• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 9,857 Views, 729 Comments

'I Hate Ponies!' - Scripture

Friends of an avid brony get swept up into Ponyville. The problem? They have a deep dislike of MLP!

  • ...

History In The Making

'I Hate Ponies!'

By: Scripture

Chapter 9: History In The Making


“Fluttershy! I said I am fuckin fine with this so- GLURP!”


“Whoa! Lyra! Watch out fer this feller!”

Clip-clop, clip-clop

“What am I going to do…”

Not too far away from Fluttershy’s cottage, my thoughts had started to plague my mind with doubt and an assortment of troubles I would have rather not dealt with right then.

But when it comes to our minds, we can’t truly escape it, can we?

I sighed, truly wondering what action I should try next. In all regards, I wanted to go into Ponyville for something… something very personal to me. I sighed though as I trudged on along the forest-line, knowing that my duty at the moment was to try and round up my friend so I could try to talk some sense into him. It was a long shot, but I had to do it before somepony got hurt…

Preferably him! Honestly, I think that a good buck by AJ would set him straight! He had already had so much done to him his life, he doesn’t need-


“Oh! Oh, I’m sorry…”

A smile spread across the zebra’s face as I apologized to her and she nodded her head. “Don't worry, no need to fret! There was something on your mind, I bet!”

To my surprise I had realized that I had run into the rhyme riddler zebra, Zecora. I nodded stiffly at her, and was about to continue on when she tugged on my tail, making me look back. “Tell me, stranger, what’s got you down? Your face does not show it, but you wear a frown…”

“I don’t think I should waste your time, miss… It's kinda long and complicated…”

"I am doing nothing and have the time to kill. Please tell me your story, if you will.”

I opened my mouth once, but then shut it, unsure of my words at first. Looking blankly at the grass, I turned around fully to face Zecora, who had sat down. Following suit, I began to tell her of my problems… and my friends.



We were all in second grade, me, Matt, and Xavier... my two other friends. We didn’t know anything about each other, and didn’t exactly meet eye to eye either. Unfortunately for us at the time, we were made to sit next to each other or be in the same group. Being children at the time, we would complain about it but the teacher refused to do anything about us, day in, day out.

Eventually, it started to become a routine for us. We would get into school, go to our class, deposit our stuff in the cubby holes, and then get into our little table groups. Then would commence the crayon-stealing, block-smashing, and arguments throughout the day.

Oh, the arguments!

Every day we would fight or argue over something completely stupid, whether it was which Power Ranger was the best or one of us taking a bite out of someone’s snack while they weren’t looking. For some reason though, the teacher never split us apart, never. I still don’t know why she did to this day although I can say I am happy she didn't…


“Oh come now Matt! You are seriously injured and you need everything you can get to become better! So hold still…please?”

Matt sighed explosively and reluctantly opened his mouth wide. With a gleeful smile, Fluttershy shot the spoonful of soup inside of his maw, nearly shoving it down his gullet. Eyes wide, he swallowed it quickly and panted heavily, nearly being choked by the instrument of delicious torture.

Fluttershy smiled softly and scooped another spoonful of soup. To her surprise though, there was only air left in the bowl, much to Matt’s relief. However, to Matt’s utter disappointment, the yellow mare suddenly smiled warmly and picked up the tray with the bowl and Jack’s dish on it. “Oh, I will just have to make some more! I will be back in a little bit… alright?” Before Matt could even utter a response, the other pegasus swiftly headed into the kitchen to make more creamy soup.

Immediately, the red-brown pegasus bolted out from his bed and swiftly looked around, finally spotting the door. Screw this! He thought as he started to gallop towards it. This bitch is really nice and everything, but FUCK! I can’t deal with another spoon in my throat!


“OW!” Matt was suddenly blinded for a moment, getting hit in the face pretty hard by something. What the heck it was, he had no clue. Blinking a few times, he shook his head slightly and snorted loudly. His gaze inspected the house, glaring viciously. “Ok, WHO frickin did that?!”

Suddenly he felt a tap by his legs and could hear repetitive thumping from the ground before him. Looking down, he almost laughed out loud as Angel was glaring at him with a small black headband wrapped around his forehead. Going down to his level, Matt chuckled, poking the fluffy bunny once with a hoof. “Snrk! Really? Oh god this is too funny! Funny as it is though, I got to get-“


“OW!” Angel had shot his foot into Matt’s face, forcing him to stagger backwards. He put a hoof to his nose and caressed it tenderly for a moment, and then stared viciously at the bunny. “Ohhhh it is ON!” Angel landed lightly on the floor, twisting his body around to face Matt and smiled, wagging a paw towards himself to taunt Matt.

Matt ridiculously got into a Karate Kid-like pose, letting loose a rather loud, “HI-YAH!” Both of the fighters flew into the air, legs outstretched in slow motion, simultaneously shouting out their warrior cries to initiate their awesome battle.

The fight of the ages had begun!


One day, at recess, I was on the swingset, minding my own business, when some kid came by one day and pointed at me, calling me names and other nonsense things. At the time, I was a chubby, fat kid. I had had asthma when I was born and this made it very difficult for me to do sports as I would tire out quickly. So, after awhile, I gave up on sports and decided to work more on my brain.

This other kid though, from what I got of him, thought it was stupid and made fun of me for it. I didn’t know what to do though. I had never encountered a bully before, or someone who openly mocked my weight issues. I didn’t know how to handle it, so I just let him make fun of me… make fun of who I was…

Then, all of a sudden, his words just stopped. They stopped, just like that. I looked up from my silence on the swing and noticed that the kid was laying on the ground now. He looked like he had been slugged one, the right side of his welting up red like a puff ball. In fact, I found out that he actually had been punched, punched in probably the most cliché way that you could get.

Matt had socked him a good one, right across his blabbing mouth.

“Uh… thanks for that…” I had said.

Matt didn’t say anything to me. He simply nodded his head and sat by me, watching as the kid slowly got back up, stuttering and crying a little bit at us. However, he was really still ticked off and began to charge at us. Both of us, unprepared for the assault, couldn’t get up in time to try and defend ourselves.

That’s when Xavier came and gave the bully another good hit on the other side of his face, sprawling him on the ground.

Right after that, he sat down on the other side of me, a slight smile on his face. Actually, no… We were all smiling. Even though it was through violence, we finally realized that we had been much better friends than we ever thought, despite our differences. And that has held true, throughout my entire life so far…

Unfortunately, we all had to go to the principal’s office shortly after. Oh boy, my mom was mad that day…

Sometimes, more than I would like, that bully comes around in my life and taunts and jeers to me about something or another, but I have learned since then. I have become stronger. Of course it hurts but… All I need to do is let it go right? I should just get away from the jerks in my life, right? Yeah…



AJ tumbled head over hoof, kicking up a ton of dust and dirt on her way. Lyra, in the meantime, was flying through the air, screaming her head off until she landed into a tree with a nice plup sound… followed by a cacophony of broken branches, creaking wood, and one solid THUD as she hit the grassy field, groaning a bit after impact. Immediately, AJ bolted over to the injured mare, standing beside her as she weakly stood up.

“Urgh… AJ… Where… What…?” Lyra groggily directed at the cowmare, who leaned down just in time to catch the weary musician from falling again.

“Hush now sugarcube! We need ta focus our thoughts on HIM!” The orange mare pointed a hoof at Xavier.

The maniacal unicorn was all smiles and crazy fits of laughter, but his mood was anything but happy. Hehehe… More ponies? OH! THIS WILL BE FUN! It’s like I can Force Push anyone or anything in my path… Hmmm… I wonder… An evil smile played across his face as he stared at a large rock before him, the size of a basketball, and he focused in on it.

Much to his surprise, the rock was enveloped in a dark blue aura and started to wiggle out of the ground, eventually levitating up in the air before him. Inspecting it a bit, he noticed that wherever he focused the rock to, it happened to follow to that place. Another small smile spread across his face as he looked from rock to the mare pair.

“I think it’s time I got rid of this ponies… I think I might go insane if I deal with them anymore…” He choked on a laugh. “Keh… TOO LATE!” Revving up the rock in a backswing, he rushed forward, hurling the rock with him so that it sped across the ground like a bowling ball. Except, it shot at them as if from a cannon!


On reflex, AJ barreled herself into Lyra, pushing them both out of the way of the speeding boulder, letting it propel into the distance behind them. Xavier frowned at his failed attempt at bowling and sighed. “Damn… A gutter ball…” Four large round rocks suddenly levitated around Xavier and he smiled madly. “NEXT FRAME!”


A white mare happened to be outside that day, carrying around a small brown bag in her mouth. She bobbed her head to an unknown rhythm, her thoughts preoccupied with who knows what. All that she simply wanted to do was have a simple lunch in the fields today.

In all honesty, she hadn’t even wanted to go and get lunch today. Originally, it was her plan to stay home and make food while she tried to complete some of her tedious work. Her profession wasn’t exactly the easiest and it always demanded her to become better than her competition, granted there wasn’t much in Ponyville.

Today, though, she decided to let herself relax a little bit instead of being cooped up indoors for immeasurable amounts of time. One of her dear friends told her that she was starting to worry about her lack of… well, sunshine in general. ‘It isn’t healthy,’ she told the blue-maned mare. ‘Darling, you should honestly get some fresh air.’

Yeah, yeah, yeah… just get me a cider a day and I am fine… the mare sighed in her head. Now, instead of enjoying the comforts of her old bed, she had the hard ground and itchy grass. Great.

“Well, at least today is nice… ya know?” She asked nobody in particular after reaching the fields and spitting out the paper bag. The mare licked her lips, eyeing the bag hungrily, and tentatively opened it up into a neat, but usable, paper square.

What was inside made her tear up a bit in joy at the sight of her luxurious lunch.

What lay before her was a Sammy Sandwich Super Special; a foot high sandwich containing three types of daises, two layers of hay, two more of straw, a smattering of ketchup, and a melted cheese layer which drenched the entire sandwich in a beautiful yellow coating between two delectable slices of white bread. It had taken the last of her bits for awhile to buy this supreme sandwich, but looking at it… It was worth it for the mare.

The white mare smiled and looked up into the sky, closing her eyes for a moment. “Thank you, Celestia, for this meal I will be devouring and engorging with no remorse. If I had a can of cider, it would be perfect, but this will be reward enough… NOW I MUST NOM!”

The white mare began to pounce upon the sandwich. The sandwich, however, happened to magically become flat upon the ground, smeared across the grass in an assortment of colors and textures. Her expression froze, her grand smile following the flattened trail of the plastered food, finding the source of the disaster to be a rather large rock. One that, after her gaze searched for the source of the ballistic, belonged to a laughing dark blue stallion.

A laughing dark blue stallion.

A laughing stallion.




In her fit of rage, Vinyl stampeded over to the fight, kicking up grass and dirt at an incredible pace, shoving her one-way glasses on her nose. She ferociously snorted and picked up speed.



A few years after the bully, in about 4th grade, was the next incident. This time it wasn’t me that had the problem though. It was Matt that had the problem, and every day I feel sorry about his situation…

Xavier and I didn’t know much about Matt to be perfectly honest, even after the few years we began to hang out. Every time we would ask to come over his house, or mention his family, he would either deny us from going or not even answer us. Try as we might, he wouldn’t budge about it and usually would get pretty steamed up about it. He has always had a short temper, but when it comes to his family, he will not tolerate it one bit.

It took us awhile, but we eventually were able to figure out why he was so against us knowing about his home and family. I just wish that we, or rather everyone, found out in a less… public way…

In the middle of lunch, while we were eating, we all suddenly heard shouting in the hallways. Everyone froze in mid-bite and looked over towards the cafeteria entrance, wondering who was making such a ruckus. Turns out, it happened to be the principal trying to hold back a man and woman arguing bitterly. Immediately I turned to Matt, about to say something to him, when I noticed he was pale. Very pale. And the couple just kept coming closer and closer to us, the principal not having very much luck getting through to them.

After finally reaching us and hovering over Matt, who was scrunching himself more and more into a ball in his seat, the argument rose to a peak, both of them screaming at each other now. It was terrible, watching the two of them. But it only got worse.

All of a sudden, the angry man snapped. His fist flew through the air, flying at the woman, hitting her across the face. She fell to the floor without a sound. No shout.No shriek. She just fell like dead weight, right in front of a nearly crying Matt.

Immediately afterwards the teachers finally jumped in, deeming the physical contact as drawing the line, and ‘kindly’ evicted him from the building. The woman was tended to by the school nurse until the cops came by where she answered questions. Matt was also brought down to be asked a few questions too, but he didn’t say anything much. Or at least, that’s what he said.

This was how we met Mr. and Mrs. Keller and how their son, Matt Keller, was revealed to have a difficult life in an old broken down house and abusive father, who went to jail for both child abuse and assault and battery. Ever since that incident, his hotheadedness took on his actions and he began to not care anymore, simply choosing the most headstrong answer.

There has been only one rule with Matt, one rule that Xavier and I always abide by to look out for our friend…

Never talk about his father. Ever.


“So, uh… Matt… do you- Oh my!”

Victoriously sitting on top of a sprawled out red-brown pegasus was Angel with crossed arms and a tapping foot, his gaze never moving from the stallion. Matt cringed a bit when he saw the bowl of soup coming towards him, but cringed even more when Angel’s foot tapped a little bit harder than before.

Fluttershy tsked softly and shook her head slightly. “I see… so you tried to escape while still injured…” Gently, she placed the soup on the table and stood before Matt, eventually sighing again and fixing him upright. Angel, in the meantime, was making sure that Matt wasn’t going anywhere by staring at him from on the table.

“…Fuckin crazy rabbit…” Matt murmured under his breath, glaring hotly at the white lapine. Angel smirked slightly and looked at Fluttershy for a moment, who only nodded. A bit grumpily, the bunny hopped away, heading for the door to outside.

The yellow mare smiled softly and started to take off Matt’s bandages, making them both wince. Matt from the pain and Futtershy with the nice welt on his head. “Ow… that must have REALLY hurt, especially since it was from a kick from Applejack and-“

“Yeah, well, that bitch didn’t need to kick me so hard! My head is fuckin throbbing because of her!” Fluttershy went rosy in the cheeks, shocked at the foul mouth of this Pegasi. Matt however, didn’t care and kept on going. “I mean, first I fuckin wake up, having this nice ass dream and everything. Then I learn, ‘Hey! I’m a FUCKIN pony!’ and now I have to deal with it. NOW I am getting a fuckin smackdown by that bastard white bunny and my face fuckin stuffed with soup every four seconds when I can PLAINLY do it myself… if I even frickin want it!”

A tense silence hung between the two of them, Matt’s anger and frustration slowly increasing while Fluttershy was completely speechless. She had heard words like these used before, but they had been far and few between. The mare didn’t know that someone could use them in a sentence like that so many times!

“Well, I-“

A knocking on the door interrupted the pegasi, wondering who it could have been. She didn’t think that Jack could have found Xtra that quickly. But you never know… This is Equestria after all! She thought cheerfully, trotting over to the door.

Before she could even get towards the door however, it clanged open with a BANG, making Fluttershy jump a mile and hit the ceiling like a cartoon cat.

“Hey! Yo! Fluttershy! You home?”

Matt watched as a rainbow maned mare trotted inside, looking around a bit in curiosity. After a few moments, she noticed Matt on the couch and cocked an eyebrow in suspicion. “Hey, who the buck are-“

“Oh! Rainbow Dash! It’s you!”

Rainbow looked doubly confused now until the yellow mare detached herself from the ceiling, to which the cyan coated mare chuckled. “I swear Fluttershy… sometimes you get too literal with the whole ‘Fraidy Cat’ thing…”

Fluttershy blushed a bit and was about to speak when she was interrupted by a short burst laugh from Matt. Both mare’s looked at him and saw he had gotten up from the couch and was smiling broadly. “Heh… Hehehe… Oh god… this is too precious…”

Both mare’s looked completely confused, RD getting a little frustrated at the unseen joke. “What do you mean by that, bub?”

“His name is Matt Maxum.”

“Whatever. Matt Maxum, whats so ‘precious’?”

Matt suddenly snorted again and laughed heartily, open about his giggle fit, making the rainbow mare snort derisively. She took a step forward. “Tell me. NOW.”

The stallion snickered once more and wiped a small tear in his eye, finally getting his bearing. “Ok ok…” He took one deep breath and snorted explosively, laughing as he spoke to her. “Oh god… you’re… you’re… a r-rainbow-colored puh-pegasus! And-and you are like, THE stereotype tomboy so… so… snrk!”

Neither mare didn’t see where this was going but RD did NOT like to be laughed at. She snorted again and stomped the ground once. “What about it bub?! It’s how I act, that’s all! And the mane is all natural, if that’s what you’re thinking, and its-“


Matt’s laughter doubled over as both of the mare’s expressions immediately went to complete shock, their jaws dropping about half a foot each. This is so frickin hilarious! I can’t believe that this show has a gay pony in it! What the fuck! Matt went to his knees he was laughing so hard and he clopped his hoof on the wood flooring a few times.

It took Rainbow a few moments to reattach her brain to her body and her face suddenly flushed a shade of red, her eyes leering down at the stallion. She clenched her wings tightly as he continued to laugh at her, her hooves digging into the floorboards slightly in anger.


Before Matt knew it, Rainbow had scooped him up, brought him over to the door, and dropkicked him out of Fluttershy’s house. He didn’t really care though since he was escaping a ninja rabbit and a bothersome yellow mare! What he did care though was the landing…

"Ahhhh fu-"

Getting a few good yards of ground distance, he spit out a wad of grass and dirt from his mouth. He grimaced and got up from his launch, dusting his coat off with his wings and hooves. Sighing a bit, he turned around at the angry mare and glared at her, sticking a hoof up, forgetting for a moment that he didn’t have a middle finger. “Goddammit…”

Rainbow, however, knew exactly what the gesture meant. Apparently, it meant the same thing. In another fit of anger, she grabbed some pots and pans and began hurling them at the stallion in rapid procession. “Take! That! You! Stupid! Frickin! Ass! Hole!”

Used to similar situations with similar girls, he narrowly dodged each of the pans and pots, thankful he did a few times as his injury wasn’t bandaged now and fully exposed to everything. Fluttershy, behind Rainbow, tried to plea with her not to harm Matt, but she was totally ignoring her, still lobbing the utensils at him.

Matt chuckled and stuck his tongue out at her. “Ha! Stupid bitch! You can’t get me with those things! Anyways, you helped me get out of that nuthouse! So you can suck long and hard on my left nu-


Who knew that ponies could throw entire tables?! Stupid crazy ass bitch nearly killed me…

…I hate ponies…


Now, Xavier… Xavier, for as long as I have known him, has been very… unstable. Basically, he is a mixed bag of emotions and mental problems under a veil a perfect life and a mask of a good natured being. However… I am the only one that truly knows what goes in his mind. He never trusted Matt enough with his personal secrets.

Xavier was adopted, several times by several families over the years. Most families thought that they would be able to take this child, this well mannered youth, and make him part of their family. At one point, I hate his previous families for dumping him off to another home. At the same time, I am glad they did, only for the fact that it lead him to our town.

It was his seventh family and second grade was his first year in town. This family would be his last, but the scars of the previous ones would last… and have been haunting him since they got rid of him. Just think about it… Basically, you are given a home, love, a family, a bed, food, water, your own room.

Then, in a blink of an eye, they turn around and give you back, whatever the reason may be. They are saying, ‘Sorry, we don’t love you that much,’ and chuck you away like used trash. Could you imagine that as the beginning to your life? Having families repetitively say they don’t want you anymore? It sounds absolutely… horrible.

I can’t say how heart wrenching that was though. Xavier was the one who went through that hell.

Finally, he was able to settle with a family, the Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick were fairly rich and successful individuals and both wanted a child. What they eventually decided to do was to adopt a child, only so they didn’t have to deal with childbirth, labor, and them being a baby. For them, Xavier was a perfect child for them. Quiet, smart, obedient. That’s all they cared about, as if they were looking for a new couch or décor to their lifestyle.

What they didn’t expect however was the emotional problems Xavier would occasionally spiral into. Depression is a horrible horrible thing, Zecora, and from what my friend has told me… its possibly the worse thing to happen to you.

Basically, he started not to care. He obeyed, he did, he followed. As the years went by with me and Matt being his friends, we started to notice him becoming more slothful, more isolated. He would often just sit by himself, head leaned forward, staring into nothing. His brain was his only place of seclusion, but for him, I knew it was also his torture chamber.

One day, in seventh grade I believe, Xavier wasn’t in school. Neither Matt nor I knew exactly why, but we assumed he must have been sick or something of the like. You know, nothing big. We went through the day, blind and deaf to what had really happened to our beloved friend.

When I got home, my mother immediately hugged me as I entered the door. At first, I was surprised by the sudden action of love, but then I could hear her sobbing and muttering out several burbles about Xavier. I couldn’t understand much, but I heard four key words to what she said…



…failed suicide…’

I was struck numb by the news and at first I thought that this was some kind of a cruel joke being played on me. However, as my mother continued to weep on me, I slowly became aware that this no joke. Even after our many talks together, he finally decided to take the drastic measure, even after I pleaded with him not to.

This was only the start of the downward spiral for him.


Xavier chuckled as he bowled over two more of the rocks at Lyra and AJ, who barely dodged the rocketing stones. He laughed heartily and smiled broadly. “Oh come ON! I just want ONE strike here! Hmmmm…” His eyes stared at a large boulder to the left of him. “Ahhhh yes! Maybe some bigger BALLS are needed! Hehehe! Balls...”

The orange mare groaned at the sexual innuendo, her breathing heavy and labored. Lyra was also finding it more and more difficult to keep up this game of dodge-the-stones. She had tried to use her own magic to stop the rocks but the speeds of them were often too fast for her to stop on time. Instead of wasting energy on the rocks, she focused on dodging them, but wasn’t expecting Xavier to have so much stamina to him.

It was when the boulder nearby started to lift from the ground that she really was taken aback at his raw magic strength. AJ and her had their mouths hung open in awe, wonder, and terror. Lyra gulped and got a bit closer to AJ, wondering if they could possibly outrun him. This guy is CRAZY strong! It’s like he’s possessed or something!

The stallion finally had the boulder next to him and he chuckled softly, looking at it for a second. Suddenly, his face wrinkled in disgust and he scraped a patch of moss on it with his hoof. Inspecting it once more, he grinned evilly and looked at the mares. “Sorry ladies, I’m not a big fan of moss!” With that said, he roared as he stepped forward, swinging the large boulder speedily towards them.

Screaming and yelling, the two mares clung to each other, Lyra trying her best to repel the huge rock with her magic.She knew it wasn’t going to be enough however. THIS IS THE END! OH WHY HAD IT BEEN A PSYCHOPATHIC STALLION?! WHY?!

All of a sudden, the stress of the magic started to relieve itself, the large boulder taking a sudden right turn, nailing the tree besides them. It creaked and moaned for a second until a shattering split formed along its trunk, felling the strong plant. Both mares were shocked at the results of the impact and looked back at Xavier, who was equally surprised. “But… I aimed STRAIGHT at you! You shouldn’t have been able to block that!”

“Guess again, asshole!”

AJ and Lyra quickly looked behind them and saw a sight for sore eyes stampeding straight at them… and past them! Before they could even utter a word out, Vinyl Scratch has raced past them and towards Xavier, who was entirely taken aback by the suddenly forward approach against him.

“Hey! What the fuck do you think you are- OOF!”

The white mare hadn’t lost any steam in charging the stallion, ramming her entire body right against him and hurling him a bit away. However he was bit bulkier and got up relatively quick, although a bit more shaken now. His smile faltered a bit and he stared at Vinyl sketchily, as if unsure about this new adversary.

“You… you are not like the others… are you?”

“Others? You bastard! All I care about is my fuckin sandwich you rolled over!” She stomped angrily on the ground, taking a firm step forward at Xavier. “AND I come over to see you try and smash two of my friends! What the FUCK is wrong with you buddy?!”

At this point, it wasn’t clear who was more shocked at the DJ’s language; Xavier or the mare pair! The stallion shook his head a bit, hitting it a bit with one of his hooves. What… what the fuck is this shit?! She swore… but it’s a KIDS show! A LITTLE GIRL’S show! Why would… why did she… She's powerful too but... Ugh… Just go away… Just… just…


Bolts of loose magic suddenly sprayed around everywhere, striking limbs off of the trees and leaving small scorch marks on the ground. Lyra, AJ, and Vinyl all jumped backwards, trying to dodge the initial barrage, but didn’t expect the attack to be so broad and long. Suddenly, they found themselves doing a little dance as they tried to avoid the magical shots, watching as Xavier kept repeating the phrase over and over again, seemingly not caring about anything going on around him.

AJ danced around helplessly, trying to avoid the bolts as best as she could. However, she did notice Vinyl was slowly moving forward by hopping and dodging the magic as best as she could. “C’mon Vinyl! Get ‘im before he goes on a real rampage!” Vinyl didn’t respond but kept her gaze fixed on Xavier until she was only a foot away from him

“Get away! Get away! Get away! Get away! Get-“

“Fuckin’ Celestia, WE GET IT ALREADY! HIIIIII-YA!”

Much to the surprise of basically everypony there, Vinyl stood up, cracked a hoof, and grinned even more manically then Xavier had been. Xavier’s fountain of magic was just arcing over her but he was frozen in place, fear, uncertainty, and hatred keeping him in place.


Without hesitation, the white mare uppercutted her hoof at the stallion, nailing him square in the jaw with a painful SHMACK! Immediately the magic stopped spewing, Xavier flew backwards, the Vinyl grinned madly in her victory.

Ugh… I’m… I’m gonna lose consciousness… My energy… feels so drained…

…that pony…

…she… she…

…Fuck, I hate ponies…

With that, he landed on the ground with a solid THUMP, totally knocked out from the fierce blow Vinyl had given him. A few seconds later, Lyra and AJ had trotted over to her, looking past her at the mad-pony's prone body.

AJ whistled lowly and stared at Vinyl, cocking her eyebrow a bit. “Jeez Louise Vinyl! You sure do have a good punchin’ arm! Whatcha do? Work out?”

Vinyl only chuckled as she went back onto four feet. Nonchalantly she waved a hoof and grinned a bit. “Nahhhh there’s just a few things you don’t mess with in my life… One, is my music. Two, is my friends. And the third and most important one…” She took a step forward and glared heatedly at the knocked out stallion. “IS DON’T MESS WITH MY FUCKIN FOOD!”

The other two mares took a step back and looked at each other, not entirely certain what to make of the local disc jockey. Lyra hummed a bit to herself in thought and stared blankly at Xavier for a little bit, when a sudden thought occurred to her. “Oh, yeah! What should we do with… him?”

Vinyl immediately smiled broadly, her grin something of the maniac kind once again. The two other mares shifted a bit where they were and worriedly glanced at each other. Vinyl enveloped the dead-weight pony in her magic and chuckled softly. “Oh, I know EXACTLY what we can do with this sandwich crusher…”


After his suicide attempt, it was incredibly awkward for us around him. He was always very distant, quite cold, and usually quiet. We had never had an experience like this before, but me and Matt always tried to cheer him up in whatever way possible. Sometimes we would be able to get through to him, him smiling for a few minutes, but he always reverted back to his forlorn ways.

Then, one day, he tasted a bit of power.

We were playing a game called Monopoly. We had never tried it before simply because it was a board game and nobody had been in the mood for it until then. I set up the board and explained the rules really quick, and Matt and I noticed a bit more of animation from Xavier. He actually seemed interested in the game.

So, on we played, late into the night, and it was the first time in a whole year after his incident that he truly laughed, truly smiled, truly enjoyed his life. Well, it might have been because he was absolutely crushing us in the game, but either way, Matt and I were very happy to see our friend return to normal.

But when the game stopped, he slowly slipped back into the rifts of his depressive self. Matt wasn’t feeling up to play Monopoly all the time, as neither was I, so we tried to think of an alternate solution to help him out. We thought about it for a long time but never could come up with anything until his birthday finally came around.

The birthday party was excellent, due to his rich foster parents basically going all out to try and cheer him up a bit. Even they weren’t THAT totally cold, and after his incident, felt some resentment at their treatment of him. Xavier, though, sat at a table all day and stared distantly at the grand party before him… that is, until his friends came along.

Matt had plopped the gift in front of him carefully and smiled widely, me being right behind him. We urged him to open this gift up early and eventually, he caved in and tore the wrapping paper apart. Much to his surprise, it was a, uhm… it was something that could help him make music. He looked it over a bit and wondered why we had given it to him.

Basically, I gave him his other gift, which he still loves to this day.

It was a pair of soundproof headphones, specially designed and everything, colored dark blue and black. Without hesitation, he whipped out his MP3 player and put the headphones in it, blaring out some music to test them out. He smiled wide then and suddenly hugged us both. Neither of us minded though. We were honestly kind of hoping he would…

And that’s what started him on his music business. It was something he had control over and could control at a constant basis. Whenever he felt like it too, he could-


Suddenly, I stopped speaking for a second, making Zecora cock and eyebrow in confusion. My mind reeled a bit at a revelation going on in my head, an idea that suddenly popped into existence from nowhere. Zecora got up now and smiled slightly, craning her neck at me. “A revelation has come to you, I see. Now, where is it that you need to be?”

Now it was my turn to smile and I got up myself, nodding my head at Zecora. “Thank you very much Zecora. I guess… I guess sometimes some ponies just need another pony to talk to… or in this case, a Zebra!”

We both chuckled for a second before she motioned her head to a nearby path. “Take that path to get to your friend. I know you can find the answer at its end!”

“Thanks again!” Immediately I raced off, hoping that I was able to reach my sick friend in time. He had cracked and cracked hard, along with having more power than he should. This was more or less a recipe of disaster and if he learned to fully control his magic powers, it would be ruinous for the town. However, I knew the only way that could anchor him back to reality, back to THIS being real.

I just hope I get to him in time…


“…I did not realize they had such strife…”

“Neither did I, in all honesty…”


“… Let us wait until sundown… I… I need to think about this a bit more now…”

“Its fine, we shall wait until then… But please…”


“Please know what you have gotten yourself into…”

A smile in the darkness flashes white and a melodic giggle resounds. “Oh, I know. I am only after one of them anyways!” A slam of doors and silence.


Scritch scritch scratch


IM SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG! But... jeez, you got three chapters worth here so... ENJOY! :D (Also, because i so lazy, there probably WILL be mistakes so if you DO see them, please point them out XD)