• Published 4th Aug 2014
  • 16,515 Views, 201 Comments

A Boy's Tears - MetalBrony823

A young boy named Colin Fraser, has lost his parents, and finds new friends when he is suddenly teleported to Equestria

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Second day back at School For Colin

Colin was walking with Lyra and Bon Bon for they were escorting him back to Fluttershy's house back home. The boy had a really fun time with these two best friends, hanging out with eachother, and seeing their talents that they just showed to him. "Thanks for letting me hang out with you guys." The boy said kindly to them

"You're very welcome, Colin." Lyra replied.

"You're more than welcome to hang with us anytime." Bon Bon added

"Yeah, we should totally do something fun more often together."

"Yeah." Colin looked around his surroundings, and saw many things that have to do with fall. For example he once again saw the falling leaves from the trees Turning orange. Many leaves were on the ground, but not a lot of the, were in a pile. He thought of how Fluttershy will be happy to see him, and how happy he will be to see that. "Bon Bon, thanks for the pieces of candy." He said to her. "I appreciate it."

"Ah, you're welcome, sweetie." Bon Bon replied to him. "You still got the other two on your pocket, right?"

"Hm-mmm." The boy patted his shirt pocket at her to show her that they are still in there where he just put them.


Then, and they were still walking, the Cottage was just in their sights. It looked really beautiful with the sun shining through it. "We're almost there, Colin." Lyra said.

"Okay, well that was fun." Colin said. "Again, thanks for letting me hang with you."

"You're welcome." The two mares replied in unison. They both made it to the door, and Lyra was the one who knocked on it. Fluttershy slowly opened the door, and had her usual smile on her face as she sees her new son back home.

"Hi, mom." Colin said

"Hello, Colin." Fluttershy replied to him. "Did you all have fun?"

"That we did." Said Lyra. We sat in the park, went to the music store, and we got to show Colin Bon Bon's stall where she sells her candy. We even got to volunteer at Sugarcube Corner."

"We had a great time." Bon Bon happily stated.

"That's wonderful" Fluttershy said.

"See you guys later." Said Colin. Right before he went in the house however, he gave his final re,ark at the, by saying "I love you guys."

"We love you too, Colin." They both said in unison again. All three hugged eachother with love and care, then the two best friends left the cottage, saying their byes to Fluttershy and Colin.

When they faded from her vision, Fluttershy then asked Colin. "Sweetie, can I talk to you in your room?"

Colin's expression turned from happy to suddenly worried. "Am I.... In trouble, mommy?" He asked like if he had done so,etching wrong without noticing it.

"Oh no, no, of course not." Fluttershy replied. "I just want to have a talk."

"Okay." Colin followed her upstairs, into his bedroom and he sat on his bed, as did she.

"Now, how would you like to go back to school, sweetie?" Fluttershy asked him

Colin did want to go back but he feared that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon would make his life miserable now that he unintentionally got them on big trouble. "I.... I would like that, but.... What about those two girls?"

"Don't worry, sweetheart." Said Fluttershy. "Just go talk to Cheerilee if they try to hurt you again. Oh, and Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle will be there too."

"I know I know, but what if Cheerilee will be ,ad at me for running away like that?" Colin asked in a worried voice.

"Colin, Cheerilee is not mad at you." Fluttershy stated. "She loves you, like everypony else around here. I am pretty sure she will understand why you weren't in class. She is a very forgiving type of teacher after all." She winked at him.

Colin gave a slight smirk. "Well, okay. I guess I can go back to school tomorrow." He said

"Wonderful. I promise you that everything will be okay." Fluttershy said, proud of his decision. "Now, what would you like for dinner?"

"A lettuce, tomato and mustard sandwich. Is that okay?" Colin said

"Of course. I will fix that right up." Fluttershy got off of bed and was about to head downstairs but was stopped by him.

"Oh and... Could you make at too, please?" Colin asked, trying not to be too pushy or demanding to his new mother

"Certainly." Fluttershy replied. Then she went downstairs to fix Colin his request. While he was alone for a little while, Colin though of being brave like his brother, Johnny. He really devoted himself to his big brother, and wanted to be like him. He realized that he shouldn't be afraid to just talk to Cheerilee, and he did noticed that she is one of the nicest teachers he has met.

One minute later, Fluttershy came back with a plate of two sandwiches on a plate, and a few napkins, and placed them on his bed.

"Here you go, sweetie." she said sweetly.

"Thanks, mom." Colin replied

"You're very welcome, Colin." while the boy began eating his dinner, Fluttershy asked him politely "so sweetie, would you like to help me with the animals again later on?"

Colin gulped a bite, and he replied with excitement "Yeah, i would love to." Fluttershy giggled at his enthusiasm. The boy continued to eat his dinner after that. "I got to go fetch the animals their dinner now, let me know if yoy need anything else, okay?"

"Okay, mommy." Colin replied. He was left alone again, and ate the last bite of his dinner before wiping his face with a napkin. After that he went to the bathroom and washed his hands. He came back downstairs with the plate and napkins on it. When he was at the kitchen, he put the plate over the sink and napkins in the trash. Fluttershy was on the other side of the room, feeding many of her critter friends some di nervously of their own.

It was eight at night and Fluttershy did what she usually does with Colin and her animal companions: tucking the child in before he went to sleep. "So, are you going to be okay at school tomorrow, sweetie?" She asked him

"Yeah. I guess I'love be okay." Th boy replied in honesty. "And... are you sure Ms. Cheerilee won't be mad at me for running away?" He sounded a little more worried now.

"I promise she would never be mad at yoy." The yellow pegasus replied. "She really likes you, Colin, like 3 very pony else does."

Colin gave a sad smile at her. If somepony like Fluttershy says that, it must be true. "Okay, mommy." He said. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight sweetie." Fluttershy replied to him, giving him a kiss on his forehead. She was also about to leave the room when the child stopped her again

"Uh, mommy?" Colin said

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"Well, you see, I... please don't be mad at me for this, but what if Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon do something like make you hate me?" Colin asked

"Oh sweetie." Fluttershy said sympathetically. "Nothing will ever make me hate you. I will always love you, and so will everypony else." She sat on his bed and opened her arms. "Please, give me a hug." She gently said to him

Colin sat up and slowly hugged Fluttershy on the spot with a smile on his face. "I love you too, mommy." He said. "I'm sorry if I asked you that question. I'm just worried about them being more mean than ever, yo know?"

"Don't be sorry, Colin." Fluttershy said to him. "I understand how you feel. We all worry about some things in our lives, but we shouldn't let that get us down. We just got to think about the positive outlooks on life."

"You're right." said Colin. "That's kind of like what my brother said when he lived with me."

"Brother?" Fluttershy said, with her eyes wide. "You have a brother?"


"Really, what's he like and where does he live?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well I... I rather prefer I didn't talk about it right now." said Colin. "I need some sleep."

"I understand. Goodnight." said Fluttershy. she left his room, and turned out the lights for him. The boy fell asleep fifteen minutes afterwards for the next day to come.

The Next Day

Fluttershy went up to Colin's room and saw how adorable he looks while he is sleeping and a warm smile grew on her face. She leaned her face closer to his ear, and she gently, and softly whispered in a sing-song tone "Colin, it's time to wake up and get ready for school." The boy began to stir and slowly sat up with a cute yawn. "Good morning, sweetie."

"Good morning mommy." Colin replied with a smile. He slowly got out of bed, pulled out some new clothes from one of his drawers and headed for the bathroom to take a shower.

"I'll fix you're breakfast right up, sweetie." Fluttershy said as he was walking. "And I promise, today will be a much better day for you than the first day." she added with a joyous yet quiet tone.

the boy stopped and looked at the yellow pegasus with a smile. "Okay, thanks, mom." then continued to walk to the bathroom. Nothing like a shower to get someone wide and awake for a new day.

When he was finished, he couldn't realize that he still kept on thinking about his big brother. He just hoped that Johnny is alright and that he knows that Colin is safe and sound with his new family. In time, who will know, only father time will predict that. As soon as he dried himself off, he put on his clothes and brushed his hair, and then his teeth right after that.

As he went downstairs when he exited the bathroom, he saw many of the critter friends crowding around the stairs so that they can say hello to Colin again and tell him good morning in animal language. When they saw him, they all made animal sounds that sounded like "Hello" or "Good morning, Colin."

"Hi, guys." Colin replied to all of them. He went downstairs and looked at his breakfast and heard his stomach growling with happiness, knowing that the food will be inside it once Colin eats. After he was finished, he heard a knock on the door, and Fluttershy answered it to see who it was. There was Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle, obviously going to take him again.

"Hello girls." Fluttershy said cheerfully at the three children.

"Hi Fluttershy." the three replied in unison.

"Colin is just eating breakfast so wait a for a minute, alright?"

"Okay." they all replied. and they waited outside for Colin.

As Colin finished he got his backpack, and was about to go out the door when Fluttershy reminded him "Wait, before you go, remember, you can always talk to Cheerilee if you have any problem, or if Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon give you anymore trouble, and you know that, right?"

"I know, mommy." Colin replied. "I'll see you after school. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetie." Fluttershy replied as he went out the door.

"Hi Colin." said the girls.

"Hey, guys." Colin replied.

"Ready to go?" said Scootaloo.

Colin got in the wagon with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, and he said "ready." with something like a power boost, Scootaloo was of in her scooter, fast, carrying the wagon containing the young passengers inside.

Colin was having fun with his little ride, and so were the other girls in the wagon. When they reached it, they all got off and Colin was still a tad bit worried about Cheerilee. "Um, guys, you don't think that Cheerilee will be mad at me when i see her again, will she?"

"Of course not, Colin." said Applebloom.

"She could never be mad at you." Sweetie Belle added.

"And, if you do have a problem, or those snobbish brats named Diamond and Silver are being mean to you again, come find us, or talk to Cheerilee." said Scootaloo.

"Thanks guys."

"You're welcome." said Applebloom, then they all went inside the schoolhouse. When they went inside, many students were unpacking and making themselves comfortable in their seats so that Cheerilee can teach them, and the bright side was that Colin and the girls were not late and only a minute was left before the bell rings.

"Ah, Colin. There you are." said a familiar voice. It was Cheerilee in a happy voice "Welcome back."

"Hello, Ms. Cheerilee." Colin replied to her.

"Have a seat, children, and Colin, can I see you after class, sweetie?"

"Yes, miss." Colin replied. He knew she was going to ask him that. he and the girls took their seats and got ready for what Cheerilee is going to teach them today.

It was recess time and All the students went outside the playground to do their little free time, whatever it may be. Colin on the other hand walked in front of Cheerilee and worriedly waited for her to say something to him and prepared for the worst. What he heard out of Cheerilee was "So, Colin, are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." Colin replied. "Miss Cheerilee, I am so sorry if I ran away and didn't come to school. I am so so sorry!" He was feeling even more guilty. "Please don't be mad at me."

"Oh sweetie. I'm not angry at you." Cheerilee said very kindly to him. "I was just worried about you. That's all. Now, the girls told me everything that Diamond and Silver did to you, and you don't have to worry about them, because I gave them a month of detention. Anywho, I just want you to know if you have anymore problems with me, just come talk to me, okay, sweetheart?"

"Okay. Are... are you sure you're not mad at me?"

"Not at all, Colin." Cheerilee replied kindly. "You can go out and play now."

Colin smiled and said "Thank you miss Cheerilee. I'll come talk to you if something's bothering me. I promise." Then he ran outside to play with the other kids. When he was out there, he sat on the swings again. What he didn't know was that he wasn't exactly alone on the swing-set.

"Well, well, well." said a familiar voice. hr turned to his side, and saw Diamond and Silver, glaring at him with pure hatred and anger on their faces.

Colin became highly afraid again, and got off the swing set immediately, just about to run. "What... what do you want from me?" he asked

"I want to tell you how much you got us in trouble." Diamond said. "We got detention for a month thanks to you!"

"And we've got grounded for a month, too!" Silver added.

"So we are going to finish it." Diamond said evilly with a grinch-like smile. Colin gulped.

"Hey!" called a voice. "You leave Colin alone!" it was Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom. Pipsqueak, and Rumble were walking next to them, coming to Colin's aid.

"Oh butt out!" said Diamond. "He stole OUR spotlight, and got us in trouble, and now he will pay for it."

The children stepped in front of the human child to defend him. "Look, Colin has been through a rough time, and we're not going to let you make him even more sad!" said Sweetie Belle.

"What are you talking about, blank flank?" said Silver Spoon.

"He has no mum or dad because they died in a fire." Pip answered. "They are both dead. That's why Colin is here."

"Yeah, so lay off." said Rumble.

"He... lost his parents?" said Diamond, in a more calm voice.

"Yeah." Applebloom answered. "On his birthday!"

Silver and Diamond didn't know what to say, and were speechless for a moment and stared at eachother. "Is that true?" Diamond asked suspiciously.

"Yes." Colin said, stepping up. "It's true. I did lose them. So please, i am not trying to steal your spotlight. I don't mean to get you in trouble. You brought that upon yourselves."

"Yeah, go Colin!" Rumble cheered on.

"I didn't choose that to happen. It just... did." Colin added. "So please, try to understand. I am sorry if I got you two in trouble." He began pleading to them.

Silver was the first to say something and she said "Colin... I... i'm so sorry that happened to you. I... I feel like a jerk." now Silver was feeling guilty.

Then, Diamond stepped up to say something to the human child. "Colin, I... I am so sorry if I was so mean to you. I... I feel like a.... like a..." she thought of having a donkey as a face. "Big jerk." she finished. She and Silver began to shed a tear now. "I'm... i'm so sorry." she said, shedding more tears.

"So am I." Silver Spoon added.

"It's... it's okay." Colin replied. His friends looked at him

"You really mean that?" said Scootaloo. "After all these evil fillies did to you?"

"Yes. I do." Colin said. "They are not evil. They are just... misunderstood." He walked to them and opened his arms, waiting for a hug from each of them. Silver and Diamond couldn't hold so much tears in them anymore. They broke down immediately and both hugged Colin as they were sobbing, both saying that they were sorry.

"Can you.... forgive us?" said Diamond.

"Of course I forgive you." said Colin. "Are we friends?"

Diamond and Silver then smiled. "Friends." they both said. They continued hugging him again, and this time, Scootaloo, and the other kids decided to join in as a large group hug.

Cheerilee watched through the window as she finally saw the two girls warming up to Colin. She was proud of the two fillies.

Back outside, Colin then said. "I'll talk with Cheerilee and see if she can get you out of detention."

"Oh you don't have to do that." said Silver Spoon.

"Yeah, we deserve it." Diamond added

"Are you sure?" Colin asked.

"We're sure." the two replied to him.


It warmed the five foals hearts to see Diamond and Silver being nice at last. They didn't understand how they just decided to be that right now, but they were still happy.

"So, you two wanna play ball with us?" asked Rumble

"Okay." the two said in unison, then they both rushed to the field so that they can play their game.