• Published 6th Jun 2015
  • 11,515 Views, 239 Comments

Our Blessing - MysteriousStranger

After three years of marriage, Rarity decides that it's time to bring more joy to Carousel Boutique. How will Trixie take the idea?

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The Solution

Rarity was sitting alone at the dining table while Opalescence slept on the couch. There were two plates on the table. Where is she? She should have arrived by now. The fashionista heard hoofsteps outside her front door and the knob moved. The door opened and a shivering and dirty Trixie was on the other side. “My goodness, Trixie!” She trotted to help Trixie in. “What happened to you? Where have you been?”

“S-Stuck on a cl-cloud… S-So cold…!”

“What where you doing on a cloud?” They were having this conversation while Rarity lead her wife to the bathroom.

“R-Rainbow Dash… Applejack… r-relationship advice… forgotten…”

“You, miss, need a hot bath. Lucky for you, I’m here to take care of you.” Rarity kissed one of Trixie’s cheeks. “My darling, you’re freezing!” Trixie didn’t reply. She kept shivering and watched as Rarity prepared the bath tub and removed her cape. “Get inside while I put this with the dirty clothes to wash later. I’ll be right back.” As soon as Trixie got in the bath tub, she felt a warm feeling go through her body. She sighed of relief and relaxed until Rarity got back. “How are you feeling?”

“Much better, thank you, sweetheart. I’m sorry for worrying you.”

“You’re most welcome, and you did worry me. Tell me what happened, I barely understood what you said downstairs.”

“I was going to visit Applejack after leaving Twilight and Fluttershy’s home when I was ambushed by Rainbow Dash. She took me to a cloud to talk to me in private.”

“Couldn’t you do it on the ground?”

“She didn’t want Applejack to find us. Apparently, she’s bossing her around too much and Rainbow asked me what to do. She just needs to talk to her.”

“Yes, of course. Couples shouldn't feel resentment on each other.”

“Exactly. Anyway, after I convinced her to talk to Applejack, she found Rainbow Dash and took her away. I was stuck on the cloud until the mailmare found me, but she couldn’t carry me for too long and she dropped me to the ground when we were close to it.”

“Oh, Trixie-boo!” Rarity hugged Trixie, causing the latter to smile.

The showmare put a hoof on one of Rarity’s. “Rarity, can I ask you something?”

“Anything, my love.”

“When are you ovulating?”

Rarity opened her eyes and looked at Trixie. “Wh-Why do you want to know?”

Trixie shrugged. “I’m just curious, no reason.”

Rarity looked at her wife suspiciously and answered her question. “I’ll be ovulating next week. On Tuesday, to be precise.”

“Thank you, sweetheart.” Trixie gave Rarity a peck on her lips and closed her eyes to relax once again on Rarity’s forelegs. Rarity returned the kiss, but she didn’t stop being suspicious.

What is she planning to do? Don’t tell me that she’s thinking on trying the experimental artificial pregnancy! No, I don’t think so. She wouldn’t, right? I think that I better wait and see what happens. “My darling, I’ll make you soup once you’re finished here.”

“But I saw that you have already prepared something else for me.” Trixie looked at Rarity.

“Yes, but I’ll save it for later. You’ll have soup for lunch and dinner. I don’t want you catching a cold.”

Trixie stroked Rarity’s hair. “Can I possible love you even more?”

Rarity giggled. “You can try. Finish with your bath while your gorgeous wife prepares soup.”

“Yes, my lady!” The showmare saluted Rarity and applied soap on her body while Rarity went downstairs to first put Trixie’s meal on the fridge.

At least I don’t have to worry about my own dinner tonight. Once she put the plate on the fridge, she put water to boil in a pan and put two broth cubes inside, while she waited, she cut the vegetables needed for the soup, to add more taste. She hummed while she cooked. When the water started to boil, she threw the vegetables inside and headed upstairs, to the bathroom. “Trixie-boo! Your soup will be ready soon. How is your bath go… oh, my…!” Rarity’s jaw dropped by what she witnessed. A wet Trixie was outside the bath tub, drying herself with towels, when she noticed Rarity’s presence.

“Rarity, why are you looking at me like that?” Trixie smiled at her wife, who was still dazed.

“Y-You… I mean, your mane… your hair…”

The magician pony looked up and chuckled before putting the towels aside and approaching to Rarity. She stood in front of her and gave her a seductive look. “Is somepony enjoying the view?” The fashionista moved her mouth but she was unable to form any word. Trixie chucked again. “Try not to faint, sweetheart. What were you saying about my soup?”

Rarity blinked her eyes several times and returned to her own self. “Your soup! It should be ready now. Come downstairs when you finish drying yourself.” The fancy Unicorn said before rushing off.

“That was what I was going to do!” Trixie yelled at the leaving Unicorn before shaking her head and returning to the bathroom. “Mares, who can understand them?” She laughed at her own joke and took the towels again.


“So what if the soup got burnt a little? I still enjoyed it, sweetheart.” Trixie said to Rarity, who was washing the dishes.

“I can’t believe that I let the pan on fire more than necessary. How could I forget about it so quickly?”

“Relax, beautiful. At least you got them out almost on time.” Somepony knocked on the front door and Trixie stood up. “You’ll forget about it when you open the boutique after lunch and receive customers.” The showmare spoke while she walked to the door. She opened it once she reached it. “Yes? How may I help you…? Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here?”

Rainbow Dash smiled awkwardly while she entered the boutique. “Hi. I wanted to see if you were here since I… kind of left you hanging earlier today.”

“Oh, you did more than that…” Rarity said as she walked between Rainbow Dash and Trixie. “You could have got my poor Trixie-boo sick! She showed up here, shivering and dirty!”

“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to do that!”

Rarity pressed a foreleg Rainbow Dash’s chest. “Listen up, missy, if you ever abandon Trixie again…!”

“Enough!” Trixie exclaimed all of the sudden to interrupt Rarity. The fashionista looked at her wife as she stood between her and Rainbow Dash. “It was an accident. I’m not mad at her and I forgive her.”


“No buts, Rarity. I’m back on the ground and I may not get sick. I want you to apologize to Rainbow.”

Rarity looked down and sighed before looking at her friend. “I’m sorry, Rainbow. I don’t know what got to me.”

“I forgive you, Rarity. I understand you anger. I would have done the same in your place.”

Rarity hugged Rainbow Dash. “Thank you for being so understanding, Rainbow Dash, which is strange.” The fashionista looked at her friend. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Alright, that’s enough.” The Pegasus said as she broke the hug. “Trixie, can we talk outside?”

“Oh, umm, sure…?” Trixie was confused. “I won’t take long, Rarity.”

“Try not to end up on a cloud again.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t.” Trixie smiled at her wife before following Rainbow Dash outside. “So, what do you want to talk about?”

“I wanted to thank you for the advice you gave me. I had a serious conversation with Applejack while I helped her to fix the barn.”

“Oh, you did? I thought that you would take more time to do so.”

“I would have, but you were right. It was better to talk to her as soon as possible. She listened to me and understood what I said. She allowed me to leave.”

“Wait, did you actually leave her alone?”

“No, I first looked for you at the cloud I left you but I didn’t find you there, so I came here. I wanted to thank you properly for the way you have been helping me with Applejack. I would never have made it without you, Trixie. You’re really helping me to overpass my fear of commitment.”

Trixie put a foreleg on one of Rainbow Dash withers and smiled. “Like if I would leave you alone after you told me about your fear. I’m here to help.”

“I’m still embarrassed about my fear, though. I just can’t tell everypony else. Thank you for keeping it a secret.”

“You’re most welcome, Rainbow. Now, go help your marefriend before she thinks that you have abandoned her.”

“Right! I’ll see you later!” Rainbow Dash took off and headed to Sweet Apple Acres. Trixie watched her before going back inside her home.


Tuesday has arrived. Trixie and Rarity where having a date at the restaurant where they had their first date. Trixie spared no expense. She had taken Rarity for a walk earlier that afternoon and bought her a lily. Next, she took Rarity on a carriage ride on the outskirts of Ponyville before heading to the secret prairie to watch the sunset alone. Their returned to their home to take a bath, dress formal and go to the restaurant.

“Trixie-boo. I think that this was the best day of my life…” Rarity commented as she kept contact with Trixie’s eyes. They were holding each other’s hooves.

“What about the day we got married?”

“Okay, the second best day of my life.”

“What about the day I proposed to you?”

“I said I think, my love.” The fashionista faked annoyance and Trixie giggled.

“The day isn’t over yet, sweetheart.” The magician pony said with a sweet tone.

“There’s more? Trixie-boo, you’ll make my heart explode at this rate. Why are you doing all this?”

“Just because we’re married it doesn’t means that I will stop showing you how much I love you, Rarity.”

Rarity had the urge to kiss her wife, but their waiter arrived with their orders. They ate while they talked about recent events between their friends and them. Trixie had kept Fluttershy’s pregnancy a secret, as well as Rainbow Dash’s fear of commitment. Her wife would have to learn them from their mouths.

When they finished their dinner, Trixie paid and they walked to an unknown destination, at least for Rarity.

“Trixie-boo, where are we going?”

“I have booked a room for the night at a hotel outside Ponyville to give this night a perfect closure.”

“Oh… and why a hotel instead of our home?”

“I haven’t spared on expenses, my lady.” Trixie said as she nuzzled her head against Rarity’s neck. “This shall be a night you’ll remember your entire life.”

“I’m getting excited already, my love.” Rarity said as she walked closer to Trixie and looked at her seductively. They arrived to the hotel in no time and they went to their room. They both took their dresses off.

“Get comfortable while I take some fresh air on the balcony.” Rarity nodded and laid on the bed. She waited until she heard something on the balcony. A white light made her close her eyes to prevent getting herself blind. The light faded moments later.

“Trixie-boo?” Rarity stood up and was about to walk to the balcony when a pony she didn’t know showed up from there, a stallion. Rarity screamed and galloped to the door, but the stallion said something that made her stop.

“My lady, relax, it’s me, Trixie!”

Rarity turned to face the strange stallion and looked at him. He did look like Trixie. He had her same silver hair and blue fur. “T-Trixie? No, you can’t be. She’s a mare, and you’re a stallion! Where is my wife?! What have you done with her?!”

“Rarity, I can prove it to you.”

“Oh, I highly doubt it.” Rarity was more angry than scared. “What’s the name of my sister?”

“Sweetie Belle.”

“That was an easy. When did we first met?”

“That’s another easy one, it was a long time ago, back when I was still a nomad. I came to Ponyville to show off my magic skills but a Unicorn proved to be better than me, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Y-You got lucky there.” Rarity was surprised by the knowledge of the stallion.

“You took me in around two years after I was corrupted by the Alicorn Amulet, I wasn’t easy on you but you didn’t give up. I fell for you after you returned me Clementine’s hat and I moved to Fluttershy’s cottage in order to make our relationship official. Do you want to hear something recent? Last week, Rainbow Dash left me on a cloud and prepared me a bath and soup.”

“Trixie?” Rarity walked closer to the stallion. She could see that he was wearing makeup and a golden bracelet, just like her wife’s. She touched his face.


“What happened to you? How did this happen? Please, tell me that this is just temporal…”

Trixie chuckled. “Princess Luna appeared on my dreams after you told me that you wanted to have a foal with me. She proposed me this, to turn me into a stallion for a night so I can make you give birth naturally. She has done it before and she told me that everything went just fine. A healthy foal and a healthy mother.”

“Y-You’re doing it for me…?” The fashionista was crying of joy.

Trixie put both of his forelegs on Rarity’s cheeks. “For us, to start a family. It’s what you wanted, right? To carry your foal within you.”

Rarity didn’t need to hear more. She jumped on Trixie, kissing him with passion. She was taken to the bed for a special magical night.


Rarity woke up first on the next morning. She looked at her side and she was happy to see that Trixie was back to be a mare. She couldn’t wait until she woke up. She got on top of the blue Unicorn and kissed her.

Trixie woke up surprised. She opened her eyes widely until Rarity broke the kiss and hugged her. “Rarity?”

“I’m so glad to see the real you again! I appreciate what you did last night, but it felt… weird.”

“Didn’t you like the stallion me?”

“I did, but I love you as a mare. Part of me felt that it was wrong, but I knew why you did it.”

“Should I have asked you?” Trixie nodded.

After thinking on the question for a few seconds, Rarity shook her head. “No. It was a lovely surprise… once I figured that it was you and not some weirdo.” Both mares chuckled.

“Oh, yeah. That was funny.” Trixie said before resting her head on the pillow and looking at the ceiling while Rarity put her head on her chest.

The fashionista had her eyes closed. “Do you realize what we did last night, Trixie-boo? Our lives will change forever in eleven months from now.”

“It had already changed, beautiful. I did some research and I have found you a gynecologist. The appointment is this afternoon.”

Rarity looked at Trixie. “You had everything planned. What if I said no?”

The showmare looked at her wife, smiling. “I knew you wouldn’t refuse. You were serious when you told me that you wanted to have a family with me. You surely have had suspicions when I asked about your ovulating day, but you didn’t press on the subject. I think that, deep inside you, you knew that I had found a way to make you give birth naturally.”

“I’m not Twilight, my darling, I had no clue.” Rarity said before kissing Trixie’s forehead and getting up. “I’m going to take a shower.”

“I’ll go after you. I’m still tired. After all, you woke me up.”

Rarity giggled. “I apologize, but I was too happy to see the pony I married to sleeping beside me.”

Trixie smiled again. “Trixie still has her charm.” Rarity blew her a kiss and got inside the bathroom. The blue Unicorn laid back on the bed, with her forelegs supporting the back of her head, and sighed happily with her eyes closed. “I can’t wait to raise a foal with her.”

Author's Note:

It has begun… :rainbowderp:

Place your bets! Will the foal be a colt or a filly? Will it be a Unicorn or will it suffer Night Wing’s fate? What a mystery! :rainbowkiss:

Why Tuesday, you may ask? Because Pinkie Pie was born in a Tuesday, that’s why! :P (Seriously, that’s why I chose Tuesday :derpytongue2:)

I want to thank Wonder for revising this chapter before its release :pinkiesmile:

Before you ask, I dislike clopfics. This won't turn into one. I will be touching the line in the future but I have no choice, I want the whole pregnancy experience to be as realistic as possible :ajsmug: