• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 4,390 Views, 1,265 Comments

The Velveteen Mask - Crystal Wishes

Everypony knows her as a cute, bubbly mare with a penchant for playful mischief, but is that just a mask she wears? Who really is Velvet Step?

  • ...

A Lying Face

"Do you think I'd be a good mother?" Velvet blurted out, coming to a halt in front of a foal's clothing store and looking in through the window.

"What?" Dawn froze mid-step, one hoof just barely above the ground. She stared at Velvet with wide eyes and after a few false starts of a response, she finally replied, "I-I don't know. Are you pr-pregnant?" Her voice grew quiet. "I didn't know you liked stallions…"

"I'm, uh, I—" Velvet shook her head. "No, sorry, I'm not pregnant. Crystal said something to me the other day and I haven't been able to get it out of my head. She said I could adopt if I wanted a foal."

Dawn's brow furrowed. "Do you want a foal?"

Velvet rolled her shoulders in a casual shrug as she walked forward again. "Maybe someday? I've got my hooves full with Red and I only take care of him a few hours, and not every day. I can't imagine having him around all day, all week."

All day every day with Red? Playing choo-choo, feeding him carrot mush foal food, napping together, teaching him to talk…

A smile started to soften her expression. "Okay, so maybe I can." She laughed. "But that'd take some serious life changes! I mean, I'd have to give up ballet, for starters. And I'm not ready to do that."

Dawn continued walking quietly beside Velvet for a while longer before she glanced at her and smiled. "I think you'd be a great mother. You're really kind and caring, and you always talk about your baby brother, so, yes. Yes, I think you'd be great."

"Yeah?" Velvet stepped closer to brush their shoulders together. "Thanks, honey. So, how is your job going?"

"Oh, it's fine, I suppose." Dawn's ears flicked back. "I don't think it's what I want to do, but I don't know what I want to do, so I'll just keep doing it for now."

Velvet hummed in thought. What could Dawn do instead? Well, she was from a farm, but Canterlot didn't have farms. What was kind of like a farm that Canterlot would have? Velvet would have said a grocery store, but that was clearly not working.

Dawn broke the silence with a giggle. "It's okay. You can't solve all of my problems. I'm not unhappy, I'm just… not happy."

"Well, I want you to be happy, sunshine, but I'll keep thinking on it while you decide what we're going to do today." Velvet bounced on the tips of her hooves as she strode ahead, flicking her tail in Dawn's face. "You said you wanted to go out!"

"I did, and we're out, aren't we?" Dawn smiled and quickened her pace to catch up. "We've just only really spent time together indoors, so I thought a change might be nice. Get some fresh air, feel the warm sun…"

Velvet nodded and let her gaze wander the stores they passed by. "If all you want to do is walk around, then we'll walk around!"

After doing some idle window shopping of the storefront displays for the Vera Whinny, A'Mares, Bruneighllo Cucineighlli, and Oscanter de la Reinta, one particular item in the window of Heirloom Books stopped Velvet cold.

New Moon is back again with Dark of the Moon! Get your book signed by the author if you purchase your copy today!

A chill ran down Velvet's spine and she had to shake to get rid of the sensation. New Moon, author of Eventide and—apparently—its new sequel, Dark of the Moon. A continuation of the story centered around vamponies, ponies that were infected by vampire fruit bats.

Velvet bit her lower lip. Crystal kept telling her that vamponies didn't exist, but all sorts of creatures did: manticores, dragons, chimeras, cockatrices, diamond dogs… Why not vamponies? Could anypony prove they didn't exist?

'They walk among us,' the narrator of Eventide had said, 'and yet not a single pony knows of the danger that lurks under the guise of a friendly smile.'

It was just a work of fiction. Just some drivel written to entice younger mares into the idea of a romance with a quintessential bad colt. A bad colt who could suck their blood like juice from an apple, but chose not to out of love. It was supposed to be hot.

And yet… Crystal's stories were called fiction, but all of her characters were based on ponies she knew. How could anypony know if New Moon had or had not encountered vamponies?

The very idea of them made her coat stand on end. She could be walking beside a vampony at that moment that was eyeing her for dinner!

Velvet's stomach lurched and she jerked her head to the side to see Dawn looking at her. "Wh-what?"

"Oh, nothing!" Dawn waved a hoof. "I just wouldn't have guessed you were a vampony fan, that's all."

"I'm not!" Velvet exclaimed, her voice cracking as she tried to get it under control. "I'm not, I just, you know, I was just looking. A vampony book just happened to be in my way." Almost reflexively, she took a step away from Dawn.

Dawn, who was smiling curiously at her. Dawn, whose full name was suddenly suspicious. Dawn, who Velvet just realized was glittering in the sunlight.

Velvet's mind whirled on too many thoughts at once. "Dawn, y—did you know that, uh, you're sparkling?"

Dawn flushed and shuffled from one hoof to the other. "Oh, I was wondering if you noticed or not. I got a new coat wash that has glitter in it, s-since I know you like that."

Right, that was a perfectly reasonable explanation. And her name wasn't that suspicious. It was a cute little name. Most of all, of course, Dawn didn't have fangs or bat-like wings, so how could she possibly be a vampony? They couldn't use disguises, could they?

Velvet did her best to smile. "It looks good on you. You should wear it more often." She glanced back at the book announcement and gave a forced, nervous laugh. "So, vamponies, huh? What do you think?"

"About vamponies?" Dawn frowned lightly, tilting her head to one side. "I hope they're just a myth, but I would have said that about changelings…" She shuddered. "The idea of a pony being some kind of evil creature and not even knowing it is terrifying."

That was an understatement. Velvet managed another breathless laugh and rubbed the back of her neck. "Yeah. I know, right? I mean, changelings, giant cockatrices, and now vamponies? What is going on with Equ—" Her jaw dropped and her heart stopped.

Dawn blinked. "Velvet? Are you okay?"

"V…" Her legs felt cold.

"What?" Dawn stepped toward her and put a hoof on her shoulder. "Velvet, you're shaking!"

"V-vampony," Velvet whispered and pointed a trembling hoof.

Walking slowly toward them were two mares who clearly didn't belong. There was nothing about them that was hidden, from their blood red eyes with slit pupils to the fangs poking out over their bottom lips.

She had been right all along. Vamponies were real. Dawn said something, but Velvet didn't hear it as she took a step back, then charged forward and hissed, "Run, Dawn!"

Dawn squeaked. "What?"

There was no time to explain. The vamponies hadn't noticed her yet. Before they could, she sprung into action. She hunched low and put all of her weight into pushing herself forward, checking her shoulder into one vampony's chest. They both grunted from the impact and the other vampony screamed.

Velvet nearly faltered when she saw the fangs up close. The vampony had her mouth wide open and ready to strike. She couldn't allow that! Pivoting on her right hindhoof, she bowed her head to smash her forehead against the vampony's muzzle.

Stars filled her vision. A ringing resounded deep within her skull. But there was no time to recover. She stumbled at first, trying to get her balance, and once she found it, she bolted.

Fear-fueled adrenaline coursed through her veins as she imagined the vamponies right behind her. They were ageless and powerful, after all, so they would have certainly recovered much faster than Velvet. She could hear the wails and shrieks filling the air—good. Good. Their attention would be focused on her, giving Dawn an easy escape.

She almost couldn't believe what was happening. It was like the changeling attack all over again, but so, so much worse. Nopony knew what the changelings were going to do with the ponies. Velvet knew exactly what the vamponies were going to do, and she wasn't going to let that happen.

They were real. Why wouldn't they be real? New Moon had been writing about them all this time! It wasn't fiction—it was an autobiography! Where else would she have gotten the idea? Velvet skidded when she came around a corner too hard and crashed into a pony leaving a store.

"Sorry!" she gasped out, flashing a smile at the glare she received. She glanced over her shoulder and didn't see any pursuing vamponies, which filled her with both relief and dread. Where had they gone?

"How rude!" the mare said and snubbed her nose. "Honestly, what sort of a lady acts like a wild boar?" She huffed as she turned to stomp away, a folded piece of fabric falling from one of the bags levitating in dark orange magic.

Velvet's smile fell and she rolled her eyes. The kind of lady that certainly wasn't going to return the shawl that—she blinked. A shawl. Perfect! She hurriedly wrapped it around herself, draped over her nose to cover half of her face and falling down to her shoulders. Now her neck was safe from enticing any vamponies into looking for a snack.

Oh, Crystal would be sorry for doubting her all this time. The condominium was just two blocks away. As she kept running, she prayed that Dawn had gotten away safely. Dawn was so sweet and so gentle. There was no way she could defend herself against ravenous vamponies.

When she arrived at the front door, she sucked in a sharp breath at a sudden thought. How widespread was the invasion? What if there was one waiting for her inside? Crystal was just polite enough to invite one right in for tea.

The trembling came back as she undid the lock and slowly pushed the door open. She didn't know of any cure for vampirism. If Crystal had been infected, she didn't know what she would do.

"Hello?" she tried to call into the living room, but the sound was barely above a whisper as her throat locked up. She cleared her throat while her gaze darted about. "Is it safe?"

Crystal came into view, brow knitted and lips pursed. "How did you know it wasn't?"

Crystal's voice was quiet. Velvet's heart nearly jumped right out of her chest while her ears shot straight up. She spied Silent lying on the couch, a cloth draped over his forehead and his eyes closed. Sweat matted his coat, which was a pale, muted color as opposed to its usually vibrant white.

"They got him?!" Velvet gasped out. Oh, no. No, no, no. Not this. This was just as bad as Crystal herself being infected.

Crystal blinked. "Who got him? What's wrong?"

Crystal didn't know? Had Silent just showed up like this and she unwittingly took him in?! Velvet took a step back. "Vamponies! They're back!"

From the couch, Silent mumbled, "Vamponies aren't real."

Velvet glared at him, but before she could respond, Crystal said, "Surprisingly, Silent is correct for now. Vamponies aren't real." She paused, then one brow raised. "Wait a second. Did New Moon's sequel release today? That's rather unfortunate timing."

But they were! Velvet had just seen two of them! She huffed as anger boiled in her chest. Crystal would just say she was mistaken, like always. She didn't have proof, and Crystal was the ultimate vampony skeptic.

Kicking the door shut behind her, Velvet rolled her eyes. "Oh, right. Sequel. Because it's totally fiction. Yeah, I'll believe that when you prove it!"

Crystal groaned as she shook her head and walked back into the kitchen. "Velvet, how can I prove something isn't real?"

"Exactly!" Velvet shot a glare in Crystal's direction before edging closer to Silent. His breathing was ragged and his gaze was fixed on the ceiling. His eyes were still a silvery color, and his pupils were still round, though they were dilated. "So, how long before he starts sparkling?"

"If vamponies were real—if—they wouldn't sparkle," Crystal said with frustration in her voice.

Velvet continued to examine Silent. If he had been bitten, then that meant the Guard would be aware of the vamponies. Good. They would take care of it. That thought actually brought her some relief, though she did glare at Crystal again. "It's in New Moon's autobiography. They sparkle."

"Not real," Silent wheezed. Of course he had to deny it. Honor bound to keep the public calm. Not that he'd have honor for much longer, anyway.

"We'll see about that, Fangs McKnight." Velvet glanced at his wings. They were still those of a pegasus, though the feathers were mussed up.

Unfortunately, Eventide had been focused on the supposed 'romance' of Bonita and Ward rather than how to actually deal with them. She knew fire was part of it, but how? Was she supposed to set Silent on fire? How could she do that? Crystal would never let her! She'd sooner become a vampony with him than let harm come to him.

A growing pain throbbed behind Velvet's eyes. She wasn't prepared for this, not at all. She'd have to seek help, somepony who—

Silent snored.

From the kitchen, Crystal sighed. "Did he pass out?"

Velvet took the risk of moving in closer to get a better look at his face. He didn't yet look anything like the two vamponies she had encountered. He just looked like Silent. He was also definitely fast asleep. "He did."

Or what if he was just succumbing to the transformation process? Velvet shivered at the thought. The last thing she wanted to see was a pony turn right before her eyes. "How long ago was he bit?"

"He's not turning into a vampony, Velvet," Crystal said as she carried the tea set over and set it on the table. "He's just sick."

Velvet frowned. "That's how it starts."

"It's just a story!" Crystal pointed at a copy of Her Silent Love resting on the table. "That's just a story! They're all stories!"

Yeah, just a story. Except Her Silent Love was literally based on Crystal and her fawning over Silent for, like, a year. Actually, that was a perfect counterpoint! Velvet pointed at the snoring Silent. "And yours are all based on true stories!"

Crystal paused. Velvet smirked inwardly. She had her now. Slowly, Crystal put a hoof to her forehead and groaned. "I hate that I don't have a good argument against that." She sighed. "Fine! Vamponies may be real, but Silent's not turning into one." She stepped forward and lowered her face to Velvet's. "He's—just—sick. With a normal pony cold."

Velvet wanted to believe it. It would make life so much simpler. The last thing she wanted to do was deal with her best friend's coltfriend-turned-vampony. The second last thing she wanted was to see her best friend join the dark side and become a vampony with her coltfriend.

"Do you swear?" Velvet asked, holding Crystal's gaze firm and steady.

"Oh my gosh, yes, I swear!" Crystal gave an exasperated huff. "Now pack your bags and go spend a night or two at your parents' house until he gets better."

Right! Her parents! She had to make sure they and Red were okay. "Okay!" Velvet started to sidestep her way toward her bedroom. "You have fun being nursemaid. I'm going to go enjoy the fresh air and sunlight." She narrowed her eyes at Silent. "Like a normal pony."

He just continued to snore in response.

Once she was safely inside her room and the door was shut, she let out a heavy sigh. Was there a chance she really was mistaken? Had those not been vamponies at all? But she had been so close to them, and the fangs were right in her face! How could she have imagined all that?


So, perhaps, she had overreacted. It was definitely a distinct possibility that she was willing to entertain. After a whole day and into the next, there had been no reports of vampony attacks or even sightings in Canterlot.

On the plus side, when she peeked in through the Hole Foods grocery store window, Dawn was safe and sound. The downside was that the next morning's paper featured an outraged article about a pair of fillies dressed up for the release of their favorite book... and how they had been attacked by a crazy mare.

When Sunbeam had read that and made the connection, she hadn't stopped laughing. She had been laughing when Velvet left for practice. She was probably still laughing right then! Velvet didn't want to go back home to that, but with Silent ill, Tumble busy picking up the slack for the other guards out sick, and Dawn probably thinking she was the weirdest pony ever, where could she go?

Velvet tried not to sigh, but the sound escaped nonetheless, earning the attention of the stallion sitting beside her.

"You all right?" Ephemeral whispered, nudging her with his wing.

Velvet didn't look at him, instead keeping her eyes on the ponies in the center of the studio floor. Spotlight, the lighting director, was coordinating with Lightshow and the other special effects unicorns for the wedding scene. Apparently, she had some sort of vision for the scene and there was some disagreement on how to properly convey that.

Velvet shrugged. "Yeah. Fine." Other than the fact that she was a crazy mare who had attacked innocent fillies.

It was hard to focus on anything with the guilt of that weighing on her conscious. They had just been excited for the release of the sequel, and she had shoulder-checked and head-butted them. What kind of a monster was she? What did Dawn think about her after seeing all of that?

"You don't seem fine, but all right." He shrugged. "If you don't want to talk about it, I—"

"Hey, Moony. How about clubbing?" Velvet looked up at him, her expression blank.

Ephemeral blinked, then laughed softly. "Oh, wow. Got it in one today."

Velvet's brow furrowed. "Got what in one?"

There was a pause before he replied, "Weren't you guessing what I like to do after work?"

"No." She gasped and her eyes widened. "Wait, you like to go clubbing?!"

"Oy, mate!" the heavily accented voice of Spotlight cut in and the fiery orange mare trotted up to them. "I'm sorry. Are we borin' ya? Don't mean to be wastin' ya time, mate."

Velvet sat up straight and shook her head. "No, ma'am! Sorry, ma'am! We were just discussing, ah—"

"That we think the red effect is better than the green for the poisoned knife," Ephemeral cut in, his tone perfectly even. "With all of the blues, the red will stand out better."

Spotlight's brow raised as she eyed them before a grin cut across her muzzle. "Too right! Well, why didn't ya say somethin' sooner, Eph?" She clapped him on the shoulder and turned to head back to the unicorns. "Ya heard the bloke! Red it is!"

Velvet waited until Spotlight was engaged in the practice run, then whispered, "Good save."

Ephemeral chuckled. "One of us has to pay attention." His ear flicked and he glanced at her. "So, if you weren't guessing, then what were you talking about?"

"Oh. Right." Velvet frowned. "I don't want to go home tonight, so I was asking if you wanted to go clubbing with me."

After a thoughtful hum, Ephemeral bobbed his head. "Sounds good. Don't complain if I outshine you on the dance floor, though."

Velvet swallowed a laugh and managed to grin instead. "We'll just see about that, Moony."