• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 4,117 Views, 184 Comments

Ponies on Bronies - Ravenmane

Shenanigans return to a familiar house that sits on a hill overlooking the Everfree Forest

  • ...

25 - Seeking Harmony

Twilight, Rainbow, and I were unceremoniously thrown out of Carousel Boutique nearly as fast as our flip-floppy fashionista friend dragged me inside to clean me up.

“Geez what the hay was that all about,” harped Rainbow as she rubbed her butt. “A little warning next time Rare?”

I looked back at the precious source of warmth to see the blinds parting and Sweetie Belle waving at us cheerfully. “Dashie, you honestly expect her to change,” I asked with a smile.

“I can dream, or is that a crime all of a sudden?”

“Rainbow,” said Twilight before I could come up with something, “focus. We’re going to Sweet Apple Acres to get Spike remember?” We gave a collective shudder as we proceeded towards the Apple family farm, blinds closing and shutters slamming the whole time.

“So, how did you find out about Granny Smith talking about you behind your back Rainbow,” said Twilight as we passed by bare apple trees towards the farmhouse.

“AJ told me about it when I came to get an apple pie from her stand a couple days later, I wanted to congratulate my awesomeness on renewing my Daredevil’s License.”

As Twilight continued to inquire about everything the Apple family matron talked about, I was focused on the farmhouse ahead of us. Nothing was different from the few times I had gone there, as a human, but it hadn’t become clear enough to be certain.

I never intentionally avoided Sweet Apple Acres before, but as Rainbow continued to tell me about how long Granny Smith went on and on about simply how she was “flashy even for a pegasus” I wanted nothing more than to avoid this encounter more than anything else. One thing’s for sure, when I was human, Granny Smith seemed to have only one complaint: I was as good as taken. I thought she was just at that point in her life where she wants great-grandkids.

“-and that’s why I think Granny Smith reminds Pinkie about cider season.”

“That’s nice Rainbow,” said Twilight sarcastically. “Can you fly ahead and try to keep things calm this time?” After a brief nod we both watched Rainbow zoom off towards inevitability.

“Wanted to talk to me away from Dashie,” I asked the now grinning unicorn beside me.

“It’s just her turn Alex,” she replied pleasantly and trotted off ahead of me.

Maybe it was a trick of the afternoon daylight, but Twilight seemed more enticing than almost a day ago. As I trotted behind her, my mind wandered towards what I would’ve done with them in the morning. Those plans would’ve been nice, if we didn’t sleep instead.

Twilight cranked her head back and stared at me. “What are you thinking?”

I snapped out of the trance my mind trapped itself in with an abrupt halt. “What?”

“I’m not deaf you know, your hooves are also crunching on the loose ice and snow. What is bothering you?”

I started to shy away. “I uh, I think you’re more attractive than before.” I bit my lip. “You know, more than you were yesterday.”

“And Rainbow?”

“Dashie too, I saw you both and you were beautiful but now I feel it deeper. I yearn for you both, ready for… well…”

Twilight turned and smirked. “Anything?”

I nodded. “Before we go any further on this we should probably catch up to Dashie.”

Twilight nodded and continued side by side with me. “We’ll get to it sometime soon though.”


As soon as Twilight and I caught up with Rainbow, I already saw her glaring at the front door. “AJ, I know you’re home cause I can hear Winona pawing at the door!” As I got closer, sure enough I could hear exactly what she said.

“AJ, I can hear Winona from here,” I yelled, drawing attention to the fact that I was ten feet away from Rainbow’s tail. “Sounds like we should sic Fluttershy on you for what you’re doing to your dear pet!”

Twilight pointed a hoof towards the second story of the farmhouse. “I wasn’t expecting that.” As Rainbow and I looked towards what she was pointing at, I saw something completely out of character for her. Applejack was looking down at us like she just got out of bed. After giving a feeble wave she vanished from sight.

“Seems like she’s more than willing to give us the benefit of at least talking to us,” I said pleasantly.

“But it’s,” Twilight cranked her neck around to see the clock tower, “going on two and Applejack is just waking up?”

“Well, has AJ ever lied to either of you? Like so seriously that you couldn’t tell she did?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Yeah, I don’t think so,” added Rainbow as she moved over to a window to stare inside. “I see Applebloom inbound, prolly beat AJ to the door.” Unfortunately for Rainbow, the door opened just as the words escaped her mouth.

“Hey Mac,” I said nervously as he stared at me. “Had a good Hearth’s Warming Eve?”

“What in the name of Celestia’s Sun and Luna’s Moon did you do to yourself,” he replied.

If I didn’t actually talk to the guy as often as I did then my jaw would have dropped. He was never one who would start a conversation, but if you managed to get him talking you found shutting him up to be your new challenge. “We went to Canterlot to turn me into a pony. It’s why Spike was supposed to be here and stuff.”

“Why in Equestria did you want to change?”

“Um, for uh familial reasons Mac.”

“And so you grew a pair of bat wings for that?”

“Then I’m the odd pony out I guess, compared to most of the other stallions around here at least. I mean, they all aspire to be big, tough ponies like you and here I am with my sharp eyes and leathery wings.”

“Ah bet it was hard getting through town cause yer so different,” added Applebloom as she rounded her brother. Applebloom silenced Big Mac with next to no effort, allowing her own cuteness to outshine his desire to talk.

“I think you know best how hard it was for Zecora to do the same thing Applebloom. Well, save for Zecora herself of course.”

“Uh-huh, what’cha plan to do about everypony in town then?”

“Pinkie Pie’s on that issue, even if she wasn’t asked to. She knows me and she knows everyone in town, therefore it’s best that we just let her do all the talking for now.”

“Step inside so we all can get a good look at ya Alex,” called Applejack from the comfort of the farmhouse.

As I stepped indoors, Spike was the first to get a good look at me. “Now that’s a transformation!”

“You ain’t natural,” harped Granny Smith from her seat near the fireplace. “Yer better, but it still ain’t natural.”

“Is it my wings,” I said with plenty of false shock.

“Ah think it keeps him unique,” said Applebloom.

“It ain’t the wings Applebloom,” Applejack explained. “It has everything to do with how he wasn’t a pony to begin with.”

I looked to Twilight then to Rainbow, willing to try and talk my own way out of this. “It’s an old spell Granny Smith, one from days when there was less of a divide between the races. I’m willing to wager that it’s an extension of a temporary spell to walk in another’s shoes, for creatures who liked the change enough to make it permanent.”

The apple matron glared at me. “Look here, you ain’t a pony in the first place so I don’t expect you to understand. Yer a human and you should’ve stayed that way.” I didn’t even flinch at her retort. “Magic like this can’t be good fer you, it doesn’t solve anything.”

“When I look in the mirror I see a pony who wants to start a family. I know two loving mares who want the same. Personally, I only want you to understand. I’m not here to seek your approval of what has happened, I just want you to accept it happened.”

The elderly earth pony’s eyes narrowed. “No regrets?”

“None,” I replied without a second thought.

“Well I think yer a fool living in a fairy tale, but yer smart enough to think for yerself.”

“Thank you for watching Spike for us,” I said with a curt nod. “Enjoy your evening Granny Smith.” I turned and didn’t even crack a smile as I left, Spike, Rainbow, and Twilight quickly tailing me.

“That could’ve gone better,” commented Rainbow as we passed the barren orchards.

“This isn’t a fantasy,” I said bitterly, “it’s life and we’re living it as best we can.”

“Yeah, if she can’t handle it then she’ll have to learn to pony up and deal with it.”

“Actually, I’m just worried about how they’ll receive us from now on,” said Twilight. I understood her concern, but Granny Smith wound me up pretty tight. “At the very least, it was a begrudging understanding.”


As the four of us made our way home, I calmed down enough for Spike to get up and laze on my back.

“You sounded like you were ready for that as soon as she started talking,” said Twilight.

“Yeah, how’d you do that anyways,” added Spike.

“Well, I felt this voice in my head ring out about what to do and I went with it. It told me to open with the ‘looking in the mirror’ thing, try and incorporate my cutie mark into it and all.”

Twilight bit her lip. “Was it like your reflection Alex?”

“Not really, I think it might’ve been something like my cutie mark egging me on. Know of something like that?”

“Yep,” said Rainbow very quickly. “I hear it when I’m getting close to my maximum speed, reminding me that I’m about ready to level out. Kicks in just before my body starts telling me the same thing.”

“Cutie marks telling ponies things is just a myth,” Twilight declared. “You must just be feeling the strain in your head before it registers from your body Rainbow. Alex, we all know you aren’t naturally a pony and, based on what you’ve told me about your reflection’s communication, your subconscious must be more acute than anypony else’s.”

By the time we reached the house, Twilight’s rants about the seemingly impossible was fully spent. The moment we turned to head up the dirt path to the front door we saw Fluttershy waiting for us with Tank and Owlowiscious near her. One look at what was accompanying her friends was enough to make Fluttershy bolt towards her house.

“Al, take Spike inside now,” said Rainbow with a glare towards the quickly retreating canary colored shape.

“Rainbow, you head her off and I’ll cut off her retreat,” ordered Twilight. Despite my thoughts to the contrary, Rainbow merely nodded and shot off, leaving a rainbow colored trail behind her. “Don’t worry Alex, we’ll just bring Fluttershy back so we can talk with her. It’ll be just like her irrational fear of Princess Luna.”

As I watched her dart off towards Fluttershy’s home, I hoped it wasn’t like that at all. I didn’t have much say in it, but I knew both of them were trying to have the best of intentions at the moment. With a slow creak, I opened the front door and Spike passed through with Tank and Owlowiscious right behind him. I closed the door behind me and didn’t want to think a whole lot about what Rainbow and Twilight were planning to do if Fluttershy wasn’t willing to cooperate.

Fluttershy galloped harder towards her home than she ever had in her life. Nightmare Moon sent her ponies out to drag me away, she frantically thought. To her that seemed like the only reason for a Nocturne to be out in broad daylight. Far from her mind was the fact that Spike, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash were with him, much the same way that Alex had told them all about the planned transformation.

Just as her door came into view, so too did a cyan blur racing towards the same goal, dead set on blocking the demure pegasus’ path. “Easy Fluttershy,” said Rainbow Dash calmly. “You’re freakin out about nothing.”

“Stay back,” shouted Fluttershy without even a hint of hesitation. “You’re under a spell, being tricked by Nightmare Moon!”

“What? I thought we cleared this up already.” With a quick glance past her unusually assertive friend, Rainbow noticed her backup blink into view. “Fluttershy’s thinking crazy Nightmare Moon stuff again Twi.”

Twilight groaned and simply grabbed the normally demure, yet oddly stiff, pegasus by her tail and dragged her along with magic. “We have something we need to go over Fluttershy again.

Despite Fluttershy’s best attempts to get away, as soon as Rainbow came up next to her and pushed her along she resigned herself to a lecture at the hooves of her ‘easily manipulated’ friends.

With Spike’s help, I had a pot of tea ready for Fluttershy’s willing or otherwise return to our humble home. As I poured the fourth cup, the front door opened to reveal Twilight with her horn aglow.

“You’re both under her control aren’t you,” came a rather hurtful voice that accompanied Twilight’s entrance.

“For the last time,” harped Rainbow as she slammed the door shut, “I swear if anypony’s being mind-controlled it’s gotta be you! Princess Luna’s not Nightmare Moon and we’ve just had a very creepy day.”

“Yes, we’ve been practically ostracized by all of Ponyville for probably the same reason you declared,” added Twilight as she led Fluttershy, who I now noticed as Twilight’s hostage into the dining room. It felt a little reminiscent of Luna Eclipsed, but with less Royal Canterlot Voice.

“Have a cup of tea or something Fluttershy,” I said calmly as soon as I saw her. “Two scoops right?”

She nervously nodded her head and took a seat furthest away from where I stood. Twilight calmly levitated a cup of tea, laden with two scoops of sugar gently mixed into it, beside her. “Who are you,” she declared as soon as she finished a very nervous sip.

I took a seat opposite of her. “The same person I’ve always been Fluttershy. How else would I know how you liked your tea? How else would I know you liked peppermint in it? Why would they drag you over to our house?”

“Blech, you mean this stuff has peppermint in it,” said Rainbow just before she took a sip of her own cup.

“I would’ve made separate batches if I had the time Dashie, especially since you like something as unconventional as a dash of paprika and hate anything too sweet added to yours. I would’ve made your favorite blend of yarrow, lavender, spearmint, and anise hyssop as well Twi.” Twilight blushed at my recitation, she knew Rainbow considered it a ‘lovey-dovey’ blend but didn’t argue the fact that it calmed the unicorn under most circumstances.

“You could’ve gotten that information from them after you manipulated them,” retorted Fluttershy.

I tried to look my most sympathetic, knowing full well who I was dealing with. “I believe you told me that I’d have you to answer to if I hurt them Fluttershy. I think you can be a bit friendlier towards me since I haven’t. You on the other hoof seem dead set on hurting everyone present’s feelings.”

Fluttershy opened her mouth several times, words seeming to have failed her. Well, at least until her cheeks turned pink. “Tell me something you haven’t told anypony else.”

I pursed my lips as I thought about it carefully. The repercussions of what I might say would eventually echo out to all of Ponyville if I said anything too sensitive. “After Twi, Dashie, and I got together you told me you were jealous and wanted to get involved if anypony wanted to leave.” As soon as the words were out of my mouth, my hooves quickly made their way to my snout. This reaction was accompanied by Spike leaving the room, stomping up the stairs as he withdrew.

“Oh dear,” said Twilight as her face began to take on a color resembling a beet.

Fluttershy on the other hoof didn’t look fazed at all. “Anything else you care to share?”

I quaked in my seat as the trio of mares stared at me. “Time Turner was your first and you broke his forelegs when you found out he was cheating on you with Bon Bon.”

Fluttershy merely nodded. “Thank you Alex,” she said pleasantly. “I believe that that’s you now.”

I simply gulped as my desire to slink out of the room started to become apparent. Instead, I took a sip of my tea and remained tight-lipped. I was on the verge of saying other things but I wanted to stop there.

“What else can you share Al,” asked Rainbow.

Fluttershy went red at the idea of her friends ferreting out more information. “You don’t have to tell them,” she said quickly.

I continued to quiver in my seat; my mind was filled with so many secrets shared in the spa’s steam room. Not just from Fluttershy, but also Rarity’s deep, dark secrets. At first, Rarity was the one who objected to substituting vodka for water in there, but she quickly found the subtle inebriation far more soothing.

“Rarity wanted to punish you Dashie for stranding her in the desert with Pinkie Pie pestering her all the way back to Ponyville,” I squealed before I shut my eyes and covered my mouth again.

“So happy I don’t swing that way,” said Rainbow calmly. “Rare’s my friend, no way I’d let her do stuff to me. ‘Sides that’s why I like men, far more primal than some mare’s wants.”

Twilight nodded. “Despite our only experience with the male body is Alex.”

“Yeah, but it works properly, we mate and savor each other’s body unless we’re in heat. At that point we start to worry more about getting knocked up if we aren’t ready for foals yet.”

“Rarity wants to wait for Spike to get more mature before even dating him,” added Fluttershy before taking a calm sip of tea. “She confided in us both that she swings both ways but is more interested in a man for a real relationship. I admire her determination to wait it out and let Spike mature some more.”

“Yes, she wants to wait for him to be more willing to have children,” I added.

“Secrets galore,” said Twilight with a smirk. “What else do you want to share?”

I couldn’t hold it in anymore, it just had to be said. “According to Rarity, after their disastrous Hearts and Hooves Day caused by the Crusaders, Cheerilee and Big Mac stopped seeing each other openly.”


Fluttershy set her cup down. “She heard that they were found ‘getting it on’ by Applejack one night a few months ago during Apple Bucking Season.”

Rainbow’s lips curled into a wicked smile.

“You’ve got to Pinkie Promise you won’t share any of this with anyone girls,” Fluttershy added hastily.

Rainbow’s grin faded quickly as she looked across the table to Twilight before looking back to us, both of them silently swearing not to tell a soul.

“Actually, I think telling Spike about Rarity’s interest in him might not be so bad,” I said. “He’ll be more inclined to keep dreaming about it and not pursue some other girl more his age. You know, tell him once he really starts to mature.”

Fluttershy cleared her throat. “We discussed this with Rarity already, she wants to tell him herself when she’s ready; wanting to see the look on his face when she says it after a romantic dinner date.”

I sighed calmly. “That’s all I’m willing to share girls.”

Fluttershy slipped out of her seat and made for the door. “Thank you for the tea Alex, it really put my mind at ease about saying all those things.”

Author's Note:

Welcome back to the gutter, population: all of you!