• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,438 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

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The Doctor

Dear Princess Celestia.

It’s now been a week since Rainbow Dash came back to us. Like I said in my previous letter it wasn’t going as smoothly as I’d hoped. Just recently she was brought back to hospital after having a random seizure. When she woke up however, I saw that old Rainbow Dash I once knew, I missed her so much. I thought that she was back, but then she went cold.

She hardly speaks now and she never seems to let that old book out of her sight, I’ve asked her countless times what it is but she never answers. I don’t know what to do next, every time I think we’re getting through to her she goes back into her shell again. One shudders to think of what horrors she must have seen that cruel world she went to, I should be overcome with joy that she has finally come back to us, but now I’ve realised that she never really did come back.

I’m sending you this letter because I need your advice, I don’t know what to do next. I can’t get rid of this nagging feeling that we’re slowly losing her.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle


It was a cold night at the hospital, a large storm was brewing outside, the halls grew quiet as everypony settled in for the night. Rainbow Dash lied down, motionless on her bed, staring at the ceiling above. She held the journal close to her chest as the storm outside grew louder. She shivered, feeling the cold liquid in her drip being pumped through her veins. She looked at the dirty book, remembering when she saw it for the first time, how Bishop looked at her when he held it in his hands. She smiled, opening the first page, suddenly something fell out of the book, a piece of paper swooped underneath the bed. Rainbow Dash quickly pushed the book aside, scooting to the edge of the bed, she dropped to the solid ground, grunting in pain.

Her wounds had been healing well; most of the bruising had disappeared, leaving only the bloody stitches on her chest. Rainbow Dash laid on her stomach before she began to crawl underneath the bed, after much trial and error she managed to grab the paper with her teeth, before scooting out from under her bed.

Jumping back onto the soft mattress she placed the piece of paper next to the book, seeing something though the paper she turned it around, only to see a pencil sketch of herself. She was taken aback by the detail of the picture as she remembered where she was when he drew it. She stared into the picture, looking at every detail, every feature until she noticed a smudge on the page, looking closer she saw something familiar and then she recoiled as she felt her heart jump into her throat.

Under the smudge was the blue box she saw in the temple before she was taken to the other world.

“The Doctor.” She whispered.

She quickly grabbed the picture, placing it back in the open book before grabbing the drip with her teeth, wincing before she ripped the needle out of her flesh. Ignoring the pain she grabbed the journal before she jumped off her bed, making her way towards the door. She could already feel herself growing tired as she walked out of the ward, her legs became weak and she could feel her heart pumping in her chest. This began to bring back the memories of when she was crawling through the woods, in the pouring rain.

“I’ve got to find him. ….. I-I need to find him.

She could feel herself growing weaker with every step she took, until she collapsed onto the floor, sighing in frustration as a member of staff spotted her in the distance.

“Miss Dash? …. Oh my! Hold on! I’ll get some help!”

As the nurse ran out of sight, Rainbow Dash heaved herself onto her back, taking the journal out of her wing before holding it close to her chest, staring into the ceiling once again.

“Urgh. …. That was stupid.”

She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, allowing herself a moment to rest, before she slowly felt herself slip into unconsciousness.

…… Rainbow.