• Published 6th Jun 2015
  • 11,513 Views, 239 Comments

Our Blessing - MysteriousStranger

After three years of marriage, Rarity decides that it's time to bring more joy to Carousel Boutique. How will Trixie take the idea?

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It's Time

Two weeks later, Rarity and Trixie were sitting in the living room accompanied by the fasionista's little sister. The afternoon sun shone through the window, giving the room a comfortable atmosphere. Trixie had been trying to keep Rarity down stairs as much as possible, allowing her to only for sleep and to use the toilet.

“How much time is there before my nephew or niece is born?” Sweetie Belle asked while she touched her sister’s belly. She could sense movement inside.

“Any time, now. We have taken all precautions already. I’m afraid that I can’t do much in this condition, but I’ll still miss carrying life within me.” Rarity said as she also put a hoof on her own belly.

“You’re not opening your boutique for business? I thought that Trixie could take care of it.”

“I can.” Trixie spoke, looking at her sister in-law. “But we’re not taking any risk. Not only because the foal can come any minute, but because I refuse to keep Rarity hidden. We’ll be closed until the foal is born and Rarity rests enough.”

“Ohhh… that makes sense.” Sweetie Belle smiled. “I can’t wait to hold the little colt or filly. I’ll be the best aunt ever! I will always have sweets, and…”

“Sweetie, darling, don’t spoil my kid. That’s Trixie’s job.” The fashionista interrupted her younger sister.

“Now, that’s just rude.” Trixie didn’t try to look mad at all. She was smiling all the way. "What's next? You'll be nice to the foal all the time while I'm the one who scolds and grounds it when the behaviour isn't appropiate?"


"Really?" Trixie lost her smile.

“Trixie-boo, you know that I will be the lovely one, while you’ll be the more commanding.”

“Why do I have to be the mean parent?”

“Because everypony knows that the gorgeous mother is always nice. You have the attitude to be strict.”

“Which I buried for you.” Trixie no longer found the conversation funny.

“Then, unbury it. I certainly won’t be the ugly parent.”

“Now I’m ugly?!”

“Please! Don’t argue in front of me again. I still don’t like to see you two fight!” Sweetie Belle stood between the couple. “Rarity, you love Trixie. That’s not way to speak to her. Only you can turn a fun conversation into a quarrel.” The young Unicorn looked at Rarity when she said the last.

“Y-You’re right…” Rarity looked down, defeated. “I’m sorry, Trixie. You know that I would never mean what I said. You’re beautiful.”

“It still hurt.” Trixie looked away for a moment before looking at Rarity. “Apology accepted.”

The fancy Unicorn smiled. “Come here, you.” Sweetie Belle stepped away, allowing Trixie to approach Rarity and kiss her. “I can try to be the strict parent, if you want.”

“No. You’ll be the lovable parent. You’re perfect for the role.”

I love you, Trixie-Boo.”

I love you too, my lady.”

Sweetie Belle smiled as she watched the couple cuddle when somepony knocked on the front door. “I’ll get it.” The young Unicorn noticed that neither of them was paying attention to the real world. She walked to the door and opened it. “Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here?”

“Why does everypony asks me that whenever I visit them? It would be nice to receive a ‘How are you?’ once in a while, you know?” Rainbow Dash said with annoyance. As usual, she was not touching the ground.

“I’m sorry, but I rarely see you visiting my sister whenever I’m around.” The young Unicorn defended herself. “Do you wish to come in?”

“No, I’m good. I want to talk to Trixie, in private.”

“Oh, sure… I’ll go get her.”

“I’ll wait outside.”

Sweetie Belle walked to where the couple was. She found them whispering sweet nothings still. The young Unicorn had to walk close to Trixie and shake Trixie’s body with her hoof. “Trixie, Rainbow Dash is outside. She wishes to speak with you.”

“Okay. Stay here with Rarity and call me if something happens.” Sweetie Belle nodded, allowing Trixie to relax and walk outside. She found Rainbow Dash sitting on the ground while she played with a flower. “Are you playing that ‘She loves me, she loves me not’ game? Because that’s so not you, Rainbow.”

“What?! Of course not!” The rainbow-maned Pegasus said as she blushed tossed the flower aside. “I was just killing time until you came.”

“Right…” The magician pony smile mockingly. “So, how are you?”

“Finally, somepony cares about my well being!” Rainbow Dash walked closer to her friend. “I’m fine. I’m just… I need your help.”

“Of course, anything!”

“Well, you know how hard relationships are to me. I almost passed out when I first told Applejack that I loved her.”

“Yes, I remember when you told me about that night.” A smile appeared on Trixie’s face before she chuckled. “Sorry. It’s still funny!”

“Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I have been thinking a lot lately, and I came to realize that I can’t live without Applejack.”

Trixie raised her ears.“Are you trying to tell me that you want to overcome your fear of commitment?”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “And I need your help. You must help me to propose to her.” Rainbow Dash shook her friend’s body with her forelegs. “You have to!”

“Calm down, Rainbow. I’ll help you. You don’t have to leave me deaf.”

“S-Sorry. I get nervous when…” The cyan Pegasus let Trixie go. “Sorry. You’re the only one I trust on this. You helped me with Applejack while I still didn’t confess her my feelings and you made sure to keep everything a secret.”

“Except for Rarity. She can easily tell when I’m keeping something from her.”

“Right. You managed to plan a great night to propose to Rarity. I’m not capable of coming up with anything. What can you suggest me?”

“Why don’t you do what you do best and write in the sky with the clouds?”

“Nah, I thought on that but it wouldn’t be that special. I want something that relates more to her instead of me.”

“Hmm… I think that I have an idea. Why don’t we try…?” Trixie whispered on one of Rainbow Dash’s ears.

“Yes… yes! That sounds awesome! I mean, perfect. How did you come up with something so fast?”

“It’s my secret.” Trixie smiled proudly. “And a magician never reveal their secrets.”

“Thank you so much for your help, Trixie!” Rainbow Dash shook one of Trixie’s forelegs with both of her own. “If this works out, I’ll definitely make you my mare of honor!”

“You flatter me, Rainbow. Thank you for not kicking me in the face when we met after I returned to Ponyville.”

“I wouldn’t have hurt you psychically, even if Rarity didn’t ask me to.”

“Really? Because you had plenty of reasons to do it. What stopped you?”

“Twilight. I was going to get you after the Ursa Minor incident but she stopped me. She told me that it was no use, that you would learn your lesson on your own.”

“And I did.” The showmare looked down, sad. “My pride got completely shattered by the citizens of Manetown. That despicable town… They laughed at me, they humiliated me, they distracted me when I needed to focus, causing an explosion which hurt my leg. If it wasn’t for Rarity and her generosity, I would have starved to death.”

Rainbow Dash put a hoof on one of her friend’s withers. “I didn’t know that you went through all that, I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine, Rainbow. It wasn’t your fault.” Trixie raised her head to look at the Pegasus in front of her. Her eyes were wet but she wasn’t crying. “It was painful, but thanks to that, I was able to meet Rarity and all of you properly. A horrible moment in my life led to the greatest moment of my life.”

“Alright, don’t get cheesy.”

Trixie chuckled by that comment. “I can’t help it, Rainbow Dash. I’m in love.”

“I’m in love too and I’m not saying corny stuff all the time.”

“I don’t conceal my feelings like you.”

“Whatever. I have to go. It’s a good day and I plan to take advantage of the sun. I’m going to relax by the lake while Applejack works in the farm.”

“Stay sharp. My foal might arrive any minute.”

“Please, tell me that you’ll go to the hospital. I really don’t want to help to deliver yet another foal. I’ll get scarred for life!”

“Don’t worry, I told you and everyone that we have taken precautions.”

“Just making sure. Well, see you later!” Rainbow Dash saluted her friend and took off, her rainbow contrail following her path. Trixie sighed happily and walked back inside her home.

“Is everything alright, my love?” Rarity spoke as soon as she saw Trixie walk into the room. “What did Rainbow Dash want?”

“Oh, nothing important, my lady. You can rest assured. Are you hungry? Thirsty? I can make you something.”

“For the moment, just water will be fine.” Rarity said with a smile.

“Oh, I want a slice of cherry cake, if you still have some!” Sweetie Belle cheerily said.

“Of course, Sweetie. I’ll be right back.” Once Trixie walked into the kitchen, Sweetie Belle looked at Rarity.

“I’ll be upstairs. I want to see the foal’s room again.”

“I’ll let Trixie know.”

Sweetie Belle walked upstairs, humming, and headed to the foal’s room. The walls were painted of yellow, the cradle was made of wood without paint and the blankets and pillow were white. There was a chair next to a table with a teddy bear in the middle. The room was originally Rarity’s storage room, but she moved everything somewhere else in order to give their foal a room. Sweetie Belle left after admiring the room and came across Trixie’s special room. She decided to peek inside. She found Trixie’s cape and hat on a mannequin. The room had shelves where Trixie kept her magician equipment when she wasn’t using them. There were banners on the walls, and, on a table, next to Trixie’s family photo album, there were a framed photo of Rarity and next to it, there was a framed photo of Clementine with a filly Trixie. She could also see the chest where Trixie kept her bagpipe.

“You know, that’s not the foal’s room.” Sweetie Belle jumped startled when she heard Trixie’s voice behind her. She moved her body to completely face Trixie, who was holding a plate with a fork and a slice of cherry cake.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to…”

“Relax, Sweetie, I’m not mad at you. You could have asked me to show you the room anytime. Do you want to go in?”

“I…” Trixie held the plate close to Sweetie Belle so she could take it with her magic. “Yes, I would love to.”

The magician pony giggled and opened the door to lead her sister in-law inside. “Everything here is a 100% me. Everything I am, everything I love, you will find it here. I still have to add things here. I have to add photos of my friends and you. I just can’t decide which photo I shall frame.”

“Oh, we can ask Rarity to take a picture of us after the foal is born! We can take two so I can bring one to my home.”

“That’s a good idea, Sweetie.” Trixie said, patting one of Sweetie Belle’s withers. She sighed happily after doing so. “I wanted to give this room to the foal, but Rarity refused to make me resign my room. Good thing that she could reorganize her equipment, if not, we would have to build a new room. If you ask me, I think that she wanted to keep her altar.”

Sweetie Belle giggled by the last. “I like this room. Thank you for showing it to me, Trixie.”

“It was my pleasure. Now, let’s go back downstairs before your sister gets mad.”

One Week Later

Sweetie Belle was visiting her sister and sister in-law again. She was telling the couple about the day she had while holding a bag with ice on her forehead. Both adult mares were paying full attention. Rarity was eating a spicy slice of carrot cake.

“And then, the ball was bouncing on its spot. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and I galloped towards is and we crashed! My head still hurts.”

“Sounds painful.” Trixie commented.

“Be careful next time, darling. Remember that you have a horn.” Rarity worriedly commented.

“I know, but my reflexes worked and I moved my head before I accidentally impaled somepony.” Rarity smiled, relieved. “Anyway, we all got a headache so we called it a day.” The young Unicorn said, removing the ice from her head. “Luckily, it didn’t bleed.”

“I suppose that it’s safer than your old Cutie Mark Crusaders adventure you had before.”

“We got our Cutie Marks, we don’t need to look for them anymore. But I miss the old days. Don’t get me wrong, I love having a Cutie Mark, but crusading was fun!” Sweetie Belle said, slightly sad.

“One day, you’ll look back and smile. You had a lot of fun on your childhood, and you must feel grateful for that.” Trixie said.

“I know, and I AM grateful.” Sweetie Belle slowly smiled. “You’re right. Nostalgia is supposed to feel like this.”

“Besides, you still have your friends.” Rarity said before taking another bite from her cake. “Your bonds are unbreakable.” Sweetie Belle nodded and Rarity smiled with her eyes closed, but she opened them wide all of the sudden and looked down at the floor. It was wet.

“What’s that?” The young Unicorn confusedly asked.

“Trixie-Boo…” Rarity was interrupted by Trixie.

“It’s time!” Trixie stood up. “Quick! Sweetie Belle, help Rarity to get on my wagon while I get what we need!” Sweetie Belle nodded and helped her sister to walk to Trixie’s wagon. The magician pony returned with some bags and put them in the wagon. “Sweetie, go tell everyone. We’ll meet you at the hospital!”

“Yes!” Sweetie Belle galloped away and Trixie trotted to the front of her wagon to pull it.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. We’ll make it. Just breathe!”

Author's Note:

It’s finally time! Ha! You’ll have to wait for the next update! :pinkiehappy:
Sorry for the delay, but I told you that I was busy :rainbowderp:
If you don't know what Whisper Sweet Nothings means, click here for the definition :twilightsmile:

I want to thank Wonder for revising this chapter before its release :twilightsmile: