• Published 13th May 2015
  • 520 Views, 2 Comments

This Day - CreatureofTheNight

Moments before her plans come to fruition, Chrysalis starts to debate with herself on if her plan will be worth it

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This Day

Author's Note:

Another POV Reference Series, and I think this will be the ONLY one that is actually a play on stuff that has happened in the show.

When I do Starlight Glimmer, I will reveal what the references were. Or if you REALLY wanna know, PM me and I'll tell you.

Yeah that was a minor cheap shot sue me XD

Today is the day, today is the day I will enact my plans. This day... this day holds so much weight than even my own subjects know. This day holds the weight of the world, because not only will day be the scene of my greatest victory, but it will also be the anniversary of the day I took the throne. The day, I took control, the day I took over for my loving parents. This day was always a reminder of my loyalty. I am a Queen, I am to do whatever it takes for my subjects even if whatever it takes is horrible things. I mean, I'm essentially causing a war.

A War, this is how desperate we are now, we are declaring war against our Equestrian neighbors because we are that desperate for Love and Affection to survive. We feed on love, and there is so little love in the other countries that I don't know how we have managed to hold out so long, and not only that but hold out long enough that we still have enough power to even plan for this attack. I have to refocus now, everything is riding on this. I promised my parents once I took control that I would lead this kingdom to prosperity. Barely surviving on what little love we can just scrounge up is not working. I need to hurry.

You must learn to keep these memories distant Chrysalis, if you lose focus you will lose everything. I have sent my changelings out, they are heading to Canterlot to get Princess Mi Amore Candenza. The irony that the Queen of the Changelings, beings who feed on love, will now be impersonating the princess of the thing we eat. Sometimes it's the littlest things in life that give you joy in the darkest times of the world, and oh my have my subjects fallen into some dark times.

Dark Times indeed, but I must wonder, as I wait for my changelings to grab this Princess, am I really prepared for the ultimate of dark times? Am I really prepared to cause a war?

I mean, it seems unnecessary, Equestria and my land had no knowledge of the other kingdom's existence until about a few weeks ago when I discovered it. On the other hand though, what a discovery! This land, Equestria, I can not being to properly convey the words on how much love and kindness I felt there. That was incredible, it was like I was transported to a piece of heaven that somehow was cut out and stitched to the world. While, my kingdom felt like the bottomless pit. I had to investigate this land, I went in disguise as a random pony. I wandered around the streets of Canterlot, and I licked my lips at how much love that was there. I had to try more, and I thankfully got my chance.

I tried Equestrian love for the first time, and I can....I mean it's just...I can...it was... I can only answer the question of what did it taste like with another question. Have you ever tasted nirvana? Every taste of that morsel that went down my throat was like a smooth creamy heavenly taste that always got better and better. Every second I was indulging in an almost sin like pleasure that I almost lost my composure and revealed myself right then and there because it was THAT good.

However, no matter how good it was, and it was fantastic, am I really prepared to wage war? War is not for the faint of heart. War is brutal. War is evil. War is destruction incarnate. War is...well war. War only has two true rules. One, the winner creates history, and Two, there are no real winners. Lives are destroyed by war's great wrath, and am I really ready to put my changelings through all that.

As if on que my changelings finally arrived with Mi Amore Cadenza. She really should shorten that name, I'm thinking Cadence sounds better. I talked with her, and she's umm well she's stubborn. I had to send her to that pit underneath Canterlot so she wouldn't be a bother to my plans. I wonder though, are all ponies like this? Are they to stubborn to help out a starving neighbor?

If they are then that should make my choice easy right? Nasty ponies like them deserve to be conquered. On the other hand, she was kidnapped and brought to a strange land, then got sent back home...underneath it to be more accurate, so I would be annoyed too. Maybe I should take her advice that she shouted at me before I sent here there. She screamed at me "Why don't you just walk up and ask Princess Celestia if you could borrow some Equestrian love?"

I do admit she has a point. Sometimes the simplest solution works the best, I mean according to the ponies I overheard when I was in disguise, Princess Celestia is a wise, kind, and a sort of firm but fair kinda leader. Which is fine, I can respect that, that's how I am with my own citizens. However...we have tried that before, and it doesn't end well for us. I think they feel like us taking love means something entirely different from how we magically steal the love from them and enjoy it's flavor. I wonder what they are truly thinking of when we ask that?* Oh well why bother knowing.

I am still considering war after all, and if Celestia and I can both avoid a war, a battle, or any sort of violence that would be perfect. We would all be happy and peaceful enjoying life, love, and liberty that coursed through Equestrian Veins, and my people would enjoy that too. However I look at my people and I see them suffering, I see them falling down in misery as I remember that trip to Equestria and seeing how happy and full of love and life that the ponies had. If I could control that, my changelings would be fat and happy for centuries. Even my great, great, great, great, grand children would be plump and full of life.

I finally have made my choice, in order to get the love that we deserve...in order for that peaceful life. I declare war against Equestria. However, I am not so arrogant to think that I can just walk up and take everything by force. We are to weak to simply do that. We wouldn't be crushed instantly, and crushed without a second thought. I need to infiltrate them, I need a disguise . That Cadence girl...she mentioned something about a wedding coming up? A wedding! A Wedding! That's fantastic! That's the time where love is at it's most ripest purest most powerful form! I wonder what this day will bring me. This day, I wonder what will happen. However, I do know one thing.

This day is going to be perfect.

Comments ( 2 )

Absolutely spiffing!
Their is nothing like a fiction purely based on soliloquy!
Well done Dillon!

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