• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 4,117 Views, 184 Comments

Ponies on Bronies - Ravenmane

Shenanigans return to a familiar house that sits on a hill overlooking the Everfree Forest

  • ...

20 - Hearth's Warming

My first Hearth’s Warming Eve and I have to break into Canterlot Castle. Tell me, did any of you expect this when you started reading back at the start of all of this? In all seriousness though, Princess Luna expects Twilight, Dashie, and me to break into the archives, play security for foals, and do some spell to turn me into a pony?

Okay, Twilight snuck into the archives before, but well…

“This is so different,” Twilight worried. “Don’t worry; Princess Luna will help us! Yes, there’s nothing to be afraid of.” When she worried this much, it was often a lot of talking to herself.

I was keeping an eye on her at the moment; we were all seriously worried. It’s two days ‘til Hearth’s Warming Eve and she’s been progressively breaking down since Luna’s visit. Whenever I went to work Spike or Rainbow took my place, we had to keep a feverish eye on Twilight. I mean, well, does Smartypants ring any bells? I mean everyone, even Twilight, admits it happened. They all told me it was worse, they were still handling the repercussions all the way until the Royal Wedding. Stress and Twilight don’t mix well, despite everypony’s best efforts, Twilight’s included, to help alleviate that issue.

As of late, Dashie and I have become a sort of buffer, relieving her stress before it drives her nuts. No, it isn’t like that. I hate to admit it, but quizzing her on her previous lessons in Canterlot does wonders until she snatches books or notes from my grasp. Also, after a little bit of trial and error I’ve got a good idea about where her particular stressing points are for a massage. She told me comfort later, stress now so I do what I can. We try to keep as low-key on the sensual radar as we can, for Spike’s sake. Save that stuff for late at night or if we need it while he’s out. At least he understands the rule about a sock on the doorknob and Twilight’s given up on her saddle.

Anyways, we had Pinkie Pie over once to help me try to snap her out of her worry. We scored a record five consecutive minutes of not freaking out. Rarity did better yesterday, when she forced Twilight to go to the spa and spend the whole day being pampered by others. It wasn’t just that she was freaking out about our little thing in a few evenings. In fact, I think if it was only that then it would be easier to fix. The other complication is far more down to earth: making sure our new living arrangements were turning out perfectly.

“Alex,” she said with a gasp once she saw me in the hallway, “are you okay with everything?”

I came in to join her, trying my best to give her a pleasant smile. “Everything’s fine,” I answered, “there’s no need to worry about you, Spike, or Dashie living here. We need to focus on the archives though; we only have two nights until we have to go.”

“Two nights,” she squealed. “This isn’t good, I mean we don’t even have a plan for once we get there. How are we supposed to slip out of the second sublevel without a plan?”

“Have you ever been down on even the first one?”

Twilight was about to say something but she paused, no doubt she was thinking about it carefully. “Once or twice, I don’t remember the layout well enough so we’ll be in the dark as soon as we get there. I know the patrols well enough on the ground floor so we should have less to worry about unless they find us sneaking downstairs.”

“Then let’s plan together Twi.”


“No excuses dear,” I told her firmly. “We’re all working together and that’s all there is to it.”

“Care to contribute then?”

I smirked. “Shall I get my kit?”

“Dude,” we heard from the doorway, “do you really have ‘a kit’ Alex?”

“Prolly not, but what ‘cha willing to bet Al can put something together Spike,” Rainbow added as she swooped into the room.

“Yeah, I think I can put a crude one together,” I explained as I grew progressively redder, “blowtorch, acid, a few tools I never ever get a chance to use anymore. I mean I have this sulfuric acid just sitting around in the garage do I ever get a chance to use it? The answer is no Spike. No.”

“You mean that paint can with the danger sign on it,” Rainbow asked me.

“No, it’s the one that’s painted bright orange. The one marked danger is my explosive paste.”

“Ugh, so that’s where you were hiding that stuff? You have any idea how long I was jumpy after that day Al? I mean, ugh, Rarity was opening doors for me for a week.”

Twilight giggled. “That’s only because we were all in on it after the first two days.”

“Wait,” said Spike abruptly, “then why wasn’t I in on it?”

“Well, because we all figured it out on our own.”

“Moving along,” I said as Spike opened his mouth, “what do we know already?”

“Right now, Princess Cadance is working on getting Shining Armor to contribute to this plan.”

Rainbow snorted. “She calling in the ‘your sister saved me from the changelings’ already?”

Twilight shook her head. “I’m more willing to wager that she’s going to play off of the fact that she won’t give him a moment’s peace until he stops putting his job ahead of family. I mean, it isn’t like he’s going to be in a lot of danger. If nothing else he’s just peripherally involved and can feign blackmail if he gets caught.”

“Spike,” I started as we all huddled into a circle, “what do you plan to do while we’re all going to be doing this?”

“I’m coming along an-” he stopped as he noticed we were all glaring at him. “What, you three are going to go off and risk everything without me? Come on Twi, when have you ever done something without me?”

“How about getting Cadance to her own wedding to stop a changeling invasion after everyone didn’t believe me?”

“I, um,” Spike’s head drooped, “look I know we all did some stupid stuff then. We didn’t trust you and I should’ve, at the very least, listened to you more.”

“Everyone should’ve,” added Rainbow, “I know Al here would’ve supported you if he was there.” She looked to me for support.

“Actually I probably wouldn’t take everything at face value,” I admitted. “Look, it isn’t that I don’t trust you Twilight, it’s just that things wearing on someone’s last perfectionist nerve can make them do some crazy things. Tell me you honestly didn’t dream about your perfect wedding at least once when you were a filly Twi.”

“But to be so uppity that you forget something as simple as that? I mean, if it wasn’t for knowing so much about Cadance, I would’ve been less suspicious.”

“Ok, ok, let’s just calm down,” interjected Spike calmly. “So what do you think I should do?”

I stroked an imaginary beard as I thought. “Check with our friends, see if someone will watch you for Hearth’s Warming.”

Twilight nodded in agreement. “Meanwhile we’ll be attending the pageant with Cadance in Canterlot.”

“Instead we’re breakin’ into the archives with Princess Luna,” added Rainbow with a jab in the air with a foreleg. “What about the security?”

“We’ll be with Princess Luna,” Twilight replied assuredly, “they might be skeptical but not enough to question her authority. They’ll be more suspicious when we’re leaving.”

“Cause Luna’s not gonnna be with us?”

“Exactly Rainbow, without Princess Luna with us, then our emergence from the sublevel will be more suspicious. If you can pass for a guard then it’ll be easier Alex, especially with Shining waiting for us. The guards in the archives will only let me get away with so much. When Pinkie, Spike, and I were leaving the archives that one morning I noticed some strange looks from them.”

“Don’t you think how you looked might’ve done that,” asked Spike.

“Do you have a plan yet,” she snapped.

“Uh, I’ll go run and ask Rarity. If that doesn’t work then I’ll try Pinkie, then Applejack. I mean, I don’t wanna impose or anything but getting Sweetie Belle out of her mane, or keeping Applebloom out of trouble might be good ideas.”

“Sounds good,” I told him. “How about putting it through right now? I mean, the less you know the better Spike.”

Twilight nodded. “Like my brother, it’s better if you can feign ignorance if anything comes up.”

“Okey dokey,” Spike said as he picked himself up. “Good luck guys.”

“Same to you,” I called to him.

“I think we should travel light,” suggested Rainbow the second she heard the front door close. “I mean, we shouldn’t look like we’re up to anything.”

“Right, so how about we take only the essentials,” suggested Twilight. “Make some picks and other tools, get a crowbar if we really need it, maybe that paste of yours.”

“Alright,” I replied, “I just hope we can put everything together in time.”

Twilight winced. “I know, I’m real sorry I didn’t leave us time to work this out better.”

“We’ll just have ‘ta deal,” added Rainbow assertively. “We travel light, with only the bare essentials so we don’t have a ton of stuff to lug around once Al has his hooves.”

“Knowing my luck we’ll need to have some time to spare when that happens,” I commented. “I mean, I don’t know if everything’s gonna be natural or if I’ll have to learn from the very start.”

“It’s gonna be real embarrassing if you don’t have a cutie mark Al,” Rainbow added with a brief snicker.

“Oh sure, make fun of the human before he turns into a pony,” I replied sarcastically.

“Anyways,” said Twilight sternly, “Princess Luna will meet us at the archives at eight thirty. After that, she leads us down to the second sublevel, we do the spell, and we come back up to get escorted out by Shining Armor.”

“Ugh, you make it sound so easy,” griped Rainbow.

“Have I mentioned how I feel like we’re being treated like pawns in a game,” I asked.

“Princess Celestia’s involved,” Twilight replied dryly, “you get used to it.”

“So, after we do all this stuff your brother takes us to the pageant right Twi,” asked Rainbow as she tried to get us back on track.

“If it’s ending we act like we’re going but only to get into the crowd leaving the pageant,” added Twilight. “After that, we join Shining, Cadance, and my parents for dinner before heading home. There’s no curfew so we can leave on a late train.”

“After all of that, you get to training if you get a horn or wings Al.”

I rolled my eyes. Some Hearth’s Warming present…


It was the morning of our trip to Canterlot. Our alibi was prepared and we already had our tickets for Canterlot.

“Torch,” called Twilight.

“Check,” I replied as I stuffed it into a bag.

“Hack saw?”


Extra hack saw?”





“Got it,” Rainbow replied as she stuffed it into the bag.

“Exploding paste?”

“Yep,” I added.

“Spatula and brush for applying exploding paste?”

“All set.”

“Jury-rigged locksmith tools?”

“I agree with Dashie that they’re a little crude but they’re all set. Anything else my dear perfectionist,” I asked to Twilight before I even thought about closing my bag.

“Uh tickets,” asked Rainbow.

Twilight and I looked around as Rainbow fetched them off my desk.

“What would you guys do without me?”

Mentally I chalked up a note to make things up to Rainbow as I zipped my bag up. I hefted it over my shoulder and started out the door. It was time to catch our train.


There was actually security at the Canterlot station when we arrived that afternoon, something Twilight was quick to mention as a rare occurrence. “They’re not going to let us just stride into the palace are they,” I asked her as we left the train. For the record, you’ll want a thick coat and gloves if you’re visiting Canterlot during the winter. More if you’re not used to a significant amount of snow and chilling wind.

“That’s why you’re both with me,” said Twilight pleasantly. “Not to mention the ‘royal duties’ card we can play if somepony gets suspicious.”

We traveled down side streets, doing our best to avoid the crowds and guards. Our alibi consisted of seeing why Princess Luna asked to see us, attending the pageant if we had time, and having dinner with Cadance, Shining Armor, and Twilight’s parents. We’d be catching a late train back to Ponyville and enjoy the night snuggled up together with the feeling of a job well done. Personally, I was relying on Celestia feigning ignorance to this whole ordeal. I was also expecting a case of Trollestia before the night was over. What, better to be safe rather than sorry.

Nearly to the castle however, I found a clear detour in Twilight’s mind. “If we’re going to have an alibi,” she told us in a hushed voice, “we’re going to need witnesses.” She continued to lead the way towards a fenced off and guard patrolled manor.

Rainbow gulped. “So is this Shining Armor and Princess Cadence’s place?”

“Yes,” Twilight replied pleasantly as she wheeled around with a cheerful grin. “Are you worried Alex?”

“I always have to be a little surprised or worried Twi it keeps things from getting boring.” I know she always has the best intentions and it was better to get the double take out of either of us now.


Past guards and snow coated gardens Twilight led Dashie and me to meet one particular pony, one who vouched for me without knowing anything about me except for what Twilight told her. “I am actually a little nervous Twilight,” I confessed.

“Is it seeing Cadance or what’s going on later tonight,” she asked as she gave me a concerned look.

“Princess Cadance was willing to vouch for me knowing only what you told her. I just, I think she’s sticking her head out for some-”

“She’s looking out for family,” Twilight interrupted. “Even if you aren’t family I am, and I was willing to get you on my own if I had to. Cadance will be more than happy to meet you. Just relax, be that kind human I fell in love with.”

“You mean we Twi,” Rainbow sharply corrected her.

With a deep sigh, I tried to wipe clear my anxiety and caution, if only for a while. “I’d like to be family Twi,” I told her affectionately. “I hear Princess Cadance has this wonderful sister-in-law, but she has this baby dragon she has to look after.”

Twilight giggled. “You know she has a boyfriend already,” she teased. “From what I hear her boyfriend’s as tall as Princess Celestia.”

“Hey, I heard he’s seeing this awesomely cool pegasus,” added Rainbow without missing a beat. “He’s quite the playboy eh Twi?”

We shared a little laugh passing a gawking sentry at the door and managing to recompose ourselves as we entered a lush hall. “We are expected right Twilight?”

“Of course you are Alex,” called a voice that exuded what I would have to equate to love, or at least I think that would be what I’d try to call it. A quick glance around the hall, and Twilight’s sudden movement, brought my attention to a pink alicorn rapidly advancing on us.

“Good evening Princess Cadance,” I said as Rainbow and I went to catch up to Twilight.

“Alex please ‘Cadance’ will be fine,” she replied plainly. She stopped a few lengths away, her eyes squinting a little. “Princess Luna and Shining were right, you are pretty tall.”

“I hope you know what we’re up to tonight Cadance,” said Rainbow nervously.

“More than I want to know, so please don’t tell me anymore of it. It’s why you’re early isn’t it?”

“We’re just going to be here for a few minutes,” Twilight explained. “Enough ponies need to have seen us go in that they can believe we’re spending time with you while we do what we’re doing.”

All four of us glanced in a different direction. “Shining Armor’s in place then Cadance,” I asked her in a hushed voice.

“He’ll be waiting for Luna to give him a signal,” she replied in an equally hushed tone.

“How about where security’s weakest here,” asked Twilight.

“Western side of the garden is where the guards don’t patrol. Shining wanted a weak spot in case you wanted something like this Twilight.”

I have to admit, this was a very strange conversation. It was like something out of cheesy cover-up scene from a bad spy movie. For once, I did enjoy the straightforwardness of the situation. “So Shining’s reading your strategy Twi?”

“He knows me Alex,” she replied coyly.

“Fair enough,” I replied with a sigh. “So we’ll be returning for dinner then right Cadance?”

She nodded, “I’ll be expecting to see you during the pageant. If not then I hope it won’t be long afterwards that we can have an honest conversation Twilight,” she gave Twilight a warm smile, “I look forward to seeing what kind of wonderful stallion you bring with you to dinner.”


After saying our farewells, we slipped out. Thanks to Twilight’s diligent practice of the teleport spell, the three of us skipped more than a few blocks. However, with Twilight’s insistence of not being seen anymore, we were now running late. By the time we were on palace grounds, we abandoned sneaking altogether and went to a flat out run.

“Here we are,” Twilight called back to me as she reached the building.

“I can’t,” I wheezed after I caught up to her, “can’t wait for hooves. I’m getting sick of being left in the dust all the time.”

“I know,” she told me sympathetically as Rainbow did her best to hold back snickering. “One problem at a time though.” While Twilight leaned up against the wall to open a window, I opted for the door.

Thanks to her track record, the door was unlocked, and Luna was waiting for us. “Did something keep you three,” the lunar princess asked me as soon as she saw the door partway open.

“Twilight’s idea of bein’ sneaky held us up,” Rainbow explained.

I glanced over and saw Twilight abandoning her through-the-window entrance. “We aren’t drastically late are we?”

“Not too much, I was sure to plan for some extra time. It was more for how long the spell would last, not poor timing.”

“We’re really sorry, but like you said, we have to make up time.”

Luna merely nodded and turned down a hall. “Stay close,” she warned as she led the way, “and try to remember the way as best you can Alexander.”

Twilight and I followed Luna through a very straightforward path to the first sublevel. Through the twists and turns of the labyrinthine bookcases, we eventually found ourselves at a staircase leading down. “So where will Shining Armor be waiting for us Princess,” I asked as we proceeded to the second sublevel.

“The stairs leading to the ground floor,” she replied. “Once we reach the bottom of the stairs I need you to take a right Alexander, the first bookshelf you find with a locked shelf is where you will find the book we require. Get the book, double back, and meet us in the open area right ahead of us.”

I nodded and looked out to this new second basement. The stairs didn’t feel like it but we had to have gone down far more stairs than I realized. The bookcases were at least fifteen feet high. In case you’d like to know, a normal bookcase is about six and a half to eight feet tall.

Once my feet set down on the floor I darted off at a jog down the corridor of books, looking for the one in question. After a minute or two I saw it, about halfway up a bookcase was a locked off shelf. A thin panel of glass and a metal grate barred a solitary book from my hands.

I set my bag down and got a few tools out. “Time to see if these things actually work,” I said to nobody in particular. How much time passed I couldn’t tell you, but several of the quickly made tools lay broken at my feet. I was always a good person; I’ve never broken into anything I didn’t have to.

What few things I have broken into were all electronic in origin. Cracking a security code because a client decided to set up biometrics and forget to tell me, that sort of thing. Doing this manually wasn’t as easy. By the time I exhausted the idea of picking the lock, I was also sick of trying to work around it with the file. Was I willing to risk the blowtorch with something delicate? To be honest it was taking up space and I went right for the crowbar. Brute force it is.

“Woah,” called Rainbow as she swooped in, “sorry, but are you sure you wanna just smash it or something Al?”

I nodded to her. “At this point, I may as well. Why are you over here anyways Dashie?”

“Those two are kinda creepin’ me out with how still and quiet they are.”


“Okay,” I said as I ran to Twilight and Luna, “got the book. What was the page?”

“Page three forty seven,” replied Luna as I started to flip through the pages.

“Let’s see, the transmogrification spell?”

“That would be the one,” Luna turned to Twilight. “I need you to do a quick study Twilight Sparkle. We will both need to cast it for it to have sufficient power to be permanent.”

Twilight looked up from the now levitating spell book. “It wouldn’t be permanent if you were doing it on your own Princess?”

“I am not certain,” she answered nervously, “we need as much magic as we can call on to be safe.”

I checked my watch and set a few of my things down. “It’s nine now,” I said while trying to maintain my composure, “how much longer do we have?”

“If everything’s playing out on schedule then about forty five minutes Alex,” chimed Twilight from behind the book.

“Yes,” said Luna anxiously, “and ‘Tia will know we’re doing something in about ten minutes.”

“Longer if we keep distracting Twilight,” Rainbow huffed.

“So what do I do now princess,” I asked.

“Stand in the middle of the circle,” she pointed a hoof to a rug coated in a deep blue aura. “I’ve hidden the circle under there. Just stay at the center of the rug and you will be in place.”

I gave her a nod and removed my watch and coat.

“There’s no way anypony can really be ready for this Alex,” called Twilight as I took my place.

“Then just get this thing going before I have second thoughts.” I saw two lights flare up in the candlelit room, one blue and the other violet, and then everything went black.