” he said, a little nervous at first before the sensei looked back at him.

“Calvin, you say? Are you a tourist? Possibly a student here that got lost?”

“No, it’s not like that…” he said, looking at Spitfire from his position. “Spitfire and I were talking a bit before you came in here.”

“Really? I didn’t think of Spitfire being qualified for a tour guide, given his impulsiveness and personality,” King Pen replied, while Spitfire was right next to him. Turning around, he then asked a question to the supercharger. “We’re still cool, right?”

He sighed a little, looking back at the sensei as he nodded his head. “Yeah… we’re cool… Say, while you’re here, maybe you can help Calvin with something… You see, King Pen, Calvin here is rather… special.”

“…Let me guess, not from skylands? That’s the same case with Star Strike, Starcast, Flashwing… I have more examples, but those are the only ones I can think of off of the top of my head,” the Sensei replied as he shook his head for a moment.

“To an extent… Calvin though can do something different that not any of the other skylanders are capable of actually,” Spitfire explained before looking at the Skyshifter. “Maybe it’ll be better for him to show you than just tell you.”

“Alright then, kiddo, surprise me.” With that, Calvin’s facial expression changed from nervousness to confident as the crystal around his neck glowed a bit. Stretching out his arms for a moment as the skyshifter said a particular catchphrase that have been in the back of his mind for some time, but up until now, he didn’t exactly want to say it because he knew that this particular skylander… has a problem with anger management.

Crash and Burn!!” When Calvin landed back on his feet, he was now in the form of the fire skylander named Fryno. Originally, there were a couple of things that Calvin liked about him when he first played as him. One would be his “angry bike” and another would be how he could just easily be able to lay the smackdown on any one of Kaos minions with a flurry of punches. The only catch though this time was that since this was a new transformation, his only abilities involved both punching what was in front of him… as well as the ground to make Fryno’s anger rise, which also increase his attack power. But his concern was if he would go into a similar anger fueled rampage as Fryno… because the last thing he would want to do is hurt someone if he lost control of himself.

“Well… that is indeed something… but where did Calvin go?” King Pen asked, causing Calvin in his current state to groan a little.

“Uh… I’m right here,” he said, only realizing that he was still Fryno as he took the liberty to change back.

“Hey, there you are. I was wondering where you went off to just now. Can’t you just stay for a while and chill out?” That made Calvin a little bit more frustrated. Apparently, King Pen here wasn’t quite understanding what he was capable of… But that was when he remembered something that Tessa said earlier in the day.

“So… if you would say ‘Weed ‘Em and Reap’, you would turn into Ambush, or if you said ‘Stay Frosty', you would turn into King Pen?”

Now thinking this in his head, he let the crystal glow again. Allowing himself to change forms again as he repeated the same phrase. “Stay Frosty.”

“Aw, would you look at that. The kids a fan of me- What the-?!” The sensei himself was caught off guard the moment that Calvin took the chance to transform into an identical version of King Pen. He may have not had the same abilities or skills as the sensei, but the whole point of the transformation was to have Calvin display to King Pen what he was capable of. Therefore, the penguin wouldn’t exactly mistake him for someone else. “Okay, just how did you do that?”

Turning back to normal, Calvin cleared his throat as he began to speak. “The crystal on my necklace allows me to transform into any particular skylander I can think of just by saying either their catchphrase or a line that they would typically say. When I was telling Tessa this earlier, she said your catchphrase as an example, so I thought I would transform into you so you can understand what I can do.”

“Wow… that’s cool… I like this kid already,” King Pen said to him, causing Spitfire to roll his eyes a little in response. “So, who else knows about him?”

“I’ve met Tessa, Flynn, Hugo, Mags… Other than those four, Spitfire, Splat and Eon, I don’t know who else knows about my abilities that’s from here. There’s a possibility that like Spitfire, some of the other Skylanders I transformed into before may know about me like Blackout and Whirlwind.” He said. But there was one particular part that had the sensei confused.

“Okay, but what exactly do you mean by ‘from here’?” King Pen asked, putting the emphasis on the last two words in his sentence.

“Uh… No disrespect sensei, but have you not seen the massive crack in the sky?” Spitfire then interjected. “It’s the reason why almost all the islands in skylands had a massive rupture recently.”

King Pen took a moment to look out the window and see what Spitfire was talking about. “Oh, so that was the cause of the commotion. I honestly thought that one of Mags prototypes for something she was working on exploded.” That caused Spitfire to facepalm himself for the third time today, shortly before someone else entered the room.

“Hey, King Pen, is it just me or is Mags talking to a unicorn with wings and a pegasus with a mane that looks like a rainbow?” All three of them turned to see another sensei come into the room. This time one with a samurai helmet on her head as she floated around the dojo while Tessa soon came inside shortly afterwards. “Uhh… am I interrupting something?”

“Not really…” Spitfire sighed as he noticed Tessa come on down by jumping off of the railing. “Hey, Tessa, what are you doing here?”

“Well, I just came back from the storage room and I couldn’t find any imaginite, but did find ourselves a creation crystal at least,” she told them, confusing Calvin at first before he remembered their conversation earlier.

“Which element is it?” King Pen then asked, looking at Tessa.

“Well, since it’s a burning red, I would have to likely guess that it’s a fire crystal,” Tessa explained, holding it out in one of her paws to show everyone. “However, Master Eon told me something in regards to this particular crystal, and Calvin as well…”

“What about it?” Spitfire asked, a little puzzled by what she said.

“That’s the thing… The crystals… well… asleep,” She explained. “Right now, Calvin needs to wake the crystal by getting enough imaginite energy in order to awaken it… which is another problem, since the academy has no imaginite anywhere. I even checked with that one Mabu that runs the academy store, and he doesn’t have any in his inventory either.”

“Well, fishsticks, that’s indeed a problem,” King Pen replied, folding both of his flippers. “If they’re not here, then where else could they be?”

“How do you guys normally find them?” Calvin asked out of curiosity.

“Normally, it’s random. So, that just makes this even more difficult,” Tessa replied, “Maybe Mags might know someplace to look?” At the mentioning of Mags, Calvin soon realized that it had been a while since he, Twilight and Rainbow had split up earlier. Now, he was curious on how exactly they were handling their time at the academy.

As of right now, Rainbow Dash was trying to personally find a way to cure herself of a severe case of EXTREME boredom, most of it involving Twilight and this “Mags” lady talking to each other for almost an hour. She wasn’t even sure that the two of them were aware of her presence nearby. So, given this, she decided to look around the campus and find something to do while Twilight was talking to Mags and Calvin was with Spitfire. She did remember one of the people here mention that this Academy had a “game room”, so maybe she would find something in order to occupy herself in there.

Upon finally finding the place though… she didn’t really find anyone inside. Granted, she did remember hearing from Calvin that Skylanders were basically heroes, so her only assumption was that no one was here because they were off trying to prevent villains from doing evil doings that they want to eventually… do. But being by herself right now was rather… boring. Besides, if you were suppose to play games in the game room, then why did most of the games require a second player to play against-

Yet, just as she was thinking this, someone else had entered the room as well. Almost startling Rainbow when she heard her. “Hey there. Looking for something?” The mare turned around to see what she saw as a bipedal bird wearing a flight suit. In fact, some parts of this figure… reminded Rainbow of herself.

“Uh… Who are you?”

“I’m Stormblade, the fastest and youngest stunt pilot on the Superchargers,” she boasted for a moment before posing a question of her own. “What’s your name, Kiddo?” Rainbow’s ears twitched upon her hearing that. She wanted to say something back at her, but after what happened earlier, she’d rather not cause any additional problems to what they had already.

“Me? My name’s Rainbow Dash! Fastest flyer in Equestria!!” she boasted in return.

“Well… I don’t know where the heck Equestria is, but I’m glad to see another fast flyer!” She smiled, stretching out her arm to shake Rainbow’s hoof in response. “So, what brings you to Skylander Academy, Ms. Dash?”

“Just call me Rainbow, my friends do it all the time,” she insisted, looking around a little. “As for why I’m here… well… that may be a bit more difficult to explain-”

“I’m going to assume that it has to deal with that fracture in the sky? Because I tried flying down to what’s down there before and couldn’t find anything.” That… had Rainbow’s fur stand up on end as she looked back at her.

“Uhh… well…”

“Ah, there you are, Rainbow,” she turned her head to see Spitfire and Calvin come over to where they were as both flyers turned around. “Making some new friends already?”

“Y-yeah. Something like that,” Rainbow sighed as she looked back at both of them. For a moment, Stormblade was going to say something, but was surprised to see Calvin. Originally, she was cautious, but Spitfire eased her worries once he spoke up.

“Easy there, Stormblade. Calvin’s a friend of mine and also a comrade,” the supercharger replied, calming her down as she looked back at him. “He’s capable of some great things.”

“Oh, really?” Stormblade asked, a little intrigued. “What kind of things can this kid do?”

For a moment, Calvin thought that he had to give another demonstration, but Spitfire himself then sighed as he looked back at Stormblade. “I’ll explain later. Have you seen Mags? We left her with one of Rainbow’s friends earlier, and we thought that now would be a good time to check in on her.”

“She’s probably still where she was with Twilight earlier,” Rainbow replied, pointing a hoof in the direction of where the two of them were earlier. However, it was soon that the Alicorn herself was running towards them instead…. And not in a good way.

“We got a problem!” Twilight called out, trying to catch their attention as Rainbow and Calvin hurried over to her. “I got a letter from Princess Celestia just now, and the tear in the sky is causing problems.”

“What kind of problems?” Calvin asked her in response.

“Problems to where the Princesses needed to have Discord use an illusion to hide it. But it can’t hold forever… And that’s not my main concern…” Twilight said before looking at all of them, causing Spitfire to cross his arms for a moment.

“Main concern?” He then asked, looking at Twilight.

“Celestia wanted to know the cause for the tear between Equestria and Skylands, so…” That made red flags raise up in Calvin’s mind as he looked at Twilight.

“You have got to be kidding me…” he said, looking back at the Alicorn for a brief second. Rainbow herself was also shocked by what Twilight was trying to tell them, but Stormblade was still a bit confused.

“Okay, who exactly is this… Celestia you are talking about?”

“She’s like Master Eon for Twilight and Rainbow. According to what I already know from them, Celestia’s been watching over her kingdom for thousands of years… Just like Eon has with the Skylands,” Spitfire told her. Mags was going to say something next, but all of them soon had to stop their conversation upon hearing Flynn say something the second he stepped out of the cafeteria… and dropped his nachos.

“Uhh, is it just me… or does anybody else see that white winged unicorn flying in from the west side of the academy!?!” Immediately, both ponies, Calvin and Spitfire ran out to the courtyard, passing through some of the other people in the academy as they hurried out to where Flynn had pointed out what he saw earlier. When they got there, Twilight’s eyes widened.

It was Celestia herself… and she and Rainbow felt as if they were in all sorts of trouble. “P-princess… We can explain-”

“It’s alright, Twilight… Rainbow… I already know,” she said, surprising both ponies. But before they could even ask how, the princess answered their question. “I went to your castle, only to not find you there, but instead to find Spike panicking after Scootaloo told him what happened earlier. He soon told me… and now, I’m here. You’re not in trouble though.”

Shortly after she arrived though was when Spitfire turned around and noticed someone really important come out from inside the academy. “Uh… guys… Master Eon, ten o’clock.” Now, everyone soon turned around, facing in the direction of the elderly portal master as he soon approached the group. Spitfire and Stormblade both bowed to him in respect while the ponies just stood there.

“Greetings… I am Master Eon, and I welcome you to Skylander Academy,” he told Princess Celestia before saying one more thing as he motioned everyone to come inside. “I believe we have a lot to discuss... and no time to lose.”

End Scroll 10

Author's Note:

One thing to note on this chapter is that since Calvin was displaced before Skylanders Imaginators was released, he has no clue about what an Imaginator is, who the Sensei's are and a lot of other details. Now though, things are beginning to get interesting.

Also, try to see what references you can find. Until then... Kudos!

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