• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 7,904 Views, 562 Comments

Celestiphilia - Dr Atlas

(A sequel to Celestiphobia.) Carl wants Stan to partake in the tradition of getting drunk to celebrate the success of the treaty. He then realizes what a horrible mistake that was.

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Deleted Scene: A little visit

Author's Note:

This one was scrapped due to, not only not making sense of how Stan and Carl got to this area, but also me having to add another character to the list. So here's Stan and Carl visiting the main character of the show.

“Knock knock! I am Stan!” Stan used his head and bashed through the door, knocking the entire thing off it’s hinges and smashing into the ground.

Carl sighed and walked in behind him. “Stan! You can’t just barge into someone’s house, especially after flying for so long! I had to take a train just to catch up to you!”

Stan raised his head and laughed. “All aboard the hype train!” He face planted again and continued laughing to himself.

Carl grabbed him. “Stan, you have no idea how many rules you are breaking just by being here! What if the owner caught us!”

“Then she’d be asking a lot of questions.”

“Exactly, so how about...you...go...oh no…” Carl and Stan looked up to see a mare they knew all too well. “Uh...h-hi…”

Stan shook Carl off of him and smiled. “Why hello magic mare! How’z everything with the kicking our flanks n’stuff.”

Carl put a hoof in his friends mouth and laughed nervously. “W-ahehehe he meant to say was...w-we are terribly sorry to barge into a ponies house, and such a lovely house and…” He gulped. “Uh..p-p-powerful mare as well.”

The mare flared up her horn, sliding the door under them back into place. “You two should probably start talking.” She said, making her way downstairs.

“Well, okay!” Stan stood tall. “My name is Stan and this is Carlos, we are here to see how great the weather is today.”

The mare raised an eye and looked at Carl. “Um..w-what he means is that, we are terribly sorry to intrude in such a house...especially if it belongs to...y-you.”

“Why me?” The mare asked, walking closer to them.

“Because you’re the one responsible for blowing the queens cover and almost killing everyone of us.” Stan stuck his tongue out at the end of that sentence while the mare and Carl dropped their jaws. “What? s’true.”

“Kill? I-I wouldn’t...wait a sec...shouldn’t all changelings be in Canterlot?”

Carl sighed. “Yeah, but this one decided to travel up here and visit you, because...well-”

“Because I’m a basketball.” Stan answered.

The mare shook her head. “Wait...I think I know you.”

“And I know you!” Stan pointed at her. “You’re that purple pony who beat us up, you and your friends and those two mares.”

The mare lowered his hoof and glared at him. “My names Twilight, and I think yours is Stan.”

“Whoa…” Stan stepped back and leaned on Carl. “She must be a mind reader or somethin’.”

“No.” Twilight said. “I just read what Celestia wrote, saying how a treaty was made because a changeling visited her, and the changeling had a-”

Stan immediately ran up to her and shushed. “Quiet! Don’t point out my features, I’m not supposed to stand out amongst my brothers and sisters, I’m only supposed to have a name and personality, I can’t go too in-depth, no one will like me if I do that.”

Twilight pushed him away, making him slide over to a tall lamp. “What are you talking abo-”

“OH! OH! What’s this thing, It looks so shiny!” Stan wagged his tail and took hold of the poll.

“It’s a lamp.” both Twilight and Carl said, with Twilight saying it in surprise.

“Wait, you know what it is?” Twilight asked.

Carl shrugged. “Yeah, I know what it was; what makes you think I don’t?”

Twilight was about to answer, but Stan interrupted her by falling. “Hey, Carl.” Stan said. “Look at me, I’m lampshading!” Stan put the lampshade on his head and laughed at his own poorly made joke. He then picked up the lamp and hugged it. “Do you think we can make more at home?”

Carl rolled his eyes. “Stan, we can’t, only ponies can make that, all we ever had was some glowing goo plastered on the wall.”

“Glowing what?” Twilight was a bit curious.

“Yeah, some gunk that even we don’t know where it came from, all it does is cover some corners of the cave and glow, that’s about it...oh, and it’s a pain to get off.”

Stan laughed while still hugging the lamp. “Heheh, get off.”

Carl groaned. “Okay, Stan. Can ya let go of the lamp.”

“How do you know it’s a lamp?” Twilight asked. “Last time I heard, changelings aren't very...well…”

“Aren't very what?” Carl then realized what she was about to say. “Oh, I know what you mean, you think we don’t know much about your kind, is that it?”

“W-well.” Twilight looked away and fidgeted while Stan put the lamp down and made his way to a picture on the wall.

Carl sighed. “Look, princess. We changelings are way brighter than we look.” As if on cue, Stan fell over the lamp he set down and slammed his face in the wall. Carl ignored this and said, “He doesn’t count, seeing as how he is drunk off his flank.”

Twilight nodded. “Oh...so that’s why he’s like this.”

“How’z about you watch where you’re goin’, lamp!” Stan then pounced on the lamp and started chewing on the poll.

Carl cringed and looked at Twilight. “Uh...you don’t…”

Twilight shook her head. “It’s fine, I’m sure he won't do much to it.”

“THE LAMP’S ATTACKING!” Carl and Twilight turned to Stan to see him wrapped around the poll with the lamp shade covering his eyes. “It’s affected my vision!” He spun around multiple times and landed into the same wall again.

Carl facehoofed and looked back at Twilight. “Anyway, changelings know a thing or two about ponies, you got some sort of system of currency, you have houses with separate families, you guys are pretty good at giving off love too. Way more than any creature we’ve seen.”

“Is that why you guys-”

“Well, they did.” Carl leaned over at the now unconscious Stan. “I just watched, or read about it in the news while staying in another town.”

Twilight started getting confused. “Wait, how did you-”

“Because I left.” Carl sighed. “I just knew sooner or later my brothers would lose it, with the food shortage getting low. So, I left and decided to feed myself rather than everyone.” Hearing that out loud, Carl felt a bit ashamed.

Twilight was surprised. “You just...left?” Carl nodded, looking down at the floor. “Well, how long were you all by yourself.”

“Eleven months.” He raised his head and frowned. “I saw a couple brothers and sisters here and there while figuring out where to stay.” Carl leaned to Stan. “He was the last one I met before the treaty.”

Twilight raised her eyes. “Wait, you weren’t the only one to leave?”

“Of course not, I think I was probably the thirteenth one to leave, and I’m sure some did the same after I left too.”

“So you and a hoof full of changelings abandoned the hive and went off all by yourselves?”

Carl nodded. “In a cocoon shell.”

Twilight was astonished. “So you’re all not just one single minded-”

“We’re not just some stupid drones who go out, get love, and come back; okay. We have personalities and we can comprehend thought by ourselves.” He stepped forward and looked deeper into Twilight’s eyes. “We are not insects, we might act like them from time to time, but we don’t think like them. In a way’s...we’re kinda like you guys.”

Stan raised his head and said. “Except we have more than four holes!” He snickered and stood up, the lamp now off of him. “So, what’d I miss?”

“You missed me talking to the princess, that’s about it.” Carl was beginning to feel his IQ drop every time Stan talked.

“What’d ya guys talk about, OH! Did you talk about my quest!”

“You’re quest?” Twilight thought about that and then realized what he was talking about. “Oh, you mean how you delivered the treaty.”

Stan flew to the air and held a hoof to his chest. “Yep. through hours of long journeys to careful planning done by me and my sidekick, I was able to deliver the treaty and restore peace to all the land!”

“Y-yes...you did.” Carl started making his way to the door, “Uh, well , it was a nice chat, how about we-”

“Can we at least tell her about how I conquered the evil changeling chomper!”

“That what?” Twilight started getting more and more confused the more Stan talked.

“Stan, now’s not the time to-”

Stan flew up beside Carl and hugged him. “Now’s the perfect time to tell the story! Once, there was a brave changeling who was asked by the queen to help deliver a treaty to the great beast known as the hatchling eater.”

Twilight looked at Carl for help, “He mean’s your princess.” Carl said. “He had some phobia of her for a while or something.”

“He was afraid of Celestia?” Twilight couldn’t imagine why anyone would be afraid of her.

“Yeah, I was afraid.” Stan stood in front of Twilight and smiled. “I was so scared I was having hallucinogens and nightmares about her.”

Twilight stepped back. “You mean hallucinations and...wait, you have nightmares?”

Stan hiccuped. “Well, duh. Everyone has a nightmare, mine was just more severe, I’m sure you had them too.”

Twilight shrugged. “Well...I-”

“Wait, wait, WAIT! Lemmy guess. Is it like Marvin’s dream, or Sal’s, or Calvin’s, or Shawn’s or-”

“Stan!” Carl yelled. “Can’t you see she doesn’t care about-”

“What kind of dreams did they have?” Twilight asked, making Carl rub his temples.

“Well, Marvin dreamt about waking up in a hospital and realizing his whole life’s been a lie, Sal dreamt about murdering every single one of his friends by *BELCH*ing with their minds, Calvin dreamt about some gigantic, evil alicorn swallowing him whole; he woke up with a stained cocoon for some reason after that; and then finally, Shawn dreamt about a purple unicorn with red eyes and razor sharp teeth constantly trying to kill him.” Stan smiled at the end, leaving Twilight to sink that in with a dropped jaw.

“Lies...murder...swallowing whole and...a purple unicorn?” For some reason, those dreams sounded very...familiar to her.

Stan nodded. “Yep, we changelings are messed up, huh?” He nudged her before Carl grabbed him by the arm.

“Well, looks like we overstayed our welcome! Come on Stan, lets leave!” Carl made his way to the door while Twilight continued staring off into space.

“But Caaaaaarlz I haven’t told her about how Tyler dreamed about the queen having her way with-”


And it was here I realized I went too far...